View Full Version : Do you have an alias?

19-09-2008, 15:35
Was listening to Radio 1 at lunch, people were told to call in with their alias. I managed to hear stories of "Midnight Anderson" and "Silky Johnson" before I went back to work ;D So, have any of you used a fake name to pretend to be someone else?

I used to be Roxanna Kalamchi :cool: I would put on a fake American accent and trick blokes in pubs to buy me beer. Good times :D

19-09-2008, 15:42
I once got an american girl to show me her wabs on a webcam using the alias Dave Angel.


19-09-2008, 15:43

Are you gay? I sense a ;) was missing from your post ;D

19-09-2008, 15:44
I once got an american girl to show me her wabs on a webcam using the alias Dave Angel.


Bad girl

19-09-2008, 15:49
I once told a girl at work my name was Pete and I had an evil ex-girlfriend. I got her to come round my house but alas she wouldn't sleep with me.


19-09-2008, 15:49
Are you gay? I sense a ;) was missing from your post ;D

Gays are an affront to God.

19-09-2008, 15:56
I once told a girl at work my name was Pete and I had an evil ex-girlfriend. I got her to come round my house but alas she wouldn't sleep with me.

Oh the shame.

19-09-2008, 16:14
I once told a girl at work my name was Pete and I had an evil ex-girlfriend. I got her to come round my house but alas she wouldn't sleep with me.


Sounds like you needed 'The Gentleman's Friend':

http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/3226/1rohypnolzw8.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/1rohypnolzw8.jpg/1/w500.png (http://g.imageshack.us/img140/1rohypnolzw8.jpg/1/)

19-09-2008, 16:46
Sounds like you needed 'The Gentleman's Friend':

I think she tried that on me actually! I'm immune now.