View Full Version : Starting a family
After 6 years together, 2 years married and a year in our own house, Mic and I have decided to start a family...
In fact we've already started it...
I would like to introduce you to our baby boys
Aw, rats are great! My brother's mate has one and it'll happily sit on your shoulder for hours. I think it thinks it's a parrot.
Greebo looks incredibly content in that last photo!
He is the lazy sod out of the 3 :) Sleeps 20 out of 24 hours
Rincewind is the biter and abosolute coward (he was named before we knew this) (and current Alpha) and Dibbler is possibly planning a coup for the Alpha position
He is the lazy sod out of the 3 :) Sleeps 25 out of 24 hours
Fixed :)
27-08-2006, 13:03
27-08-2006, 21:28
Awww, ratties! I want a go!!
Tabitha's just got another pair, they're still a bit shy though. Both hoodies, one dark, one caramel
Awww very cute :D
I'd love to get rats one day, has to wait till I have the time for them though.
Just as an update, Rincewind and Greebo have stopped sneezing (other than the odd one now and then). Dibbler on the other hand is doing great monkey noises. :undecided:
Mic took the 3 of them to the vet after the original 7 days of baytril and Dibbler is still on it, we've been warned that it appears to be a long term thing (the vet did say if we spoke to the store we could get a replacement - what do they think they are; jumpers?!?!?! :angry: )
Dibbler doesn't seem to mind this because he gets a bit of maderia cake all to himself ;D
Greebo is still the lazy sod and is asleep 90% of the time, and Rincewind is still a biter and sqeaker when in the cage, but when out he is very much a lap rat :D
90% of the time asleep? I want to be a rat in my next life.
He sleeps in the oddest of places too - the funniest being on his own head under the water bottle so he woke up with a soggy arse and looked very confuzzled about it ;D
They are so cute! LOLing at the idea of a rat sneeze- is that the opposite of a Feek sneeze?
You mean it doesn't deafen everyone in the vicinity?
Pretty much although Mic says the rats sneeze louder than I do :embarassed:
When Dibbler has a sneezing fit, he coughs as well which is why I describe it as a monkey noise
AWWWWWWWWWWWW SO CUTE :D Congratulations on your new arrivals. Glad they're settling in well :)
At rat sneezes funnier than panda sneezes? ;D
Rats are great.
Ikea rat!
I've got one of those, I love him :D he's all squishy.
Ikea rat!
I've got one of those, I love him :D he's all squishy.
I wanted the whole wall of them :(
Second piccy down - Ikea rat being rather rude ;D
Needs registration to see that. :(
Well we've added to our family :D
Meet Merlin:
He is a kinda rescue - he seems to have the same kind of biting/nerves problem Rincewind had, which took a lot of time, effort, love and plasters to overcome and who is now a complete tart.
Merlin's previous owner just didn't have the time to socilise him and thought it was unfair on him so she put him up for rehoming. Shes only 10 minutes drive away and I'd met her before so I offered to take him in.
He is currently in a borrowed cage and probably will be for a few weeks maybe months depending on how introductions with my boys go.
He's about 12/13 months old so 5/6 months older than my original 3. He is also a ball-less wonder (Em got him de-nadded to see if that would help his biting and nerves but it seems it wasn't just hormonal)
This pic is on off Ems photobucket - once he has calmed down and settled in a bit more, I'll take some of my own :D
naawwrr :) Hello Merlin :D
He came to the open door and sniffed me of his own free will this morning :D (this is already a good start - that or he was just being nosey and will go for the throat next time ;D )
Aaaaaaaw I want all of them. I used to have a couple of curly haired rats when I was younger.
I used to have a couple of curly haired rats when I was younger.
Rexes :)
Went into the petshop in cosham to get fish food for work and some mini bonio bars for the boys and spotted baby ratties - they were so bouncy and playful I stood there for about half hour :embarassed: Unfortunatly they're girlies but there was a couple with at least the rex gene as they had curly whiskers and there was a little grey dumbo :D I think dumbos are great :D
I have a rat-in-a-pouch on my desk :D
Merlin keeps trying to explore the way down whoch wouldn't be a good idea as the room isn't rat proofed :/
Rincewind just died in my arms.
He was my little mummys boy...
Rincewind just died in my arms.
He was my little mummys boy...
Awwww so sorry Sam :( *HUGS*
Rincewind just died in my arms.
He was my little mummys boy...
Aww Sam, Im so sorry. Please get in touch if you need anything.
25-02-2007, 16:15
Rincewind just died in my arms.
Oh no, we're so sorry to hear that :( At least you were with him and comforting him when it happened xxxx
Oh **** Sam, I am so sorry :(
Copied from my Gypsy thread...
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...
I can cry my eyes out reading this, but its so lovely :)
Tak :'( I'm so sorry... *big massive hugs and cuddles*
RIP Rincewind xxx
Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
25-02-2007, 17:43
So sorry to hear that :(
**** :/ Was he ill? I'm so sorry :(
25-02-2007, 18:43
25-02-2007, 19:37
25-02-2007, 19:49
I just saw this in the chatbox :(
25-02-2007, 19:51
Aww :(
25-02-2007, 19:53
aaww :( So sorry to hear that Tak :(
He'd been looking run down over the past week so I took him to the vet last week. Vet checked pulse and breathing and stuff and said he couldn't see anything wrong so to just keep an eye on him :'(
I know you're not meant to have favourites, but he was *my* baby. He always came to the door, would clamber up my top and sit on my shoulder. He'd brux and boggle away and fall asleep whilst I watched TV. He came to me for protection when he was having meds or being cleaned or anything even if I was teh evil bitch doing it to him.
I miss him :'( :'(
26-02-2007, 17:16
Aww Sam :(
*Hugs* so sorry to hear that Sam
Well Merlin has been in the main cage for the past 3 days so its looking like a happy intro :)
Unfortunatly I have "sucker" written across my head :embarassed:
The girl who Merlin came from, Em, and another of her friends who I've meet at FR Meets, Jo, rescued some "free to a good home one week old babies" from adtraders and ended up getting the whole family (babies are meant to stay with mum until they are 6-8 weeks old)
Family consists of:
1 x Daddy rat
1 x Mummy rat
11 x Baby rats
2 x older young rats (daughters of Daddy and Mummy)
Mum is pregnant AGAIN, and due soon, but so are both daughters. Animals care not a jot for the ethical implications of incest. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together could tell you that.
So there are THREE litters on the way (10 - 20 babies each, easily) :shocked: The woman who had them before was very much an idiot of the higest degree - "oh i keep Dad in with them as he helps with the babies" :shocked: :angry:
Don't worry - I've not gone ratOTT but I am off to meet Daddy Rescue tonight :)
He was nameless but Jo and Em started calling him Arthur (what makes me think they had me in mind :embarassed: ) but I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep that name.
Originally I was going to go for Discworld names and then we rescues Merlin who has always been Merlin and responds to his name.
The question is do I stick with Arthur? That would be 2 discworld and 2 legend names. Do I follow my discworld theme? Do I (kinda in memory of Rincewind) follow a wizard theme - in which case discworld wizards or other wizards? If other wizards I only really know LotR and HP (and I'm not calling him Pug like Mic suggested).
