View Full Version : Knee problem

10-09-2008, 14:54
Im going to the docs at some point but I thought I'd ask anyway...

My right knee, it burns! If you bend your knee, in the dent on the inside, from there to halfway up my thigh, it's actually fizzy burning. It gets far worse if I sit with my legs bent and then I cant make it stop no matter how I put it.

Any ideas? Shall I just dremmel the bugger off?

10-09-2008, 14:58
At some point? :/

Go now Pebs, that sounds nasty.

Metalface Mark
10-09-2008, 14:58
Im going to the docs at some point but I thought I'd ask anyway...

My right knee, it burns! If you bend your knee, in the dent on the inside, from there to halfway up my thigh, it's actually fizzy burning. It gets far worse if I sit with my legs bent and then I cant make it stop no matter how I put it.

Any ideas? Shall I just dremmel the bugger off?

It could be anything there, there is loads of stuff going on, muscles, ligaments, tendons. If it burns up your thigh though, its probably a muscle, unless its deferred pain.

If it hurts when your leg is burnt its probably because the muscle is constricted.
Dremmel it off to be on the safe side.

10-09-2008, 15:02
I'd definitely get to the docs as soon as possible, you really don't want to bugger your knees up.

10-09-2008, 15:13
Are you just trying to convince us you're sizzling?

Metalface Mark
10-09-2008, 15:14
I'd definitely get to the docs as soon as possible, you really don't want to bugger your knees up.

No you dont, i had horrible trouble with my left knee, i have one leg bigger than the other, and got a cyro chyrop .. back guy to straighten my back up which he did, but it threw out my knee, and i had problems for 3 or 4 years afterwards.

10-09-2008, 15:36
Pebs, have you done anything strenuous recently? Not the usual, but something more than usual?

Sounds like a stretched muscle. Get some deep heat and rub it in the burning area.

Oh and stop being such a big girl

Admiral Huddy
10-09-2008, 15:40
My knees and ankles are totaly wrecked due to excessive running and squating over the years.. I take Cod Liver Oil and swear by them.. If not taken for a few days, i notice the difference.

Try some stretching to keep supple too. It might be as simple as ligament problems which stretching will sort out over time.. You may be using muscles you haven't used and the ligaments in the joints aren't as robust s muscles.. they take longer to heal. Stretching will give them more flexibilty. I have a feeling mine is a bit more serious.

10-09-2008, 15:49
Im doing some stuff to fix achilles tendonosis in both legs. I've had this for a while though, and it usually only comes on if I've been curled on the sofa so my legs bent as far as then can be. Its gone when I wake up. This has gone on for about 36hours now though and it definitely radiating up my thigh in a very definite thin line. Also seems to be at the bottom of the front of my calf where my leg meets my foot.

Dont get me wrong, it's not horrible pain, it's a fizzy burning feeling. Uncomfortable but fine. If I poke my knee it feels better while the poking is happening then is back as soon as I stop.

Will see doc in the am :)

10-09-2008, 15:50
Oh and stop being such a big girl

But...thats what I AM!

Admiral Huddy
10-09-2008, 15:52
This sound the same as me.. I have developed tendonosis in both calfs.. Can I ask a silly question.. Do you walk or run awkwardly. I tend to walk and run on the balls of my feet which puts strain on the joints and calfs.

10-09-2008, 15:55
This sound the same as me.. I have developed tendonosis in both calfs.. Can I ask a silly question.. Do you walk or run awkwardly. I tend to walk and run on the balls of my feet which puts strain on the joints and calfs.

How the **** can you run on the balls of your feet, even a Dalek has more mobility...

10-09-2008, 15:56
I roll my heels out apparently which is weird as most people roll in. The tendonosis is related to a calf muscle injury that I have no idea how I got, possible being stood on by half a tonne of horse but that was years ago. My achilles tendons though....meh. Sometimes they feel like they're about to ping :(

I'm sure it's not this thats related to it, I've only had one physio sesh and that was last week.

