View Full Version : Things you eat other people may consider strange.
Metalface Mark
14-09-2008, 16:37
I found myself in an awkward position, we had pitta bread, but no humous, so i searched the cupboards, and saw an aging bottle of salad cream. The pittas were heated, and salad cream was used as dip.
This was probably 6 months ago, but its one of my favorite snacks now, so much so i prefer it to humous.
Do you have any strange eats?
Toast with salt on. Most people tend to go 'huh?'
Yorkshire puddings with jam. Same reaction.
14-09-2008, 16:39
Beans and gravy .. NOM NOM
Cheese and Lemon Curd Sandwich. Most people turn their nose up but you've really got to try it :D
Stan will wrinkle his nose up at this one, but haggis with vinegar, mmmmmm
14-09-2008, 16:41
Banana and Marmite sandwiches are better :p
14-09-2008, 16:42
I get funny looks when I say I sometimes have curry with pasta instead of rice.
Aww the BEST pizza place in Southampton - 2Hot4U. Sounds tacky but was genius!
They had an offer on - two pizzas for £9. You were able to pick 3 of your own toppings and I got in a fluffle because I liked so many of the toppings... but individually. In the end I thought "ahhh screw it" and ordered:
Chicken Tikka
and Prawns
When I went in there and picked it up the guy said it was an odd order and asked if I was preggers.
I certainly didn't look like it at that point but an hour later after consuming it I did.
Also - Salt and Vinegar Pringles and Malteasers.
ooh ohh and Salad cream with Branston pickle is good.
And mashing up hot monster munch and mixing it with a bit of mayo to make a spread is good.
*haven't had any of the above in ages and wants them now*
Oh oh and maple syrup and crispy bacon on pancakes! Can't believe how many people won't try this! It's far too good!
14-09-2008, 16:45
Aww the BEST pizza place in Southampton - 2Hot4U. Sounds tacky but was genius!
Where is that? I'll have to check it out :evil:
Where is that? I'll have to check it out :evil:
Don't. Rubbish, PizzaGoGo in Bedford is better, as is Papa John's if you're feeling a bit more flush.
The charcoal grill in portswood does an awesome pepperoni pizza too actually.
Besides, I think she means PizzaChickenHot4U, not 2Hot4U
14-09-2008, 16:49
Pizzagogo isn't bad actually, but I actually prefer dominoes to any that I've tried so far.
It's on Portswood Road on the corner of Highfield Road!
If you like Indians you HAVE to go to Rice and Spice on Lodge Road. It was a stones throw from where we were - Padwell Road (in fact... I think it was opposite it pretty much!) and the chicken and lamb there is to DIE for! Also super cheap meal offers (£12 for a HUGE meal) and they will swap dishes for you!
*apologies for thread hijack - these places need to be told of though!* ;D
(and divine might be right on the name of the place! There are a few similar named places in Soton! I liked the pizzas! Not greasy but super cheap!)
Rice and Spice is indeed wonderful and was visited many many times when I was in lodge road. My friend is living in padwell road at the moment, but she doesn't go there much. Silly girl.
14-09-2008, 16:55
Nat Raj 5 years ago used to be the best curry in Soton but its crap now.
Cafe Mumba is actually very good for curry (although its a bit out of the norm). Poppadom Express is underated as well.
Rice and Spice is indeed wonderful and was visited many many times when I was in lodge road. My friend is living in padwell road at the moment, but she doesn't go there much. Silly girl.
O Rly!? We were in the Templar Court flats there!
Tell the moo to go there lots! And go to Dock of the Bay too and order their calamari starter! It was PERFECK!
Picky eats tomato sauce sarnies. He's a weirdo!
14-09-2008, 16:58
Tell the moo to go there lots! And go to Dock of the Bay too and order their calamari starter! It was PERFECK!!
Our band studio is right next door to there :p
That reminds me of Kutis as well which is round the corner and also very good :)
14-09-2008, 16:59
I have nettle soup a couple of times a year. :shocked:
Nettle soup ruuuuuuuules! Nom nom nom nom nom!