So help me name squiggy here:
Belgareth or Belgarion, if you're keeping to the magic theme?
I ended up deciding to just stick with my original Discworld theme - new rattie is now called Cmot :)
Timid is not the word - plain petrified is more of a better description :( I really think he was hardly handled/around people at all before Spidermouse rescued him - poor guy jumps at most sounds - even the shutter from my camera made him hide :( I have no idea what they were feeding him, but from the way his bum is reacting to fresh food, I don't think that was ever on the menu. He also seems to have dry skin - no signs of mites so I'm currently putting that down to his old diet too although I am keeping a close eye on him.
I also think he might be older than the 10months told to Spidermouse - my gut feeling is he might be older than Merlin (13months).
I've got a week off work and he's gonna be getting loads of TLC - possibly planning on a vet trip Thursday or Friday just for a general check over but I'll see how things go first.
11-03-2007, 20:38
Mrs Cake tbh :p
Mrs Cake tbh :p
For boyses? Me thinks not :p
I feel like an evil mummy - Cmot is booked in to be denadded on 31st May :/
Like with all small animals there are lots of risks so I am a tad on the nervous side (read: completely panicking).
Hopefully afterwards when he comes thru the op it should calm him down, stop him scent marking absolutely everything (including me) and *fingers crossed* mean I can intro him to the other 3.
Have talked it over with Mic and if he can't be introed then Mic said we can look at getting a couple of babies (male or female) to keep him company as he is obviously very very lonely and I hate seeing him like that.
Anyone spot the difference? ;D
Unfortunately even after Cmot lost his balls, the others (well Greebo) wouldn't accept him :(
So, as per the previous plan we went about looking for friends (and therefore a new cage) for him. Managed to get an £80 cage plus about £25-£30 worth of accessories for £15 :D
This got dropped off Wednesday 22nd August.
Friday 24th I was about to load up Fancy Rats and check out the rehoming forum when I noticed a friends livejournal post - she was going along to rescue some rats from a place in Havant.
On Friday she came away with 4 boys but was a complete state as the woman in Havant had loads of rats, all sexes living together, no proper bedding or food, in a shed :(
On the Monday (bank holiday) she went back and rescued all the others - there were ever age from little pink babies to 6month old pregnant does. At one point before she could pass some of the pregnant does off to proper rat rescues, including her own rats, she had over 100 :shocked:
I knew that in order for us to have a decent chance of success of introducing Cmot to any other rats, they would need to be babies - young enough that they wouldn't be a "threat" to Cmots Alpha status (well he has been living in a cage on his own - he is obviously gonna be Alpha :p )
Tuesday evening (after dropping Lozza's stuff off) we went to visit Lois and the rescues. Even though they hadn't been handled much and were very nervy they were all adorable. The litter we picked from are about 5 weeks old and they are the smallest 5 weekers I've ever seen - they still have the super soft baby fur.
After lots (and lots and lots and lots) of awwing and being pooed and peed on we headed home....
...with Vimes:
and Errol:
And some of them together:
This one was for a size comparison (its a Ferrero Rocher box):
Oh and just because - Greebo showing off how fat and splodgy he is:
So a rat with bollocks couldn't accept a rat without?
Greebo already accepted Merlin who is ball-less so I'm not quite sure why he wouldn't accept Cmot
01-09-2007, 16:17
Awwww! Baby ratties!
Aww they so sweet :)
You are also looking rather hot in that black shirt :p
that black shirt :p
One of my work tops - you'd think with 6 primarily white rats I'd remember to get changed out of my primarily black work clothes before picking them up :embarassed:
Unfortunately Merlins lump has come back. I have been giving him antibiotics for a chest infection and it seems to have stopped/slowed down the growth so I'm hoping that its just an infection in a gland. I'm going to give him this week on the ABs and then see how he is next weekend before deciding what to do about the vet.
If that wasn't enough for the old guy, he looks to be getting the beginning of HLD (hind leg degeneration). I've ordered some multi vit type stuff for animals called Senior Aid which a lot of rat owners say is great for easing the problems but other than steroid injections which may not help anyway, all I can do is make things easier to get to around the cage.
He may be a grumpy vicious sod at times but he is still lively, not in pain and seemingly happy :)
And just because I can -
Picture spam:
All 3 of them:
Merlin is booked in for lump removal 2 next tuesday.
Expect much pic-spam between now and then
*worries* :'(
Sends good luck vibes to Merlin. Think he was hiding on Sunday though. :)
Vimes and Errol still win on the cuteness factor though, even if I was somewhat reluctant to get near them (mainly for fear of getting nipped). :o
Merlin is the only one who is likely to bite which is why I don't often get him out when people are visiting. Most the others will do is lick you to see if you are food (although Errol is getting into the habit of chewing my nails :o )
Aww cute pictures. Sorry to hear about Merlin's lump :(
*sends hugs & good luck vibes*
Update time:
Tuesday morning we dropped Merlin off at the vets. I was told to phone them at 2:30pm but that if there was a problem they would phone (Mic was at home all day).
2:30pm arrived and I called - they had only just finished the op so he was still pretty out of it and could I call back at 3:30pm.
3:30pm arrived and I called - he was still very very "sleepy" but hopefully should be ok for being picked up 4:30-5pm.
4:00pm Mic picked me up from work and off to the vets we went. As I'm paying the bill (£48 this time) one of the vets brings Merlin in his cat carrier out. She asks if I have had it explained to me that he is still sleepy, which I said yes.
Sleepy wasn't exactly the right word though - he was only just conscious and wasn't moving at all. He was stretched out in the carrier just staring - it was very scary. The vet said that they could keep him there if I wanted "just in case" which I decided was best.
I phoned again at 6:30pm to see how he was doing - the vet decided she wanted to give him more fluids and keep him on a heat pad over night as he still wasn't waking up properly. Questions were asked about his previous lump removal and his reaction to the anaesthetic (of which there was none last time - he was fine).
*Que very long night, not much sleep, lots of tears and 5 other confused but spoilt ratties*
9am this morning I called - turns out the vet actually took Merlin home with her so she could keep an eye on him. Sometime after 11pm last night is when he finally started to properly come round.
She told me he was moving about and seemed ok; I admit I was sceptic - their idea of "sleepy" was my idea of not conscious...then she told me he had bitten her this morning - relief flooded in and without thinking I said "oh good" before hastily correcting myself and saying I didn't mean good she'd been bitten, more that good he was getting back to normal.
Told my manager I was finishing at 3pm as the vets is a pain to get to on public transport, went down and collected him. There was no other charges for the extra night/treatment but they do want to see him next week.
My grumpy old man is now curled up asleep in the hospital cage - he has drunk loads but seems disinterested in food at the moment. I have some strawberry yoghurt and some fish sticks in the fridge for later tonight so I'm hoping that will tempt him.
I have a bottle of wine in the fridge (the one you gave me Mark at the end of the cottage holiday) and am going to go for a bubblebath.
Incidentally, sitting on the bus I wondered how many people would "eww" or demand I got off if they had known it wasn't a kitty in the carrier...
mmm! fish sticks and strawberry yogurt certainly would tempt me!!!