ALSO! I have pain left side of my spine, half way down, def muscular and this drives me NUTS! I end up getting a ball and rolling it up and down against a wall. Possibly rib related. I get this all the time.

Shoot me now! :D I need a live in masseur. Called Sven. In a loincloth.

Admiral Huddy
10-09-2008, 15:59
How the **** can you run on the balls of your feet, even a Dalek has more mobility...

Awkwardly.. I think it stems from when I was younger.. I was the tallest lad in the class by miles for years and I stooped a bit.. I don't do it as much now.. but i still do.. As for running.. a lot more people run on tgheir balls (excuse the pun :D ) then what you think.. When I run on my heels to roll, then my foot goes slightly outwards..

10-09-2008, 16:00
Im doing some stuff to fix achilles tendonosis in both legs. I've had this for a while though, and it usually only comes on if I've been curled on the sofa so my legs bent as far as then can be. Its gone when I wake up. This has gone on for about 36hours now though and it definitely radiating up my thigh in a very definite thin line. Also seems to be at the bottom of the front of my calf where my leg meets my foot.

Dont get me wrong, it's not horrible pain, it's a fizzy burning feeling. Uncomfortable but fine. If I poke my knee it feels better while the poking is happening then is back as soon as I stop.

Will see doc in the am :)

I've always sat with my knees bent out in funny ways and I have flexible knees so it was comfy. It was only on starting to weight train that I discovered that I had overstretched the ligaments on the inside of my knee from doing that and now have a weakness there. I used to get that fizzy burn pain when I did leg extensions.

Get to the docs and check nothing is wrong then strengthen them knees!

Metalface Mark
10-09-2008, 16:07
Im doing some stuff to fix achilles tendonosis in both legs. I've had this for a while though, and it usually only comes on if I've been curled on the sofa so my legs bent as far as then can be. Its gone when I wake up. This has gone on for about 36hours now though and it definitely radiating up my thigh in a very definite thin line. Also seems to be at the bottom of the front of my calf where my leg meets my foot.

Dont get me wrong, it's not horrible pain, it's a fizzy burning feeling. Uncomfortable but fine. If I poke my knee it feels better while the poking is happening then is back as soon as I stop.

Will see doc in the am :)

I always find that too, if im hurting a good poking usually takes the pain away.

10-09-2008, 16:18
I always find that too, if im hurting a good poking usually takes the pain away.

Nothing better! ;)

10-09-2008, 16:27
Nothing better! ;)
Ooh you little minx!

10-09-2008, 17:19
Pebs, rest it. Apply warm heat and do gentle exercise when you're up to it.

Sounds like you're too heavy on either the accelerator or brake to me ;)

Oh, and try Ibuleve gel - works really well on problems like that IME.

10-09-2008, 17:34
Canny offer you any advice. :(

But I can offer you snogs and smooches ;)

10-09-2008, 18:37
Not left a set of love balls in have you :confused:

12-09-2008, 20:58
It's a bit twisted (!) and Im not allowed to curl on the sofa for the time being.

In other news, I've had my second lot of ultrasound on my achilleseseseses. The sore bits were much improved and I walked out pain free again. Until that is I was just walking down the stairs and......twang (an ickle one). t'urt. I did the sensible thing and waggles it around until it went crack and now I'm...curled on the sofa preteding everythings ok.

Sodding legs. Ho hum, I've a day working in Harlow tomorrow to cheer me up. Lots of flowers to my funeral please. LOTS!

12-09-2008, 20:59
Poor Pebs :( Have some wine :D

12-09-2008, 21:00
YES! Purely medicinal mind ;)

12-09-2008, 21:00
You on light duties?

12-09-2008, 21:04
Nope. Not as bad as I'm making it sound. I just want sympathy and maybe some presents. (plus I dont want them finding out about it) The boots are supportive, problems come when I take them off.

12-09-2008, 21:23
I just want sympathy and maybe some presents.
We'll call in on the way past tomorrow and you can have a sup on my cock :D