(Kutis is legendary! Go when the magician is there on Friday nights! James Prince I think he's called! Get him to show you the monkeys!! I demanded Lozza went there and whisked her off - they had some new buffet thing going! Was awesome! They're Dansak though.... *mwah mwah*! *misses southampton* :()
14-09-2008, 17:07
this guy?
We went down there when I was going a video editing course and saw him. Ended up going round his house to record that for the project :p
Kohinoor is a good place for curry in portswood.
I also highly recommend Mango, the little thai place that opened a little while ago, that is fantastic.
14-09-2008, 17:11
The one in Bevois Valley that costs £4.99 for a curry is shockingly bad though - Can't remember the name, but its got all blue fluresent lighting inside.
No idea which place you mean tbh :p
14-09-2008, 17:30
The Raj Dani I'm reliably informed :p
14-09-2008, 17:35
I love eating chopped gerkins with tomato ketchup! NOM NOM NOM NOM :D
Oh I also love eating chocolate and salt and vinegar crisps at the same time! NOM!
Mmmmm I can't think of any worse things at the moment:p
I used to be very partial to a Sandwich with Cheese, Peanut Butter & Marmalade.
Not sure if it's weird but I love chocolate spread on toast after Davey and Lynnie fed me it last year :D
Also used to love cold mashed potato sandwiches, that's left over from my childhood though :D
Also used to love cold mashed potato sandwiches, that's left over from my childhood though :D
Garlic, Cheddar or just plain old mash ?
Oh I also love eating chocolate and salt and vinegar crisps at the same time! NOM!
Chocolate fondue + S&V Pringles + Fridge until hardened = My-perfect-girly-night-in-snack.
I used to be very partial to a Sandwich with Cheese, Peanut Butter & Marmalade.
Despite not being overly keen on Peanut butter... this sounds gooooood. All that's missing is lard to stop the heart from pounding!
Despite not being overly keen on Peanut butter... this sounds gooooood. All that's missing is lard to stop the heart from pounding!
What is nice at Xmas is Extra Mature Cheddar on Tiger Bread, a Scraping of Marmalade and some Turkey. I tried it once in America and it was bloomin lush
14-09-2008, 18:14
Chocolate fondue + S&V Pringles + Fridge until hardened = My-perfect-girly-night-in-snack.
So when is your next girly night in! I think I HAVE to experience that to be quite honest!
I'm partial to pickled cockles :) Nomtastic, but guaranteed to clear a room in five seconds.
What is nice at Xmas is Extra Mature Cheddar on Tiger Bread, a Scraping of Marmalade and some Turkey. I tried it once in America and it was bloomin lush
That does sound like the mutts nuts!
So when is your next girly night in! I think I HAVE to experience that to be quite honest!
I have no fondue buuut I have a microwave for melting chocolate!
Next girly night is t-minus-whenever-Picky-takes-his-smelly-bottom-away-without-I!
I shall invite you down! ;D
I would quite happily try anything edible at least once. I love trying to find new weird tastes.
Oh. Marshmallow toasties don't work. (Well they do kinda but they make a mess)
I'm partial to pickled cockles :) Nomtastic, but guaranteed to clear a room in five seconds.
Hahhahahaha! You just reminded me! My Pas good old Japanese friend - Tigersan - is over to stay with my parents at the moment! He's a complete genius!
My parents took him out to Mudeford the other day for a nice day trip out (went round on a wee train and then to a nice pub for lunch). On the harbour bit there, there's a nice little outdoors fish mongers thingy and they all wondered over to have a look. Some chap was stood there with a freshly bought cup of cockles. Just as he aimed his toothpick on his first cockle to start nomming, Tigersan walked over, nudged his hand to the side, picked out a cockle, ate it, said "Ahhh wery nice! Fahkoo wery muh!" and walked off! He thought he was offering free tasters!
My Dad peed himself laughing and did a runner! Hehehehehe!
Garlic, Cheddar or just plain old mash ?
