View Full Version : New mobile phone, ****ers

22-09-2008, 17:07
I'm due an upgrade but other than the iPhone (which is prohibitively expensive, I'd rather get a normal phone then perhaps a touch) and maybe an Omnia which doesn't seem to be out yet - I don't know what to choose. I created this thread so that you, the man on the street, can tell me what to buy...


22-09-2008, 17:09
HTC Touch HD, sure it's not actually out yet, but it's the size of the iphone, with a higher res screen, and a better camera. Failing that if you really need a qwerty keyboard with your phone, Sony Xperia X1.
Personally I'd get the iphone anyway.

22-09-2008, 17:09
Must it be touchscreen CBS? What I mean to say is, do you NEED an interface you can touch? IS THIS YOUR MOTIVATION?

22-09-2008, 17:11
Must it be touchscreen CBS? What I mean to say is, do you NEED an interface you can touch? IS THIS YOUR MOTIVATION?

That motivation thing borders on witty, if only iCraig were around.

I want a touch so that I can read eBooks on the train, other than that I just want a phone. If its an iPhone equivalent I might just get the phone rather than phone+touch.

22-09-2008, 17:12
Personally I'd get the iphone anyway.

It's literally cheaper to get a phone and a touch.

22-09-2008, 17:14
I want a touch so that I can read eBooks on the train, other than that I just want a phone.

Get a normal phone that does nothing more than receive and make calls and get yourself a library ticket, then spend the 300 quid you've saved on lager and crackwhores.


22-09-2008, 17:15
That motivation thing borders on witty, if only iCraig were around.

*runs in*

*squeezes bald head*

*runs out*

22-09-2008, 17:15
Chops posits a challenging argument.

22-09-2008, 17:16

You can change covers and EVERYFINK!

22-09-2008, 17:17
Get a normal phone that does nothing more than receive and make calls and get yourself a library ticket, then spend the 300 quid you've saved on lager and crackwhores.


300 buys a lotta crackwhore, unfortunately it buys one big fat one rather than lots of svelte ones.

I don't think anyone makes a simple phone anymore. I think I'd like a quick and simple one that was small, but they're all ****ers handsets that have functions I don't need.

22-09-2008, 17:18
You can change covers and EVERYFINK!

I remember those days with ringtones that sounded like Jet Set Willy, and everyone thinking it was magic when they made a phoen without an aerial.

22-09-2008, 17:21
Surely trying to read an ebook on an iPhone screen is going to be really ****ing painful?

You either need tiny text that will strain your eyes or limit yourself to two or 3 lines of text at a time...

22-09-2008, 17:23
To be serious(ish) for a second, I agree. I've had enough of my TyTNII, in fact I would eve go so far as to say I don;t like it much anymore. WM6 is slow and clunky compared to the OS on my iPod Touch, which just makes me want an iPhone. Plus I'm a corporate whore with a StrawBerry now so I don't need the email features. If I could give the HTC away for a smart thin handset that has a superb battery life and decent coverage, I'd do it. Only smartphone app I'd miss is Google Maps.

CBS, how about the Nokia 6500?



22-09-2008, 17:25
Not a nokia fan. If Samsung did a small slider I'd be sold

22-09-2008, 17:26
I've thought about the iPhone but I'm not concinced WiFi coverage would be decent enough to justify the £35 per 18 month contract cost plus £100 phone costs. I don't care if it begins with an "i", I'm not going to suck Jobs' dick.

22-09-2008, 17:34
What is it?
My "I want a new second hand phone" post.

Sell me you old phone (as long as it's not crap)

22-09-2008, 17:44
My "I want a new second hand phone" post.

Sell me you old phone (as long as it's not crap)

Never miss a call from the office again


22-09-2008, 17:48
CBS, how about the Nokia 6500?

I have the slide version of that and love it :)

22-09-2008, 17:55
As you say, most phones these days do far more than you need them too. Trouble is, if you want to be able to read eBooks then you need something fairly good but then it will come loaded with junk you don't want, and usually at a price.

I'm happy with my Touch Diamond and it will do what you want. But I wouldn't recommend it as a "simple" phone.

22-09-2008, 17:56
I have the none slide version... and I have only just activated it but it's gooooood!

Canny help you if you're not a nokia lover. Tis all I have ever had - they're Pheebs proof see.

Dude - your titling for this thread isn't particularly nice now is it :p

22-09-2008, 17:57
Canny help you if you're not a nokia lover. Tis all I have ever had - they're Pheebs proof see.

T'is the first nokia I've had :)

22-09-2008, 17:58
Love my Nokia n82, and am going to struggle to find another I wubs as much when it comes time for my upgrade.

22-09-2008, 18:01
Dude - your titling for this thread isn't particularly nice now is it :p


22-09-2008, 18:03

I R under the stars :D

(note use of caps AND none caps in one sentence ;) tis genius is it not ;))

Sam - you'll love Nokia! You're about as clumsy and butter fingered as I so will soon learn they're unbreakable (bit like Bruce Willus). :)

22-09-2008, 18:03

Now what have I told you about too much sugar in your diet? :p ;D :p

22-09-2008, 18:06
Sam - you'll love Nokia! You're about as clumsy and butter fingered as I so will soon learn they're unbreakable (bit like Bruce Willus). :)

Dis is NOT a challenge.. either of you!

