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Journey to the Center of the Earth
Odd film. Brendan Fraser is a scientist whose brother was a Vernian (someone who believes Jules Verne's stories were based on fact) but went missing ten years ago, seemingly searching for the portal to the centre of the Earth. The seismic probes he left around the world have been gradually failing one by one, and Fraser has been watching them for a decade, dismally keeping his brother's legacy alive (though he doesn't know the exact purpose of why his brother left until later).
The premise sounds good, but this is a Hollywood B-movie through and through. It's a paint by numbers adventure and the first half-hour is just one giant sluice to get Fraser, his estranged 13-year-old nephew and a hot Icelandic girl (the wonderful Anita Briem who is too good for this movie and will no doubt go on to great things) to the portal in Iceland.
It's all almost plausible right up until the minecart bit, then you know we're slap bang in the middle of CGI cheese (yum!) and contrived action. I think the film was released in 3D at the cinemas and I can see how it would fare much better in that medium.
Good premise, but poorly thought out and about 70% CGI. The only thing that elevates this above a made for TV film is the acting of the three leads, which just about makes it bearable to sit through. Shame it couldn't have been better.
Funnily enough watched this at the weekend too. Can't add or argue with anything you say. The groan I let out at the sight of the mine train CGI could probably be heard next door ;D
Del Lardo
25-07-2009, 23:18
Fast and the Furious 2009
If you liked the original then you'll like this one, Vin Diesel and Paul Walker are back which is why Mrs DL wanted to watch it and there was enough totty to keep me amused. There was a story line but I didn't bother to pay any attention incase it dislodged something more important from my brain like what Jordan said about Peter in The Sun on Friday.
Overall it's mindless pap with flashing lights but not a bad way to spend 90 minutes if you set your expectations appropriately.
Del Lardo
27-07-2009, 14:56
Lesbian Vampire Killers
Them off Gavin & Stacy have a bash at doing a Shaun of the Dead but choose Vampires rather than Zombies.
You need to set your expectations appropriately going into this film, it's never going to be a classic with a title like Lesbian Vampire Killers but can it be a fun way to spend 90 minutes? Answer is yes and that not just the :toss: in me talking. There are a lot of pretty ladies, a bit of girl on girl kissing and a few gratuitous nipple shots but it's not OTT and Mrs DL didn't mind. The plot is basic, the jokes often predictable but somehow it works and I found myself chortling a couple of times.
Probably not one to buy but certainly a good rental if you're in a silly mood.
Kung-Fu Panda
Perfect family film. Great story, great characters with beautifully captured personalities, and loads of brilliant high-speed action bits full of comedy as well as violence! This would have made a great regular martial arts movie if they'd removed some of the more slapstick elements, the story is that good.
Only loses marks for over-labouring the point that the panda is fat and clumsy. We get it. I don't need to see him catching his breath yet again or running into another wall.
16 blocks
Bruce Willis plays a tired, depressed & alcoholic cop, and Mos Def someone from the streets charged with various crimes (like gun possession) who happened to see some dirty detectives in the business of extortion or some such. Mos is due to appear as a witness in a case against those cops, and Bruce is given the task of transporting him from the police office the 16 blocks to the district court.
Of course certain dirty detectives (a number of them) don't want him to testify and so set out to kill him en route.
What starts out as such a simple task suddenly becomes extremely complex, pitting him against the rest of his precinct's cops who are being fed lies by the dirty detectives.
It's a very, very good film. This is the first time I've seen Bruce actually act, playing a cop tortured by something in his past, slowly piecing everything together and determined to do at least one thing right.
Mos Def continues to impress me. His character is unbelievable in this film, and has a very specific kind of rambling speech manner that seems so completely natural. Lana was wondering if it was his normal way of speaking until I reminded her of the guest role he had in House. I'm reaching the stage where I figure it's probably worth watching almost any film he's in.
The pacing is perfect from a slow sleepy start, to a the end. Never rushes you along too fast apart from occasional sequences when there are short gun battles. Towards the end of the film my heart was beating very hard from the suspense which is something that rarely happens to me with films.
9/10 - It's not a perfect film, but it comes pretty close.
One of the worst films I've ever seen. Originally given a 1/10 purely because Angie looked hot in some of the scenes but in hindsight, even that's generous. Morgan Freeman & AJ are utterly wasted in this, and none of the characters are even vaguely likeable.
Please, if you haven't seen this awful nonsense, don't waste your time.
31-07-2009, 15:14
One of the worst films I've ever seen. Originally given a 1/10 purely because Angie looked hot in some of the scenes but in hindsight, even that's generous. Morgan Freeman & AJ are utterly wasted in this, and none of the characters are even vaguely likeable.
Please, if you haven't seen this awful nonsense, don't waste your time.
I have seen it and would give it a 3 in then read the graphic novel that it was reputedly based on and retrospectively give it a 2, its not a good film, its entertaining in a sub LXG way so if you can turn your brain off it might be worth the download.
31-07-2009, 15:20
Transformers II
Nothing special. The little Decepticon that steps on the mousetraps is funny though :)
Starts poorly, gets better then SMACK! an ending of pure fail
Mostly 6/10 diving to a 1/10 and that's generous
I agree. It wasn't bad considering I had very low expectations......and then the end came along. :confused: Oh dear :(
02-08-2009, 10:15
27 Dresses
A PA has been a bridesmaid 27 times and is in love with her boss. The reporter who writes the wedding section in the Journal wants to write a piece on her, but he has become cynical of the wedding industry. Her sister shows up and embarks on a whirlwind romance with the boss which leads to a propoal. But will it be bridesmaid dress number 28?
27 Dresses plays as a succession of themes and scenes stolen from other movies liberally scattered with romcom cliches that you've seen dozens of times before. The result is an unfocused and flimsy script. Katherine Heigl is very watchable in the lead role, the supporting cast do OK with the lackluster script and simple character archetypes that they're left with.
02-08-2009, 10:28
Fast and the Furious:Tokyo Drift
I've been watching some guff recently. :o
Caleb from American Gothic is all growed up and now likes to get into trouble racing around half completed housing estates. He is sent to live with his estranged father in Tokyo where he falls in with a crowd of petrolhead expats and yakuza connected petty criminals who show him the beauty of going around corners sideways.
The plot is intentionally secondary to the flash cars, too cool soundtrack and showy cinematography. But that keeps Tokyo Drift from getting above itself and it remains enjoyable if stupid. A bit like Edith Bowman.
02-08-2009, 10:35
The Excorcism of Emily Rose
An odd blend of courtroom drama and demonic horror that largely succeeds due to some top notch performances from all of the leads and by being heavily influenced by The Excorcist.
You can't escape the fact that sometimes it feels like a dramatic essay on the medical versus spritual debate of demonic possession, and the courtroom sections are wildly overstaged.
A Place of Light
02-08-2009, 13:48
Ok, here goes. I've been wondering how to write this one.
Crank 2 - High Voltage
I thought "Crank" was a strange movie. I liked it, but it's directorial style is a little left of centre to say the lease.
I thought "Natural Born Killers" was a strange movie too, but in a more scripted way.
So now we come to "Crank 2".
I really liked it, although I'm not sure why. It's messy, funny, full of gratuitous's edited by someone who is clearly no stranger to the odd acid tab, some of the performances are cheesy at best and some of the scenes make no sense at all.
Awesome :D
Fast and the Furious 2009
If you liked the original then you'll like this one, Vin Diesel and Paul Walker are back which is why Mrs DL wanted to watch it and there was enough totty to keep me amused. There was a story line but I didn't bother to pay any attention incase it dislodged something more important from my brain like what Jordan said about Peter in The Sun on Friday.
Overall it's mindless pap with flashing lights but not a bad way to spend 90 minutes if you set your expectations appropriately.
Watched it this weekend and have to agree with you. It's pretty much just like the other 3 in terms of storyline, although Paul Walker does seem to act a little bit better than the first and second films though, thankfully he seems to have given up calling everyone "bro".
Princess Griff
05-08-2009, 21:24
Hello all!
I've been buying a lot of the cheap Tescos/HMV sale DVDs lately so have quite a few in last few weeks!!
But the stand out one for me has been 'Son of Rambow'!!!
Jingo and I both absolutely loved it! It was not what we expected at all! We expected a childish, take the mic film - but what we got was a really quite deep story of two boys strugglin through life and becoming unlikely allies! Very cute and very very funny!
Well worth a watch!!!
Princess Griff
05-08-2009, 21:26
Im also a bit of a dance film geek, and watched 'Turn it up' yesterday
Usual, same old storyline, but oh the dancing..... :D
07-08-2009, 14:46
Little Miss Sunshine.
How is this in the top 250 films on IMDB?
Only upside in it was Steve Carell, who normally I avoid. Fantastic job from him.
Dance sequence at the end went on for far too long.
The 9 step program was just an excuse for a load of winner or loser jibes - other than that was pointless.
Grandpa was ok, couple of odd amusing lines... so they kill him off.
I don't hate it...but there's nothing to recommend it either. Its a perfect example of the blandness I've come to expect from studios now.
Complete contrast to my review!
I wouldn't call it a 'studio' movie either. Filmed for $8m, directorial debut, only picked up by Fox after success at the Sundance festival. Steve Carrell was also practically unknown when they cast and shot it.
I thought it was great too :)
07-08-2009, 17:49
I agree wholeheartedly with Flibster even down to the avoiding of Steve Carrell who was brilliant in this movie. Scenes were drawn out, characters were boring or just plain stereotypes and the concept dull. It's just another indie that was blown out of all proportions like Juno and no doubt Adventureland (which from the 20 minutes I've seen sucks ass).
Mr Deeds.
Love the Spanish butler Emilio (verrrry verrrrry sneaky) and Cecil. Steve Buscemi always freaks me out though.
Indian Jones - Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Is the writer an X-files fan or what, it got more absurd as it went on, the last 10 mins was nuts, it was more absurd than Tomb Raider 2 !
Indian Jones - Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Is the writer an X-files fan or what, it got more absurd as it went on, the last 10 mins was nuts, it was more absurd than Tomb Raider 2 !
I want my time back.:(
Hello all!
I've been buying a lot of the cheap Tescos/HMV sale DVDs lately so have quite a few in last few weeks!!
But the stand out one for me has been 'Son of Rambow'!!!
Jingo and I both absolutely loved it! It was not what we expected at all! We expected a childish, take the mic film - but what we got was a really quite deep story of two boys strugglin through life and becoming unlikely allies! Very cute and very very funny!
Well worth a watch!!!
Agreed, at least a 8/10. I actually shed a tear at the end :p
and... I hearted "knowing" ;D
08-08-2009, 15:03
Indian Jones - Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Is the writer an X-files fan or what, it got more absurd as it went on, the last 10 mins was nuts, it was more absurd than Tomb Raider 2 !
I thought it was great until marian returned :/
Indian Jones - Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
It um heap big adventure!
I agree that it got more and more ridiculous. If you could overlook the horrible stereotype of Mutt then the dialogue and 'piecing things together gradually' worked well. Unfortunately it started to venture into the unrealistic stunts arena as soon as the jungle chase began, and was just a downhill spiral from there. Far too much was revealed in terms of the supernatural/alien, and Ray Winstone barely needed to be there at all. If you go back and watch Raiders it was basically a Nazi-fighting treasure-hunting action adventure with a hint of the supernatural. This one basically says 'Have some fecking aliens then! And killer ants while we're at it.' Then they make a pie out of those words and throw it in your face.
Ray Winstone never needs to be in any film ever.
08-08-2009, 16:34
Ray Winstone never needs to be in any film ever.
No, he should stick to managing Bristol City......
Ray Winstone
City Manager Gary Johnson
Ray Winstone never needs to be in any film ever.
Except Scum.
"Where's your tool?"
08-08-2009, 23:53
Weird Science :D
Geeks and Kelly LeBrock :D
Completely ridiculous film on almost every level, but it's so great. Marked down a point due to it not being as deep as John Hughes earlier films,
Weird Science :D
Geeks and Kelly LeBrock :D
Completely ridiculous film on almost every level, but it's so great. Marked down a point due to it not being as deep as John Hughes earlier films,
Add one point for being the first foof I saw on film.;)
I was so shocked, I rewound it several times....
Oh hang on, that was Woman in Red.
Watchmen, 9/10 never beat a superhero film like this, it had everything.
Defiance 7/10
Not bad, though I didn't actually know what was going on for half of the film as Iain didn't put the subtitles on and claimed we weren't supposed to know what the Germans/Russians were talking about! :huh:
Action-y bits were good but I did feel it dragged on a little bit.
10-08-2009, 03:39
Watchmen, 9/10 never beat a superhero film like this, it had everything.
I would argue both of the last Batman films beat it. There was far too much filler in The Watchmen and I soon got sick of it going slow-motion all the time.
10-08-2009, 03:39
Ray Winstone never needs to be in any film ever.
Ray Winstone is an absolute legend. Love him.
Ray Winstone is an absolute legend. Love him.
His accents are just brilliant.
Well, his cockney is, I've never heard anything else :p
I love his cockney Texan in Fool's Gold.
The Mist
An okay horror film, the writing isn't brilliant at times but the idea is a good one. A mist rolls in and in it contain monsters. Pretty much everyone who goes out in it dies. The story centres around a bunch of people stuck in a supermarket in a small rural town in America and how they react to what is going on outside. Some of the monsters you see are pretty cool, especially towards the end. Which brings me to the ending. I laughed my ass off at the final scene, can't say anything as it will spoil it for those that want to watch it.
10-08-2009, 09:25
The Mist
I laughed my ass off at the final scene, can't say anything as it will spoil it for those that want to watch it.
