View Full Version : Getting new ink ..

20-09-2008, 12:22

Booked in at 2pm, will be leaving soon.

Getting a devil's tail on my lower back to compliment my wings :D

20-09-2008, 12:57
Sounds interesting! Would love to see the results and any other ink you have - that goes for all members (although I think we've all seen Blackstar's Spinal & Back pieces! :D )

Where are you going for your inkworks? :)

20-09-2008, 13:03
Yayayayayayayayay :D :D :D
I want more ink!!! I just need someone to draw up what I want done and then decide if I'm going back to Emma or if I'm going to try a new tattooist.

20-09-2008, 13:12
I'd love more, unfortunately the evil bank people say i can't. But now i have a job...we'll see.

Good luck Piggy :D

20-09-2008, 13:22
My next one I want is something like this:

but more old broken marble looking, with the symbol looking more like this:

and then following the curve of the oval underneath, I want something similar to this:

As I want it on my left ankle the scorpion may end up curving round onto my foot.

20-09-2008, 14:35
Good luck Piggy!
I'm going to get my wrist cleaned up soon, and then I want some paws going up my foot/ankle.

20-09-2008, 14:41
Pebs is your wristwork an unfinished piece, a piece you don't like or a covering job? :)

20-09-2008, 15:08
I love it but the person who did it made a total mess of it. He pressed so hard I felt like I was having my wrists sliced with knives and it's very thick and blurry. It's going to get tidied up and improved hopefully....I'll see what they suggest.

If it cant be made lovely I wont lose any sleep over it, it means a lot to me and if it stays how it is it's not the end of the world.

You done yet Piggy?

20-09-2008, 15:34
She wont be back for a while as she's out with someone else who's having something done as well :)

20-09-2008, 15:36
Any pics of your work Pebs? :) I love seeing other people's ink - they can be so interesting, notably when you hear why and what relevance (if any) the work has :)

20-09-2008, 15:41
I've been working on mine for the last few weeks :) Look forward to seeing yours!

20-09-2008, 16:32

20-09-2008, 19:57
I'm back !!

Sweet baby moses on stilts I've forgotton how much it bloody hurts !!

Took us ages to get the design/positioning right as it was sooo important to get it tied in with my wings and also I didn't want it too low ... pointless only being able to see half a tail ;D

He was really good and patient and advised against a few bits I wanted and I think he's done a bloody good job.

Went to these guys :


They're pretty busy, have a 2 month waiting list. Cost is £60 an hour :)

It really, really sodding hurt but I'm chuffed to bits with it :D




Think it will look awesome once it's healed and the colour matches my wings more :)

/is sore

20-09-2008, 20:03
Wow its loads bigger than I imagined!! Ties in much better than my thoughts thought it would, really nice!! :D

20-09-2008, 20:07
That looks awesome hun. I loved the idea and IMO the execution - design, size and placement - is perfect with the wings. Muchos sympathy for the soreness!

20-09-2008, 20:09
Awww thanks girlies !

I have to confess as I left I was about 90% happy until I came home and saw my entire back... now I LOVE it :D

20-09-2008, 20:10
Looking good :) tat does too ;)

20-09-2008, 20:13
Yesterday at Pigmopad
Piggymon: "Tattoos don't hurt, they just tickle a bit"
Feek: *raises eyebrow*

Today on Boat Drinks
Piggymon: "It really, really sodding hurt"

Looks good though, and I got home only smelling slightly Piggymonish! I did phone Mrs. Feek on the way and warn her :)

20-09-2008, 20:20
Looks awesome Piggy, really like it. :)

Feek, i think its one of those things. Sometimes it hurts other times it doesn't. Just a try it and see type of experience.

20-09-2008, 20:21
I forgot how much they actually hurt :o

Once it's done though the pain is just all gone and forgotton :D

20-09-2008, 20:21
Looking good :) tat does too ;)

Total agreement here. :D

20-09-2008, 20:23
Looks great, but now it looks like it's missing something in the middle bit. Got any plans to put something there?

20-09-2008, 20:26
Looks great, but now it looks like it's missing something in the middle bit. Got any plans to put something there?

Nope, I think I'm done :)

I think it will look more like 1 peice once it's healed and the same colour as my wings.

20-09-2008, 20:42
I think you've done a great job in viewing your body as an overall 'piece' - now your back's looking ace and you've avoided what I like to call the 'dreaded patchwork quilt' effect!

