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03-04-2009, 08:01
Awwww shes lovely! One day I will have some ratties.

03-04-2009, 10:23
Aww they are all lovely!

03-04-2009, 16:55
Aww Esk is a cutie! In fact all your babies are cuties! :)

07-04-2009, 22:26
After getting home a couple of hours ago from a great long weekend away seeing friends, we discovered Esk unable to move in the hammock. It looks like the others had been curling up with her to keep her warm. We tried syringing her sugar water and cleaning her up and putting her on the heat pad but even though she was drinking, it wasn't helping. Jayne had checked on all of the rats 8pm yesterday and she has said that everyone was getting on, everyone was happy, everyone was healthy, so whatever happened had happened within the last 24 hours. We took her to an out of hours vet who said it could be a neurological problem although some of the symptoms were like major organ failure. Right up to the end she was still trying to wash but her body and limbs just weren't responding. She was pts about an hour ago.

07-04-2009, 22:27
Bye Bye little girly :( :'(

07-04-2009, 22:28

Im so sorry Tak, things like this never get any easier, no matter how many times you have to go through it.

If I was there i'd give you a hug.

Sleep well Esk, RIP

07-04-2009, 22:33
So sorry to hear that Tak :(

Not the first thing you want to deal with after being away.

07-04-2009, 22:36
So sorry Sam *hugs* RIP little girly.

08-04-2009, 00:29
Sorry to hear that. She looked like a fantastic girly.

RIP Little one. :(

08-04-2009, 05:49
Oh no Sam, I'm so sorry :(

08-04-2009, 07:15
Thanks guys. I'll probably have a rant over out of hours vets costs later.

08-04-2009, 08:27
Awww Sam :( *hugs*

Snuggle Ferret
08-04-2009, 12:52
After getting home a couple of hours ago from a great long weekend away seeing friends, we discovered Esk unable to move in the hammock. It looks like the others had been curling up with her to keep her warm. We tried syringing her sugar water and cleaning her up and putting her on the heat pad but even though she was drinking, it wasn't helping. Jayne had checked on all of the rats 8pm yesterday and she has said that everyone was getting on, everyone was happy, everyone was healthy, so whatever happened had happened within the last 24 hours. We took her to an out of hours vet who said it could be a neurological problem although some of the symptoms were like major organ failure. Right up to the end she was still trying to wash but her body and limbs just weren't responding. She was pts about an hour ago.

Oh no, Guys, I'm really sorry to hear about the little one :-(

08-04-2009, 13:00
I am sorry you guys :(

08-04-2009, 13:14
Sorry to hear that :(

08-04-2009, 19:25
The others keep looking at me when I go in the living room or open the cage waiting for me to bring her back :'(

Thanks guys. I'll probably have a rant over out of hours vets costs later.

The out of hours rant - whilst I have no hesitation paying vet bills, the out of hours charges always piss me off; for Esk I had to pay over £100 for them to put her to sleep.

08-04-2009, 19:29
Bloody hell!!!

Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
08-04-2009, 19:29
:( Sorry to hear that Sam :(

19-04-2009, 18:06
I was hoping my next update in this thread would be happy stuff; about Stibbons and Ridcully who now live with Carrot and Nobby but I hadn't got around to it - wanted to get some good photos of them first.

Instead my reason for this update is that Cmot died on my chest about an hour ago. Sweet dreams my old man

19-04-2009, 18:08

R.I.P. Cmot xx

19-04-2009, 18:27
Poor little boy. He had a happy life though and went in a happy peaceful way.

19-04-2009, 21:55
Oh no, two little peeps gone in such quick sucession :(

21-04-2009, 14:44
:( Sorry Tak.

08-05-2009, 17:59
Can't believe I'm posting this - I came home from work a little while ago and found Carrot had died in the cage. Mic said he was fine a few hours ago when he looked in on them. There was a lot of bloody urine on the shelf and soaked into the paper and on his fur around his penis. A friend, Nicole, had some boys from the same litter and has also had problems with/lost a rattie to basically peeing blood.
Not sure if its a virus (but then how did Carrot pick it up?) or genetic (but not related rats at Nicoles are showing symptoms).

Going to be watching Nobby, who is now alone, and all the others just in case.

I feel numb.

08-05-2009, 18:04
Oh ****
Im so sorry Tak

08-05-2009, 18:06
:( Poor Carrot :( Sorry to hear that, Tak.