So did i, it was a great idea for an ending but terribly set up, making it almost black comedy. I'd give it 7.5 out of 10 though as i thought largely the acting was very believable and the creature design was some of the best i've ever seen (i was incredibly impressed by the big thing at the end)
Prince Caspian
Not bad. Bleaker than the last for obvious reasons if you know anything of the book/film plot, but worse off for it. The physical fighting was great - well choreographed and made the kids look stronger than they are, which was necessary. Lacks the true whimsy of the first but was good for a couple of laughs. Eddie Izzard especially added a voice of much-needed comic relief. Solid story (natch) and well made.
10-08-2009, 16:53
The Godfather - The Epic - 1901-1959
Take Godfather and Godfather Part II - edit to chronological order, add previously unseen footage and create perfection in Godfather form.
I've just spent over 6 hours watching it.
Sadly, only available on VHS... and was originally done for TV so is only in 4:3 - but I really didn't care about that. It's called The Epic, and it's right. Two of the finest movies ever made, made into the finest movie ever made. :D
My video editing skills may be getting a workout soon. VHS -> PC - closely followed by DVD/Bluray -> PC - then a step by step recreation using the best footage I can using the VHS video as a guide track.
I have the space, the computing power and the time to do it... I've got nothing else to do at the moment.
Track down a copy and watch it. It's superb!
The Mist
An okay horror film, the writing isn't brilliant at times but the idea is a good one. A mist rolls in and in it contain monsters. Pretty much everyone who goes out in it dies. The story centres around a bunch of people stuck in a supermarket in a small rural town in America and how they react to what is going on outside. Some of the monsters you see are pretty cool, especially towards the end. Which brings me to the ending. I laughed my ass off at the final scene, can't say anything as it will spoil it for those that want to watch it.
So it's like The Fog...only more misty...
Interesting psycho-thriller starring Stellan Skarsgard, Melissa George and Selma Blair (and a rather good cameo from British comic Paul Kaye!).
The theme feels a little laboured at times, as though the writers came up with that first and tried to write a thriller around it, but on the whole the film delivers an extremely grimy, dangerous-feeling piece heavy on both the psychology and thriller aspects. A little more character development rather than continuous detective work wouldn't have gone astray but the characters are at least as downbeat as they ought to be, given the frankly hideous depiction of the city they live in and police.
The torture violence is up there with the likes of Hostel and Saw but has an intense blanket of mind****ery that makes it that much worse, and the grittiness of the piece adds to the realism.
Worth a watch but not if you're squeamish or feeling particularly depressed!
yeah that was a bit weird ^^
12-08-2009, 10:49
Awesome, even better than the nightmare before christmas, i was particularly impressed with the voice acting. The storyline was actually quite scary in places (even i got a bit twitchy, i'd love to see how a 10yr old would react for the lulz) which was great, i miss the days when kids movies used to scare the crap out of em.
did you see it in 3D? It was magic!
My friend at work, his brother was the Head of Storyboards on Coraline. I may have mentioned that already, I can't remember :p
12-08-2009, 13:25
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
I liked this, probably the best of the series so far and also the darkest content wise and I don't just mean the big secret, the whole movie is dark but it also has the most love interest with both Ron and Harry finally getting their girls and setting up the last book (2 films)
I liked the way the plot twists were handled, its not a massively complex plot and the film could have been boring but the set pieces keep coming and are well directed even the battle at the Weasly's despite being a minor plot point its done well.
I heard some snivelling in the audience as I left although I'm not sure why the end scenes aren't overblown and emotional they are hard and show Harry's development into the hero he needs to be for the coming episodes.
I've heard some reviews where people say they are confused by Harry's actions at the end why doesn't he get involved (including Mr Kermode's review) but it seems obvious to me that at this point he is still has total trust in Dumbledore and as he trusts the HBP so does Harry
The way the final book is done will be interesting, I'm looking forward to it :)
Was it worth paying to see at the cinema over watching it on the projector at home, no not really but I'm glad I saw it and if you only have a little telly its probably worth an Orange Wednesday of your time.
Awesome, even better than the nightmare before christmas, i was particularly impressed with the voice acting. The storyline was actually quite scary in places (even i got a bit twitchy, i'd love to see how a 10yr old would react for the lulz)
My 10 year old didn't flinch, but then his favourite film at 2 was Nightmare BC and he always brought home black paintings from school. Bloody goth. Don't know where he gets it from.
Re Harry not getting involved at the end
In the book Dumbledore paralyses him behind the door as Malfoy bursts in, preventing him from interfering. Not sure why this was taken out.
12-08-2009, 13:54
Re Harry not getting involved at the end
In the book Dumbledore paralyses him behind the door as Malfoy bursts in, preventing him from interfering. Not sure why this was taken out.
I think because of the positioning of the participants it becomes unnecessary and it works just as well without :)
Step up followed by Step Up 2 The Streets.
Great fun if you're watching with your sister and taking the p*ss out of the whole thing expressing your angst through the medium of dance.
Can we actually have minus points in these ratings?
14-08-2009, 14:46
Mmmm... Neve Campbell...
A film from my University days this. I loved it back then, and it hasn't lost any of it's greatness either. It rejuvenated the teen slasher film genre which is good in one way, but very bad in another. Good in that it was great to have a good Wes Craven film again, but bad because it gave us more sequels.
If you can get it - the uncut version is the one to have - only a few seconds longer, but those seconds are great. Especially as one of them shows Drew Barrymore hanging from the tree :D Never have I been so happy to see a single person die on screen more than her. :D
The Love Guru
Cack of the worst kind.
Blazing Saddles
Mel Brooks at his finest. So politically incorrect, yet so funny. Casting is perfect, with Mel Brooks playing an idiot governor. The ending is still one of the best in any Western film.
Princess Griff
14-08-2009, 15:08
I've seen the new Potter film twice, and as an avid Potter fan Im very glad I did!
The first time I saw it I came away VERY disappointed - they missed out so much!!!When I watched it again it was farrr better, and I could appreciate the humour and some of the great film shots. I simply LOVE the scenes where Harry has taken Liquid Luck and Ron has eating the chocs with love potion in!! Sooo funny!
Not as good as the Order of the Pheonix as a whole film, but I think this film is trying to set up more relationships and build characters in preparation for the last 2 films!
PS - Ginny is a shocking actress. So miserable!
Ginny is a shocking actress. So miserable!
You're right. Terrible. The worst part was when she and Harry were supposed to say 'What was that?' in unison when responding to a noise. He sounded inquisitive, she sounded... flirty. Like there was something poking her in Harry's pocket. Just completely wrong for the moment.
14-08-2009, 15:30
The Prestige
A strong cast stars and starts off with Michael Cain stating that there are three parts to a magician's trick, and the last and most important one is "The Prestige". The film revolves around this premise and so a story gets told.
Christian Bale and Huge Jackman are part of a show, where they sit in the audience and put their hands up when in its normal course a magician requests for volunteers. One latest trick is where Bale steps up, and ties Jackman's wife's hands before she's dropped into a sealed tank of water. However, the final time that this occurs she isn't able to free herself and drowns. Jackman's distraught, and questions Bale since he'd just shown them all a new type of knot which is supposed to be harder to overcome. Add in the fact that Bale and Jackman were clearly rivals and motives suddenly become a bit darker.....
The tale is pretty good and keeps you hanging. It flashes back and forth between past and present as the story unravels. Strong links between events that really happened give the film's story more credability. Possible truth is part of a good trick and it was a clever addition.
I really enjoyed this film and watched it in blu-ray. The special effects in particular looked pretty neat and an olden times kind of feel was important for suspense. The score was just right as well. I'm always a bit sceptical when actors don't use their natural accents or play a character from a country they haven't done before. But they both, as well as Scarlett Johansson pull it off.
The Love Guru
Cack of the worst kind.
Aw, I quite liked it! It was no Austin Powers/Wayne's World but Myers is a king of that sort of mix of the surreal, the intelligent and the childish. There was a lot more of the latter in this I'll admit. Did you not even enjoy the brief look to camera when Bohemian Rhapsody came on in the car? :D
Death race.
I was pleasantly surprised. The same mindless action car fun that ywe have come to expect with Jason Statham. But suitably gory and action packed.
It certainly wont become a classic, however for some mindless entertainment. Especially if you want some gore, heavy violence which is mixed with cars and a few hot women. Then this is a good time killer.
Blazing Saddles
I still want to be Lily Von Schtupp.
I think because of the positioning of the participants it becomes unnecessary and it works just as well without :)
My tuppence (oo-er)
I think it's also because it means Harry has more guilt over DDs death. He WAS able to do something about it but he didn't - he put his trust in THBP and that was what essentially killed DD. I think it's made the last film look like it's going to be harder & darker than the book. He wasn't strong enough before because he trusted in DD but this time, he has only himself.
Watched Twilight the other night. Not as good as the book but fun nontheless. 7.5/10
Mind kept shouting "It's not EDWARD, it's CEDRIC!' :p
14-08-2009, 16:22
Aw, I quite liked it! It was no Austin Powers/Wayne's World but Myers is a king of that sort of mix of the surreal, the intelligent and the childish. There was a lot more of the latter in this I'll admit. Did you not even enjoy the brief look to camera when Bohemian Rhapsody came on in the car? :D
The brief look to camera when BoRap was on was the only bit I laughed at.
Thank god I didn't rent it - was just on sky and I though what the hell... Actually - I laughed at the out-take at the end of the film too.
I still want to be Lily Von Schtupp.
*cough* *splutter*
I'm sure we can find a stage somewhere... and the costume...
The Prestige
Got this to watch at the moment for the IMDB thingy, along with The Departed. Sounds like this one will be first. Sounds interesting.
Actually - I laughed at the out-take at the end of the film too.
I was expecting a gag reel after that because I'm sure Myers films are full of people corpsing and ad-libbing. Maybe the DVD has some but I'll not stoop that far!
Got this to watch at the moment for the IMDB thingy, along with The Departed. Sounds like this one will be first. Sounds interesting.
both very good films. Departed is fantastic IMO.
I loved The Prestige, only watched it recently but want to see it again now I've got the blu-ray from Nokkon to watch.
Loved the ending enough that I would have been quite happy to watch it twice in a row :)
14-08-2009, 17:16
Got this to watch at the moment for the IMDB thingy, along with The Departed. Sounds like this one will be first. Sounds interesting.
IMDB thingy?
semi-pro waster
14-08-2009, 18:34
IMDB thingy?
The IMDB top 250 - 365 challenge ( I'm guessing.
The last film I watched I think was:
I Am Legend
Starring Will Smith Alice Braga Charlie Tahan Salli Richardson-Whitfield
6/10 It's not bad but it's not great either, something like 28 Days Later creates more atmosphere and excitement. It was however rather amusing watching it with someone who jumped at most of the noises regardless of what was on screen. :D
15-08-2009, 20:26
The IMDB top 250 - 365 challenge ( I'm guessing.
Yup. I'm currently whizzing through them.
So - The Prestige
I can't believe it... a film with Bale in it where I don't think his acting is slightly less than two dimensional. :shocked:
It's a magnificent film. It's beautifully filmed, script is excellent and it's great fun too. Michael Caine is great as always too.
Bee Movie (again)
I've really got to stick that 500Gb HDD that's sat on my desk in its box into the Sky+ box, as I seem to be watching a lot of kid enforced repeats.
Still BM is a great film. Cheesy ending. Love it
Del Lardo
16-08-2009, 13:30
Not my review as it's not out until start of September in UK but an e-mail from one of my friends who went to see it yesterday....
Film was really ****ing good. They shot it in South Africa for about $30M and the result is some thing that probably couldn't be made in Hollywood. This is very cool, you should make a point of watching it early. If either of you need to convince the girlfriends to go along just sell it as fake documentary about a Johannesburg slum (which it is). Stay away from the trailers too. The fake websites are much more fun (
The only thing that could have made this more fun to watch would be if the cinema was serving beer, which in Austin, they do! (On an unrelated note, the Alamo has added Arrogant Bastard Ale to it's menu this month in honor of the new Tarantino movie.)
Really looking forward to it, the on-line reviews have been very good and it sounds like it's going to be one of the best Sci-Fi films in a long time.
Mega shark vs giant octopus
When two enormous prehistoric creatures contend for supremacy of the sea, the California coast becomes the setting for a showdown that's been centuries in the making. Lorenzo Lamas and Deborah Gibson star.
I like this review (not mine)
Guess what this film's about?
Surely the title enough should encourage you to take a look, but if that's not enough to convince you - the lead role of a marine biologist trying to uncover where the mega shark and giant octopus come from is none other than Debbie Gibson!
Orginally I thought the tagline of 'enormous prehistoric creatures from the sea' was a reference to her, but no.
Debbie's on hand to save us from these giant beasts that devour such landmarks as the Golden Gate bridge - and even the shark manages to eat a aeroplane.
Brilliant B movie action though....
The cgi is rubbish, many parts are cringe worthy and the other parts are cheesy. Yet I still found it sort of enjoyable.
If you have ever watched the low budget films on sci-fi channel about the world ending. Be it a hurricane, sun spot or a earthquake that is heading for a nuclear power plant. Then you will know what to expect from this film.
I had to watch it due to the name.
Princess Griff
16-08-2009, 17:51
HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA this is hilarious!!
I especially love the last 3 seconds...with the flying giant shark munching the plane!!!!
BRILLIANT!! :D This will keep me chuckling for hours!!
Mega shark vs giant octopus
If this available on Blu-ray, I'm buying a Blu-ray player and bigger telly just for this film.