22-09-2008, 18:07
Dis is NOT a challenge.. either of you!


22-09-2008, 18:12
Surely trying to read an ebook on an iPhone screen is going to be really ****ing painful?


A device for prolonged reading sessions they are not.

22-09-2008, 18:43
I ordered an Omnia on saturday. I've heard really good reviews on it :)

22-09-2008, 18:49
CBS, check out HP's new range of Smartphones and PDAs. Other than that, the latest HTCs are a good bet. I've got an HTC myself and it's been pretty good other than the lame video speed (which I don't care about anyway) and the only real annoying thing, the backlight dimming after a phone call and remaining so until the power is cycled. Check your prospective phone for any such bugs as they can be pretty annoying. That's another benefit of buying from a decent brand such as HP - they'll at least release firmware updates unlike HTC and others.

22-09-2008, 19:03
The Omnia does look cool. I'm saving to get the C902 by SE I think, 8.1MP = Nice!

22-09-2008, 19:18
8.1MP will look crap if it's still a small rubbish sensor with a plastic lens like the rest of their phone cameras are still.

22-09-2008, 19:43
8.1MP will look crap if it's still a small rubbish sensor with a plastic lens like the rest of their phone cameras are still.

Yup, the more MP the ****ter the picture will actually look unless the sensors are improved (which they aren't!).

22-09-2008, 20:16
The Omnia does look cool. I'm saving to get the C902 by SE I think, 8.1MP = Nice!

Wait a month or so, the C905 is coming out :)

Oh yeah, and what divine and chuckles have said about the camera thing too.

22-09-2008, 20:32
If you buy an 8MP phone just because it has 3 more MP than your previous, then you're the reason that the marketing department exists and therefore you are also clearly a ****ing poison to society.

It seems there are a lot of spanking new phones coming out soon, the C905 looks good - an SE slider might be cool.

22-09-2008, 20:50
If you buy an 8MP phone just because it has 3 more MP than your previous, then you're the reason that the marketing department exists and therefore you are also clearly a ****ing poison to society.
Why so swearious?

It seems there are a lot of spanking new phones coming out soon, the C905 looks good - an SE slider might be cool.
I nearly forgot as well... A spanky new phone won't get you a date :evil:

22-09-2008, 21:39
It's literally cheaper to get a phone and a touch.

I know, but I'd still get it, I like convergence devices. Although if you want to read ebooks, get a Sony Reader device, size of a paperback, carry hundreds of books if you want and battery life that will outlast any backlit screen device (I know, I have one :))

22-09-2008, 22:07
N96 comes out at the end of the month I think. Might be worth holding out for one of them...

23-09-2008, 08:34
What is the optimum pixel count for taking grainy B&W pictures of gravestones?

23-09-2008, 08:58
Had any thoughts about the android phone? T-Mobile are due to bring one out soon. Info here (http://www.engadget.com/2008/09/22/meet-the-t-mobile-g1/)

EDIT: If the N96 is anything like the N95 I'd make sure you always have your charger with you.

23-09-2008, 14:28
What is the optimum pixel count for taking grainy B&W pictures of gravestones?
Canon A1 and Ilford FP1

24-09-2008, 06:29
8.1MP will look crap if it's still a small rubbish sensor with a plastic lens like the rest of their phone cameras are still.

Yup, the more MP the ****ter the picture will actually look unless the sensors are improved (which they aren't!).

This I can confirm. The pictures I took with my SE K800i with it's 3.2MP are twice as good as the pics I get with my 5MP Sammy G800.

If you're looking for a fairly basic, good quality, reliable phone with a passable camera, you could do a lot worse than the K800i - I'm seriously considering ditching the Sammy and going back to it.

24-09-2008, 07:07
My n82 is a 5mp Carl Zeiss, with a xenon flash, and it takes some pretty stonking photos I have to say.

24-09-2008, 12:38
Just to clarify the comment about megapixels - we're not saying an 8mp phone wouldn't be an improvement, just that the number of megapixels doesn't measure the quality of the camera - just the size of the pictures.

24-09-2008, 13:17
It's the sensor size and 'glass' that count. More megapixels on the same size sensor = more pixels/inch = less available photons/pixel = crappier image. It's Physics, Jim.

24-09-2008, 13:24
It's the sensor size and 'glass' that count. More megapixels on the same size sensor = more pixels/inch = less available photons/pixel = crappier image. It's Physics, Jim.

To an extent, dependant on processing from the sensor. Going by purely that logic, the 5Dii would have a much worse image than the D700 which has a sensor the same size with almost half as many pixels but we all know this won't be the case.

However, in the case of phone cameras, this will usually be true as they dont put so much effort in. My K850i looks worse than the K800i most of the time at 100% as the noise would have been worse and it has a lot of fairly poor noise reduction performed on it that really shows up when viewed full size.

24-09-2008, 13:29
Aye - exception for dSLR as they put the effort in to make better quality sensors to compensate. While you're going to end up with less photons, there are things you can do to improve the detection of those and thus improve the image.

Most cheapo cameras (phones included) just use the same old same old sensor technology and cram in more pixels, which will, eventually fall on its derrière.