View Full Version : Sod it... School Reunion outfit!

26-08-2008, 20:58
No, not the sexy school girl kind! But now I have your attention ;)

Its my school reunion next week, and I am struggling for an outfit. Ive already asked the lovely Havenites, but thought some blokes opinions would help me out too?

Be brutal guys! Just dont say I am minging or anything :(






So, which one and why? :)

26-08-2008, 21:02
I like the flowery dress best :)
it goes best with the shoes (which i think are lovely btw :D )

26-08-2008, 21:03
Thank you :) Do you not think they clash though? Its a whole lotta flowery going on :D

26-08-2008, 21:14
The flowery dress as well.

Shouldn't you go in your school uniform though? :D

26-08-2008, 21:24
No pictures?

26-08-2008, 21:58
No pictures?


26-08-2008, 21:58
No pictures?
Indeed..... you aren't with plusnet are you?

26-08-2008, 22:01
Nope, UKFSN. I'm getting 404's from them.

26-08-2008, 22:07
Indeed..... you aren't with plusnet are you?
I am with PlusNet - and the pictures are working fine for me. :dunno:

And I'm inclined to agree with the flowery option too.

26-08-2008, 22:08
No Pictars on pipex (tiscali)

Index of /

* cgi-bin/
* meetgallery/

Looks pretty empty on the whole, not even a site loads from the base address.

26-08-2008, 22:08
Daz is working on it :D

26-08-2008, 22:08
Dom said he'd be moving the hosting to another server tonight, guess we've caught him in the act so to speak!

26-08-2008, 22:08
404's? Very, very strange!

26-08-2008, 22:10
Turn up to the reunion wearing a sign that says '404 - Dress not found'. If they laugh they're from the internet!

26-08-2008, 22:11
Yup - I'm still getting the old (working) address. That'll be why.

26-08-2008, 22:18
A bit late to the party but the blue dress with the white question mark on it should go down a treat :p

26-08-2008, 22:26
FIX IT DAMMIT!!!! OMG!!!! :p

*runs around like a loon*

BB x

26-08-2008, 22:45
I wanna see :(

26-08-2008, 22:46
No pics :(

27-08-2008, 07:13
*Reserves opinion until the dresses are back*

27-08-2008, 09:08
Youre going to wear a series of red crosses strategically placed across your body?

27-08-2008, 09:18
Youre going to wear a series of red crosses strategically placed across your body?


*GRrrrrrrs more*

BB x

27-08-2008, 09:30
Youre going to wear a series of red crosses strategically placed across your body?

red electrical tape is this seasons must have ;D

27-08-2008, 09:38
loving daz's suggestion. :p

27-08-2008, 10:43
no pics still.. boo. Got to have pics of the lovely lady.

27-08-2008, 11:08
Going naked you sure about that? :shocked: hehe

I'd say numero uno

27-08-2008, 11:09
Should all be there now. The hamster has been fed and put back on it's wheel :)

27-08-2008, 11:23
Praise the Lord!!! :D

1) I like the first outfit, but too formal for a reunion (needs a necklace?).

2) Second is ok...I think the stripes and flowers is the thing I am unsure with..plain black shoes then yeah I like :)

3) Is that the dress from the first pic? Or was it top and skirt? I don't think the shoes go with the grey 3/4 length trousers... black 3/4 lengths maybe...but then you have the 'two blacks together' problem (shades) hmmm

4) I like the dress and the shoes, but needed for a more girly affair like a wedding like someone has mentioned..

5) This is the outfit :) - simple, smart, trendy and the shoes add in extra cheekiness! ;)

LOVE THE SHOESSS!!!! I want em!!! :p

BB x

27-08-2008, 11:25
I like number 3 the bestest.

27-08-2008, 11:28

27-08-2008, 11:29
2 3 or 5.
1 is nice but as BB said a bit formal looking and 4 I just don't like (it has flowers and colours and patterns and stuff :p )

27-08-2008, 11:36
Thanks all, thank god the hamster is back to work :D

I can chop and change outfits, different shoes/jewellry etc. But thanks for the input :)

27-08-2008, 11:56
2 or 5 :D Is that your place? Love that room (well what I can see of it!) Hows it coming along?

27-08-2008, 11:59
That it is Pebs, and very well thank you :)

Check your FB inbox btw ;)

27-08-2008, 12:01
2 or 5 here as well!

