View Full Version : HL2 for a tenner?

25-08-2006, 11:06
http://www.pcworld.co.uk/martprd/store/pcw_page.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@0518552804.115650025 2@@@@&BV_EngineID=cceladdijhkefdkcflgceggdhhmdgmh.0&category_oid=&sku=323531&page=Product&fm=null&sm=null&tm=null

Is CS:S then a free download, or an extra cost, or even included? Seems a very cheap way of doing it to me.

25-08-2006, 11:22
CS:S comes on the disk I believe. In fact, with my version, if I choose not to install CS:S with HL2, the game won't run; I have to install both then uninstall CS:S, which is a bit lame.

25-08-2006, 11:49
Great, looks like today's return trip will be via Colchester :)

25-08-2006, 12:23
Alright for those who can do that. By the time I got to my local PC World, the journey would have cost more than the discount offered. :eek:

25-08-2006, 20:41
Nasty People

This is a 'special' version of HL2 which seems to come with nothing and that none of the local PC Worlds have in stock.

Twenty nine bucks from Steam looks to be the way forward :(