Del Lardo
16-08-2009, 18:29
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Wasn't looking forward to this but Mrs DL wanted to watch it and I couldn't be arsed to move off the sofa. I remember it being a bit of a flop at the cinema which to be honest is a bit of a surprise as the first one did well and with Disney as a backer it should have done well so you can image my trepidation at hitting the play button.
It's a long film at 2hour 20 mins which means that it may do better in the home environment where you can pause it for a wee/tea/beer and it does take a while to get going with the first 50 minutes dragging a bit. Still if you sit through that you end up with a rather good film. The cinematography is fantastic, the special effects look very good and the action sequences well choreographed and fast paced. The story does grate rather a lot but then I guess I'm not really the target market and I can't help but see (and object to) the religious subtext of the story.
The cast play their parts well and I was pleased that Lucy seemed to talk far less in this film as her voice makes me want to stick sharp things through my eardrums. The film gets a bonus point because the actress playing Susan (Anna Popplewell) has a set of BJ lips to rival Angelina and after a quick google to confirm I wasn't risking a stint on the Sex Offenders register (19 at the time of filming) I spent the boring parts of the film perving at them to keep myself interested.
The story does grate rather a lot but then I guess I'm not really the target market and I can't help but see (and object to) the religious subtext of the story.
It's hardly subtle and the author was unapologetically, and rather famously, Christian. Rather a prolific writer of christian books for that matter ('Mere Christianity','Screwtape letters' et al.) So why object to the religious subtext of a story written by a Christian... if you didn't want it, don't watch/read it.
It's worth pointing out that there is also a some influence of Greek and Roman mythology along with traditional fairy tales as well in the series.
16-08-2009, 18:53
The Brave One
Saw this on sky movies last week. Stars Jodie Foster as a woman who is beaten up and left for dead, and her boyfriend killed by thugs whilst they are out walking their dog. She recovers and sets out on a mission to hunt down those who killed her fiance. On the way she becomes a bit of a vigilante and ends up killing a few other criminals as she is there when they are committing their crimes. She does eventually track down those who hurt her.
Was a good film, bit grisly but not unnecessarily, and whilst I would never condone killing people, I did like how she was trying to put right the wrongs in this world (even if she was killing people to do it :) )
7/10, a good watch.
16-08-2009, 23:19
I Love You Man
Paul Rudd stars as the lead who's just successfully proposed to his girlfriend of eight months. All is dandy until when over dinner with his family, they comment on the fact that he's devoted so much into his partners, he hasn't held any real friendships. Later on, he overhears a conversation between his fiancée and her friends and realises that this is perhaps a bit weird. Fair play though - he goes out there and tries to change this. A few funny "friend dates" leaves him somewhat bewildered until he randomly meets Thomas Lennon.
Lennon plays the funny guy out of the pair while Rudd is more serious and nervous. Their acting is good, and the strong cast makes this film passable, just. The script is weak though, bar a few hilarious moments, there's nothing really in it that makes it worth recommending. It's very watered down and predictable. It's not even a turn your brain off Sunday evening movie.
I've always used imdb's rating and have found it fairly akin to my own opinion. 7.6 from 22,000 votes is a very good score and I don't think this film deserves anywhere near that.
Del Lardo
16-08-2009, 23:53
It's hardly subtle and the author was unapologetically, and rather famously, Christian. Rather a prolific writer of christian books for that matter ('Mere Christianity','Screwtape letters' et al.) So why object to the religious subtext of a story written by a Christian... if you didn't want it, don't watch/read it.
It's worth pointing out that there is also a some influence of Greek and Roman mythology along with traditional fairy tales as well in the series.
I didn't want to watch it but it happened to be on the screen and it wouldn't be the first time that overtly religious themes in a book hadn't made it to the big screen ( It is my opinion that religious themes have no place in a film targeted at the youth market and this comes through in my review, if you have seen the film then I would be genuinely interested in reading your review as I guess that your opinion will differ. I don't think that we have to agree with each other but understanding it a very good bridge, if you really want to go into it then feel free to ping me a PM or start another thread :)
Just finished watching Slumdog Millionaire.
Staggering cinematography, really tight direction and gorgeous acting.
One of those films one will remember. Exceptional.
18-08-2009, 09:30
18-08-2009, 11:40
Just finished watching Slumdog Millionaire.
Staggering cinematography, really tight direction and gorgeous acting.
One of those films one will remember. Exceptional.
Another one thats in my 'to watch' stack
There's about 15 dvd's piled up, ranging from Bridge over the River Kwai to Clockwork Orange and all sorts of stuff inbetween.
It stars Jason Statham, Wesley Snipes and Ryan Phillipe. Story is about a grizzled veteran cop and his rookie partner trying to find the identities of a bunch of bank robbers. Acting isn't brilliant and the script is a bit cliched in places (well pretty much the whole film is) but the more I watched the better it got, the ending was quite frankly really good. Snipes still can't act and Phillipe is just annoying at times.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Apart from the origin of Wolverine being raped it was pretty damn good. Why do film makers insist on messing with things when they are fine they way they are? Wolverine and Sabretooth aren't brothers (as far as I can remember) and Gambit's part was woefully bad, his Cajun accent was almost non-existent at times and when it was there it wasn't as strong as really should have been.
Would still happily watch it again though.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Apart from the origin of Wolverine being raped it was pretty damn good. Why do film makers insist on messing with things when they are fine they way they are? Wolverine and Sabretooth aren't brothers (as far as I can remember) and Gambit's part was woefully bad, his Cajun accent was almost non-existent at times and when it was there it wasn't as strong as really should have been.
Would still happily watch it again though.
The origins thing annoyed me too. Saw it at the cinema and my Mum loved it but I could think of loads of things that I kept thinking 'I'm sure that didn't happen in the comic books'. I would easily watch it again though and probably will once it's out on DVD.
20-08-2009, 12:22
Why do film makers insist on messing with things when they are fine they way they are?
I don't have a clue, but they do it all the time and it doesn't matter whether it's from a game, comic book or existing bestselling book, they'll change it. Harry Potter: AtHBP and My Sisters Keeper are two books I've read recently and the movies are massively different in both cases and you wonder why they felt they had to make changes to books that have sold over 65 million copies? Something must be right about those books in the first place, no?
20-08-2009, 17:23
The Departed
Lots of famous people in this one. It's kind of interesting and certainly well acted, but it just didn't draw me in. I did watch it to the end, but with a cast like that I expected more from it.
Story was ok, cinematography was ok, sound was ok... Sadly, thats all it is.
I did spot a hangover from Scarface though... Wherever there's going to be a death, there's several X's seen scattered around.
Now starting on V for Vendetta...
A Place of Light
20-08-2009, 18:13
The Departed
Personally, I think you're being extremely generous there.
20-08-2009, 18:23
Personally, I think you're being extremely generous there.
It was Ok... Thats about as much as I can really say about it.
V for Vendetta is making me laugh a lot though, but I'm not sure that it should be....
A Place of Light
20-08-2009, 18:31
It was Ok... Thats about as much as I can really say about it.
V for Vendetta is making me laugh a lot though, but I'm not sure that it should be....
I'm going to give "Watchmen" another go this weekend, to see if I change my opinion.
The origins thing annoyed me too. Saw it at the cinema and my Mum loved it but I could think of loads of things that I kept thinking 'I'm sure that didn't happen in the comic books'. I would easily watch it again though and probably will once it's out on DVD.
Given the comic book industries habit of constantly re-writing character back story, it rarely bothers me when they do it in the films too.
Remember, originally Superman was only super strong and able to leap tall buildings, mainly because he was raised on a world with much higher gravity.
20-08-2009, 19:58
V for Vendetta
Ummmm.... Right...
It's an interesting film. Very stylised and actually a very nice to look at film. It almost parallels history quite a bit, especially pre WWII Germany with the human experiments and the restrictions in place. Adam Sutler - close to Adolf Hitler? Add to that the 'rally' that looks an awful lot like Nuremberg and you can certainly see some of the influences that went into creating the Fascist police state.
What I did rather enjoy was that it did focus around the policemen who were investigating rather than focus entirely on V or Evey.
Best character in it for me was John Hurt. You don't see much of him, but what you do see is excellent. Stephen Fry just seems to almost play himself. Although the homage to Benny Hill did make me almost wet myself...
20-08-2009, 20:04
I watched that Charlie Bronson movie recently but am in two minds about it.
On the one hand I liked the entertainment & the violence & that gritty kind of feel to a film but on tuther I think it's all BS. :confused:
Worth a watch though.
20-08-2009, 23:43
Aaaand my 3rd film for today...
No country for old men
It's a Coen brothers film.
That says about everything I need to say about it. Almost no redeeming features in it at all, other than it was under 2 hours long.
How it won Oscars I'll never know.
21-08-2009, 00:11
Kingdom of heaven: The Directors Cut
I'm not going to go into detail on this one but i'll put it this way.
The original cut: 7/10
The directors cut: 9/10
It really is much better.
I watched that Charlie Bronson movie recently but am in two minds about it.
On the one hand I liked the entertainment & the violence & that gritty kind of feel to a film but on tuther I think it's all BS. :confused:
Worth a watch though.
Death Wish? ;)
I've got Bronson in my unwatched downloads films folder, I had a flick through it, and then spent the evening reading about him instead.
22-08-2009, 23:58
There Will Be Blood
I really enjoyed Daniel Day Lewis' performance in this - especially towards the end. It's a huge change in his character.
Most of the other characters annoyed me - especially Eli. It may well have been the religion aspect of that character though that wound me up. He was such a whiney little git at the end that I was very glad about his misfortune.
2 and a half hours.... About 40 minutes too long.
Inglourious Basterds
During World War II a group of Jewish-American soldiers known as "The Basterds" are chosen specifically to spread fear throughout the Third Reich by scalping and brutally killing Nazis. The Basterds soon cross paths with a French-Jewish teenage girl, who runs a cinema in Paris which is targeted by the soldiers.
it wasn't what I was expecting. Only 4 action/killing scenes. But omg what a brilliant film best of the year.
A Place of Light
23-08-2009, 12:43
2 and a half hours.... About 40 minutes too long.
Most movies would benefit from losing around a 1/3rd of their running time.
After the success of 300, director Zack Snyder turns to another comic adaptation with WATCHMEN. The smart series from Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons centres on a group of masked heroes who find their talents banned in a fictional America. Someone begins to take down the former heroes one by one, and a strange character named Rorschach begins to investigate.
What can I say, Truly awesome.
Thought provoking, action, comic book.
It's a great film, The shot work reminded me of sin city, whilst the use of great relevant songs reminded me of Donnie darko. All mixed in with a bit of X-men, famous 4 and a Darth Vader mentality. Only negative is it is a long film and it could do with being slightly shorter. Which Is why it doesn't get a 10/10.
Currys arrived, now to watch Knowing
Black Sheep.
Sheep that turn into zombie killer sheep. Highly amusing!
23-08-2009, 20:29
Most movies would benefit from losing around a 1/3rd of their running time.
Not really. There are a lot that could be shortened, but many of them are pretty much right or even could do with extending.
Academy Award winner Nicolas Cage (National Treasure - Book of Secrets, Leaving Las Vegas) stars in KNOWING, a gripping action-thriller of global proportions about a professor who stumbles on terrifying predictions about the future and sets out to prevent them from coming true. Rose Byrne (Damages, Troy), Chandler Canterbury (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) and Lara Robinson (Saved) also star in director Alex Proyas' (I, Robot) riveting feature.
Such a good start and middle to the film but such a poor ending. If the ending was good I would of given it 9/10 but as it was it gets a 6/10 at best. It's described as an action thriller, however it lends a lot from horror movies. With a few stand up hair on your neck moments. Which is very good and makes the movie so good. But the ending :( sucked.
24-08-2009, 00:48
The Terminator
Arnie's acting at it's best. ;)
Story - great
Effects - great for the time - the model work is still very impressive. I still want one of the full size Terminator endoskeletons they make.
Plot holes - oooooh, more than a few...
Acting - Arnie is wooden but that's great for the role. *same with Keanu in Bill & Ted* Rest of the cast are great. Especially Michael Biehn as Reese.
Not sure what to classify it as... Thriller? Action? Whatever it it, it's excellent! :D
24-08-2009, 12:54
In preperation for going to see Inglourious Basterds this afternoon, this morning I have watched....
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill Volume 1
Reservoir Dogs
I haven't been sleeping much lately.
Pulp Fiction
Arguably Tarantino's finest film. Everything is close to perfect. Even Travolta puts in a superb performance. It's not my personal favourite *I actually prefer the chronological fanedit version* but it's still a great film.
Kill Bill Volume 1
Tarantino's most stylised film. I normally watch the International release which is slightly shorter and has the Crazy 88 fight scene in black and white. It's full of clichés but this is Tatantino at the peak of his storytelling abilities.
Reservoir Dogs
Tatantino's first film and imo still his best. It's very much like a lot of independent cinema, basic camera setups, limited cast and loaded with dialogue. Tim Roth is defiantly the highlight of the cast, although with Harvey Keitel, Steve Buscemi and Michael Madsen it's a surprisingly high class cast for such a low budget.
The budget also helps make the film, you don't see the robbery, there's really very little outside of the warehouse - really makes it seem like that section is almost happening in real time.
It's a film that still surprises people. Which is good.
Snuggle Ferret
24-08-2009, 16:54
Death Race
Jason Statham knows what films he is good at and sticks with it. I didn't think I'd enjoy this very much however it was better than I was expecting. It's obviously going to turned into a game at some point as the film seemed similar to a game.