08-05-2009, 18:20
:( Hugs, dear.
Everytime you post in this thread my heart breaks a little bit for you and your ratties.

08-05-2009, 18:24
I promise to post some photos of Ridcully and Stibbons over the weekend - this thread needs some good stuff

08-05-2009, 18:47
Aww :( I'm sorry :(

08-05-2009, 18:59
So sorry Sam :/ Must be incredibly stressful for you and the boys having this much bad luck all at once :/

08-05-2009, 19:09

Have an e-hug, if it helps. :)

08-05-2009, 21:10
Poor little bugger.

17-05-2009, 14:40
Photo-spam time:

Esk - so young



Carrot - taken too soon too suddenly


Ridcully - a photo tart







Stibbons - timid and shy




Together - Stibbons is the older by a few weeks and is Esks brother



And those two now live with:


and Errol


17-05-2009, 15:00
*must visit soon*

Really sorry to hear about the recent losses :( The new kids look great though :)

17-05-2009, 15:54
Please please please can I come down in August to see them all!

17-05-2009, 16:07
You can come down whenever :)

21-05-2009, 20:18
We picked out 2 new friends for Nobby today from Jo (Coastboat rattery) :) Feeling much happier as I hate seeing him all alone - he isn't a loner rat like some. They aren't "ready" (i.e. 6 weeks old) until 5th June but that works out well as Mic is off that weekend - I'm going to suggest we pick them up Friday night then we have the weekend for them to settle and us go for intros :)
One is a PEW (Pink eyed white - the type most people are "scared" of) and he is going to be called Dorfl, the other is a black eyed black (with white toes) and he is Havelock :)

Jayne (Warren's Ark rattery) managed to mate Hawkeye and we are due to have one of his babies too (he is a multi show winning, nearly record breaking rattie who just hadn't got the hang of shagging - he kept cuddling, so we thought he'd never sire a litter). Those babies are ready 3 weeks after Jo's. I had said I wanted Hawkeye babies before Jayne even decided to use him in her mating program ;D
Hopefully the little guy from that litter will go in with Vimes, Errol, Stibbons and Ridcully but if there are problems, because of the close ages then we should be able to put him in with Nobby and the 2 from Jo :)

14-06-2009, 15:51
Nobby was pts this afternoon. The intros with the new guys Dorfl and Havelock had gone well but it just wasn't to be. It was either a tumor or his kidney had swollen to the point it had moved down his body. He was sleepy, only taking water from a syringe, not eating. The vet said they could scan and see which it was but as he was, he wouldn't have survived an operation.
I managed to get an explorer cage on ebay, current plan is to try introing Dorfl and Havelock with Vimes, Errol, Stibbons and Ridcully and put them all in the explorer (explorer can take 16ish rats so they should have plenty of space)

Edit - sorry if this post seems a bit...nothing - I'm numb and in shock still

14-06-2009, 16:03
Post away. :(

Sorry to hear that. Sounds like it's been something of a mixed bag recently what with losing several of the old favourites but getting quite a few new ratties in too. I don't really know what to say except that I hope the intros go well.

14-06-2009, 16:07
RIP Nobby.

14-06-2009, 16:14
Poor Mite :(

14-06-2009, 18:19
Poor Nobby :(

They've got some hairless rats at the local pet store. I like rats, but hairless ones just look totally wrong!

14-06-2009, 18:29
The cage I got was from someone who had hairless rats - it was the first time I'd touched one. They felt smooth but...rubbery? They were just as loving and friendly ("that one doesn't like other people and either hides or bites" moments later rat had wandered out onto my arm for cuddles and scritches). I personally am still not as enamoured as other people - I'd keep wanting to give them a coat. As a variety they are more prone to illnesses - their genetics just aren't very good

14-06-2009, 18:59
Sorry about Nobby.

Came home today and found my hamster Lewis dead, so its not a good day for furry ones going to that place in the sky :'(

14-06-2009, 21:25
Poor Nobby :(

You'll love the Explorer but it can only hold 12 rats, IIRC, as the dimensions on the site include the stand. :)

15-06-2009, 09:15
You'll love the Explorer but it can only hold 12 rats, IIRC, as the dimensions on the site include the stand. :)

TBH I only use the cage calculator as a rough guide now - I prefer to base it on how they look in the cage. I know of someone who had 16 in an explorer and said it didn't look "cramped" or "overfilled" at all. I'd never put more than 3 boys in a freddy yet that is meant to be ok for 4 boys/5 girls - I guess it all depends on how much cage "furniture" you put in and if the group get on.

