View Full Version : Nice weekend

27-09-2008, 13:22
We don't get many of them so what is everyone up to?

I'm mainly doing indoor stuff (boo) but have got some washing out on the line (probably for the last time this year :p ). Going to a house party tonight for a friends 30th birthday - theme of fancy dress is "what I wanted to be when I grew up" and as I don't have a cheetara outfit I'm going to be lazy and go as a biker :p

Tomorrow we're getting up at some ungodly hour and driving to taunton for a rat show - I shouldn't be too involved in organisations/official stuff at this one so will be able to just enjoy the rats and take loads of photos :)

27-09-2008, 13:24
Had my hair done this morning, got a contact lens check later on this afternoon.

In between that I'm attempting some housework ( damn me for sitting down for ' 5 minutes ' - can't be bothered to do anything now ;D )

Got nothing planned for tomorrow apart from food shopping.

Nice quiet weekend for a change :)

27-09-2008, 13:29
Im enjoying a weekend off from travelling about going to footy, its rare I havent got somewhere to follow them to.
Currently losing so maybe thats my fault for not going.....

I have the bunnies and the hamsters to clean out this weekend, as well as the usual washing/shopping/housework.

Im going out this evening with my best mate and my godkids, we're going bowling!

27-09-2008, 13:31
Been writing forms for classes and sorting out class music.

Soon I will clean the bathroom.

At 6pm I have a pole party for 13 ladies which is going to be a scream as they want an 80's party so it's all legwarmers and I've made up a routine to teach them to Fame.

Then I'm home after 8 and having a bath and me dinner!

EDIT: OOh yeah, and then tomorrow I have to get up at 5 to get to London for a course. Joy!

27-09-2008, 13:31
Going to a house party tonight for a friends 30th birthday


Literally, turning. Like turning into a werewolf.

27-09-2008, 13:35
I'm 30 next year :o

27-09-2008, 13:37
I'm 30 next year :o

You're going to turn...

27-09-2008, 13:37
EDIT: OOh yeah, and then tomorrow I have to get up at 5 to get to London for a course. Joy!

What course? Spill...

27-09-2008, 13:40
I think i'm going to go shopping with mum then get crickets for the toads maybe pop into B&Q and see camerajaun then we'll see.

27-09-2008, 13:41
I'm 30 next year :o

Me too!!!!

27-09-2008, 13:41
What course? Spill...

Big girlie flappy armed course - Fitness Ballet. Will help with all my dance classes so I definitely want it!

27-09-2008, 13:41
You're going to turn...


27-09-2008, 13:41
Not a lot planned for today but tomorrow will be an early start as I'm taking YMF to the Top Gear test track where his school are racing an electric car in a 4 hour endurance race. He's part of the team and is involved with the battery changes.

It's going to be an early start and in all honesty, quite boring.

27-09-2008, 13:41
Me too!!!!

1979 eh ? The bestest vintage ;)

Dawn, if I get in the car now I should make it in time ;D

27-09-2008, 13:43
Dawn, if I get in the car now I should make it in time ;D

Drive Piggy! Drive like the wind!

Snuggle Ferret
27-09-2008, 13:50
I am sat inside seeing the nice weather outside.

27-09-2008, 14:14
I'm 30 next year :o

I'm dreading my birthday this year :o

27-09-2008, 14:16
Quit yer whinging! I'm 37 and it's not stopped me doing anything yet!

Plus I can swing my boobies over my shoulder when I run for a bus! Bargain!

27-09-2008, 14:23
Been to the Alton Classic Car Show. Pics to follow.

There was an olive stall in amongst the other market stuff and I bought a large tub containing olives as big as my eyeballs. Pics to follow.

27-09-2008, 14:52
Iz working nights :( Plus side of that is I've just got up \o/

Von Smallhausen
27-09-2008, 15:33
Nights for me.

Some let down after sun and San Miguel in Espana.

27-09-2008, 15:38
Iz working nights :( Plus side of that is I've just got up \o/
Beat the record for last weekend then ;D

As Sinead says, quiet weekend for us this time around which is nice as we seem to always be doing something most of the time.

I'm off out in to town for a couple of beers tonight :D

27-09-2008, 19:26
Been shopping. Then back to exchange the stuff I'd just bought. Stuff I knew I needed but wasn't in a rush for until the store (Rosebys) went into administration. Thank god for the free bus pass.

