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25-07-2013, 15:07
Been meaning to post in here for ages, just for my own reference really, but this is what I can remember!

Cloud Atlas 9/10

Really enjoyed this. Loved trying to figure out where all the threads link together. Kept us talking way into the night.

Les Mis : 7.5

I didn't realise they sang all the way through! Enjoyed it though and when I found out they didn't use a dubbing track, I was more impressed with the voices than I was at first, they sounded a bit shouty in the cinema. Good but not really my thang.

Superman 8.5/10

Well, I've loved Henry Cavill for years, although I prefer him with his clothes on ;) Was worried about how he would be taken as Superman, but needed have worried because he was really good. Lots of realistic action with some unrealistic superpowers thrown in. Didn't hate Isla Fisher as Lois Lane either, which makes a nice change -I usually think Lois is cast as a selfish, self obsessed cowbag who doesn't deserve saving. Also loved the CGI nod to Christopher Reeve near the end.

Star Trek 2: 10/10

Obviously ;) More of the same. Awesomeness. Love the parallels and the contradictions between The Wrath of Khan and this movie.

Iron Man 3 : 8/10

Most of the points are obviously just for having RDJ in it. More of the same as the other two really, but still a good way to spend a few hours. These films tend to grow on me so when I've watched it a few more times I'll probably give it a higher score. Liked the relationship between Stark and the little kid.

World War Z: 7/10

This was ok but totally different to the book. Brad Pitt makes it really but still a decent zombie movie.

After Earth : 6/10

Hmmmm. It was ok. That's all I can say.

Oblivion : 6.5/10

Had been looking forward to this, and while the concept & execution were both OK, it was ruined for me by ending up as purely a vehicle for the omnipresent Tom Cruise. His story was not the most exciting in the film but it was hugely concentrated on his character and what happened to him.

The Heat : 7/10

Surprisingly funny. Got a free showing of this, so went along not expecting much, but was quite pleasantly surprised. Typical sort of good cop/mad cop type thing, but Melissa McCarthy is very funny and incredibly irritating at the same time. There were some real laugh out loud moments in the cinema.

Despicable Me 2 : 9/10

Well, what can you say. If you liked 1, you'll like 2.

Monsters Uni : 10/10

I love the Monsters, and this is a brilliant follow up. Mike is just THE CUTEST THING EVER.

Now you see me : 7/10

Illusionists stage a series of 'heists'. Quite difficult to describe without giving anything away, so I won't, however most of the main characters are hard to like, and Mark Ruffalo plays his usual grizzly annoying Cop. Worth a watch, although I'd wait and see it on video.

The World's End 8/10

I really enjoyed this. I actually preferred this to the first 2 in the trilogy, but then I did think that the dialogue was far better in this one. There's more poignancy too, as the characters are older and the relationships are an interesting side story. I might have to watch Hot Fuzz again for some more comparisons but definitely liked it more than SOTD.

26-07-2013, 18:56
Been meaning to post in here for ages, just for my own reference really, but this is what I can remember!

Superman 8.5/10

Well, I've loved Henry Cavill for years, although I prefer him with his clothes on ;) Was worried about how he would be taken as Superman, but needed have worried because he was really good. Lots of realistic action with some unrealistic superpowers thrown in. Didn't hate Isla Fisher as Lois Lane either, which makes a nice change -I usually think Lois is cast as a selfish, self obsessed cowbag who doesn't deserve saving. Also loved the CGI nod to Christopher Reeve near the end.

Now you see me : 7/10

Illusionists stage a series of 'heists'. Quite difficult to describe without giving anything away, so I won't, however most of the main characters are hard to like, and Mark Ruffalo plays his usual grizzly annoying Cop. Worth a watch, although I'd wait and see it on video. .

Think you got these two mixed up. Amy Adams was Lois Lane. Isla Fisher is in Now You See Me - deffo want to see that one!

Amy Adams = annoying and has a punchable face.

BB x

26-07-2013, 21:23
Grrr! Always get those two mixed up! I like the one that was in NYSM but not the one in Superman, however she didn't annoy me as much as usual in that. NYSM is definitely worth a watch!