Soon as your fully healed it'd be great to see another picture for best effect! :D

20-09-2008, 20:44
Roger roger ! :D

20-09-2008, 21:02
Rodger roger ! :D

Not today, not sure he'd like it too much :p

aweome looking tat, going to have to book mine soon, who wants to come with me and laugh at me?

21-09-2008, 09:36
It's lovely. :)

21-09-2008, 09:56
Ooooh looks gooood! (Sore! But goood!)

Roger roger ! :D

You'll make my man all excited saying that!! ;D

21-09-2008, 11:41
:cool: Cool!

You know what since we went shopping in Newcastle Metrocentre (think it was) and you found a top (think it was the one you wore on friday?), whenever I am out shopping I look for 'Piggy tops' (as in backless tops) :D

Was in Cult Clothing yesterday in Canterbury doing just the thing... thing is... this new addition is going to make the job harder lol! ;)

BB x

21-09-2008, 11:46
That's exactly the one I wore on Friday !

Piggytops .. LMAO !! ;D

Already got one which will show both off ;)

21-09-2008, 12:26
May I just butt in with something I do indeed find HILLARIOUS!...

"Pigmopad" !!!! :D:D:D

Amazing! *chuckles*

21-09-2008, 20:21
LOL! That really has tickled you hasn't it ? ;)

21-09-2008, 22:27
Really like it Piggy. Think it's made a lovely whole piece and I think you are right to want to keep it as it is with just those two bits together. Love it :thumbsup:

22-09-2008, 07:09
Thanks hun ! :)

Had my first shower with it today, expected it to hurty but it was ok.

Quite a few ickle scabs have come off and it's starting to look a lot clearer. I can lie on my back now without it hurting but still going to miss my leg pressing tonight cos I think that will put too much pressure on it.

Admiral Huddy
22-09-2008, 08:25
Nice work.. When I first read this I thought "oh no, not the red devils tail " but the choice you made is superb.

22-09-2008, 17:55
Had my first shower with it today, expected it to hurty but it was ok.

I can lie on my back now without it hurting but still going to miss my leg pressing tonight cos I think that will put too much pressure on it.

<erupts into childish giggles...and my pants> :p

22-09-2008, 19:06
Nice work.. When I first read this I thought "oh no, not the red devils tail " but the choice you made is superb.
Thanks Huddy :)

<erupts into childish giggles...and my pants> :p

Exercise dear ... exercise ! :rolleyes: :p

22-09-2008, 23:50
Looks really, really good! I wish I was brave enough to get a tat but I'm a big wuss!

I think I've got those same pants.... :D

27-09-2008, 12:42
Debenhams bestest !! ;D

New pics, healed up really well :



I have changed my knickers since last week .. honest :o

27-09-2008, 12:56
Looking at that close up pic, I think it could have been shaded a little better tbh but it's done now :p

27-09-2008, 12:58
i actually think that shading is really well done. the kinda ribbed effect of the actual tail is great. the only bit that looks a bit off just now is the skinburst at the top, but that's still healing so if it goes a bit lighter it'll look much better i think.

27-09-2008, 13:01
Maybe I'm just comparing it to my wings too much :/

Will see how the skinburst looks once it's healed properly, can always get some more work done on it at a later date :)

Thanks dude :)

Von Smallhausen
27-09-2008, 13:13
Might join you Piggy.

I got a move to another department at work that I was after and might treat myself to another tattoo.

27-09-2008, 13:13
Looks great :)

27-09-2008, 13:26
im just waiting on the outline of mine healing to go get the shading done. seems to be taking ages though. ingrown hairs are so much more of an effort than the actual tattoo though.

27-09-2008, 14:55
im just waiting on the outline of mine healing to go get the shading done. seems to be taking ages though. ingrown hairs are so much more of an effort than the actual tattoo though.

THe mind boggles...where is this tattoo? ;D

I saw a picture of a lady with bats tattooed on her upper inner thigh last night, some hilarious reference to a batcave. It was very weird.

Von Smallhausen
27-09-2008, 15:29
THe mind boggles...where is this tattoo? ;D

I saw a picture of a lady with bats tattooed on her upper inner thigh last night, some hilarious reference to a batcave. It was very weird.

Was Batman in there ?

27-09-2008, 17:06
THe mind boggles...where is this tattoo? ;D
It's on 'is leg he has hairy legs :p