Watched it last night too, and would give a similar score. Shame it's unoriginal as I think I would have enjoyed it more otherwise. Felt so much like a mashup of other films, especially Mean Machine with the corrupt warden and the sports star tack.
24-08-2009, 18:53
Death Race
Jason Statham knows what films he is good at and sticks with it. I didn't think I'd enjoy this very much however it was better than I was expecting. It's obviously going to turned into a game at some point as the film seemed similar to a game.
It's on the SkyHD box to watch later on.
Inglourious Barsterds
Not what I was expecting, sadly, not as good as all the hype was making out imo. Brad Pitts accent just annoyed the hell out of me...
The fact that for the majority of the film they were speaking German or French was a nice touch, although I can see the subtitles putting people off. It's certainly not as violent as I was expecting.
It did seem to take a long time to get anywhere though, which is a damn shame.
Weirdly, it painted the Jewish Basterds in a worse light than the Nazi's. The Nazi's carved a Star of David on Jews chests, the Basterds carve swastikas on the Nazi's foreheads.
Oh, and the subplot with the British Captain and the SS officer - I'm finding it difficult to come up with a reason why this entire storyline was kept in...other than for Mike Myers and his comedy accent...
It's not my favourite Tarintino movie. Thats still Reservoir Dogs. Best film of the year? Maybe, but I really can't think of much else from this year though.
Things to watch out for - the first scalp thats taken in the film, is that Tarintino it's being cut from? ;)
Although, if anyone is planning on making Godfather: The Missing Years into a movie - Pitt could play Vito Corleone - he looked extremely close to Brando as Don Vito in this. There were points where all he needed to do was whisper horsely "I'll make him and offer he can't refuse". :D
25-08-2009, 20:25
Admission time - up until this afternoon, I'd never seen Scarface. I've owned the DVD for over a year, and in that time it's consistently been in my 'to watch' pile, but I've just never got around to it. My local cinema is doing a digital cinema showcase so they are showing some classic films over the next few months. Blues Brothers last month, Scarface this month...
Pacino rocks in this. It's not what I was expecting, especially from what I've heard about it from other people. It's fun watching someone go to pieces. It hasn't aged that well though in places - it certainly sets the time though with the costumes and the music and the club scenes... oh the club scenes... :D
I'm similar with Scarface. Bought the DVD on dirt cheap from and didn't watch it for several months. I was warned it was one I needed to focus on rather than have half in the background. I used to 'watch' DVDs by having them running on the second monitor whilst I was working on stuff on the main. Grabbed a couple of beers and settled down to watch it and the time flew. It's so well put together, and such a solid story that I was enthralled from beginning to end.
Rather violent and gory, rather shocking in many ways, but so fantastically put together and presented that even though it's not really my usual type of film I loved it.
Not one I'm going to watch again for a while.. but I loved it all the same :D
26-08-2009, 00:38
And the final one for today I think.
Didn't really know anything about it other than it was widely recommended.
It's several separate stories that have occasional points of contact which shows that however slight contact may be, it can still affect people.
Interesting concept and it's well done. Except for the last 5-10 minutes or so. I could have really done without that sweet & sour ending. it also seems to concentrate on some people more than others, which is fine, but it does almost feel like there has been several sub-stories cut from it.
Oh, and the constant ranting about racism... Hip hop, country music, guns, busses.... Just annoyed me.
26-08-2009, 09:06
First one for today *I said I haven't been sleeping much*
Death Race
Oh good god.. rapid cuts, can't keep the camera still *as in the frame moves around but the camera position is fixed* when two people are talking face to face, zoom in & zoom out rapidly. Everything I hate about films at the moment.
Otherwise, apart from being utterly ridiculous, is a bit of a brain off release.
Rubbish, set up scenes, embarrassing and just rubbish! 2/10
The Time Traveler's Wife
Having just read the book (thank you Raymond!) I was interested to see how it had been interpreted onto the big screen. I expected to totally hate the film, but it actually wasn't that bad - for a chick flick and for being a book turned into a film.
Obviously there was a lot that wasn't included in the film and some things were different. In my opinion the book was more tragic:
*The Cage
*A lot of the main characters were left out - Ingrid, Ben (and the whole hunting for drugs scenario) Kimy - damn shame
*Kendrick - the story how Henry finds him is different in the film - less tragic
*The ending flashback is different
*What happens to his legs is more tragic in the book
Even though none of that was included, I didn't leave feeling unfulfilled (as I was with Silence of the Lambs). I now think Eric Bana is a hottie and the other girl played Claire v well.
One of the little girls was a right minger though.
BB x
"One of the little girls was a right minger though."
^^ my reaction exactly Belmit ;D
27-08-2009, 13:20
4 films in the pile to watch.
Million Dollar Baby
The Lives Of Others
Passion of the Christ
Pans Labyrinth
It's going to be a tossup on which to watch first.
28-08-2009, 01:37
The Lives of Others is really good.
28-08-2009, 09:10
Pan's Labyrinth is a terrific film. Really spellbinding.
So is Million Dollar Baby Clint Eastwood is a surprisingly (if not gruff) director.
BB x
28-08-2009, 11:51
Just finished Million Dollar Baby *I chose at random*
Second Eastwood directed film I've seen while doing this, and another corker. I actually prefer the character Eastwood plays in this to the one in Gran Torino, but there are points where they are almost interchangeable. Morgan Freeman is, well, Morgan Freeman. Great no matter what he does. ;)
Hilary S**** is the star though. She shines in this as the boxer. Shes is believable in the role, and also adds in a little comedy too.
Oh, but the people who play her family - definition of trailer trash.
The film itself is both a happy and sad film, I certainly wasn't expecting this. I was expecting closer to a Rocky type film *which tbh - I really didn't enjoy*, but it's a great story and in the end it's a pretty happy ending.
Watched these over the passed 4 days, Needful Things was on tv and I flicked on to it and thought hmm looks interesting, Basically its about a old man who goes to Castle Rock and opens a shop and he sells the village folk items and they all end up being used to frame people and revenge takes place. It got me back in the mood for Stephen King films.
Needful Things 7/10
The Mist 8/10
Dreamcatcher 6/10
Dead Zone 8/10
Dead Zone is a must for anybody, the 4 films above span 26 years.
Dreamcatcher was awesome for about the first 30-45 minutes, to the point where I thought it could be one of my favourite films of all time. Then it went to arse. :(
Hilary S**** is the star though.
Lol! :D
BB x
28-08-2009, 19:36
In The Loop
This apt little British production fields fast tongues, witty and often abusive dialogue and a quick pace charting the first few days of new aid Toby. Nervous and slightly wet behind the ears, he is immediately thrust into the thick of things as the person he works for, Simon an M.P., blunders pro war sentiments to the press.
The Americans unsurprisingly are delighted with this and begin using him, the new boy and a rather peeved off voice to the Prime Minister for their own means.
The strong point of this film was the script, and the cast who allowed their characters to gnaw away at each other throughout. Lines were delivered very well and left me grinning at times.
Dreamcatcher was awesome for about the first 30-45 minutes, to the point where I thought it could be one of my favourite films of all time. Then it went to arse. :(
Yeah, it went a little silly after that, still wondering wtf was going on, It just got to a point where so much was going on in such a short space of time.
Was a bit slow at work last night, managed to watch
Quantum of Solace
Not Bond in the classical sense, more like Flemings Bond. Less gadgets, more fights. And he got pissed too!
I like Daniel Craig as Bond.
7/10 subject to change as I watch it in one go, rather than pausing it every 40 mins or so to fingerprint prisoners....
The Langoliers
It begins as a routine flight from Los Angeles to Boston - it becomes a living nightmare. Ten passengers wake in mid-flight. To their horror they are completely alone. Their crewless jet hurtling towards a world very different from the one they left behind. A world in which they may be the last souls alive.
I think this film is fantastic. Many other people hate it. But for me it's brillaint. Yes the cgi sucks, but I don't think that matters in this type of films.
30-08-2009, 07:54
The Time Traveler's Wife
Might have to read the book now then, saw it last night, was a tad confusing to start with, but I enjoyed it. I usually dont like films when ive read the books first.
I still need to get my butt to see Harry Potter as well! :shocked:
Seventeen year-old Kim is the pride and joy of her father Bryan Mills. Bryan is a retired agent who left the Secret Service to be near Kim in California. Kim lives with her mother Lenore and her wealthy stepfather Stuart. Kim manages to convince her reluctant father to allow her to travel to Paris with her friend Amanda. When the girls arrive in Paris they share a cab with a stranger named Peter, and Amanda lets it slip that they are alone in Paris. Using this information an Albanese gang of human traffickers kidnaps the girls. Kim barely has time to call her father and give him information. Her father gets to speak briefly to one of the kidnappers and he promises to kill the kidnappers if they do not let his daughter go free. The kidnapper wishes him "good luck," so Bryan Mills travels to Paris to search for his daughter and her friend.
7/10 good film.
Not all out action. But plenty of it. Spy goes on a killing spree to get his daughter back.
31-08-2009, 01:15
So is Million Dollar Baby Clint Eastwood is a surprisingly (if not gruff) director.
BB x
You do know he's won 2 Oscars for direction? (Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby) and often directs films, with his Oscar wins from his directed films in double figures? :p.
Inglorious Bastards (they spell it weird though).
Excellent film, and if you're a fan of Tarantino's previous work you'll love this one.
Schindler's List
One of those films I just never got around to seeing. No reason why, just never had access to it when I was in the mood to wach it.
I never rated Liam Neeson highly as an actor until I saw this. He brings a hugely subtle but brilliant performance to the role and truly deserved his Oscar nomination. It was his powerful performance at the end of the film lamenting the further lives he could have saved that brought me to tears rather than all the horror and suffering shown. Ben Kingsley gives a superbly understated performance, and Ralph Fiennes a coldly emotionless one.
I was expecting to be horrified by what I saw because, frankly, if you're watching the film you already know what it's about. What I wasn't prepared for was the humour that cropped up in places. It wasn't often but it caught me off guard. I think I was expecting the entire thing to be downbeat and dwell in sentiment so it was refreshing to see that it was more grounded rather than taking a tack of moral superiority. As such the film felt so much more rounded and seperates the idea of good and evil slightly to include shades of grey.
Extremely powerful, often violent, but essential viewing.
District 9
In 1990, a massive star ship bearing a bedraggled alien population, nicknamed "The Prawns," appeared over Johannesburg, South Africa. No explanation is given for their arrival at Earth. Twenty years later, the initial welcome by the human population has faded. The refugee camp where the aliens were located has deteriorated into a militarized ghetto called District 9, where they are confined and exploited in squalor. In 2010, the munitions corporation, Multi-National United, is contracted to forcibly evict the population with operative Wikus van der Merwe in charge.
During this operation, Wikus, showing off a little for a documentary camera guy with him is exposed to a strange alien chemical and quickly finds his world turned upside down and his perceptions of the 'prawns' changed.
The aliens have brought all sorts of advanced weaponry with them but despite human scientists best attempts to the contrary, the weaponry is genetically locked to the aliens, something MNU as a weapons manufacturer is determined to overcome.
Pretty decent film, amazing what they achieved with a 'small' budget of $30m.
For those of sensitive disposition (like Lana appears to be) there are a few gross moments that may disturb you, though it didn't bother me. Also the F-bomb count pretty soon starts climbing up through the roof, though it didn't seem at all out of place. I imagine under the same circumstances my language would probably be similar!
One thing that felt rather odd. Not really wrong, but odd none the less, was that the film didn't really know what it wanted to be. It started off with Wikus talking to a documentary crew, putting on a mic and so on; before the start of the eviction operation. But interspersed with that were documentary moments with family and colleagues talking about him in the past perspective and the tragic events that occurred.
As the film progresses it seems almost like they forgot about the documentary thing. At some indefinable moment you switch from the documentary camera being held by a third party participating observer to a more normal "it's not there"... then all of a sudden at the end you're back to documentary again. It works for the most part, but I think I'd have preferred one style or the other, not the mish-mash.
3/4 of the film 8/10, last 1/4 gets a 2/10.
What started off as a really good film fell flat on it's arse near the end. I like the whole mystery numbers, sequences, events type thing that is gradually pieced together, but what could have had a very good ending just seemed to take the easy cop-out route which spoilt the whole thing. Very disappointed at the end. Some of the accident scenes were more graphic than I was expecting but it added a whole level of reality which I thought was really good.
I don't mind sci-fi at all, but please, let it be sci-fi throughout instead of just a surprise at the end. The film could have been finished so much better if the aliens were instead from some kind of long lasting cult that had been here for generations to guarantee our survival or something. Although I guess that way, they'd not be able to nuke the earth which did look quite cool at the end :D
You do know he's won 2 Oscars for direction? (Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby) and often directs films, with his Oscar wins from his directed films in double figures? :p.
Errr yup :p but I don't know of ALL the films he's directed - that was just my opinion!
Always known him as a cowboy though!
BB x
Del Lardo
01-09-2009, 14:52
The Boat That Rocked
British Comedy set on board a Pirate Radio boat back in the 60s.
All star cast including Bill Nighy, Emma Thompson, Kenneth Branagh, Nick Frost, Jack Davenport & Rhys Ifans cannot save what is a pretty poor film. There are a couple of LOL moments but the film just seems to flick from random scene to to random scene with no real sense direction. The ending is predictably cheesy not that I really cared by that point.
Del Lardo
01-09-2009, 15:01
Accidental Husband
Predictable jokes, wooden acting and a plot as transparent as really clean glass.
Women, you may find the odd laugh.
Men, unless you have a written contract guaranteeing you sex acts bordering on the illegal after the film go and find something more enjoyable to do like sitting on a blunt, rusty nail.