I pretty much agree with what the BBx gorgeousness has said with them all! If you went for 2 I would throw on some black shoes instead and maybe some chunky black bangles if you have some :)

27-08-2008, 12:05
2 or 5 :D Is that your place? Love that room (well what I can see of it!) Hows it coming along?

That room is fab :) It has skylights :)

27-08-2008, 12:09
They all look fine.

(The more I say this the less my girlfriend asks my opinion.)

27-08-2008, 12:34
They all look fine.

(The more I say this the less my girlfriend asks my opinion.)

But she isnt here, tell me what you really think boyo ;) The secrets already out, everyone knows how much you love me :D

27-08-2008, 13:34
My preference is #3

But I'm no expert so run that past Sinny and Trusanna first.

27-08-2008, 14:01
1 or 2

27-08-2008, 15:31
Black dress or 3.. But cant you do a school girl uniform pic?

27-08-2008, 16:36
You missed the Essex meet, we all did schoolgirl outfits :)

27-08-2008, 17:39
I like number 5, looks very smart.

27-08-2008, 17:51
How much (hourly) does No.1 cost? ;) Sexy lady.

Seriously though i think 5 suits best, smart casual kinda thing perfect for this, No.1 (and flowery one) although they look lovely might be too dressed up?

27-08-2008, 18:26
You missed the Essex meet, we all did schoolgirl outfits :)

*bursts in tears*:'(

27-08-2008, 18:26
My preference is #3

Yeap, those trouser/short things are pretty cool.
I hope you don't think I'm too weird but for an unknown reason I thought you were Oriental.:huh:

27-08-2008, 21:57
How much (hourly) does No.1 cost? ;) Sexy lady.

Buy me a 30D and I am all yours baybeh ;)

I hope you don't think I'm too weird but for an unknown reason I thought you were Oriental.:huh:

Hmmm, strange what mental images you get of people. I imagine you to be green and scaley. Go figure :D

27-08-2008, 22:29

Classiest. Can't go wrong with a black dress.

27-08-2008, 22:39

Classiest. Can't go wrong with a black dress.
^ :cool:

27-08-2008, 23:11
Thanks you guys :)

God damn, I cant decide now, FYI, number one? Is a top and skirt :)

27-08-2008, 23:19
I think number 1 is too formal for a school reunion.

Del Lardo
27-08-2008, 23:54
You look great in dress 1 but agree that it is too formal.

Really don't like the flowery dress but then I do have have the fashion sense of a um er, something/one with no fashion sense :D

For me it's #2 with #5 a close second but not a fan of the colour contrast.

28-08-2008, 08:55
You look fantastic in 1, I think I'd be inclined more towards 2 or 5 for the reunion.. probably 5.

28-08-2008, 12:57
Too formal for a reunion? Sod that, the whole point of going to a reunion is to completely knock everyone on their asses!! Go with #1. It's very sophisticated and looks sexeh as hell.

But please, do me a favor - quit hiding that lovely hair of yours. Let it down. Combine that with the black outfit and there'll be a lot of slapped faces at the reunion as all the guys' dates get jealous of you being the centre of attention...

28-08-2008, 13:05
Haha, thanks Darrin ;)

I had just come back from work, where my hair is always tied back, but I always have it down for going out :)

28-08-2008, 13:55
But she isnt here, tell me what you really think boyo ;) The secrets already out, everyone knows how much you love me :D

And I thought I was being subtle....

Admiral Huddy
28-08-2008, 14:31
I like 1 and 4.. :)

Del Lardo
28-08-2008, 15:49
Are you talking about outfits or shoes? ;)

28-08-2008, 16:50
I hope he doesnt mean shoes, they are the exact same pair in every shot :D

Admiral Huddy
28-08-2008, 16:58
You'll look lush whatever you wear.. :)

28-08-2008, 17:04
Huddy? For you ;)



28-08-2008, 17:22
The white one, its fresh, its casual formal, it says I am happy.

Admiral Huddy
28-08-2008, 21:28
:) They need your feet in them ;)

29-08-2008, 12:45
Tis Lom

Betty I like 2 but not with the shoes. God wish I looked that hot ;) :p lol
The dress really is nice its so sexy on you and the shoes look fab with it. more bbq or wedding though.