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View Full Version : Looking for a watch for work

27-09-2008, 20:24
Any watch people out there help me please?

Since the rig I'm on was taken over by Transocean, some of the rules have changed and one of them is that we are no longer allowed to wear steel banded watches.

I forgot all about it until I got onto the rig so I sent word to ask one of the guys coming onto the rig on Thursday to get me a non-steel banded watch for around the 200LE mark (about £20). He brought me a Casio "fishing gear" watch - which isn't too bad. It is mixed analogue and digital, has alarms, stopwatch, timer etc and is allegedly water resistant to 50M (don't think I'll test that :p).
Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be scratch resistant which is evident from the badly scratched lens after just 4 hours use.

Anyway, on to the job in hand.

What I'm looking for is something which is quite rugged and will take a bit of punishment. It needs to be scratch resistant, shock resistant, water resistant, keep good time, show the date and not have a metal strap. Was looking for something around the £50 mark.

Had a bit of a look around and found one that looks to be something like what I'm looking for- the Casio AW-591MS-3AER (http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000W6TRT2/interactiveda3502-21).

If anybody has any experience with watches of this type, can you please share your wisdom and/or experience?

Please bear in mind, I don't need anything fashionable or "cool" - just something which isn't going to fall to pieces or become unusable with a little bit of hard graft.

Many thanks in advance :)

27-09-2008, 20:27

Sorry :o

27-09-2008, 20:30

Wonder if it's scratch resistant?

27-09-2008, 20:35
Found this, which contains useful information about scratch resistance.


Can't tell what the material used on that Casio is. Knowing Casio, it could be as cheap as what you've already got (and scratched), but I would hope not.

27-09-2008, 20:35
I dare you to get one ! ;D

27-09-2008, 20:36
I have braces to match (present, not worn). It's the look, apparently. ;D

27-09-2008, 20:36

A (http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/2515634/Trail/searchtext%3EG-SHOCK.htm)

B (http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/2831961/Trail/searchtext%3EG-SHOCK.htm)

I have an older blue g-shock that Kitten bought me and it's been fantastic :) currently it got replaced by a fossil one.

EDIT: if you get a g-shock make sure it's got a sunken face, the same as I have and can happily report no scratches.

27-09-2008, 20:37
A G-Shock should do the job perfectly I'd have thought.

27-09-2008, 20:43
Or Bart ;D

27-09-2008, 20:58
G shock all the way, there is one I particularly like called the Mudman and it comes in a really nice grey



28-09-2008, 08:58
Since the rig I'm on was taken over by Transocean, some of the rules have changed and one of them is that we are no longer allowed to wear steel banded watches.

Why arent you allowed them?

28-09-2008, 09:12
Why arent you allowed them?

Safety. If it catches in anything, a metal strap can cause a lot of damage to your wrist before the metal gives way - a leather/plastic/fabric stap should give way a lot easier.

28-09-2008, 09:12
Safety. If it catches in anything, a metal strap can cause a lot of damage to your wrist before the metal gives way - a leather/plastic/fabric stap should give way a lot easier.

oh ok :)

Sorry, I didn't know, and just wondered :)

28-09-2008, 10:53
oh ok :)

Sorry, I didn't know, and just wondered :)

No need to apologise :)

It's not the sort of thing most people think about but in an industry with as high a potential for accidents as the offshore oil industry, the more you do to eliminate or reduce hazards, the better.

Some of the safety restrictions here seem silly and pointless at first glance but if they save one life or stop one person losing an arm or a finger, then it's worth it really. It's a bit of a balancing act between making the industry as safe as possible without making it impossible to do the job.

28-09-2008, 10:59
oh ok :)

Sorry, I didn't know, and just wondered :)

I wondered too so I wouldnt worry! :)
I was going to ask when I got to the end of the thread but then thankfully you already had.

Von Smallhausen
28-09-2008, 18:19
I got a Casio AQF 100W

It's not a bad time piece for work and was about £30.

This is the link.

Casio AQF 100 (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.generalmanual.com/img/0708/2220043QV00.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.generalmanual.com/Watches-Clocks/Casio-AQF100W-7BV-Sports-Watches.htm&h=190&w=158&sz=9&hl=en&start=18&usg=__V55wi4QHyjx2C0tqcjEre6MLaV0=&tbnid=FquBNedrQmgznM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=86&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcasio%2Bmoon%2Btide%2Btemperature%2Bw atch%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den)

28-09-2008, 18:24
I have this for work http://www.casio.co.uk/products/Watches/Baby-G/MSG-133L-1VER/At_a_Glance/

No scratches, comfy, easy to read, tough as old boots :D

28-09-2008, 18:46
I got a Casio AQF 100W

It's not a bad time piece for work and was about £30.

This is the link.

Casio AQF 100 (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.generalmanual.com/img/0708/2220043QV00.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.generalmanual.com/Watches-Clocks/Casio-AQF100W-7BV-Sports-Watches.htm&h=190&w=158&sz=9&hl=en&start=18&usg=__V55wi4QHyjx2C0tqcjEre6MLaV0=&tbnid=FquBNedrQmgznM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=86&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcasio%2Bmoon%2Btide%2Btemperature%2Bw atch%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den)

Ooh, I quite like that. Plenty of features to keep me confuzzled and looks quite smart into the bargain.

I have this for work http://www.casio.co.uk/products/Watches/Baby-G/MSG-133L-1VER/At_a_Glance/

No scratches, comfy, easy to read, tough as old boots :D

Nice enough timepiece but I prefer something with hands - I quite like the dual display ones (i.e. analogue and digital).

Keep 'em coming folks :)