12-07-2009, 12:25
Yesterday I had a visit from Jayne who bought with her one blue boy (from the Hawkeye and Lily litter) who is named Gaspode. He is a 2 month old dinky gorgeous guy with a big personality already. It was a simple intro - some squeaks, some butt sniffing, a couple of tumbles and boffs around the head, but it all seems settled now.

Just for those of you keeping count that is now 7 boys living together in the explorer and Reg with Magrat and Esme in the tom cage :)

13-07-2009, 03:57
That's some family you're growing there :D

19-09-2009, 17:34
SDA Virus Info:

The symptoms of SDAV vary between rats, between strains of the virus, but they include:

* Sensitivity to light
* Sneezing
* Porphyrin staining
* Symptoms of secondary infections such as sneezing, chest noises, pneumonia
* Swellings around the neck.
* Bulging of eyes.
* Porphyrin staining, bleeding, or discolouration of tissue around the eyes in some cases
* Deaths in the rattery

SDAV is a highly contagious virus, alone it is not fatal but it weakens the immune system allowing secondary infections to take hold and often kill the rat.

The disease is spread through contact with food, bedding, cages, cage accessories, carriers, human skin, clothing and other objects used or touched by infected rats.
The virus may possibly so be carried in the mucous membranes of humans which can contribute to the spread of this illness. It can survive up to 2 days away from it's host.

Rats will begin to show symptoms as early as 5 days but as late as two weeks, symptoms of secondary infections may show sooner or later depending on the infection. It it important to note that not all rats infected with SDAV will show symptoms.

There is no treatment for SDAV itself and, actually, this is not needed.
However, aggressive blanket treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics at the maximum possible doses for 3-4 weeks should be given to reduce the number of deaths in your group or rattery. Topical eye treatments are helpful to increase the rats' comfort.

Keep affected rats clean, warm and away from bright lighting. Provide extra fluid (offer Dr Squiggles or herbal teas to encourage extra fluid intake) and nutritional support (offer tasty, high calorie food and consider giving the brown rice booster.)

Treatments are mostly supportive and include blanket treatment with soluble asprin in the drinking water for all affected rats to reduce fever and pain (1 tablet in 2 pints), children's Sudafed, bathing the eyes of affected rats with mild saline, abs for the worst affected to help prevent myco, fluid replacement for the worst affected.
Very sick rats will need nursing care if they are to stand a chance. A spot of brandy in sweetened milk can work wonders.

If you get this infection in your rats, then avoid all contact with other rats or rat owners for 6-8 weeks after the last rat became infected. It is recommended not to try to quarantine within your own rats as this is complicated and often only prolongs the outbreak.
With prompt and adequate antibiotic treatment most rats will survive this.

We have unfortunately picked this up - all the boys are unwell and there is a very high chance the girls are infected as it is very contagious.
Any good thoughts or prayers are needed and welcome, not only for my guys but a few friends also have rats with it. :'(:'(

19-09-2009, 17:35
Hope they all recover ok.

19-09-2009, 17:51
Am keeping my fingers crossed, must be horrible watching your furkids go through this.

19-09-2009, 21:01
Hope the kids get through it!

Nasty situation for you all to be in :(

20-09-2009, 07:41
Oh bloody hell :(

Hope they all shake it off :)

20-09-2009, 09:53
Hope they're ok. X

20-09-2009, 12:35
Reg our neutered boy that was in with the girlies died in his sleep this morning :(

Bye bye squidgy old man. :(

20-09-2009, 12:49
Im sorry, *hugs* for you both.

20-09-2009, 12:49
Sorry to hear that :(

20-09-2009, 13:49
Aw poor mite :(

20-09-2009, 15:58
Back from the garden centre - we got Reg a heather plant rather than a lavender - there was something about girls garden on it and Reg was a big girl :)

Vimes and Errol have been badly hit by this virus...very badly ... :( *worries*

20-09-2009, 16:00
:( Hope they get well soon.

20-09-2009, 16:03
Keeping fingers crossed for Vimes and Errol.

20-09-2009, 16:49
:( sorry to hear about them. Is it just the boys who've been getting ill?