Dance Flick
I wasn't expecting much tbh, I even lost the Xbox controller to delay the viewing. It's typical Wayans brothers (and cousins, sisters, nephews, uncles and aunties) fodder. Purile humour, innuendo and gross-out bits.
I found myself actually watching it and leaving the laptop alone.
02-09-2009, 18:13
After a film break of a few days...back to task. :D
The Lives of Others
It's a German language film, set in East Germany and follows a playwright and a Stasi officer who is carrying out surveillance on him and the relationship between a senior Minister and the playwrights girlfriend and the reasons for the surveillance on the playwright and how the Stasi officer gets compassion for the target.
Very stark film, being set in 80's Germany will do that though. It's not light hearted at all, but it is incredibly powerful - extremely well acted and it's been added to my to buy list.
03-09-2009, 01:48
Knew you'd enjoy it Flibster. :)
The Watchmen
This was really fun! I'd been told here and in real life that it was worth catching and I finally got a chance.
There's no need to really go over the story in detail but it was good. There wasn't an over whelming sense of tackyness and the cheesiest of lines were well delivered. Which is surprising as a lot of sci fi and comic book films can easily end up a bit crap.
The cast were very good. Nobody was particuarly well known on it and each member just got on with the job.
Watching it in Blu-Ray meant the special effects could really be appreciated. The mood was dark and helped give it feel that was somewhere between The Dark Knight and Sin City.
The Final Destination 3D
Same old, same old, mega blood and gore (I was hiding) should have watched Funny People instead.
3/10 - nothing new! The 3 is for the 3D effects which were actually quite impressive.
BB x
Crank: High Voltage
Chev Chelios is back. Only this time his heart has been stolen and replaced with a temporary one which has to be kept charged up. That there is the whole storyline. Although it was enjoyable as the first in a take your brain out kind of way. I think whoever wrote the script must have been taking acid as some of the scenes are just plain bizzare, like a fight between Statham and a Chinese bloke which is very reminiscent of the old Godzilla movies. It looks like they could have left it open for a third, which I hope they don't as they really can't do anything else after this without it being completely stupid.
Watchmen: Directors Cut
I think everyone here has said everything that needs to be said. An awesome film and one I could watch again and again even at close to 3 hours long. Although Dr Manhattan's penis is quite distracting at times :/
Dr Manhattan's penis
It's not small either, we are talking close to horse size :shocked:
It's not small either, we are talking close to horse size :shocked:
03-09-2009, 16:03
Pans Labyrinth
I have to say that generally I like Guillermo del Toro's work. This was pretentious bollocks though.
Although, beautifully filmed *as expected with del Toro* and the sets and costumes for Pan and the pale man in particular were spectacular.
All I wanted to do was watch it on fast forward *1.3x so I still have sound* to get it over with faster. But I stuck with it and ended up feeling rather bored and unimpressed by what little story there is.
Del Lardo
03-09-2009, 16:06
Pans Labyrinth
I have to say that generally I like Guillermo del Toro's work. This was pretentious bollocks though.
Although, beautifully filmed *as expected with del Toro* and the sets and costumes for Pan and the pale man in particular were spectacular.
All I wanted to do was watch it on fast forward *1.3x so I still have sound* to get it over with faster. But I stuck with it and ended up feeling rather bored and unimpressed by what little story there is.
Thank God it wasn't just me. EVERYONE raves about how fantastic it is, I thought it was bollox
04-09-2009, 14:45
Although Dr Manhattan's penis is quite distracting at times :/
Glad I'm not the only one who went through that.
I kept accidently shifting focus.:o
04-09-2009, 20:28
This film wasn't as bad as some of the reviews I've read on it. It starts off by saying in this world there are those that possess special abilities; Pushers can move matter, Sniffers by smelling can gain knowledge of the past of an object, Watchers can see into the future and another type can insert lies into another's head and force him to believe they are truths. Finally another type screams and can shatter matter. They are all "owned" by a military arm.
The story's set in Hong Kong as the main characters move about trying to piece together why everybody's after a girl, and a suitcase...
The tale isn't too bad, nothing really unoriginal though it moves fairly quickly. The special effects as can be imagined are pretty good and looked really snazzy on Blu-Ray.
The actors aren't that well known and they played their parts well. A good mindless Sunday evening film I reckon.
04-09-2009, 20:46
Thank God it wasn't just me. EVERYONE raves about how fantastic it is, I thought it was bollox
It's actually put me off watching the other couple of foreign language films that I have yet to watch.
I am currently looking at my stack of DVD's and wondering how many I can watch over the weekend...
Although, I do have a film I've never watched sat next to me thats tempting. Jaws. Owned it for a couple of years, never seen it on TV, at the cinema, on VHS or DVD. I have no idea why I've never watched it.
Although, I do have a film I've never watched sat next to me thats tempting. Jaws. Owned it for a couple of years, never seen it on TV, at the cinema, on VHS or DVD. I have no idea why I've never watched it.
:jawdrop: Never seen Jaws?
The actors aren't that well known and they played their parts well. A good mindless Sunday evening film I reckon.
Want to see this one, think Dakota Fanning is in it - she's cool :)
BB x
05-09-2009, 09:40
District 9
Saw it last night, really enjoyed it, my friend thought it was weird, but then she tends to find stuff like that weird ;D
Few gory bits as previously mentioned, only went eeeeew! at one or two of them though, good film, I dont feel like I want 2 hours of my life back, two things that bugged me though.
Every time Wilkus said f**k (and he said it A LOT) his accent suddenly changed from a South African one, to what sounded like either Irish or Scottish, and it did begin to grate.
Why when the alien got back on the ship and powered it up, didnt he take all the others with him? Or was that setting it up for a sequel? ;)
On the whole, a good film 8/10
District 9
In 1990, a massive star ship bearing a bedraggled alien population, nicknamed "The Prawns," appeared over Johannesburg, South Africa. Twenty years later, the initial welcome by the human population has faded. The refugee camp where the aliens were located has deteriorated into a militarized ghetto called District 9, where they are confined and exploited in squalor. In 2010, the munitions corporation, Multi-National United, is contracted to forcibly evict the population with operative Wikus van der Merwe in charge. In this operation, Wikus is exposed to a strange alien chemical and must rely on the help of his only two new 'Prawn' friends.
A very good film. It's a very nice twist on an alien film. However lots of exploding bodies and guts despite not being all out war. Only thing that let it down slightly was the end, I wanted a proper conclusion.
Well worth watching though.
Edit - where did you watch it knip?
05-09-2009, 12:53
Edit - where did you watch it knip?
Vue at Cribbs, was at the 20 past 6 showing. We shall have to be cinema buddies cos I dont have many friends who enjoy films like that. :)
I think they left the ending as they did ready for a sequel.
I was at longweel green vue.
Yeah it doesn't strike me as a film that would have a sequeal, but i agree he ending was odd.
05-09-2009, 13:11
Thing is
The "Christopher" prawn said he would be back in 3 years, so he can fix him, and then by the end he had completely transformed into a prawn, so I guess the sequel will be him coming back to get the others, turn blokey back
Thats how I saw it anyway.
Meltdown: Days of Destruction
An asteroid flies a little too close to the Earth and knocks it out of its orbit, leading to rising global temperatures. LAPD cop Tom Bracket (Casper Van Dien) recruits a team of scientists to try to prevent the planet's demise, but is there enough time left to save it from obliteration?
Again another doomsday film that you would expect to find on sci-fi (but actually free on lovefilm online beta As part of subscription). it by no means brilliant and is a low budget straight to tv/dvd. But a reasonably good time waster all the same. Helped along by Amanda Crew who is pure sexiness.
Every time Wilkus said f**k (and he said it A LOT) his accent suddenly changed from a South African one, to what sounded like either Irish or Scottish, and it did begin to grate.
that is actually the south african way to pronounce it, or at least the half dozen South Africans I've worked with previously all said it that way. Admittedly not as often as him though.
Why when the alien got back on the ship and powered it up, didnt he take all the others with him? Or was that setting it up for a sequel? ;)
Sequel I believe. Plenty of room for it, especially with the prawns having been moved to District 10, the concentration camps.
Days Of Darkness Details 2008
2 Billion Zombies. 11 Humans. Get Ready To Rumble.
like all zombie movies it's low budget and it has a twist unlike most.
I's somewhere between a zombie movie cross bread with The Facalty.
Again resonably good time waster.
06-09-2009, 13:31
Want to see this one, think Dakota Fanning is in it - she's cool :)
BB x
She's not too bad. Forgot to mention above though it was kind of weird too. They gave her a skimpy little mini skirt and she's clearly more child than woman if that makes any sense.:confused::huh:
06-09-2009, 13:59
Imagine Me & You
A sweet little film, described as lesbian porn for some reason (there isn't any), about a bride who makes eye contact with the female florist at her wedding and can't stop thinking about her.
Well acted, believable roles, some good comedy moments (Luce at the football match ;)) and a touching ending. Well worth a watch :)
06-09-2009, 22:21
:jawdrop: Never seen Jaws?
*hangs head in shame*
06-09-2009, 22:24
*hangs head in shame*
I mean like seriously, what?!?!!? :shocked:
You must correct this at your earliest convenience!
That has one of my favourite movie scenes in ever (Brody and his son Sean at the dinner table)
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) has quit his job as night guard at the museum and has his own company now where he's making a ton of money. It's been a few years since he was last a guard and he goes to visit the museum after sunset to talk to the exhibits he met there only to find out that they are being shipped to the storage room at the Smithsonian in Washington as they are no longer needed. When they get there he gets a phonecall from Owen Wilson saying that Ahkmenrah's brother is there and he is not a nice person. Cue Stiller flying out to Washington to save his friends.
Watched this while doing my ironing yesterday as background noise and as such it took an hour and a half to iron 7 shirts as I was more interested in watching the film. Very funny and the mini Einsteins are hilarious. Some new characters to go with the old ones and Hank Azaria is very good in his roles, although he does sound very Alan Rickman like ala Die Hard at times.
Don Cheadle plays Samir Horn, a man arrested in Yemen for being a terrorist. Also there are 2 FBI agents played by Guy Pierce and Neal McDonough. After befriending another terrorist in jail they manage to escape and you follow them around the world as they recruit suicide bombers to blow people up. It's not a fast storyline but well paced and quite enjoyable, even if the twist is fairly obvious from the get go.
The Dark Knight
Caught it on Sky last night, Christian Bale - Growly, Heath Ledger - Mental, Gary Oldman - Gruff, Aaron Eckhart - Crispy, Michael Caine - Cockney.
09-09-2009, 21:00
Letters from Iwo Jima
Didn't realise that this was directed by Clint Eastwood - it's quite different from others he's done. It's very desaturated - giving it a very pale, washed out look which really suits the film.
It's another foreign language film *thought it'd be best to finish them off* and is actually not that heavy on dialogue luckilly.
I was hoping for a bit more involvement with the characters, rather than the battle ending and then pretty much the end of the film, but in general it gives an interesting perspective on the battle for Iwo Jima.
It's a film that I'd probably watch again, but it'll be a while at least. I'd much rather watch Tora! Tora! Tora! again. *now on Sky Anytime and in HD. ;) :D*
12-09-2009, 00:27
Good Night, and Good Luck
Chasing Commies in America in the 50's
Or rather, hammering the Senator who was chasing Commies in the 50's
Excellent film. Cast is truly excellent and it's fairly close to what happened too - uses some original footage of the hearings etc..
Gran Torino
I've had this for a while but only just got round to watching it.
Excellent film, one of Clint Eastwood's best, I really enjoyed it a lot a lot.
I'd rate it 9.5/10, superb.
I was expecting the usual Jason Statham standard but this actually had a reasonably clever plot. Wesley Snipes basically walks through it though and has no character development whatsoever. A couple of great twists, and I didn't completely hate Ryan Phillipe in this, which was nice.
Zombie Strippers
Hahahahahaha! Class!
12-09-2009, 23:53
Zombie Strippers
Hahahahahaha! Class!
It's truly wonderful. :D
Absolutely terrible and fantastic at the same time. Extended unrated version is ever better. :D
13-09-2009, 03:37
The Riddle
I got this free from a newspaper years ago and never really bothered to watch it. Man flu ahoy, and I stuck it on.
The reason why I'd avoided it was because of Vinne Jones. The films I've seen him in he's acted the hardman and given nothing else. Fine for Snatch and Lockstock, but I quickly got bored of it; the fact that he had basic and little or no speech certainly was a part of that. It became bland and repetitive and I had no motivation to watch a film with him playing the lead.
This British film starts off with Vinnie playing an eager journalist with an honest mindset. He gets fired and we quickly learn of his fondness for one pub, its landlady and for using and solving riddles. One day the landlady is found dead and off Vinnie goes using his professional skills to try and find the cause. The plot leads him to all sorts of trouble, but he does find friends from a lady friend and a really well played tramp.
The film's plot is pretty good and it makes a good story. The best part of it though was actually seeing Vinnie Jones act and as it turns out he's not that bad! A worthy watch if you can get your hands on it.
The Strangers.
Supposedly based on a true story about a couple who go back to a summer house after a wedding and are terrorised by 3 people. You never see the faces of the 3 people as they wear masks throughout the whole film. Quite a good film and when I checked how long I had been watching I realised that there was only 30 minutes to go, which by my book makes it a half decent film as I didn't realise the time. There are a few scenes which make you jump and watching it at midnight with all the lights off does give you a tendency to look around a lot.
We were also trying to figure out what we would do if the same thing happened to us while trying to tell the woman on the screen what to do (which always works ;) )
Letters from Iwo Jima
Have you watched the companion film? If so, which did you feel was the better film?