Glad he's recovering, your vet sounds top too if she took him home to keep an eye on him.
Bet you're glad to have him home.
your vet sounds top too if she took him home to keep an eye on him.
She isn't even the main vet that I normally see - think I'll take some chocs in when he has the check up (and a plaster ;) )
Very glad he is home - just have to leave him alone for a bit to recover
21-11-2007, 18:40
Yays!!! (not gone to cinema yet :p)
Glad he's home and happy :)
Snuggle Ferret
23-11-2007, 12:35
Good to know that he is fine :)
He still isn't eating or drinking as much as I would like but he is nomming down maderia cake with his meds on which is good.
Keep trying to pinch the back of his neck to check for dehydration but I like my fingers ;D
23-11-2007, 21:56
aww, i'm glad he seems a bit better
hiding medication seems to be the way to go
jaypeg is on twice daily meds for her heart condition
she's being a good girl and taking it without grumping now though, bless her.
*hugs ratty*
The antibiotics - baytrill - is very bitter and liquid so sweet cake stuff seems to be the best way to go; we did try biscuits but it didn't soak in as well and they didn't always want to eat it.
He is also on Senior Aid which is meant to help with the symptoms of HLD - this they all seem to love the taste of anyway and will lick it from the syringe but as I'm giving him cake it is easier and it makes sure he gets the right dose if I add it to that.
Merlin is also a "snatcher" anything thru cage bars or put in front of him he will try and snatch, generally with his teeth - means plastic syringes don't always last that long ;D
Thanks everyone for texts and stuff the past week - means a lot to me :)
Snuggle Ferret
24-11-2007, 12:22
Was it Merlin that snatched the £10 note from Nik's fingers that time? LOL
No - that was Rincewind :)
24-11-2007, 13:40
I've only just got round to looking at all of the pictures there :p
Errol is my favourite, for colouring and love of beer and computers :p
Been out shopping and have stocked up on avocados, corn on the cob, coconut milk, baby food and eggs - hopefully I can find something to tempt Merlin into eating enough that I am not worrying all the time :o
24-11-2007, 14:29
Blimey, sounds like the littles man's been through the wars! Glad to hear that hes coming out the other side too though.
Snuggle Ferret
24-11-2007, 18:01
No - that was Rincewind :)
26-11-2007, 22:05
I was just watching I'm a celeb (yeah yeah) but there was some proper rat cruelty going on! it made me so bloody angry!
Ooh, I've only just seen this. Hope Merlin is doing better (and eating) now, and hope the wine went down well too. :)
Watched the celeb thing a couple of years ago and they did celeb laying in a box with rats and I pointed out that the rats were probably a million times for scared than the celeb :/ They're probably dosed up on something too just to make sure they don't start biting.
Merlin has his check up appointment Thursday at 5:45pm.
He is back in the main cage now and seems happier - is even eating a little bit more but still not as much as he was.
The degeneration in his back legs is becoming more obvious even giving him the Senior Aid. Planning on making a few more alterations to the cage in order to help get around because his recent stink alone in the hospital cage has shown me that he has gone from being an anti-social rat, to getting really lonely if he is away from his cage buddies for more than a day :)
27-11-2007, 14:26
He needs walking sticks :(
I hope all goes well at the vets.
RE the celeb. thing.
Even if they are drugged up it's so cruel, Biggins had one on his sheet and he just flicked the sheet and sent the rattie flying :(
27-11-2007, 14:40
Poor Merlin! I hope he's ok.
And i cannot stand im a celeb. appalling people! Only reason to watch it in my opinion is for Gemma whats-her-name... ;p
How can they jusitify treating animals like that on live(ish) TV?
sent the rattie flying :(
27-11-2007, 14:51
I'd be surprised if it survived in fairness :'(
Rodents are great. The rats look cool :)
I have a guinea pig and he is a great wee soul. It is funny how even rodents have different personalities huh? As our current piggie is totally different to our last one.
Hope yours are ok :)
27-11-2007, 16:40
Ah, another pig lover, we have 3. They are all so much thier own person / pig, its really wonderful to watch sometimes. :)
Used to keep pigs too/parents did. And a wabbit as well.
27-11-2007, 19:39
really?? I think you underestimate them tbh. If a jungle dwelling rat can't survive being flicked from a blanket, I'd be very suprised! Was a very sweet little thing though.
Yeah, I'm seriously underestimating them I know but it was still horrible seeing it get thrown off :(
Do you think they just get the jungle dwelling rats? surely they legally have to have every single one of them tested for any disease/problems in case they do bite. that's what makes me think they're not as double-hard as expected.
If I had seen it I could probably have told you if it was a "fancy rat" or a "gutter/wild rat" but my guess is it was a "gutter" rat bought up in human settings - that type will never make brilliant pets but they can be semi tamed/use to human handing
OMG!!!!!!!!!! FFS how bloody pathetic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those poor rats!!!!!!!!!!!
They were too small/short to be proper wild rats so they are probably fancy rats. The fact that they didn't run away when the screaming started at the beginning proves that they were "use" to that kind of thing (mine still run and hide at the sound of the TV sometimes).
Merlin had his check up tonight - saw a different vet (but not the nasty one) who seemed pleased and surprised at how well the wound was healing and how there was no redness.
Chatted to the reception nurse for a bit and found out it was her who had taken Merlin home with her that night and subsequently been munched :o ;D
Merlins back legs still aren't very good but they're not hindering him too much at the moment. If it gets to the stage where I think he needs them looked at then I'll make sure I take Jayne (very knowledgeable rattie owner) with me and that I see Greg (main vet - very good with rats)
Snuggle Ferret
29-11-2007, 19:57
Yay - glad he's ok :) Look forward to being bitten by the little blighter :) As long as it isn't the little finger LOL
Six :)
In the "main" cage are my "old" boys Greebo, Dibbler (both around 16 months) and Merlin (guestimate from other owner around 25 months), and in the "baby" cage is Cmot (guestimate going on size 18 months) and the actual babies (4 months) Vimes and Errol
;D Found something new and yummy for them which they all loved but looked very funny afterwards - cod liver oil capsules :D
Great for them all and so amusing for me, especially the slurping noises after they broke into them and were trying to get their tongues in and then the trying to wash face with oily hands ;D
Snuggle Ferret
02-12-2007, 15:36
;D Found something new and yummy for them which they all loved but looked very funny afterwards - cod liver oil capsules :D
Great for them all and so amusing for me, especially the slurping noises after they broke into them and were trying to get their tongues in and then the trying to wash face with oily hands ;D
LOL - slippery baths :D
02-12-2007, 16:07
;D Found something new and yummy for them which they all loved but looked very funny afterwards - cod liver oil capsules :D
Great for them all and so amusing for me, especially the slurping noises after they broke into them and were trying to get their tongues in and then the trying to wash face with oily hands ;D
Video evidence is required! small animals being cute/silly is the best form of entertainment :D
02-12-2007, 16:22
^^ agreed!
