View Full Version : OMG, my Mac had a Kernel panic

02-10-2008, 21:35
I thought these didn't happen, Mac's don't crash, right?!

Thu Oct 2 21:25:21 2008
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x00193077): "pmap_flush_tlbs() timeout: " "cpu(s) failing to respond to interrupts, pmap=0x536500 cpus_to_respond=0x2"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-1228.7.58/osfmk/i386/pmap.c:4580
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x87cd3a88 : 0x12b0fa (0x459234 0x87cd3abc 0x133243 0x0)
0x87cd3ad8 : 0x193077 (0x45f3a4 0x536500 0x2 0x19d8f8)
0x87cd3b48 : 0x19339d (0x53d418 0x1 0x0 0x1e0f17a8)
0x87cd3bf8 : 0x195806 (0x536500 0x87c09000 0x0 0xfec3e048)
0x87cd3c58 : 0x169e6f (0x536500 0x87c09000 0x0 0x87c0d000)
0x87cd3d78 : 0x16a437 (0x87c0d000 0x0 0x1 0x0)
0x87cd3db8 : 0x164699 (0x1cdff78 0x87c09000 0x0 0x87c0d000)
0x87cd3df8 : 0x38f8eb (0x1cdff78 0x87c09000 0x4000 0xfcfa774)
0x87cd3e18 : 0x38fa8c (0xf928870 0x400 0x87cd3e48 0x1f1eaf)
0x87cd3e48 : 0x38faee (0xeb7e778 0x212 0x87cd3e78 0x3e8c57)
0x87cd3e78 : 0x36751b (0x178de000 0x87cd3ec8 0x200000 0xe7f8658)
0x87cd3ee8 : 0x36790c (0xf0760a0 0x178de000 0xeb7e720 0x1a7efc)
0x87cd3f28 : 0x3679c8 (0x0 0x19 0x87cd3f5c 0x1)
0x87cd3f78 : 0x3ddd6e (0xeb7e720 0x1ab41380 0x1ab413c4 0x1b68bcc4)
0x87cd3fc8 : 0x19f3b3 (0x1b6639e0 0x0 0x1a20b5 0x1b6639e0)
No mapping exists for frame pointer
Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0xb039deb8

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: DirectoryService

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 9.5.0: Wed Sep 3 11:29:43 PDT 2008; root:xnu-1228.7.58~1/RELEASE_I386
System model name: MacPro3,1 (Mac-F42C88C8)

What happened? Should I call the police?

02-10-2008, 21:37
The whole 'Mac's don't crash' thing is rubbish - they do. Mine has done it a few times, usually it's iDVD getting upset when I try to eject.

02-10-2008, 21:38
I was being a bit tongue in cheek ;)

02-10-2008, 21:45
I hate it when the stupid ****wits at Apple use the "macs don't crash".

My mums does EVERY time I use it!!!

02-10-2008, 22:02
What's with the model MacPro3,1? Have they gone all continental on us? :)

02-10-2008, 22:42
This thread reminded me of...



03-10-2008, 08:21
Meh, in the 1 and a half years that I've been using my MBP daily I'm yet to get a Kernel panic. The beachball of death is rather friendly with some apps though.. *Cough*

03-10-2008, 09:38
The beachball of death is rather friendly with some apps though.. *Cough*

Firefox and the beachball seem to be the best of pals on my Macbook.

03-10-2008, 10:05
my macbook hates adium :(

03-10-2008, 10:12
That would be a problem for me since I've nearly always got Adium open when using the Macbook.

03-10-2008, 10:28
That would be a problem for me since I've nearly always got Adium open when using the Macbook.

if i send or receive a file, it does the spinny colours thing at me for a bit, then abruptly closes :(

03-10-2008, 10:33
Arse. Mine is fine but it does run a lot slower when receiving files from someone using a Windows MSN client. Does it make any difference if you send/receive to another Adium user?

03-10-2008, 10:43
Firefox and the beachball seem to be the best of pals on my Macbook.

Aye, was like that too with me, FF never felt the same on OS X as it did on Windows for me so I went over to Safari, occasionally popping to the Webkit nightlies for big feature jumps like now with SquirrelFish Extreme.

03-10-2008, 10:44
Arse. Mine is fine but it does run a lot slower when receiving files from someone using a Windows MSN client. Does it make any difference if you send/receive to another Adium user?

sending files is slooooooooooowwwwwwwww whether they are on msn or adium.

skype is much faster on mine..

03-10-2008, 10:53
Aye, was like that too with me, FF never felt the same on OS X as it did on Windows for me so I went over to Safari, occasionally popping to the Webkit nightlies for big feature jumps like now with SquirrelFish Extreme.

The beachball and Firefox love affair is a long standing problem relating to FF blocking itself whilst waiting for a response from a webserver. Normally you'll see if if a page has images linked to another site and that other site is a bit slow.

It was supposed to be fixed in FF3 but I'm still seeing it.

Admiral Huddy
03-10-2008, 15:39
Sorry mate, had to laugh :D

03-10-2008, 16:00
if i send or receive a file, it does the spinny colours thing at me for a bit, then abruptly closes :(

*sends lots and lots of files* ;)

03-10-2008, 16:04
*sends lots and lots of files* ;)


03-10-2008, 16:39

You wouldn't dare :x