Just plain mash :)
marmalade and banana sandwiches :)
;D That's brilliant, although I'd have defended my tray of cockles with my life!! :evil:
Fresh>Pickled any day. But still needs a good slug of vinegar... Hungry now!
Strong sharp cheddar and dark rich fruit cake
Cheese on toast with blackcurrant jam
Twix broken up into bits in a bag of salt and vinegar crisps
Pancakes, maple syrup and crispy smoked streaky bacon
Crepes, nutella and cheese
Grits and Primula cheese with chives........ except I can't get any grits around here, must look online.
14-09-2008, 18:47
;D That's brilliant, although I'd have defended my tray of cockles with my life!! :evil:
Fresh>Pickled any day. But still needs a good slug of vinegar... Hungry now!
Fresh cockles with loads of vinegar .. NOM NOM !
14-09-2008, 20:14
My family go nuts with me because i put coleslaw on my rolls and sausage and on the underside i put brown sauce.
i also have crisps with my curry (yummy). Also when i get the ice cream van i put a flake in with a small cup of ice cream then continue to put this on cheese and onion crisps, also very yummy.
Not had it in years, but I always used to dip McDonald's fries in the chocolate shake. Sweet and salty. Yum yum.
I also made a Mars Bar toastie at university. It's surprising how sickly Mars Bar is when all the layers are melted together.
Another favourite was using Hula-Hoops as mini cookie cutters in cream cheese or dairylea.
Next girly night is t-minus-whenever-Picky-takes-his-smelly-bottom-away-without-I!
Wait a minute!! Men enjoy melted chocolate too!!!!
(me doesn't care about masculinity right now... chocolate = nom!)
Tomato, crisp and mayo sandwiches dipped in Sharwoods Sweet Chilli sauce.
I also love frozen peas and eat them by the glass full.
Chips and gravy. Haven't had that since I was last in Canada.
Grilled cheese sandwiches dipped in ketchup.
Ketchup on macaroni & cheese.
A good steak grilled to perfection with sour cream.
Those are some of the ones that get me the weirdest looks.
15-09-2008, 03:08
I love chips and gravy. Utterly spot on. Might make some now actually..
This thread has made me slightly hungry. Is that a bad thing ? :p
Peanut Butter and Marmite sandwiches, I know Mr Pitch likes these too.
I also ate a fingerful of peanut butter while making coffee the other day and felt the need to splash some Worcestershire sauce in my mouth with it. My tongue burned but it was nice.
15-09-2008, 08:37
Stan will wrinkle his nose up at this one, but haggis with vinegar, mmmmmm
Freak :p
I get funny looks when I say I sometimes have curry with pasta instead of rice.
I do that a lot too - in fact, I was at a loss last night for something to have for supper so I boiled up some macaroni and heated my emergency tin of chicken curry, lobbed it all in a bowl and nommed it up. I'm not a huge fan of rice so I have to be in the mood but I'm always in the mood for pasta.
I'm quite partial to bread and jam dipped in my cup of tea but I haven't had it in ages. I used to like sausage sandwiches with marmalade but I've gone off that now.
Metalface Mark
15-09-2008, 09:02
I love chips and gravy. Utterly spot on. Might make some now actually..
I was in Dublin at the weekend, they have these fabulous little american diners called Joe Rockets.
They sell chips with gravy, they call them wet fries, i had about 3 bowls over the weekend :D
Chips with gravy is nothing that strange really.
Not sure if dunking bacon flavour wheat crunchies in ones ale is considered strange but I get strange looks when I do it.
I love chips and gravy. Utterly spot on. Might make some now actually..
I'm always getting stick for that, apparently it's the Northerner in me. But let's face it, chips and gravy is devine ;D
Metalface Mark
15-09-2008, 09:13
Chips with gravy is nothing that strange really.
Not sure if dunking bacon flavour wheat crunchies in ones ale is considered strange but I get strange looks when I do it.
Id agree chips with gravy isnt strange, it is lovely though :)
Dunking crisps into booze is a cardinal sin though;)
New Chippery, Smithdown Road, Liverpool.