Things are not good - Merlin seems to have lost majority of movement in his right hind leg and the left one isn't a huge amount better. I am going to be changing the substrate from chopped cardbaord to carpet samples so that he doesn't have to drag his feet thru the board - it may also be warmer for him. He is being force fed Senior Aid and cod liver oil by the gallon (note to self - need to buy more Senior Aid).
Next step if there is no improvement is an anti inflammatory/steroid injection - problem is steroids reduce the immune system and he has never had a particularly healthy chest in the first place.
Just seems to be one thing after another for him - poor sod :(
12-12-2007, 15:10
Noooo :( Poor Merlin :( Poor you!
I hope he's not in pain.
He doesn't seem to be - he still tries to pootle around as much as he can and I can move his legs without him squeaking at me. Merlin is my biter - I fully expect to lose fingertips when he is very unwell or in pain.
Snuggle Ferret
13-12-2007, 12:28
Hope the new rat furniture helps Merlin.
Spent £41 in pets at home on parrot hammocks :o but he likes them and can get in them :)
At about 1:05pm today Merlin was put to sleep.
I had gone in and found him unable to use his front arms and having problems breathing. Just stroking the side of him made him squeak lots. From what I have heard from other rat owners, it looks as though he had a stroke.
Going to have to completely clean out the cage and change all the hammocks and everything as the smell of him being there will only confuse Dibbler and Greebo.
01-01-2008, 15:02
So sorry about this, especially on new years day! He's lazing about in the big hammock upstairs now.
I hope the others don't get all weird now he's gone :(
Sorry to hear that Sam :(
01-01-2008, 15:42
Aw, the poor little mite :'(
01-01-2008, 16:11
*cuddles* sorry to hear that Sam
Awww the poor little sausage. He's out of pain now though. *hugs*
So sorry Sam, especially as we have been preoccupied with our new addition. I hope everyone manages to cope with the change. xx
After Merlin was PTS, I realised that I was going to have to look at getting some babies to go in with Dibbler and Greebo. If one of them were to die, I would end up with a lone rat, which is not a good thing.
At the time though, I was looking at rescue and rehome ads and while I felt sad for the ratties, I couldn't find that bit of emotion needed to offer them a place here. I was still missing Merlin too much.
A couple of weeks ago, I got given a cage which would be suitable for babies to live in while I did introductions with the old boys, so I decided it was time to at least seriously look.
A couple of days after that, Jo (who I got Cmot from) and Jayne (a very knowledgeable rat owner/soon to be breeder) mentioned they were off on a rescue run - 3 adults, 6 baby boys and 7 baby girls.
I was originally going to ask for 3 boys but 2 had already been reserved before Jayne even got them home so it was 2 or 4. I knew 4 would be too many for me, so I stuck with 2.
We collected Carrot and Nobby yesterday. They are still seriously tiny and even have their baby fur. I actually have a birthday for these guys - 4th January.
Carrot is slightly darker and bigger than Nobby. Nobby is very skittish still and nearly has a white head spot - I'll have to see if it develops more as he gets older.
Carrot at the back
Carrot with a DVD case (for size comparison)
Showing the colour difference
Nobby showing off his whiskers and ears
Since I first saw some photos of gingers, I have wanted some :) Going to let them settle down for a couple of days, get them use to us, and being handled, then I'll start intros - hopefully where they are so young, Greebo and Dibbler won't see them as a "threat" so will just accept them.
look at him standing up
Like a little Rory Calhoon!
look at him standing up
I love that pic esp the way the whiskers are lit up - it may not be brilliant but to get a non-blurry photo of one standing is a miracle in itself
19-02-2008, 23:05
I want nobby!!
Said the actress to the bishop :p
20-02-2008, 23:35
Nobby showing off his whiskers and ears for two sir? Certainly, follow me.
Table for two sir? Certainly, follow me.
That photo is now my desktop at work :)
So, Tuesday night we put the 2 newbies into the main cage with Greebo and Dibbler. There has been what I am calling an uneasy peace. The babies love the cage - so much room to climb about and explore. Dibbler couldn't care less. Greebo is not a happy rattie - for the most part he is tolerating the babies, but there have been some big scuffles, mainly with Carrot.
Several times (normally after a big punch up when the babies are terrified) I have thought about putting them back in their cage, but then Greebo will only feel like he has won.
I'm still going on the "no blood, no foul" method of assessing the severity of the fights, but when Greebo is easily 5 times the size of the babies it is making me very nervous :confused:
Oh and because of this uneasiness, I am loathed to take the babies out of the cage even for some free-ranging time on the sofa so there are no new photos :(
Snuggle Ferret
28-02-2008, 12:25
Cuties :-)
Snuggle Ferret
03-03-2008, 18:52
Met the new additions on Saturday and Carrot decided that he liked Nik's kangaroo pouch pocket that he didn't want to leave it when we started playing silly games .. bless :-) They are cuties.
As a few of you know, Cmot decided to hurt his leg Wednesday evening. Tonight was the earliest I could get a vet appointment.
The vet (Geoff) is concerned that his foot is still very hot and swollen and is worrying about joint infection which is something rats can get.
He has prescribed amoxicillin 1/4 of a tablet twice a day for about 6 days. I've got some baby calpol which I'll continue to give Cmot in case he is in any pain.
I was also taking Vimes as he had been snuffly and as amoxicillin treats infections he has given me enough that I can treat Vimes too (same dose) although he isn't too worried as I mentioned the others had had the sniffles but they had gone, he thinks they are building their own natural resistance to whichever bug it is.
And just to add - cutting 50mg tablets into quarters isn't easy :/ but they seem to taste nice and he just munched it down
Hope they perk up soon :)
Cmots leg is more swollen again today and still very hot :( He has also decided that he doesn't want to take his pills after all :( :'(
Current plan is to try crushing them and putting them in a licks worth of yoghurt to see if that works.
I'm also going to get the 1 level cage down and he is going to have to go in there on his own for a bit :(
I am terribly worried about him, I just don't know what else to do to help :( :'(
Poor boy. Hope he feels better soon. I'm sure you are doing everything you can hun.
Snuggle Ferret
13-04-2008, 17:58
How's CMOT doing?
Cmot is eating the drug laced yoghurt but the swelling isn't going down at all. Whilst his foot and leg aren't as red hot as they were, they are still hotter than normal and not looking the correct colour. I am hoping I'm being paranoid or that it is a bruise that will go away.
I'm thinking of asking Jayne to pop in and see what she thinks if she has the time. I'll probably decide tomorrow.
I am just so worried about him - really wish there was something more I could do to help. I keep randomly welling up with tears because I feel so helpless atm.
13-04-2008, 22:04
Sure you've done everything you can do and then more :)
Hope he gets better soon.
*hugs for Sam and Cmot*
He has individual toes again rather than just a curled up swollen foot :)
I had him out on the sofa last night and he went completely hyper and spazzy - think he is bored being on his own, and then he curled up on my lap and was happy to be scritched :)
I think him and Errol planned it to make me feel bad but when I put Cmot back in the hospital cage, Errol tried to "dig" through his cage to where Cmot was :(
As long as there is no relaps, I'm aiming on putting him back in his cage tomorrow evening. I thought I can put all 3 of them on the sofa for a bit to make sure Vimes and Errol don't beat him up
Snuggle Ferret
15-04-2008, 09:55
Yay - glad CMOT is feeling a bit better :)
Hurrah! He can high 5 me now!