13-09-2009, 16:55
Have you watched the companion film? If so, which did you feel was the better film?
There's a companion film?
There's a companion film?
Flags of our Fathers.
One film is from the Japanese perspective, one from the American.
I think the American perspective was the first to be released.
We watched Casino Royale last night. I give it 4/10. It was a bit pants in all honesty. If I'd known that half the film was taken up by a bloody poker game, I wouldn't have wasted my £3 in Tesco.
13-09-2009, 20:37
Flags of our Fathers.
One film is from the Japanese perspective, one from the American.
I think the American perspective was the first to be released.
Nope, not seen that. Will have to add it to the list.
After having everyone telling me I must watch this film I finally got round to it. How freakin' cool!! I never knew Liam Neeson could be so bad ass! :cool:
14-09-2009, 10:01
Started early this morning...
LA Confidential
Still fantastic.
Guy Pearce in one of his two or three good performances.
14-09-2009, 10:21
State of Play - Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams
Standard conspiracy thriller stuff really. Russell Crowe is a journalist investigating a murder and attempted murder, Ben Affleck is a Congressman whose assistant apparently commits suicide, and Rachel McAdams is gorgeous and lovely.
The film doesn't offer anything new - it's very light and offers no depth to its characters, but skips along nicely and the plot works well, although...
Even I saw the twist at the end coming (which is unusual for me, I'm usually blindsinded by the obvious.
I've not seen the BBC original of the same name that it was based on - I imagine if you have, there's little point in watching this. It isn't as good as other conspiracy films (and nowhere near as good as Crowe's own The Insider), but if you like that sort of thing you'll probably enjoy it.
I'd give it 6/10.
100 Feet
Famke Janssen is a woman on house arrest for the murder of her husband, for apparently defending herself against domestic abuse. The cop assigned to the case is the partner of the now-deceased husband so he's still particularly angry about the whole thing, as he thinks the murder was unnecessary. Quite why he's the one dealing with it when there's a conflict of interest there, we can only speculate.
Not sure why the film's title centres mainly on the fact that she can't go more than 100 feet from a base unit as she has an ankle bracelet that sets off an alarm - it's a plot device that gets used, but isn't really central to the story. I guess it helps that we know for sure that she can't leave the house or she'll get slung back in jail.
Essentially it's a ghost story. Her husband's spirit is still in the house and starts beating on her again. Seriously. There's no 'is it all in her mind?' or 'there's a rational explanation...', it's definitely her dead husband's ghost. Once you realise that there's not much more to it than that there's nothing to really keep you watching.
On the whole it's a suspenseful affair, with some poltergeistery and the occasional shock tatic, and then about ten minutes before the end there's just a horrifically violent and gruesome bit which felt quite extreme by comparison.
Passed the time, and Famke Janssen is quite yummy, but not much to recommend it on.
Walt Kowalski, an iron-willed veteran living in a changing world, who is forced by his immigrant neighbors to confront his own long-held prejudices. The people he once called his neighbors have all moved or passed away, replaced by Hmong immigrants, from Southeast Asia, he despises. Resentful of virtually everything and everyone he sees, Walt is just waiting out the rest of his life, until the night his teenage neighbor Thao tries to steal his prized '72 Gran Torino, under pressure from Hmong gang-bangers. But Walt stands in the way of both the heist and the gang, making him the reluctant hero of the neighborhood-especially to Thao's mother and older sister, Sue, who insist that Thao work for Walt as a way to make amends. Though he initially wants nothing to do with these people, Walt eventually gives in and puts the boy to work, setting into motion an unlikely friendship that will change both their lives.
What can I say a true master piece. I want say anything as don't wont to spoil the plot. But this is a must Must Must watch film.
14-09-2009, 14:33
Number 2...
Bride of Frankenstein
One of my all time favourite horror films. As such, it's another thats going to be remade soon. :(
Boris Karloff continues to be perfect as the monster and the supporting cast ranges from cheesy to creepy. Ernest Thesiger as Dr Pretorius is just plain creepy. Elsa Lanchester is running a double header as both Mary Shelley and the Bride - definably better as the Bride though.
What always surprises me is the effects scene when Dr Pretorius presents his creations. For 1935 it's pretty damn impressive.
14-09-2009, 18:01
Aaaaan 3.
The Apartment
Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine and some other people in a completely inoffensive 60's romantic comedy. Jack Lemmon is great though.
Not terrible, but not mind blowing fantastic either. Interestingly features a suicide attempt by overdose which I suppose for mainstream cinema in the 60's must have been quite shocking.
14-09-2009, 21:32
The Boat That Rocked
This cool little Brit film charts the story of a fictious radio station called Radio Rock that broadcasted from the sea a pirate radio station. We follow the story from when the old school, staunch and cob web like government, who are fans more of classical music, than rock and roll try to seek a way to close these radio stations down. Initially they're not illegal, however they don't own a license.
We follow the often very funny times aboard the ship as a new crew mate arrives and begins to be groomed by the people already on board.
This film is well acted, and has a good cast including Bill Nighy and Robert Seemore-Hoffman. The sound track is obviously a carefully selected set of tracks from around the era.
Mona Lisa
Neither Lana nor I know how this got on our netflix queue, neither remembers adding it!
Interesting film, usual tour-de-force 80s british actors: Bob Hoskins in the lead role as a man just out of prison having been inside for several years, Robbie Coltrane as his best friend and Michael Caine as a local kingpin. Cathy Tyson does a good role as a high-class hooker. Those of you who ever saw Band Of Gold will be familiar with her already in such a role. Oh and a sound track that features Phil Collins.
Bob Hoskins is a simple man, just out of prison having take the flack for Michael Caine for something, but goes back to working for him anyway, primarily as a driver dropping off porno movies that Caine's underlings produce. He is also assigned to be a driver for Cathy's character.
The film gets steadily darker mainly revolving around Bob Hoskins being this fairly simple man trying to figure out just what on earth is going on around him, and do what he sees as the right thing, though he's clearly lost amongst the dark behaviour of many in the underground pornography and hookers business.
There are a few plot twists, some unexpected, some fairly predictable but none of them particularly pivotal to the film. The plot isn't really the films strength, instead it's much more focused on the characters involved and their development through the events going on in their lives.
I thought it was a pretty good movie. Well acted all round for the most part, though Michael Caine was sadly just "Michael Caine" yet again. Could have been any one of his forgettable characters, but then there really was nothing for him to get his teeth into. He was perfect for the role though.
Bob Hoskins and Cathy Tyson were excellent, however. Particularly Bob Hoskins who understandably got an oscar nomination for the role.
Chasing Amy.
Kevin Smith's 3rd film and some say arguably his best. I probably wouldn't go as far to say that myself but I did really enjoy it. It was interesting to see some of the actors that are a staple of Kevin's films and it was weird seeing a young Mat Damon. Ben Affleck plays his part very well even though his character turns out to be a complete tool, although I can't quite see why Jason Lee won a best supporting actor for this as he didn't really seem to do much.
I can't quite see why Jason Lee won a best supporting actor for this as he didn't really seem to do much.
Wasn't that just an Independent Spirit Award though?
That sounds quite dismissive, I'm sure it's a great honour!
Wasn't that just an Independent Spirit Award though?
That sounds quite dismissive, I'm sure it's a great honour!
It was something like that, he's been far better in quite a few other films compared to his role in Chasing Amy.
Burn After Reading.
Really enjoyed it, especially Brad Pitt & George Clooney taking on completely different character types for once. Made the film for me. Not taxing, just an entertaining romp with a couple of WTF! moments.
I'd give it...7.5/10. Would watch it again, but wouldn't buy it.
Sixty Six
Another lovely gentle british comedy. A Jewish boy is really looking forward to his Bar Mitzvah in the hope that his family will actually notice him and he'll get attention, only to find out it falls on the date England are playing in the final of World Cup.
A Place of Light
15-09-2009, 19:41
What can I say a true master piece. I want say anything as don't wont to spoil the plot. But this is a must Must Must watch film.
Totally agree. A great movie and I'm yet to find anyone that didn't enjoy it.
15-09-2009, 22:07
Angels & Demons
I'd been looking forward to this film more rather than The Da Vinci Code simply because I preferred its book.
Where also I felt The Da Vinci Code was too short to the point it barely resembled any of the book the extended edition of Angels & Demons does a good job.
I won't go into any details of the story but this one was done a lot better and I really enjoyed it. Hans Zimmer once again pulls out all the stops and film is well supported by a sweeping soundtrack which was one of the highlights of the film.
In a remote bar, costumers are advised by a newcomer to seal the place since hunger monsters will attack them in a couple of minutes. The man is immediately devoured and the clients organize a strategy to defend the place under siege of deadly creatures.
After the first 5 minuets had extremely high hopes for this, such a great start. Reminded me very much of Tarantino work, paused screen with funny info about the characters.
But soon after that and the longer the film went on the more dull it got. Which I find odd as I usually like this type of movie. Perhaps I just wasn't in the mood.
I watched the first 10 mins of
District 9
Josh was sat next to me apparently lost in his own little world, playing Lego: Indiana Jones on the DS.
"Dad, what's that"
"It's a prawn, they're aliens"
"Hee hee, Prawns" (back to staring intently at L:IJ))
... 10 mins later...
I turned it off then...
BB x
Films really don't freak him out, I watched Hellboy with him, about a year ago, not realising it was a 12. He loved it...
How old is he?
As the film is a 15 and about aliens and our fight with them I'd expect quite a bit of violence in it. Hell Starship Troopers was a 15 and that had people being ripped to bits in it.
How old is he?
As the film is a 15 and about aliens and our fight with them I'd expect quite a bit of violence in it. Hell Starship Troopers was a 15 and that had people being ripped to bits in it.
He's coming up 6.:o
In my defence, he was engrossed in the DS and I was just flicking through it on the netbook on the arm of the sofa. And it was more of a "cool" OMG as opposed to a "ewww" OMG.
Del Lardo
17-09-2009, 23:12
Star Trek XI
Watched this again in a hotel room in Amsterdam on Monday night and despite paying €13.95 (actually €27.90 to be precise as I'd started the night before but passed out) for the privileged I was ecstatic!
Sure it has it's flaws but they are minor annoyances that can be easily overlooked and in my 'stupor' ;) I don't think that I could have been any happier. It's Star Trek back to its roots but with excellent acting and amazing special effects.
18-09-2009, 09:05
Gone Baby Gone
Top quality thriller about the abduction of a child. The plot is tight and twisty, the characters are good and the acting is superb (especially Ed Harris). The moral dilemma posed at the end is also better than many a Hollywood movie, although it does leave you with a bit of a bad taste in your mouth. Still, very good film and well worth a watch.
18-09-2009, 11:07
How old is he?
As the film is a 15 and about aliens and our fight with them I'd expect quite a bit of violence in it. Hell Starship Troopers was a 15 and that had people being ripped to bits in it.
Was only a 15 at the cinema. When it came out on video it was an 18.
When it came out on video it was an 18.
"Dad, what's a video?"
25-09-2009, 13:49
Hotel Rwanda
Don Cheadle does a fantastic job in a surprisingly upbeat film.
Set during the Rwandan genocide it spends a lot of the time being quite dark, but I really enjoyed it. Certainly wasn't expecting to.
Certainly less violent than I was expecting as well.
26-09-2009, 00:59
Let me come with you....
I can see. I can see perfectly.
All star cast - all amazing - story great...
The score
Every thief dreams of the big heist that will allow him to leave the business of crime behind. Every thief except Nick (Robert De Niro), a cool, methodical safecracker who never takes on long-shot jobs until his longtime partner, Max (Marlon Brando), offers him the big score--to filch a priceless scepter from the Montreal customs house. Wary about the job, Nick and the hotheaded customs house "insider," Jackie (Edward Norton), begin to dissect the elaborate details of entering the building, avoiding the security measures, blowing the safe, and escaping with the scepter. But as in every thrilling crime caper, plans go awry.
Skilled comic director Frank Oz is clearly comfortable working with the best method actors from the past three generations. Brando's Max bursts with joyful cynicism, while De Niro is Brando's perfect foil, so collected that every smile seems like a revelation. Norton's Jackie is far more expressive, but it is Norton's smallest movements--holding a gaze a half beat too long--that hint at the secret motives pulsing beneath his skin. Smooth like the scotch Nick likes to drink, and swirling with tension, THE SCORE provides the real payoff to the audience.
This had so much potential great actors and amazing beginning and a great end. But I just found the middle planning stage boring. I love heist films and with this cast I thought it was going to be amazing.
27-09-2009, 20:25
Babylon A.D.
Typical Vin Diseaseal garbage really.
Not sure if I fell asleep, but the film seemed to end about 20 minutes too soon. There was a distinct lack of plot at the end of the film.
girl rescued
car chase
girl gives birth... after not seeing her pregnant at all
Daddy vin takes girls inside
eh? What happened to church leader, Aurora *other than dying*, etc....
Oh, and the New York cityscape couldn't have been more directly influenced by Blade Runner....
27-09-2009, 21:52
Watched two films this weekend
Drag Me To Hell
Or Evil Dead IV. Sam Raimi goes back to his roots and delivers a schlocky, B-movie feeling horror which will make you laugh as much as you jump.
The final act won't surprise anyone but it's a fun ride getting there.
At the other end of the movie spectrum
A dramatisation of the interviews president Nixon gave post Watergate scandal to David Frost. Seeing the British chat-show host as a soft touch Nixon perceives it as a chance to re-tell his years in office with a positive spin and hit the campaign trail again, but he underestimates the desperation of Frost, who knows only too well that his reputation and future career hinges on eliciting some form of admission of guilt from Tricky Dicky.
