View Full Version : Fracture - Ps3.

02-10-2008, 18:05
Anyone played this game? It looks good visually and I sorta like it. It looks like a take on Halo, or at least a copy off halo.

Metalface Mark
02-10-2008, 19:46
I thought the videos of it looked quite Haloish, theres some good ones on IGN.

03-10-2008, 09:12
If you have the time, you can check out the demo.....I played it for a few minutes and while I am yet to get into it I noticed the AI seem intelligent and will "actively track you down" and they are just not "there" for the sake of you shooting them up.

Metalface Mark
03-10-2008, 10:52
I read the IGN review, it got only 5.9, shame as it looked quite promising.

03-10-2008, 16:17
The raise and lower theme of the game is clever, although even in the demo, bordering on the repetative side of things. Nice looking game, but for me it wouldn't get a look in on Xbox360 against so many strong FPS games nor on PS3 where I'd rather save my money for the big FPS games that will be coming.

03-10-2008, 18:23
I played the demo and I felt it was lacking a few things. In terms of weapons, there are some really good futuristic weapons, my favourite gotta be the "underground RPG".....well you shoot it and it goes just below the ground [I think you can control it too] and then you detonate it directly or close by to your enemies or their vehicles/station. I thought that was very clever and never before seen. Lol.

I like the sprint action. It feels fast due to the blurry effect. The A.I acts...well intelligent and like I said before, just don't seem to shoot in a regular pattern that the player become quickly acquainted to. It is more or less random, but they will try to shot you out of where ever you go.

The lack of cover in the game kinda sucks. It will be nice for one to be able to dock behind cover and hide so one can see round corners like in Rainbow six. Instead, there is just a single button for bending down and getting up.....The game feels stupid as one runs around from the hails of bullets and a bit boring for the constant need to throw up cover using the special guns...Overall, it looks promising, but the review from other people just kinda put me off it and the lack of proper cover action rules it out for me completely I think.

03-10-2008, 19:55
It's probably worth a rental. It's like a cross between Halo and Gears of War, but not as good as either. It reminds me of Resistance in that it has so much potential, but not delivered.