Cmot still won't eat his pills like a good boy so he is still in the hospital cage as I can't let the others eat the drug laced yoghurt :( His foot is still really red and looks sore, its still a bit swollen too - I am investigating the idea that it might be bumblefoot :(
He really is going stir crazy on his own poor little boy :(
Bumblefoot ( - basically ulcers and infections in the feet
Another "guide" with some links to pictures further down (
Cmot doesn't have any ulcers as yet so I'm hoping I'm just being paranoid
I said this on MSN but not sure if it sent.
You can get stuff called "Purple Spray" It helps with Bumblefoot. It used to be available at The Rat Warehouse.
Also, your new boys are stunningly adorable!! :)
I'll investigate the purple spray - thank you :)
Carrot has become quite the huge boy, while Nobby is still cheeky but very skittish. Unless he calms down Nobby won't be able to go to shows like I had hoped as it would just scare him too much.
Someone is feeding Carrot growth hormones, I'm sure of it :shocked: I have pics on the camera so I'll try to remember to upload some soon. Keeping in mind Carrot and Nobby are around 4 months old they are huge!!!
There seems to be a general sniffle going around both cages at the moment. I'm not too worried at the moment but I am going to increase immune system boosting things like garlic to their diet for a few weeks (much to Mics disgust ;D )
(much to Mics disgust ;D )
Not a fan of garlic?
He can't stand the smell of it
When looking at the size of these boys, keep in mind Dibbler and Greebo are about 22 months and Carrot and Nobby will be 5 months on 4th June (rats usually grow for the first 10-12 months of their lives and live to 24-36 months)
(This was banoffee pie baby food):
(Zombie rat will eat your brainzzzzz)
(Look at the length and thickness of Carrots tail compared to Dibblers)
(I'm sure I have a photo of Vimes and Errol in this exact same pose)
(This is just sooooo cute...Dibbler was actually trying to steal a yoghurt drop out of Greebos mouth but shhh we won't let that ruin the effect)
I'm not entirely sure Zombie Rat is after brains, but LOL nonetheless - and it didn't even occur to me they could do that. :)
Awwww cute!!
Your guys are huge!! They'd dwarf my girlies... Well except Squeak, she's half a kilo of rat muscle!
They're my gorgeous boys :) A friend Jo (spidermouse on fancy rats) has a habit of ending up with huge chunky rats too :) I always say as long as they aren't too fat (i.e. it affects movement/breathing/health/etc) then I'm not worried :)
I was looking back at photos I took when we first got them - if nothing else my photography skills have improved ;D
Feel free to LOLrat any of the photos I post :)
Opps :o
Watch this space :o
(He's a roan/husky *bounces* sooooo gorgeous :D *bounces* ( )
Bad Tak, you're going to be overrun :p
He is ever so pretty, though :). He looks like my Misty. What will be the little boys name then? And how old is he? Oo and where's he from?
Naughty, naughty, very very naughty, that's very naughty. :p
But sooo cute. ;D
*cough* mad rat lady *cough*
He is currently being called Harry but that isn't a permanent name and he's about 12 months at a guess.
He was originally part of a mass rescue up in Norfolk (Thread ( and was a lone rat. Most of the rats from that rescue have all had behavioural problems and temprement due to the way they were cared for as well as the way they were bred.
He has had intros with some groups since he moved down south (Thread - you can see him in a bath ( but because of various things they just haven't worked out. He has been de-nadded which has made him super soft.
I was thinking of trying him in with the old boys but my gut feeling is he may end up with Cmot et al (he also got described as "a bit of a ****" to me which makes me think he might be better with Cmot).
He will take me to 8 :o
11-06-2008, 17:33
He's awesomely cool! and 8?! crazy lady! how much does it cost per month roughly to keep 8? I'm gonna see if my landlord will let me get a couple (well, at least more than 1)
Hmm not sure per month.
£15 for a 15kg bag of one sort of food - lasts about 6-10 months.
£10 for nuggets which get mixed in - lasts about 4-5 months.
I also add in dried pasta but as I buy that for home too I'm not sure how much goes in.
Bedding is about £6-£7 for a bale of chopped cardboard which lasts forever, £3 a bag for carefresh which lasts 4ish weeks and newspaper which I pinch from anyone that'll give it to me.
Cleaning wise I use cheap clear vinegar mixed with water and tesco value loo rolls so that is next to nothing.
Fresh fruit/veg/other foods I probably spend £5 a week, sometimes more, sometimes less.
Treats I stock up on every few months and probably spend £10-£15 a time but this isn't essential.
Toys and hammocks and cage "furniture" get replaced as and when needed but its amazing what you can get from cheap and charity shops.
Can't think of much else (other than vet visits)
11-06-2008, 18:18
well that's me sold then! as long as my landlord is ok with it :D
Initial outlay will obviously be more as you need to make sure you get a cage that is big enough.
You're looking at around £100 for a good one; I just got a new cage for Cmot et al as their cage has a terminal rust problem :( (I liked that cage, it was nice and easy to clean out) £90 for a Freddy 2 from pets at home and you get a free "starter kit" (I tried not to laugh in the guys face). As the kit comes with a bag of nuggets which I was going to buy anyway I took it. The Freddy 2 can take 3-4 rats which will be good if Un-named new boy goes in with them.
11-06-2008, 21:34
I'd obviously need to ask you for advice at the start.... and throughout :p
I wouldn't advise you telling your landlord you're getting rats unless they specifically ask. Some people are pretty funny when they hear the word "rat". :(
The Freddy 2 is a pretty good cage, it's easy to clean out with easy access.. Though if you're likely to get GMR you might want to look for something a bit bigger ;)
11-06-2008, 23:40
Well there is a no pets policy, so it's not a case of telling him I'm getting them - more a case of asking if I'm allowed :p
We had a no pets policy too. I was originally going to get a giunea pig and and when we asked if that was ok she said yes. When she came round and asked to see it she was a little shocked to see two little rat faces peering out at her. As soon as she spoke to them though, she was in love! :D
Though if you're likely to get GMR you might want to look for something a bit bigger ;)
I want an Explorer ( :D They look fab!
(Just as bad as GMR is GMC :o )
12-06-2008, 07:34
I want an Explorer ( :D They look fab!
(Just as bad as GMR is GMC :o )
"The abode" is cheaper than the freddy2, and it looks a lot better... any reason why it's cheaper? That looks like a good one to get :)
It does look like a very nice cage - plenty of space for hammocks and ladders and toys :) Using the cage calculator ( it says it can hold up to 6 rats too :) Free p&p too :)
I want an Explorer ( :D They look fab!
(Just as bad as GMR is GMC :o )
I have an Explorer *giggle with delight ;D *
It's not built yet though, they're not moving till we move!
I have an Explorer *giggle with delight ;D *
It's not built yet though, they're not moving till we move!
My friend Jayne has one too - nooooo fair!!! :p
12-06-2008, 17:18
It does look like a very nice cage - plenty of space for hammocks and ladders and toys :) Using the cage calculator ( it says it can hold up to 6 rats too :) Free p&p too :)
Also has wheels, so if I'm being loud in the living room, they can go to the bedroom.. or would moving their cage around be ill advised?