27-07-2013, 09:11
I think it's because I saw her in Enchanted where she plays an annoying Princess ;)

BB x

30-07-2013, 11:05
Amy Adams = annoying and has a punchable face.

BB x

Wow. I didn't know who she was so I googled her and she does indeed have a smug punchable face... thanks. Now I want to punch her in the face!

30-07-2013, 13:37
Wow. I didn't know who she was so I googled her and she does indeed have a smug punchable face... thanks. Now I want to punch her in the face!


Glad its not just me then!

BB x

30-11-2013, 16:08

From the reviews we decided to pop our 3d cherry with this film and also saw it in IMAX. So getting over the initial 'WOW' of it being 3d, I wasn't right into the film. Without doing too many spoilers, there was just a bit too much peril, and in my opinion got very repetitive. The 3d was well done and it felt natural throughout the film, some parts had me blinking when stuff was coming towards me, which I thought was well done :)

IMAX is pretty loud though, there was a trailer for the Robocop film and the noise was just irritating.

13-12-2013, 21:18
From my Bookface:

The Hobbit, The Desolation of Smaug.

I've just seen it in 3D and I thought it was horrifyingly awful. Horrendous even. Had I not been with Sam I would have walked out within the hour. It wasn't just the fact the entire set design and costumes looked like something from a theatre production show (I could see the makeup and wigs and all sorts), it wasn't just the fact the acting was pretty diabolical, nor the fact the lighting was COMPLETELY off (bright white lighting in caves and forests?! I think not)... it's not just all of that which Sam says could be to do with how it was HFR... but it was the filming too.

Scene start: PAAAN AROUND from Every Angle possible to group of dwarfs and men and then PAAAN AROUND again before cutting to:
Man talking: Camera Shot close up of face
Dwarf responding: Camera Shot close up of face
Man talking: Camera Shot close up of face
Dwarf passing item: Close up of hand passing item then close up of face of man receiving so to take in the reaction.
Man talking: Close up of face and then PAAAAAAN around the entire set... and then Paaaaaan around some more from an obscure angle.
Man continue talking: Close up of face (and don't match the dialogue tones correctly from the close up and the Pan around)
Dwarf talking: Close of up dwarf face



PAAAAN AROUND from another angle.

PAaaaan around from ANOTHER ANGLE.

PAAAAN Around from behind a tree..

Hang on.... someones about to talk...

Dwarf talks *Close of up dwarf face*
Hobbit talks: *Close up of hobbit*
Hobbit feels for ring: *sloooow close up of hand and ring*

PAAAAN AROUND THE ENTIRE SET... and again from above... and then from behind the papermache rock... and the very well presented hay stack and the clean white mice...

You get the general idea. WAY too many close ups, WAY too many random pan arounds. It was all swoops and distracting cuts. The scenery was awfully fake and set up. Nothing seemed natural. Horrific.

I feel cheated! Anyone else feel the same?

3/10. Maximum.

16-12-2013, 11:33
I bloody loved it! And that was going in after I read what you said about it. I felt that by far this film had less of the epic landscape panning shots compared to the first film.

In my mind, I've approached the films in the same way as if I'd read LotR and then read The Hobbit. I expect it to be more fairy-tale, light-hearted, 'cleaner', more simplistic etc. Primarily I'm seeing it as a kids film I'm trying to get the most out of. I really like the interweaving of explaining how Sauron returns and all the other story embellishments they've introduced.

Above all, I was in stitches at the barrel scenes. Amazing, ridiculous stuff.

The one thing that irks me is how Legolas now appears to have taken on the persona of an 80's movie punk biker gang leader.

I saw it in 2D

18-12-2013, 00:26
Saw this earlier (and MB just reposted it to me too) http://www.engadget.com/2013/12/17/hfr-the-desolation-of-smaug/

I hadn't read any reviews prior to seeing the film so having read them now I'm feeling slightly less bonkers for disliking the film!

Going to try and watch it in 2D at some point to see if that helps smooth out all of the scenes and constant too-ing and fro-ing but I'm not convinced yet. Not convinced...

If it doesn't live up to expectations I will be gutted and continue to wish I kept my happy childhood memories of the book in my head as opposed to on the big screen!

18-12-2013, 14:20
Ha, was going to send this to you!