View Full Version : Queen + Paul Rodgers

15-09-2008, 19:35
This long awaited offering from 'Queen' is out today. The single has been on youtube for a while now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mz3Xsg4zj10

What do we think? Masterstroke or complete flop? He's very different to Mercury, and his writing skills are alarmingly lacklustre in comparison, but what I've heard isn't bad, not bad at all.

15-09-2008, 19:58
Got the album this weekend.

Only mamaged to listen to it once, and it's not bad. Will have to give it a proper listen later.

However, a warning for anyone who may buy it.

AVOID the CD+DVD little book edition. The disks are held in place in little cardboard packets inside each cover, but they are held in so tight that sliding them out scratches the buggery out of the disks.

I've already made a copy of each as I feel that the amount that I tend to listen to new albums means this one would be wrecked in a couple of weeks.

Is it too much to ask to have some packaging that doesn't damage the disks inside?!


16-09-2008, 18:24
I've got it playing now and it seems a bit bland. The first track (Cosmos Rockin') was good but it's just dropped into middle of the road soft rock now. I'm only half way through though so it has a chance to redeem itself.

16-09-2008, 18:57
It's not Queen. The vocals are incredibly cheesy, there is no smooth flow into the chorus and generally there is nothing to hook my into liking it. Both the vocals and the guitar are working against the best in the verse.

Poor quality overall.

16-09-2008, 19:03
Talk about selling out.

16-09-2008, 20:28
Why is it selling out? Was it selling out when Peter Gabriel left Genesis and Phil Collins took his place? Band lineups often change, why should this be any different?

16-09-2008, 20:30
Why is it selling out? Was it selling out when Peter Gabriel left Genesis and Phil Collins took his place? Band lineups often change, why should this be any different?

Queen had more albums, Peter Gabriel didn't die, Phil Collins didn't originally join the band as a 'tribute' singer so that they could tour, and Gensis changed massively with Collins as the singer.

16-09-2008, 20:32
I accept that it's not a great album, perhaps two or three tracks but I don't see a problem with it happening - It's not 'Queen', it's 'Queen + Paul Rodgers' *shrug*

16-09-2008, 21:04
There is just something about 50+ year old guys trying to look cool on stage and singing about being a c-lebrity....shudder

17-09-2008, 09:08
Pass the bucket over Freddie ...

21-09-2008, 22:02
This album is worserer than the worserest album made by Bad Company.
Very poor effort from two of rocks finest masters.