And I'm guessing they'd keep me up at night if they were permanently in my room?:p ;D
I can sleep through them but Piggy and Des had problems with Rincewind attacking the wooden toys and evicted them to the hallway ;D
Mine don't have too much of a problem with either noise or being moved (but the old boys don't like the cage being at ground level as they can't see what's going on and then they sulk :/ ) but I was tempted by the Furet XL Ferret cage ( because of the wheels - easier for me to clean out when I'm all on my lonesome :o
12-06-2008, 20:53
If they're ok with noise then it'll be alright - obviously I don't wanna traumatise them with a weekend of COD4 and booze when adam comes over once every 6 weeks - that gets quite rowdy (yes rowdy, not raunchy or randy!!!)
It might take a few times for them to get use to it. With any skittish rats I've gotten into the habit of leaving the tv on kerrang during the day and slowly, over a few days, turning the volume up, so they get use to different loud noises.
(cut and paste from my facebook note)
So last night Lois and Claire dropped round Reg, the rat formally known as Harry.
Of all the new names I had thought of before hand, Reg wasn't one of them but when Claire mentioned he had had some necrotic flesh after his de-nadding, it seemed fate that he was going to end up named after a discworld zombie.
Mr Slant didn't just have the right ring to it, so instead he is Reg Shoe :) (this does follow on my my recent stint of using names from the watch too).
Snuggle Ferret
13-06-2008, 10:37
(cut and paste from my facebook note)
Strange .. can't see that :(
Welcome, Reg, to the rat house :-)
Well intros with Reg aren't going too well yet, Vimes has lost a chunk of fur, Cmot got a nice scratch to his rump and I got a bloody knuckle separating them :( Even when all wound up no-one has deliberately gone for me though *touch wood* so that's a good sigh at least.
Reg was denadded about 4 weeks ago and it took Cmot 2-3 months to start to calm down so I am hoping the same will happen with Reg. He has always been a lone rat but I really hope he doesn't stay that way. Because of the lack of hormones, his fur has gone super soft (which makes him look ever so funny when he fluffs up as he does just look like a poofball).
Out of curiosity I stuck Carrot into the scales last night, they're only cheapo ones so not amazingly accurate and trying to get rats to sit still isn't the easiest of things to do but it was reading at somewhere over 700g :shocked: The heaviest I've had before was Greebo who topped out about 610-620ish. They say 500-800g is about the general area for male rats. He doesn't seem to be fat though - he is just chunky :)
Dibbler is on antibiotics for a chest infection. Both him and Greebo are starting to look their age :( Because they came from a pet shop I don't really know their age but I would guess they were born beginning of the August we got them so they are coming up to being 2 years old soon.
Intro-ing boys seems so difficult. :(
If Carrot doesn't look fat then I wouldn't say he was too heavy :)
Squeak is 500g and HUGE but she's not got any loose skin or anything. Munchkin is only about 300g at most but she's not too skinny either. They range in weight so so much!
Intro-ing boys seems so difficult. :(
I've had mixed experiences - Rincewind would not accept Merlin, but when Rincewind died Greebo and Dibbler accepted Merlin no problems. Greebo wouldn't accept Cmot at all though, even after Cmot got denadded. Cmot accepted the babies Vimes and Errol (although he did look a little exasperated at times) and Dibbler and Greebo have now accepted Carrot and Nobby.
It definitely seems easier to intro babies to adults but there is more of a risk of serious injury that way too :/
I will perceiver though :)
Belated update time :)
Reg refused point blank to get on with the other boys (to the point of putting a tooth shaped hole in the middle of Vimes back :( ).
In hindsight, as he had to be denadded because of an attack by another male in which his balls got...erm...well...bitten (:shocked:) it is understandable that he isn't a fan of other males.
As we were something like home number 4 or 5 I was determined from the start that I wouldn't just "palm him off", so as he is neutered we tried him with a friends girls. He was a complete tart and loved having ratty company again so I did what I had said I would never do and started looking for girls....and got two from a rescue though a friend Miss Spiddy AKA Jo (she who I got Cmot from all that time ago).
Intros didn't really take long - they would have been quicker but because I hate hearing the squeaks when they "fight" I panic, even though I know they need to sort out their hierarchy. So Reg now has his harem.
Mic named the girls as he has wanted some for ages and I always seem to name the boys. So we welcomed in Esme and Margrat.
And now for photos:
Who is a complete tart:
Who is a little madam and terror:
Both are very active and nosey:
And Reg alternates between looking like the cat that got the cream and a condemned prisoner ;D
As for the others, Dibbler and Greebo are looking their age (they are about 26 months now) and Cmot had had a case of scabs which won't heal. We're putting this down to age too as we have no idea how old he actually is :(
Carrot had to go to the vet for a chest infection a month or so ago and was weighted at about 820g :shocked: Nobby is also big but nowhere near his brother. We think both have stopped growing now.
Vimes and Errol both got entered into a show last weekend, and while they didn't win any rosettes they were brilliant at the rattie PR and converted several people from "eww" to "aww" :)
They were poked, handled, stroked, and passed around by strangers with the best of reactions that I could ever hope for, they put up with other rats, and were flaked out and exhausted by the end of the day :)
eeeew no way could I let a load of rats crawl all around my furniture like that.
eew :(
21-09-2008, 15:35
eeeew no way could I let a load of rats crawl all around my furniture like that.
eew :(
we already know you don't like rats, you've said it plenty of times, so did you need to say it for the audience here?
How are you getting on with the girlies then?
I remember when I was over last you said that I should get boy rats, can't remember the reason though.
I'd love to get girlies, as I just can't bear to look at the ratsack being dragged behind the males, just puts me right off :p
They look fantastic :D Still want some so much, but I don't have anyone here that'd be able to pop in and feed/water/clean them when I go away :(
The girlies are great, they are much much more active though, need a lot more handling and running around time and need to be watched all the time when they are out which is taking some getting use to.
I am use to the boys who'll just curl up and go to sleep unless there is food about :p
21-09-2008, 15:39
That's why you told me to get boys! because they're lazy and where I'm out of the house most of the time they'd be alright hehe :p
we already know you don't like rats, you've said it plenty of times, so did you need to say it for the audience here?
Sorry, didnt know it was a rule here that you cant mention your own opinion on something if u have previously ever mentioned it on another unrelated forum.
Snuggle Ferret
21-09-2008, 15:51
They are cuties :-)
That's why you told me to get boys! because they're lazy and where I'm out of the house most of the time they'd be alright hehe :p
You still need to handle them regularly - they should all get at least a half hour run around a day minimum, its just with boys they'll run about for 5 or 10 minutes and then fall asleep :p
They are cuties :-)
Ta :)
21-09-2008, 15:58
You still need to handle them regularly - they should all get at least a half hour run around a day minimum, its just with boys they'll run about for 5 or 10 minutes and then fall asleep :p
Yeah, I would always get them out everyday :)
I'd have to get one of the girls from work to come over and sort them out if I was on holiday hehe.