27-09-2008, 21:03
I got Olivers main xmas present, and his it under my bed (hope it stays hidden till xmas!)
Then went food shopping. on a saturday with 2 children. JOY! Managed to lose one, as he decided to go for a run after letting go of my hand for a second , but he turned after much panic.

Tommorow, we are planting bulbs in the garden :) (as long as it doesnt rain) and having roast dinner. :)

27-09-2008, 21:04
House work tomorrow :D How exciting ;D

27-09-2008, 21:11
House work has all been done today apart from the washing so got a nice clear day tomorrow \o/

27-09-2008, 21:14
Today was an ecclectic mix of watching the under 7's get stuffed 6-1 and looking at flooring. If the team we played against today were all under 7 then I am the queen of Sheeba. Seriously I am 5ft 7 and one of there team was a few inches smaller than me.

Tomorrow will be more looking at flooring, then take the little fella off swimming and hopefully doing naff all. After that, the world is my lobster

27-09-2008, 21:22
Weekend off work which is a godsend as there is some sort of holiday weekend in Glasgow which invariably means St.Andrews gets mobbed. Being on tills when this happens is bad :(

Since the weather will be invariably **** (rain + wind) I shall be indoors playing games mostly :) Will also be doing some rowing/weights Fri/Sun. Oh and staying up silly late because I can :D

27-09-2008, 23:07
Meant to watch LOTR tonight. Forgot. :/

I have the DVDs but I tend not to watch anything unless it's placed in front of me with a big neon 'watch me now' sign. Guess I'll have to dig out the nawty toolbox.

27-09-2008, 23:41
Meant to watch LOTR tonight. Forgot. :/

I have the DVDs but I tend not to watch anything unless it's placed in front of me with a big neon 'watch me now' sign. Guess I'll have to dig out the nawty toolbox.

Me too. Exactly that. Only noticed I missed Two Towers last week so thats on the dvd mechanism. Sat down with a nice tall chocolate malt and chocolate cake. I'll probably fall asleep before the end though.

27-09-2008, 23:45
I missed the first and half of this week. I have the extended editions on DVD so I would fall asleep. :)

28-09-2008, 06:18
Been up half hour already :shocked: Leaving for Taunton about 7ish :shocked:

Party was silly esp the adult rated pass the parcel ;D

28-09-2008, 08:35
awww rain :(

28-09-2008, 09:54
I haz sunshine! :o
Well I would have if I got out of bed and opened the curtains :D

28-09-2008, 11:26
well there is now sun here....


:( = i have a very poorly boy :(


i am in bed eating mars ice creams = :D

28-09-2008, 11:32
In theory I have a rare opportunity to clean the car....

28-09-2008, 11:42
Going to the local dog's home to see what it's like and if it's the sort of place we'd want to get a dog from, and obviously what's there. :) Then looking at our local RSPCA too.
Only looking really as I doubt the dog for us will be there, and we're not rushing into anything, but should be fun. :)

28-09-2008, 11:57
Come back and let us know how you got on won't you :)

28-09-2008, 12:00
Will do :) There'll probably be lots of 'awww so cute.......but so impractical for us!' ;D
I reckon it'll be like when we got our cat, we just knew he was the one for us despite him being the exact opposite of what we were originally looking for, so I think that's what will happen this time round too. :)

28-09-2008, 13:20
*clears throat*

Am now officially on REST DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!! Had THE most boring night shift ever and only have three days off due to some poxy acronym-ridden action day on wednesday. I might go and look at getting a bike in a sec if I ever get the energy to get out of this chair.

28-09-2008, 14:00
Yesturday was a whirlwind of emotion, starting out fairly boring, but decided to go along with someone I met on FB to the funfair. Needless to say, the night ended well, cwtched up watching a horror film and staying over. ;)

This morning started really good too. Breakfast in bed and Sunday morning naughties, but on my way home, I was less pleased to see the illuminations of the South Wales finest in my rear view mirror.:( However, it seems the awesome aura must have rubbed off on him and his colleague who just wanted to know if I had been drinking and told me I needed to slow down a little (im sure I wasn't going THAT fast.)

My car then decided I really should change the brake pads by making a loud crunch sound on my way on the home straight, so I have that to look forward to this afternoon, followed by some more long distance love trips this evening :evil:

28-09-2008, 14:11
A few non-car pics from yesterday's outing. Still sorting through the others.

A shop in town just for Stan:


And a market stall for me:


Some really freaky pseudo-children at one of the arts and crafts stands:




28-09-2008, 14:20
freaky children indeed :shocked:

28-09-2008, 14:38
Whisky, Fudge and Cheese - what more do you want in life?!

