View Full Version : Metallica

15-09-2008, 09:12
For any other fans 7pm-midnight tonight radio 1 are doing a Metallica night :)

15-09-2008, 09:13
For any other fans 7pm-midnight tonight radio 1 are doing a Metallica night :)

Oooh, thanks for the heads up. I hardly ever listen to the Radio but that's worth tuning in for :)

Metalface Mark
15-09-2008, 13:48
Cheers, went to see them in Dublin a few weeks ago, they were awesome.

I noticed the new album is available on PS3 and 360 to download for guitar hero games.

16-09-2008, 21:08
New album is OK. Unforgiven III particularly enjoyable. Sadly though, they will never ever return to their glory days.

16-09-2008, 21:11
I saw them in Manchester Gmex yonks ago, they were awesome.

I did hear some of the Metallica night on R1 last night, top tune-age, reminded me of being long-haired again!

16-09-2008, 21:36
Latest album reminded me of MOP, which is a good thing. Took me right back to me teenage years!

16-09-2008, 21:38
Really? I didn't think the solo's were so good actually.. Kirk's lead is not what it once was.

17-09-2008, 09:07
It can't touch MOP's perfection for me, but at least it's better than the cack they've done in the last few years.

I do love the energy of the 5.98 EP Garage Days Re-Revisted though.

Funny thing is that when my son hit 13 he went through my record collection and now plays all the stuff I was playing at that age!

17-09-2008, 19:49
not a particularly good album. Though i suppose you need to like Metallica to enjoy it.
I have also never forgiven them for Napstar.

Metalface Mark
18-09-2008, 11:55
Yeh curse them for stopping folk stealing their work. grrr.

18-09-2008, 12:49
I loved Napster :(

20-09-2008, 22:25
Yeh curse them for stopping folk stealing their work. grrr.

Like they needed the money, that's what annoyed me most.

21-09-2008, 09:28
Yeh curse them for stopping folk stealing their work. grrr.
You can gladly steal any of my work.

21-09-2008, 21:59
Like they needed the money, that's what annoyed me most.

Lets get this in perspective.
Metallica allow people to bootleg their concerts but they don't want them to steal their studio work.
They even used to set pits up where you could bring any type of recording gear you wanted to.
Sounds fair to me.