View Full Version : Replacing one colour with another in CS3?

12-09-2008, 15:17
Can someone post a simple step by step guide on replacing one colour with another in CS3 please, I've been trying but I can't work it out.

Effectively I need to change the text in this small grab from white to blue.


I don't just want it done, but would like to know _how_ it's done.

Ta :)

PS - Bonus points for saying where it's from ;)

12-09-2008, 15:27
Command + U > Tick Colourize, whack up the saturation and bring down the Lightness, play with the Hue until you have the colour you want.

12-09-2008, 15:27
There are two ways you could do that, one is easy but will only work on white on black like that, there is another way to change other colours (well multiple ways really even for that, depending on the situation).

If you just want that white turning blue, best way would be to open curves, get the black dropper and click the black, to make sure its totally black, then, go to the 'Variations' tool and add in blue and adjust the darkness until you're happy with it.

edit - WotDa's way is better, I have no idea why I didn't think of that :/

12-09-2008, 15:32
Command + U > Tick Colourize, whack up the saturation and bring down the Lightness, play with the Hue until you have the colour you want.

Thats the way I do it :)

12-09-2008, 17:39
Command + U > Tick Colourize, whack up the saturation and bring down the Lightness, play with the Hue until you have the colour you want.

OK, this is what I did, thanks :) but what about the colour replacer tool, that's what I was trying to make work originally. How does that work?

12-09-2008, 18:22
Command + U > Tick Colourize, whack up the saturation and bring down the Lightness, play with the Hue until you have the colour you want.

That's how I would do it also.

Off topic (@ WotDa), I haven't seen you around for a long time!

12-09-2008, 21:28
OK, this is what I did, thanks :) but what about the colour replacer tool, that's what I was trying to make work originally. How does that work?

*Shrugs* I either change colours like that for when I can get away with it, or Select > Colour Range and alt + backspace to fill with the foreground colour.

Colour replacement tool is somewhat weird from what I can gather, alt click to sample a colour and paint, but the results aren't what I would expect. :s

Off topic (@ WotDa), I haven't seen you around for a long time!

You've not been looking hard enough. ;)