Today on this lovely sunny day I have been for a 1.5 mile jog (not very far but I haven't been out in ages :p) and now am watching death race :p

Snuggle Ferret
28-09-2008, 14:42
freaky children indeed :shocked:

Is it bad that I misread children for chicken !!!

28-09-2008, 14:42
I went to buy crickets today, some **** decided to drive too close (it was definitely him he was over my side) and whack my wing mirror thankfully it just folded in his looked fixed though i hope he has some damage for being an utter pleb. Other than that i just had a bacon roll for brunch and will see if mum wants to go to a NT house because i'm bored and in a foul mood now. Fortunately next weekend is going to be a good weekend, i'm going to the Big Cheese to get merry on JD and cider and to dance my arse off to the baywatch theme. Then its Russell Howard time :D. My weekend fluctuate widely between overly awesome and staggeringly crap.

28-09-2008, 14:54
How much fudge?????

28-09-2008, 14:58
As I walked past the stand a woman asked for a particular kind and the guy said that someone had bought the lot - twenty-five pounds - that morning. Looking at the stock he had I couldn't work out if he meant in currency or weight!

28-09-2008, 15:34
I'm 30 next year :o

Aaaaah, shaddup young 'un!! ;D

You too, Roberta!! :p

28-09-2008, 15:54
Whisky, Fudge and Cheese - what more do you want in life?!
Cripple Cock!!!

How much fudge?????
Not enough, clearly.

28-09-2008, 15:54
I've had an ok weekend for once. I had yesterday off and Iain and I went to Edinburgh for my uni open day. Then we went shopping and went to the HRC for dinner. Followed by watching Doomsday at our friends house.

Today hasn't been too great. Had to call in and tell work I wouldn't be in as I had to take Jasper to the vet. He's now on antibiotics for a tummy bug and he's locked in the kitchen so he doesn't get poo everywhere. He's looking very sorry for himself!

28-09-2008, 15:57
Crippled Cock

Ah so true indeed.

28-09-2008, 15:59
Had a lovely day in the Sun yesterday with Pheeb's family. Today, enjoyed a morning in the sun before having to bomb back down to Exeter so I can get my lessons sorted for tomorrow... These kids will be turning up for a lesson come what may - so no more time to procrastinate!
Glad people seemed to have had a good one - must be the weather! :D

28-09-2008, 16:55
This was my weekend:

Kawasaki ZX9R


28-09-2008, 17:00
You went out on your bike and it remained sunny ??!! :shocked:

28-09-2008, 17:03
Going to the local dog's home to see what it's like and if it's the sort of place we'd want to get a dog from, and obviously what's there. :) Then looking at our local RSPCA too.
Only looking really as I doubt the dog for us will be there, and we're not rushing into anything, but should be fun. :)

No luck! Went to the local one and really didn't like it there, the dogs looked ok but they seemed to have fairly minimal care and it was pretty dirty there, and just something not quite right. So don't think we'll be going there again.

The RSPCA one was lovely, all the dogs seemed really well cared for, clean and full of people socialising them and walking them as it was sunny weather. But they just didn't have anything that we wanted, nothing that made us think 'that's the one!' but we're planning on going every week or so to have a look, hopefully the right one will come up soon. :)

Frustrating but not something we can rush into without being certain!

28-09-2008, 17:12
Beer + chilling = awesome!

28-09-2008, 17:16
Olives, brie, wine, Lord Of The Rings trilogy, thats my Sunday eve sorted :D

28-09-2008, 17:16
Frustrating but not something we can rush into without being certain!

Good answer, and you are spot on with this sentence.

28-09-2008, 17:16
playing Rock Band and not drinking much has given me a stinking headache :(

pretty poor weekend in all :(

28-09-2008, 18:15
Done sod all today. I've got so much I wanted to do, but I just had one of those 'cba' days. Probably a result of being busy yesterday. I'm getting a bit worried about how lethargic I've been recently so may go start asking questions.

28-09-2008, 18:47
I may or may not have fallen asleep after getting home from doing my shopping......ooooooops!
Wont be able to sleep tonight now!

28-09-2008, 18:59
How much fudge?????

Not nearly enough :D I was woken at some ungodly hour by my nephew on the phone saying "Camraa camraa!" We got him a toy camera for his 2nd birthday. It takes 1.3mp digital photos onto an SD card. Unfortunately I developed a migraine so I had to miss his party. Slept most of the day, which I guess I needed. Day off from the computer, emails, work, photos. Watched some west wing and thats it. Stupid head.

