View Full Version : Wireless help needed

11-09-2008, 15:41
Got a neighbours lappy in which he reckons doesn't pick up wireless anymore, Having a poke about nothing seems wrong no yellow triangles etc & I can radar 3 local connections, unfortunetly they are protected so i cannot try them. As I am a wired bod I could do with a little help in sorting the prob out. How can I identify the prob what fix etc.
All help greatly appreciated.

I'm running the usual scans & stripping out some junk.

11-09-2008, 15:46
Without a wireless network to test it's rather difficult to say.The fact you can see 3 networks means it's working. Might be the signal on his router that is the problem.

11-09-2008, 15:54
A little bit more info (e.g. OS, what you mean by "radar", etc.) wouldn't hurt ;)

Can you "hardwire" to his router to check his settings or are you just trying to sort out the problem away from his router?

11-09-2008, 15:57
If you can see other wireless networks then it suggests that the laptop is not the issue, and it's more likely his router. As AboveTheSalt suggests, go round to his with an ethernet cable and connect directly to his router, and check out the settings there. That's more likely to be the problem area.

11-09-2008, 16:07
Super fast responces, Cheers Dudes.

It's Vista Premium & by Radar I mean the littel scan radar jobby where you see the other networks.
Lappy is at mine hard wired & loving it, Although the poxy keys are doing my head in a bit :p
He has no Interwebz at his house at the mo & had issues at an Internet cafe.
As I said I can scan & pick up 3 password protected networks of other neighbours.
The indicator does say Wireless connection unavailable when you hover over it though in bottom right taskbar. Would it say this because the 3 local are passworded or does that indicate a problem ?

When hardwired it did take a Big windows update & when adaware scanned it picked up 15 or so malware etc.

Thanks for help ;)

11-09-2008, 16:16
Unavailable just means that it isnt connected and cant find a network it's been configured to connect to :)

11-09-2008, 16:26
Well I've done what I can for now & have rung my mate from the shop, I'll take it up there in the morning & test the wireless on his, Cheers all.