There is a thread on Fancy Rats and probably on on the NFRS forum about people who are willing to "rat-sit" :)
That's something else new - I'm joining NFRS (National Fancy Rat Society) and you get loads of information, access to a forum, more contact with breeders and their knowledge, etc :) Just have to find my cheque book to pay for the membership ;D
21-09-2008, 16:05
how much is membership?
tempted to join myself, gets away from people that don't know how clean rats are :)
gets me plenty more info for when I get some, and gets contacts :D
More nice ratties. :)
Had a look around on the offchance there might have been fancy rats at the Berkshire County show but no luck. Had to make do with ferrets, chickens, and llamas instead. :(
Had to make do with ferrets, chickens, and llamas instead. :(
Were they Drama llamas?
I believe so. One of them decided to empty itself while I was there. When it was done, it revealed it had heard of Desmo and wanted to prove it could do better. :shocked: :p
This afternoon Dibbler took his final trip to the vets and went to find his brother Rincewind. His back legs had deteriorated rapidly over the weekend to the point where he was having problems even shuffling about. One of his front hands was also constricted making it hard for him to wash and eat.
He was about 26 months old which isn't too bad, especially for a pet shop rat. Greebo is currently curled up on the sofa with Carrot and Nobby looking after him; I fear when he realises his brother isn't coming home, he will follow him.
Goodnight my licky mobile sh*t machine, I'll miss you :'(
Sorry to hear that Sam :(
27-10-2008, 19:33
Night night Dibbler, safe trip to the ratty paradise in the sky.
Bless him :( May he find Rincewind and have a lot of ratty fun.
Have fun over Rainbow Bridge little man.
Hugs, Tak xx
Sorry for your loss Tak :(
Thank you everyone, and thank you to the people who text me during the day. I cleaned their cage out earlier to remove as much of his smell as I could - Greebo is currently curled up in the hammock with Carrot, whilst Nobby is curled up where Dibbler use to sleep :(
I know it was for the best - he had no quality of life no matter how alert and alive his brain was, his body wasn't able. I still feel like carp though :(
27-10-2008, 21:37
Thank you everyone, and thank you to the people who text me during the day. I cleaned their cage out earlier to remove as much of his smell as I could - Greebo is currently curled up in the hammock with Carrot, whilst Nobby is curled up where Dibbler use to sleep :(
I know it was for the best - he had no quality of life no matter how alert and alive his brain was, his body wasn't able. I still feel like carp though :(
Sorry I didn't message you sooner hun, you know how it is where I work.
As I said though, big hugs, hope the others can cheer you up a bit and don't take it too hard themselves.
27-10-2008, 21:54
Oh my god, we were thinking about getting a rat.
We went on a tour of the pet shops at the weekend, but i'm still in two minds about it!
Oh my god, we were thinking about getting a rat.
We went on a tour of the pet shops at the weekend, but i'm still in two minds about it!
Not one - at least two as they are very social creatures. Also it is better if you can get from a breeder rather than a pet shop - if you let me know your area/if you are def interested in getting some rats, I can pass your email on to some breeders in which ever area you're in. I can also answer/try to answer any questions you might have :)
If you need rat advice, Sam is your girl, but I do second the 'don't buy from pet shops' opinion :)
Epic medical update:
I swear my rats aim to worry me.
First up Cmot (again). My lil spazzy boy has a lump on his jaw. Its been there and the same size for about 2 weeks (to be honest maybe 3 - I thought it was just a funny tuft of fur for a while).
It isn't bothering him or getting in the way but it does feel semi hard so I am thinking it is a growth of some sort.
Now Cmot is probably somewhere over 2 1/2 years so I'm loathed to put him though an op just for the sake of it. If the lump gets bigger or starts to hinder him in any way then I'll take him down to Greg but for now I'm just going to keep an eye on it.
Second is lil Ms Esme who has been hooting for the past 3 days. I was going to give her chance to fight the infection on her own (I hate drugs for drugs sake) esp as it doesn't seem to be affecting her in any other way, but as she seems no better or worse, I am thinking she is going to get to go meet Vet Greg.
Third up is my chunky boy Carrot. Carrot seems to have a permanent hoot/rattle which no antibiotics completely clear up and as he doesn't seem ill in any other way I put it down to his size and have commenced action plan Carrot Diet.
Problem is he too has a lump on his jaw. His, whilst it isn't getting bigger or affecting him, does seem to be getting redder and is softer and more mailable than Cmots, so I am thinking it may be an abscess.
I have never dealt with an abscess before and a facial one has me even more worried.
I am going to phone for a vet appointment in the morning but the problem is with Mic's work and me already taking time off on Wednesday to go to the doctor for myself, I can't see me being able to get down to the vet before Friday, and I just know I'm going to worry continually until then.
And of course there is old man Greebo who still keeps looking for Dibbler. He is still active and climbs about with no problems, but he is getting oh so very boney and I just wonder how long my lil man has left to enjoy his life with me.
They all bring me so much joy and happiness and love, but they don't half cause some worry and heartache too.
they're all incredibly lucky to have found you Sam x
I've taken the dried pasta out of their food mix and am only giving it as a treat now (to help with weight issues) - after being stared at across the room by 9 pairs of accusing eyes when they realised, I'm not sure they'd agree ;D
Carrot's face lump has stopped growing :)
I am sosososo glad my friend Jo came round. She said as it isn't smelling or green it is basically a zit rather than an abscess ;D She pre-warned me what was likely to happen, which is a good job otherwise I would be in a state of hysteria right now. The lump is starting to go reddy black at the top which means it is likely to burst soon.
Carrot isn't appreciating the twice daily face soaks and squeezes and even turned his nose up at the post-prodding treat this morning (I really am not his favourite person right now).
Esme is sounding better too as Jo gave me some antibiotics and she is loving the mince pie pastry which the baytril is being given on.
I am pleased Jo agreed with me re: Cmots face lump - it def feels more attached and is in an awkward place if we were to get him operated on, but as it doesn't seem to be getting bigger, isn't bothering him, isn't slowing him down or anything, I am going to leave be and just keep an eye on it.
I have put a couple of them in the scales just because. All weights are "ish" - Esme = 330g, Reg = 690g, Carrot = 900g ( :o ). I may have a go with the others later.
Carrot's face lump has stopped growing :)
I am sosososo glad my friend Jo came round. She said as it isn't smelling or green it is basically a zit rather than an abscess ;D She pre-warned me what was likely to happen, which is a good job otherwise I would be in a state of hysteria right now. The lump is starting to go reddy black at the top which means it is likely to burst soon.
Carrot isn't appreciating the twice daily face soaks and squeezes and even turned his nose up at the post-prodding treat this morning (I really am not his favourite person right now).
Hmm.. zits, and he's being moody with you? Oh dear, looks like Carrot is turning into a teenager!