28-09-2008, 22:19
Got up at 2.30am and went to London to do my course. Spent from 10 - 3.40 exercising and now can't move my legs! May be a problem as I have a 1-2-1 pole lesson and a spinning class to take tomorrow!

Passed the course though!

28-09-2008, 22:27
Got up at 2.30am and went to London to do my course. Spent from 10 - 3.40 exercising and now can't move my legs! May be a problem as I have a 1-2-1 pole lesson and a spinning class to take tomorrow!

Passed the course though!

:shocked: I don't think I'd gone to bed by 2.30am!
Congrats on passing the course :D

28-09-2008, 22:28
Wooo!! Well done :)

Yesterday was spent coming home from hols and being miserable about it. The cat missed us though, so it was nice to feel loved :D

Today I spent the morning doing washing and shopping, then I grilled sprats for lunch and we lay on the sofa under a duvet watching the Grand Prix. Went out for a 30min jog later on and then made tea and watched TV for a bit. Pretty lazy day really. I wanted to nag Leon into installing the cat flap, but didn't get round to it.

Back to work tomorrow. It's going to suck BIG time :(

28-09-2008, 22:33
I planted all my bulbs, and cut the hedges :D

28-09-2008, 22:47
Just spent the last three hours fixing the error my Linux box has been moaning at me about for the last three months. Up to a few days ago it didn't matter, but something broke on Friday so it had to be dealt with pronto. Would have preferred to deal with a load of photos that need processing but didn't get the choice. Tedious. :/

28-09-2008, 23:00
I ironed in my pants. And then ironed everything else whilst in my newly ironed pants. I've had a dull weekend!

28-09-2008, 23:31
Since Friday I've been at a beautiful Mock Tudor (we think) building in Oak Hall along with my church for a retreat: http://www.oakhall.co.uk/pages/manorvenue.asp
Played way too much electric guitar this weekend, my right arm is absolutely killing me from the more precise playing required.. played acoustic friday night, then electric for two sessions on saturday morning, then one in the evening (along with teaching two people to play acoustic on saturday afternoon), then one session this morning.

Great teaching, some interesting speakers on a few subjects relating to community work and church planning, stuff that's working succesfully in other areas around the country, some great ideas that are kicking off ideas for replication.

28-09-2008, 23:40
Done absolutely sweet fa today. Got up at midday after nights last night, read for a bit, played on here for a bit, spoke on the phone for a bit, read a bit more, bought food, more computer, ate stuff, watched a movie.

Im too lazy to even open the wine I bought earlier.

28-09-2008, 23:45
And here (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=9374) are the results of my Sunday.

29-09-2008, 06:53
Had a great day at the show - Errol got 4th in Adult Owned Buck and he also got a comedy award of 1st Potential Disney Character :)
Neither of these awards give a rosette but you do get certificates (I'll take photos and post them in my family thread tonight :) )
Had macaroni cheese for dinner and watched the new Heroes episodes.

I'm completely shattered still and didn't want to get up when my alarm went off. Manager is back from her holiday today so I'm expecting work to be busy with people wanting to see her and suchlike

29-09-2008, 09:53
Spent most of the weekend at Snetterton, Zirax came with us on Saturday, weather was great for most of the races, except for the last two when it rained.

29-09-2008, 10:29
Went to Robs parents on friday night caught up with them, then drove down to Bournemouth for DeVere take 3... lovely hotel really nice (if not a bit weathered) and it was in a superb location on the seafront too :D

We went for a walk on the seafront then went and had some lunch in the town and did a bit of shopping..got a few bargains..we were really lucky with the weather it was brilliant :D there was a Harley Davidson meet on the seafront aswell with a band, and RNLI were doing some races too.

Went back to the hotel and used the gym then had a neck shoulders and back massage and chilled out in the pool sauna steam room and jacuzzi... went to get ready for dinner... went to Bella Italia because Prezzo was fuly booked (boo) and then went to a bar called Bliss for £1.50 drinks! More bargains!

Left my driving licence at home so was worrying about getting in lol, but because we were early we managed to.

Sunday - got up and went for a jog along the seafront (thought, well when am I going to get this chance again!?) then had a breakfast and went to play crazy golf - which was brilliant :D

Sposed to meet up with Pheebs and Pickers but that didn't happen :( big boo of the weekend...nevermind.

Drove back to Rob's parents and met his uncle and aunty then went home.

Brilliant weekend! :D

BB x