Best ever chips and gravy.
white pudding sandwiches, on toast with the crusts cut off. with Chef brown sauce.
I dont think it is strange at all, but other people give me funny looks for it.
I was in Dublin at the weekend, they have these fabulous little american diners called Joe Rockets.
Eddie Rockets? We've got one of those in Swansea :) Not been to it yet though.
Chips and gravy seem pretty normal round here too.
Does anyone else consider fruit cake and cheese wierd?
I never thought it was untill I moved in with my other half and he nearly vomited when I said I liked it...
Fruit cake and cheese is fairly traditional.
I'm liking some of the combinations in this thread, and also realising I'm not as weird as I thought.
Crisps and chocolate - always liked this.
Chips and gravy - perfectly normal up North, looked at like an alien if you order it down here.
Mcdonalds fries and choc milkshake - I honestly thought I was the only one who did that!
My ex used to make Marmite and salad cream sandwiches which were actually rather nice.
Mcdonalds fries and choc milkshake - I honestly thought I was the only one who did that!
Mic does it all the time with strawberry milkshake
I feel normal... well relatively. I haven't had Fries and Milkshake for ages! Has to be strawberry though!
Nom nom!
Chocolate and lemonade, together.
I always put the chocolate in the side of my mouth near my cheek, then drink the lemonade. Dunno why, I have always done it, I like it when the bubbles go on the chocolate :)
Admiral Huddy
15-09-2008, 11:43
Scrambled eggs and oats..
and people laugh at my protein shakes :)
I like it when the bubbles go on the chocolate :)
Try Aero? :rolleyes:
Try Aero? :rolleyes:
I dont eat aero. It's nestle :)
and its not the same!!!
I dont eat aero. It's nestle :)
and its not the same!!!
Wispa then.
Mature cheddar on a gingernut. Delish.
Mature cheddar on a gingernut. Delish.
I love cheese...I love gingernuts....WHY have I never tried them together?!?!?!? *plans shopping list*
Wispa then.
bubble chocolate AND bubble lemonade!
bubble chocolate AND bubble lemonade!
Add Space Dust and you may well live up to your screen name!
Add Space Dust and you may well live up to your screen name!
:D whats space dust?
:D whats space dust?
OMG OMG OMG, I'll be ordering some of those!
15-09-2008, 15:14
OMG OMG OMG, I'll be ordering some of those!
I ordered a quarter of them last year...
15-09-2008, 16:36
OMG OMG OMG, I'll be ordering some of those!
I want some of them soooooooo bad!
Did I tell you all its my birthday soon?
15-09-2008, 17:58
I don't think i have anything weird that i eat but i do have stupid eating habits that have now become so engrained i've no idea how to talk myself out of them. Mainly to do with the textures of some food i refuse to eat a lot of fruit and veg because of it :(
15-09-2008, 18:16
Scrambled eggs and oats..
and people laugh at my protein shakes :)
I got funny looks and questions from my work mates when a 5lb tub of protein turned up at work for me ..
" why are you taking that ? You'll end up with huge muscles " :rolleyes:
Do you have the full egg scrambled or just the whites ? :)
My family go nuts with me because i put coleslaw on my rolls and sausage and on the underside i put brown sauce.
Nothing wrong with some coleslaw in rolls, nor sausages (hot or cold) nor brown sauce; Infact it sounds great!
When I was at school, greasy crispy chips from the canteen were frequently smothered in icing sugar and hundreds and thousands from an iced finger. Was amazingly gorgeous. Pink icing was the best... :umbrella::wave:
16-09-2008, 19:20
Nothing wrong with some coleslaw in rolls, nor sausages (hot or cold) nor brown sauce; Infact it sounds great!
Yay! thank you xx :D try it.
I don't think I eat anything weird hmmm.
Faysh eats marmite and peanut butter, I saw he posted it but thought I'd say bleugh its yuk and his breath stinks sooooo bad that I almost vomit.
I like ham and pickled onion sandwich :D nom nom
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