Michael Sheen is pitch perfect as a young David Frost but has the good sense to leave centre stage to Frank Langella to tear the screen up as Richard Nixon. Actors of the calibre of Sam Rockwell and Kevin Bacon are similarly left trailing in his wake as his multilayered portrayal moves through charming, smarmy, indignant and finally repentant and chastened.
Ron Howard's direction is typically unshowy but refined, my only reservation is that audiences unfamiliar with the major events of Nixons term in office will find little in the way of background to aid them in the 2hr runtime.
27-09-2009, 23:07
Transformers II
Loud, too long for the plot
Screamers II
Rehashed John Hughes stuff, I'm too old for this stuff
This has not been a day for great movies :/
A young office worker wakes up and finds himself and everyone else wrapped up in webbing. Turns out that bugs have taken over. So he un-wraps a few people and they try and survive. It's supposed to be a comedy horror, but it was neither comedic or scary, unless you are scared of bugs.
I've seen it before, but found extra humour in watching it with others. Two Americans travel to Germany to scatter their grandfather's ashes, only to find themselves caught up in an underground beer-drinking contest called Beerfest. After being humiliated both in the contest and for failing to prove their Germanic beer-based descent, they return to the US to put a team together to enter the following year.
Anyone familiar with the Broken Lizard comedy team will know what to expect, and the humour is along the lines of Super Troopers, which is an arguably better and funnier film by the same team.
Everyone plays their parts to the hilt, including Jurgen Prochnow (U-Boat captain from Das Boot) who must have been an amazing sport to have involved himself in such an immature film! There's even a not-so-subtle homage in the form of the ultimate downage challenge - a giant glass boot which must be finished without getting the toe-bubble in the face. Everyone chants 'Das Boot!' as it's chugged (which doesn't make a lot of sense, but...).
Some great laughs to be had, and thankfully most of them not along the 'oh look, it's funny because they're drunk!' vein. The team bring a warmth to what could have been a paint-by-numbers plot and character set, and the over-camp sterotypical Germans are spot on in their performances.
29-09-2009, 19:58
Mad McMax
The Covenant
5 families with "powers" moved to Ipswich someplace in the US to avoid the witchhunts in England. One of the families died out but the 4 remained in the area. The Powers are addictive and also physically age you so their use generally is unadvised.
New boy arrives on the scene and strange magical things start happening... can you guess the plot not-so-twist?
Sadly the film is utterly predictable, there was hardly a surprise in it. The actors played their roles well but it felt like the dialogue was only there to convey just the bare essentials for moving the plot onwards. Actors were good, especially for no-name people. CGI was excellent and thankfully the film didn't go overboard with it, it never felt like a CGI fest with a few bits of plot to tie it together.
It wasn't "OMG give me my 90 minutes back" but it's not one I'd particularly recommend.
semi-pro waster
30-09-2009, 18:50
Hard Luck
Starring Wesley Snipes Jackie Quinones Cybill Shepherd James Hiroyuki Liao
2/10 I've got to admit I only watched about half of this (which is why it scores as highly as it does because I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt) but it makes no sodding sense at all. I imagine the meeting went something along the lines of
Scriptwriter: "Right folks what would you like to see in a film? Write it down and put your suggestion into a hat."
Scriptwriter: "Ok, you've done that, great so we've got a flashback scene at the start but we'll put something from the middle of the film in and then drop that thread for ages."
Scriptwriter: "We've got Snipes in prison for no apparant reason, good, and he marries his counsellor? Fine, we love cliches."
Jimmy: "Can we have him wake up in abandoned hospital in the aftermath of a typhoon?"
Scriptwriter: "Of course we can Jimmy but I'd appreciate it if you showed a little imagination here - how about if we liberally scatter dead bodies around and since I've got executive power over this that's exactly what will happen."
Gwen: "How about having him being a drug dealer and a community musician who does work with kids trying to prevent them from messing their lives up?"
Scriptwriter: "I like your thinking Gwen, that juxtaposition will really throw the audience and I feel we should make the very next scene set in a stripclub."
Jimmy: "Don't you think that's a bit generic?"
Scriptwriter: "Ah, Jimmy you naive fool, this isn't just any stripclub, there's a dancer wearing an Indian headdress (honestly I wish I was making this up) and we'll have a drugs bust in there with some corrupt cops but, and this is the kicker, Snipes will make off with the loot and kidnap the stripper he had dance for him as a driver."
I've had enough of this imaginary discourse but the film makes even less sense than I've given there, I've not even attempted to explain why Cybill Shepherd is a serial killer with a young Japanese lover and a son of 30(ish) who has a mental age of 5 because I don't have the foggiest idea. There's also a cage fighter and his sweetheart who wants him to quit fighting before Cybill Shepherd and her young lover attempt to murder her and he chases after them to try and assault them. There's a police chief who is trying to recover the money used in the drugs deal by the bent cop aforementioned.
If I explain now that Mario Van Peebles is the scriptwriter, director, producer and also acts in this then perhaps the reasons for this atrocious heap of nonsense become a little clearer. I imagine you could get a similar script from putting 20 4Chan users with ADHD in a room with access to crack, LSD, weed and alcohol then once they've finally created something you rip it into pieces and reassemble it removing all references to Pedobear, mudkips, scientology and doing a barrel roll. I didn't see any ninjas or pirates but I couldn't swear with certainty that they weren't there and my mind just refused to accept the crazy.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
CGI fest, "U" certificate but with a few nudges towards the adults. I've not laughed so much at the cinema, ever.
Flint Lockwood, uber-nerd inventor, creates a machine that turns water into food. Due to his clumsiness it ends up over his hometown of Swallow Falls, a tiny island off the coast whose entire life is based on sardines. Flints machine initially causes it to rain cheesburgers, the mayor (voiced by Bruce Campbell) sees this as a way to put Swallow Falls back on the map.
The voice acting is awesome, the CGI is suitably cartoony and the physics of the CG clouds/water is just amazing. </geek>
Josh gave it 10/10, got 8.5/10 on the Faysh-thumb-up-o-meter.
And Lom, I and the 2 eldest kids shared the cinema with 3 other people and we sat in the "Premier" seats.
30-09-2009, 23:00
Eddie Murphy film fest on Sky at the moment.
Beverly Hills Cop
Everyone knows these films...
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
...c'mon... a theme park and just so twee...
I actually really like this film. It's just very silly in many ways. It's also a good showcase for Steve Martins writing.
A Place of Light
01-10-2009, 00:20
The Covenant
It wasn't "OMG give me my 90 minutes back" but it's not one I'd particularly recommend.
I'd be more harsh than you, and state that it's slightly less interesting than watching paint dry.
I watched Malcom X yesterday for the first time.
Quite a tale about a man I knew very little about.
V. good if long film. 8/10.
03-10-2009, 00:31
You Only Live Twice
Classic Bond.
Only watched it as I'm off to visit one of the stars tomorr...later today.
Star Trek (2009)
Prequel about the original Enterprise crew just starting out. An enjoyable film if a bit cheesy in places with some of the dialogue, i.e. making sure Bones says "Dammit man! I'm a doctor not a physicist!" But overall not a bad way to spend some time. Quite liked how they got around writing what they wanted using the alternative timeline plot.
Transformers 2
Meh, while the action was good there wasn't much storyline and at 2 1/2 hours long it isn't a short film. Dialogue was a bit ropy in places, in fact ropy in a lot of places.
semi-pro waster
03-10-2009, 13:05
Starring Sylvester Stallone Brigitte Nielsen Reni Santoni James Andrew Robinson
Cop film
5/10 Much better than Hard Luck but that wouldn't be particularly hard. It's quite entertaining in a very cheesy way, quite dated and just plain unrealistic but fun at the same time.
The Man Who Cried
Christina Ricci
Cate Blanchett
Johnny Depp
Follows the story of a Russian Jewish girl who's father goes off to America to make his living and send for his family once settled. Before he can his home village is burned to the ground in a pogrom which the girl escapes from and is shipped to England, renamed "Suzie" and raised by a British family. Her talent for singing and dancing see's her joining a Paris dance troupe where she encounters Cesar, a handsome brooding gypsy who works with the troupe later becomes her lover.
And then the Nazi's come...
Very interesting film, a few awkward feeling love scenes, but great acting on all parts. Especially a very understated, and great acting Johnny Depp.
Requiem for a Dream
Not entirely sure what it was about. So here's IMDB
Not sure I quite "get it" although, I don't hate it, I don't really feel anything after watching it. It never seemed to go anywhere which I guess being hooked would feel like that. I kinda felt the same after reading Catcher in the Rye which I didn't "get" either. I really liked the soundtrack though!
Kill Switch
Why did I watch this? Why? Steven Seagal in yet another crime/revenge/murder no-plot of a film.
As the end credits rolled I actually raised my palms to the ceiling and said 'What?!'.
Seagal is a detective looking for a serial killer. He must be an idiot living in a world full of braindead zombies, because it appears he's the only person capable of deciphering the ridiculously simple trail the serial killer is leaving. At one point he has a hangman style puzzle on a piece of paper which is a sentence about seven or eight words long with two letters missing. 'You cracked that code yet?' 'Almost!'. Sweet Jesus! Buy a vowel!
Even the fight scenes are tedious. To hide the fact that Seagal now has the turning circle of an oil tanker and the reflexes of a dead crackhead, all the fights consist of people attacking him head on, with our view over his shoulder. There's no choreography, no real martial arts and just poor editing. At one point a man gets kicked through a window and we see him smash through the glass twelve times. Twelve. A few of those shots aren't even different angles, they just repeat it. There's also a hilariously rubbish gunfight. It goes on for about two minutes and it's just three goons in different locations shooting at Seagal and missing, and Seagal shooting back and missing as well. If I'd have had a gun I'd have shot myself out of boredom.
They try to splice a back story in with an intro where Seagal's twin brother is just randomly killed when they're very young, by some dude who just walks out the woods and slits his throat with a knife at their birthday party. There's no explanation for why it happened, why the murderer's face is so important, or if this incident is meant to have made an impact on Seagal's life that affects what we're seeing now. It's just random. Every now and again we get a flashback to it and it still serves no purpose. They could have cut it out completely and it wouldn't affect the story in any way.
Finally, for no real reason, Seagal just randomly disappears from the force and goes back to some people who I assumed were his wife and kids. He appeared to be living with some girl, who was always going on about how being a detective has taken over his life and he works too hard, but she was killed by the serial killer. Who was she if she wasn't his wife or girlfriend? It makes no sense! And if he left his wife and kids to live with her why are they so happy to see him back again?!
The film ends with the blond girl (and she is a girl - must be thirty years younger than Seagal) taking off her top and leading him to bed.
For this reason, the film gets one point.
Great review mate :D I might actually want to watch the film after that ;D
A film like Doomsday deserves to be watched for its badness. This was just plain bad. Maybe worth it for the first ten minutes where the guy gets kicked out the window though, having been literally thrown around a room into every piece of furniture and wall!
Edit: I totally forgot... Isaac Hayes plays the coroner. His character name is 'Coroner'. He does ****-all in this movie except stand around sounding like Chef.
Finally finished my Trek marathon. That's every Trek movie made, in order and I have to say, the 6 involving the original crew are the best the Generation crew films seem so gash in comparison. Also I enjoyed 1-6 even though I'm sure that someone will come up with the line about odd numbered films being gash I thought they were all quite good.
Quick scores for the films:
Star Trek The Motion Picture
The Wrath Of Khan
The Search for Spock
The Voyage Home
The Final Frontier
The Undiscovered country
First contact
Flame retardant suit is on.
2001: A Space Odyssey
Claimed by many to be the greatest film ever made. I thought it was just okay. It didn't grab me and make me want to sit and watch, I had to do that myself which is never a good thing. It might be because everyone raves on about it that I expected something more than I got, I just don't know.
Visually it's a stunning film and the music is perfect but it seemed to drag on with nothing much happening for the first hour or so and it's only when I looked back I realised that things happened for a reason but it seemed to take forever to get there.
I won't give it a rating as I feel I need to watch it again at some point.
07-10-2009, 02:33
Driving Aphrodite / My Life in Ruins (ruined my life for two hours)
This wet soggy rice crispie of a film stars..some woman (I don't know - she looks like Celine Dion a bit) who is not having a great life. She's very well educated, but is in a bit of a rut working in Greece as a tourguide.
The fact she feels like crap rubs off onto her job, and her feedback scores indicate that the tourists don't warm to her. Another lad (played by Alistair Mcgowan) picks up on her low self esteem by treading on her toes and mocking her in front of her group. She finds love amongst all the mush, with a greasy Greek bus driver called Poopee(!), after being guided by an old sage in the group. Unsurprisingly revenge is also gotten over Alistair McGowan.
The scenes (being Greek tourist sites) are fantastic, though for large chunks it felt like a government tourism video. Apparently it was the first film allowed to shoot by the Parthenon in 50 years for this very reason; the only thing it was missing was Hollywood styled product placement.
The script is weak, wet and predictable although a reasonable cast try their best to plod it along. But unsurprisingly it didn't work. This film was funny in places and while at first mocking the different nationalities of tourists got some laughs, it quickly tired.
Admiral Huddy
09-10-2009, 09:16
District 9
Odd film !!- First half hour I didn't know if this was a comedy or just a joke. Then things pick up and turns out to be pretty decent. What a shame!