Carrots face exploded sunday evening (mebbe little exaggeration), loads and loads of muck came out (not exaggeration) :puke: must have been so painful with all that pressure :/ He has a sizeable scab there now so I'm still washing the area but his face is at least the right shape again :)
Esme has stopped hooting so antibiotics have worked :)
Only sad thing is Greebo still - he is a bag of bones, there really is nothing left of him, but the only other sign he is giving of being unwell is rapid breathing, he is still wandering about, climbing on the pillow on the sofa, trying to eat the xbox controller etc
I'm scared that I'm putting off going to the vet for selfish reasons, that I'm being cruel, but when I watch him sniffing and wandering about...gaa :'(
Today at 5:20pm, Greebo went to find his brothers Rincewind and Dibbler.
He was the last of our first, I look back at the beginning of this thread and look of photos of him so young.
I knew he had probably developed kidney problems from the amount he was drinking and the fact he lost weight so fast.
Over the past few days, his breathing had gotten worse, he was breathing from his sides rather than his chest which means either heart problems or lung problems. From the way he would have to rest after any type of running around I would guess lung, but I I'll never know.
Even sitting in the vets he was still trying to explore even though you could see he was exhausted just trying.
The vet did say we could try antibiotics in case the lack of energy and breathing was just an infection, but he said that at probably somewhere around 30 months old, with his other problems too, it was unlikely and it would be kinder to let him go which is what we kinda expected. He had a good innings.
Run free lil man - I'll miss you :'(
I've been using Errol and Vimes as tissues (they are so dopey :) ) They didn't live in the same cage as Greebo but they all know something isn't right, even the girls.
Carrot and Nobby seem okish at the moment - they are use to breaks from one another because of shows and stuff, it'll be tomorrow and at least a few days after that I need to keep an eye on them.
It just hasn't sunk in yet that he has gone :'(
Sorry to hear that Sam. :(
Farewell Greebo and hope you've found your brothers.
Oh no :(
I'm really sorry to hear that, poor little man. Have fun at rainbow bridge Greebo!
Hugs go to you and the ratlets. :hugs:
This morning when I checked on them before work, Nobby ran to the door and then looked confused - it was like he was saying "aren't you bringing him home now?" :(
I've checked on them tonight and Nobby is just curled up in the hammock - he didn't even stick his head out to say hello like he always does :(
I'm meant to be cleaning the cages out tonight but I think I'll give them all corn on the cob as they love it and make such a mess and then clean them all out tomorrow during the day.
Reg Shoe has a swollen hot foot.
He doesn't seem in pain with it but I have him on baby calpol and metacam. I think it is probably a sprain/bash from where when he was asleep with Magrat in the igloo, Esme pushed it down the ramp.
He currently has the run (hop) of the sofa and a cozy set up in the cat carrier (its my usual set up for injuries/illnesses/stays that will only be for a couple of days). Meds are being delivered on bits of hot cross buns so he is enjoying himself :p
If here is no improvement by Monday he'll be off to the vet as then I will be suspecting that he has something more like Cmots arthritis and will need antibiotics.
Checked with Claire and its about a year since he was denadded and he is about 18 months old which is actually about the same times/age Cmot was with his first flare up - hopefully just an odd coincidence.
And some photo spam because I can :p
The three of them:
The little madam:
Magrat who took part in her first show last weekend and got described as "very pretty" and "quite laid back":
The man in question (before injury)
17-01-2009, 13:16
How the chuff did you get the three of them to sit still long enough for a group pic! :D I try and try with my bunnies because i'd love one of the two of them together, but one or the other always hops off the minute I get my camera out.
They all try and climb towards you if you get too close to the sofa so you sit just out of reach ;) That or shake the sweetie jar/open a packet and they all rush to the sound :)
17-01-2009, 17:21
Those pics are fantastic! I want to play!!!
Those pics are fantastic! I want to play!!!
Thanks hun :) I get a lot of practice taking photos of the rats :p And you know where I am; they never say no to being fussed over :)
Second to last pic needs a 'Damn youse!' caption. :D
18-01-2009, 17:21
This one needs a 1960's "why-i-outta" caption. or a boxing one :p
Family consists of:
1 x Daddy rat
1 x Mummy rat
11 x Baby rats
2 x older young rats (daughters of Daddy and Mummy)
Mum is pregnant AGAIN, and due soon, but so are both daughters. Animals care not a jot for the ethical implications of incest. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together could tell you that.
This is the post I made when I got Cmot on 7th March 2007. It saddens me to say that while he, with all his various lumps, bumps, infections and problems, is still pootling about, pinching chocolate biccys from my mouth and making escape bids from the sofa, about 90% of the other rats/following litters from that rescue have passed away, all with varying levels of health problems.
THIS is the reason we need more reputable breeders who know what they are doing and breed for health and longevity, rather than petshop "rat farms" or BYBs (back yard breeders) or people who just think it would be "amusing" to mate up their animals.
Sorry - just needed that little rant :o
Oh and some positive rattie PR - Telegraph link (
And Cmot looking all smiley :)
That pic is ace!
Heh - thanks :) I think they know when the camera is out :)
And a bit of advertisement:
There is a bigger article in The Guide (weekend supplement with The News) too :)
So the show was an amazing success - overall we improved upon last years profit by £120 and we are looking for a bigger hall for next year :D
Magrat managed to come 3rd in the pet class and then 2nd in the doe pet class :)
Jayne - the show sec and person who checks in on my lot when I go away has recently had 2 new litters. Mic and I are on the waiting list for 3 bucks to go in with Nobby and Carrot.
It is looking likely that we will get 1 from each of the litters (we already have a buff boy named Stibbons but I agreed for him to stay with Jayne until the boy from the other litter is old enough) and hopefully 1 from the litter she has planned for this month.
We went to see the 1st of the 2 litters when they were 2 weeks old (mums name is Polly). There was one lil rattie who none of us thought was going to make it. She had a head tilt which is usually the sign of an ear infection or something like brain damage. It meant that she just wasn't able to feed properly and kept getting shoved out of the way.
I went round just before the pompy show for a final "planning" gathering and to everyones surprise the lil girl was still going. She was about 2 weeks behind the others size wise and still had her tilt. She promptly climbed on to me, had a wash and fell asleep:
(koala rat:)
As Jayne is trying to get her breeding line up, she can't afford to keep the runts from the litters. As it is though her hubby Steve is a bit of a soft touch and said that this lil girl would only go somewhere he trusted (I'm sure you can all see where this is leading :o )
So last weekend the lil runty girl, named Esk, came home with me. After a few intro problems (aka Reg being a lumbering bully) things seem to have settled down.
Not a great photo but shows the size difference between Magrat and Esk:
Esme is still a toe rag :) :
Magrat tries to follow suit but doesn't find it as easy:
And Reg is just a podgy snowball:
Esk definitely has some mental issues as well as balance problems sometimes; she has a habit of doing hyperactive laps around the cage, and when she gets excited/scared/tired her head tilt becomes more pronounced; a lot of the time it just sort of looks like she is tilting her head to listen to you :) Even though she always loses she still stands up for herself - guess that was something she learnt when she had to fight to get food from her litter-mates.
Esk is adorable. So cute!
Wish Lana would let me have some :(
Esk's lift doesn't go anywhere near the top floor but she is a sweetie :) She is like a lil bullet too which makes taking photos near impossible.
(Once she has paid the overdue bill...) this is Jaynes website - I can't remember but I think there are photos of Polly on there :)
Lana not a rattie fan? :(
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