BB x

20-09-2009, 18:40
Hope you have no more casualties! Be assured you are doing your very best for them though, *hugs*

22-09-2009, 12:16
Little demon lookalike Vimes has just gone :'(

22-09-2009, 12:27
:( Vimes

BB x

22-09-2009, 12:29
Im sorry :(

22-09-2009, 13:05
Oh no. Am so sorry both. X

22-09-2009, 15:03

22-09-2009, 17:12
What a nightmare :( If there's anything we can do, can't think what, but anything, give us a shout.

24-09-2009, 13:47
I am hesitant in posting this as I don't want to jinx things but Errol is starting to eat and drink again; we have put him back in the cage with the others, he is still weak and out of sorts (he has bitten both Mic and I which he has never done before).
Everyone including the girls are sounding ill and hooty and we still have some swollen glands and bulgy eyes but are all taking their antibiotics.

Magrat had a 2nd lump removed (can't remember if I mentioned this) and the wound is healing up nicely - better than the previous one which still has some scabbing around it (the difference in stitching styles by different vets).

24-09-2009, 13:48
Hope they all continue to improve :)
And glad to hear Magrat's wound is healing well!

28-09-2009, 21:17
I jinxed it :( Errol is very unwell again :( He is back in the carrier and will be staying in the bedroom with me tonight :(

30-09-2009, 12:17
Hope they get better soon tak as i said :) i am sure they will :) and GL with your illness :P, =] Get well soon ratties and tak :)

01-10-2009, 06:50
Get well soon ratties and tak :)

Cheers hun

No other update - everyone is ill (including me) everyone is taking their meds (including me) everyone wants to sleep forever (maybe that one is just me)

01-10-2009, 08:58
*gentle hugs* Get well soon

01-10-2009, 12:49
*makes tak a coffee and hands it too her* :) that will help, Get well soon shug :)

01-11-2009, 21:47
magrats gone :'( sweet dreams lil (big) girlie xx

01-11-2009, 21:48
One of my girlies is being missed :(

01-11-2009, 21:59
RIP Magrat :(

01-11-2009, 22:20
Oh no :( So sorry :(

01-11-2009, 22:38
Oh no.

02-11-2009, 09:16
Sorry to hear that Sam and Mic :(


02-11-2009, 12:07
RIP Magrat :(

It's so gut-wrenching when one has to say goodbye to a pet, take care both.

04-11-2009, 21:23
Aww so sorry S & M. Big hugs xx

07-11-2009, 12:57
Thanks all - she is now buried under a heather plant in the garden - a couple of the lavender plants started dying, don't know if iuts because they are in pots or what but heathers are just as pretty and (*touch wood*) seem to be doing ok in pots (Reg and Vimes got heathers while Cmot, Carrot and Nobby have lavenders)

Since the explorer went from 7 occupants down to 5, there have been some territorial issues (aka hormonal rats beating one another up with Dorfl the Puddle taking the brunt).
To combat this last night we split the explorer in half - they still have excess room but not so much they feel the need to defend it. I am hoping a week or two like this will remind them that they can and have lived together without punch-ups and then we can let them have the full cage back.
If this doesn't work the options are they stay in half a cage (which I really don't want as its a waste of cage and because they love running through the different levels and climbing etc) or get a couple of babies to take the number back up to 7. This is one of those "wait and see" things.

As Esme is currently on her own, Mic had a choice to make - Spidermouse/Coastboat Rattery had said she was willing to take Esme and try her in with her own old girls, the other option was getting some baby girls to live with Esme.
Jayne/Warren's Ark Rattery has a litter at the moment with a couple of unbooked girls ... well ... they were unbooked ...

Mic is currently thinking up Discworld themed names (I name the boys, he names the girls) and then on 21st November we will be getting two punchbags ... I mean friends for Esme.

07-11-2009, 13:00
Yay for new ratties!

07-11-2009, 13:19
So glad you are getting some more! You give them such good little lives.

07-11-2009, 14:50
^^ what Vix said :)

21-11-2009, 18:46
Sitting in a carrier on the sofa are Agnes and Tiffany :) I'm slurping a hot chocolate and then we're going to be cleaning out Esme so anyone feel free to cross fingers that the intros go smoothly :confused:

Photos in due course :)

21-11-2009, 18:46
Fingers crossed the new ladies settle in well. :)

21-11-2009, 18:51
Hope intros go well. I know how long they can sometimes take, and other times it takes very little!
Out of my new 4, the 2 girls have had amazing intros but the boys don't seem to take to each other. I think the instigator will be getting snipped to see if it helps the situation.
Looking forward to piccies! :)

21-11-2009, 20:11
Good luck with the intros. :)