The film starts as a first person perspective of a camera man filming an inside documentary of the MNU, a government agency that looks after the alien colonisation of over a million stranded aliens or "prawns" as they are referred too, in a settlement called District 9. It's this part i really didn't like. The main actor (Don't know his name but he is bloody annoying) is recently promoted to lead the relocation of District 9 to a new purpose built location 200km outside Johannesburg, away from the city.
Confronting the aliens, the lead character is exposed to the alien crafts bio fuel which has adverse reactions to his own genetic chemistry. He must now help the aliens in their rescue attempt in order to restore his his own preservation as a human. The MNU have other ideas for him.
It's only when the main plot is set that the film starts picking up. but by then, the film is already 40 minutes in.
6/10 - 1 dedecuted for the poor choice of lead actor
Session 9 - anyone seen this? We only saw half of it so can't really review it. Apart from to say Horatio from CSI Miami and the inmate who looks after the mouse in The Green Mile are in it. I didn't really 'get' it :/
The Condemned - what a load of tosh and (depsite people denying it) Battle Royale rip off - first thing I thought of was BR when I watched it. Vinnie Jones and 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin 'star' in it. 10 criminals are sent to an island for a 30hr fight to the death, which is broadcasted on the web. I think thats about it. 2/10
White Noise 2 - anyone seen this? Rob started watching it on holiday (I was reading) and he had a nightmare! Glad I didn't watch it. The lead looks like Dan from Eastenders. Can't really rate it as we didn't watch it all, but Rob said it was better than the first one as that was boring.
BB x
High School Musical
Yup. 0.2.
It's worse than Cabin Fever.
Seriously?! What on EARTH is going on in peoples mind when they say this is fantastic!!
A) The scripting is horrendous.
B) The acting is worse than Hollyoaks.
C) The editing... Ooooh my lordy lord! Don't go there!
D) The miming. Just... die in the face.
E) The songs... I think this is a personal issue of being on a coach full of kids to Paris, around Paris and back again over 4 days with the same song being sung on repeat from HSM by the whole group, which was led by an obnoxious child who thought she was the next Madonna but infact had nasal issues.
As for the story line?!! I don't get it! I really don't! A popular, intelligent, good looking, rich girl moves school and suddenly doesn't want any attention but falls in love with the popular, rich, good looking, basketball player? Somewhere here... we're supposed to feel sorry for her because she doesn't want to go back to being Miss Amazing.
Oh my heart breaks for her.
And then... the Brother and Sister auditioning for a loved up couple in the School Musical... what on Earth is that about?!
Cannot believe I sat there zombified for it all. I'd rather of had my nose hairs plucked with blunt tweezers all evening.
Pants. Absolute pants!
/end rant
/restart rant
What was the moral? Be yourself and do what you want? Because if that's so, then the fatty girl who break dances gets laughed at and it never really comes back on her! And the kid that bakes crème brulee and cookies? He was laughed at and then when he pursued it, won the heart of the obnoxious teenage twunk who is supposed to be hated by everyone at the end? So really, only do what you want to do if you're rich, gorgeous and popular otherwise you'll look like a muppet. Oh and she?! The nasty plop head girl? The evil cow that sets up all the wrong doings and is a complete moose head? Just by apologising at the end very briefly and smiling sweetly everyone forgives her? So if you're a cow, all you need to do is apologise... there is no comeuppance... other than you might not get the role in a play you want to be in, even if you were the better dancers and singers?
Oh and Mei mei - I now want to see White Noise 2 :) I liked White Noise but felt it was a tad boring so YAY! :D
Admiral Huddy
09-10-2009, 10:02
It's HSM.. What did you expect? :p
Fast and Furious
Vin Diesel and Paul Walker reteam with Michelle Rodriguez and Jordana Brewster for the ultimate chapter of the franchise built on speed! From big rig heists to precision tunnel crawls, Fast & Furious takes you back into the high-octane world to race through crowded city streets and across international lines!
When a crime brings them back to L.A., fugitive ex-con Dom Toretto (Diesel) reignites his feud with agent Brian O'Conner (Walker). But as they are forced to confront a shared enemy, Dom and Brian must give in to an uncertain new trust if they hope to outmaneuver him. And from convoy heists to precision tunnel crawls across international lines, two men will find the best way to get revenge: push the limits of what's possible behind the wheel.
I really enjoyed this, back to the heights of the first one. Just fast pace action with cars and hot women.
London's criminal underworld takes notice of a Russian mobster's shady land deal, a scam that puts millions of dollars up for grabs.
Sheer brilliance just as good as lock stock and snatch. If you liek them you'll like his.
Five men wake up in a locked-down warehouse with no memory of who they are. They are forced to figure out who the good guys and bad guys are in order to stay alive.
Was expecting something between saw and the cube. It was more like the saw without the violence and more boring. It was an enjoyable film, but that was it. Not one I would watch again, but not a complete waste of time.
Interstate 60
Bob Gale, screenwriter of classic comedies like BACK TO THE FUTURE and USED CARS, directed this unique comic fantasy. In it, James Marsden stars as Neal, a young man freshly graduated from high school and unsure of what to do with his life. Torn between his father's vision of himself and his own budding dreams, Neal gets a push in a strange direction when he suffers a blow to the head and begins hallucinating. Sent on a journey by a mysterious man named Ray, Neal drives down a nonexistent highway to deliver a package, only to have his ideas of reality turned inside out.
very bizzare but enjoyable..
The Hunted
When rogue US special forces operative Aaron Hallam (Benicio Del Toro) goes on the rampage, Lieutenant Bonham (Tommy Lee Jones), the man who trained him, is brought out of retirement to track him down and bring him to justice. With the help of tenacious FBI agent Abby Durrell (Connie Nielsen), Bonham must bring down the man who can already anticipate his every move before he kills again.
Brilliant film, fugitive like with more violence. great cast and oh so good. If you like this sort of thing.
Ghost Ship
Horror about a haunted 1960's cruise ship starring Gabriel Byrne as a captain of a salvage ship recruited to tow the cruise ship from the Bering sea. Obviously not all is as it seems as the crew of the salvager start to see ghosts and find they are unable to leave alive.
A lot better than I thought it would be and not to be confused with Deep Rising like I did for some reason. Got to the end of the film, turned to my sister and said "Great, another crap Hollywood ending" not realising it hadn't finished and the ending was actually quite good.
13-10-2009, 09:00
The Proposal
Sandra Bullock* is a sort of high powered woman, who must think on her feet upon hearing that she's to be deported to Canada (eh). She comes up with the idea of a sham wedding, in order to gain the relevant documents and allow her stay in New York to continue. The victim is her assistant, who after quite rightly opposing at first, has a change of heart after negotiating a boost to his career..
I'm pretty much somebody who doesn't mind a romantic comedy if its script is strong enough to appeal to both men and women. But the majority don't therefore I won't watch them voluntarily. I can understand that groups of women (and their boxes of chocolates) would like those ones. I can see the appeal. But with this I can't and it's because the film itself is very confused. It wasn't sure how serious or funny it was supposed to be. Neither was it clear just how deep the message was. Therefore it ends up a very beige affair; it didn't really do anything. It's also soppy and predictable.
The cast is really good (do like Betty White and Bollock (*couldn't resist twice)). The score isn't anything special.
There were a few worse than usual moments regarding product placement. This is the second romantic comedy in a row which has featured some fantastic scenary; it was mostly set in Alaska. It's obvious that certain places are being chosen because of how well they'd look on Blu-Ray. Even when the script could occur anywhere if that makes any sense. Though I guess they have to make the format appealing in all genres and this would be harder in a film which is mostly e.g. non-CGI etc.
Edit - a quick scan on imdb reveals 7/10 which I really disagree with.
The Proposal
Edit - a quick scan on imdb reveals 7/10 which I really disagree with.
Agreed - shockingly awful. We only watched it as we had to kill some time as we were waiting for a train back from Liverpool.
Ryan Reynolds is hot stuff though so for that alone (and the fact you see him nekkid I would give it 6/10 ;)
Some funny scenes in there - esp that ^^ one!
BB x
13-10-2009, 18:13
Agreed - shockingly awful. We only watched it as we had to kill some time as we were waiting for a train back from Liverpool.
Ryan Reynolds is hot stuff though so for that alone (and the fact you see him nekkid I would give it 6/10 ;)
Some funny scenes in there - esp that ^^ one!
BB x
Oh no, that was horrible. You could see it coming a mile off..and then....*slap* oh no they've bumped into each other crotch first while naked.. :facepalm:
13-10-2009, 23:55
Another great film from Pixar. If you're a crier at films - take tissues.
Some really funny moments too...
Loved it. Only thing I would have changed is the print we watched - looks like it had some damage and also at points appeared to be incorrectly coloured. :(
semi-pro waster
17-10-2009, 08:41
Planet Terror
Starring Rose McGowan Freddy Rodriguez Josh Brolin Marley Shelton
Grindhouse film
7/10 Completely brainless and fun, don't think too hard about it, just enjoy the cameos. That the acting is quite poor in places is wierdly part of the chime as it fits with the type of film you're supposed to expect - anyway it was just right for unwinding after a week at work.
18-10-2009, 00:59
National Treasure
Nicholas Cage in an Indiana Jones wannabe. With less fedoras and whips. And Nazi's.
Enjoyable if predictable. Fun way to kill a couple of hours.
Next up: The Sequel! (Lovefilm sent both together :D)
18-10-2009, 01:11
In Bruges
Tried watching this more than once in the past, never really got on with it and switched it off in the first 10-15 minutes.
However, this time watched it all the way though.
Got so much better the longer I watched it.
Colin Farrell is frankly brilliant in this.
18-10-2009, 03:04
National Treasure: Book of Secrets
More Indiana Jones wannabe (inc. bring the family along this time!). Totally daft, turn your brain off stuff.
Both together 5/10. First one's better by a hair though.
Last King of Scotland
Well. What a film. A bit disappointed this morning about it but loved it last night.
Claiming to be based on true events and knowing it was an Oscar winner, I couldn't resist this film. The STORY (I have to emphasise this for later) follows the journey of a Scottish Doctor, Nicholas Garrigan (played by James McAvoy), who flippantly decides to head to Uganda to help treat patients in a missionary camp. It's the 1970's and military dictator Idi Amin has recently taken over presidency from Obote. Through a random series of events, Nicholas ends up meeting and treating Amin for an injury he suffers and within those few moments, Amin takes an instant shine to him and the following few days he invites him to his home and proposes he becomes his personal doctor. Nicholas takes him up on this offer and immediately is treated to a life of luxury, helping Amins family whenever required and aiding in the running of a newly established hospital in Uganda. time unravels, Nicholas (who clearly doesn't do politics) suddenly realises he's got himself into a baaad bad situation with the dictator running amok, bloody murders all round and conspiracy's flying about left right and centre. The situation is made worse by personal affairs and Nicholas, passportless, is left to devise a way to escape the evil dictator...
All in all, brilliant film. The acting was stupendous and the setting was supreme. As an ex film student, I was oozing in delight with some of the subtle camera angles and method of filming - it was really quite a treat in a nerdy way. The story line was absolutely flabbergasting... but what played on my mind was trying to decipher the "true events" from the "fictional".
Hoping desperately that the bulk of the story was true, I read up about it this morning on the tinterweb... only to be disappointed massively. It would seem the whole story of the Scottish Doctor... is quite literally that. A story. Apparently he's based loosely on a Scottish chap Bob Astle, who wasn't a doctor but ran a pineapple farm and aviation service (I can see why they said "loosely"). Apparently this dudey was a close advisor to President Amin. I've also read somewhere that the personal affairs Nicholas gets intertwined in may have been lifted from the true events between Amins wife and an African doctor Mbalu Mukasa. Reading up on it, it would seem this guy could well be the lead doctor in the hospital Junji buuut I'm putting two and two together without much reasoning.
Anyway. Other than the last scene involving a hostage situation and the depiction of how entirely loopy Amin was... as well as a handful of the mass murders mentioned within a minute of the film... there was very little true story behind it.
Disappointing really. It sounds like the *actual* true life story of Amin was crazy enough as it was... I can't understand why they decided to dramatise it with untrue events when it was all pretty mind blowing anyway.
So... prior to knowing it was mainly fictional: 8.5/10
After reading up, the disappointment brought it down to: 6/10
Still, watch it. Very good film all the same, just take the "based on true events and characters" at the beginning with a pinch of salt!
In Bruges is now one of my top ten movies of all time, really enjoyed it (especially Ralph Fiennes' 'cupboard' line :D). I think I reviewed it somewhere in this thread. National Treasure is also really good - me and my old housemate used to watch it every time it was on Sky Movies. Shame the sequel didn't stand up as well.
19-10-2009, 14:42
28 Weeks Later
I saw the previous film 28 Days Later at the cinema and didn't really enjoy it that much. It was a executed well and the script was strong but the problem is that I just don't go for horror/zombie films. I always watch them with a "oh that's ..nice." kind of face and am not easily engrossed. They're either too funny, or just not scary at all.
I didn't really fancy seeing this one, but after the umpteenth person offered to lend me a copy I eventually gave it a whirl last night. And I have to say I really liked it!
The film kicks off 28 weeks after the first but with a new cast. I'm a fan of Robert Carlyle and he puts in a really good performance as first a scared father and then afterwards as an infected zombie.
There's no need to go through the story as I'm sure it's been done already but there were some clever twists. The mood was excellent throughout and the score really played a part in creating it.
I'm looking forward to 28 Months Later which is out in a year or two.
Del Lardo
19-10-2009, 22:55
GI Joe
It's like someone watched Team America and thought it would make a really good action film that should be taken seriously. Lots of action and explosions don't make up for piss poor acting and a non existent story line (even by action film standards).
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