View Full Version : Big Cat Live

07-10-2008, 20:42
BBC doing what it does best. A consistently gripping series :D

Anyone else enjoying this this time around?

07-10-2008, 20:44
I had to turn off. I know it's only nature doing it's thing. :'(

07-10-2008, 20:54
Why weren't they watching them?!

Did they find out what happened to them?


BB x

07-10-2008, 21:14
I was expecting holby :(

07-10-2008, 21:32
Bah! Holby's gone downhill since it changed its filming technique :(

BB x

07-10-2008, 21:41
They wont follow the cheetahs at night as it draws attention to them, and they wont intervene when things look sticky. Like they said tonight, circle of life and all that, and the three remaining have a better chance than when there were 5 of them.

I seem to remember them stepping in last series with Toto, or positioning a vehicle or something. Im sure what they tell the public and what actually goes on are a bit different ;)

07-10-2008, 21:53
I've edited some posts in this thread :)

Please can we use spoiler tags from now on :D

EDIT: it was just pointed out that I had just spoilt the show too so have edited my post.

07-10-2008, 21:58
OK - I didn't know there weren't 5 cubs either so not sure how that was seen as a spoiler. Deleted it now anyway.

07-10-2008, 22:07
I'd spoilered your post Mark so you didn't need to delete it :/ You last post does say something bad has happened :p

07-10-2008, 22:21
Ha ha ha!!!! :D Spoiler alerting this thread...



BB x

07-10-2008, 22:49
Can we just clear the whole thread up? :/

Gripping as ever, loving it.

07-10-2008, 23:35
I dont quite know how it ended up like this......I dont really know why it needs tags, the clue is in the title.

08-10-2008, 00:46
I'd spoilered your post Mark so you didn't need to delete it :/ You last post does say something bad has happened :p
Public apology time. Sorry dude - threw my toys out of my pram and had a hissy fit. I stepped away from the computer before I broke something. Still pretty p***d off with it all. Work stress. :(

08-10-2008, 07:27
Hehe no need to apologise :) I know the title gives it away Pebs and we should expect sad stuff when watching it just some of us are now 3 episodes behind. We'd only seen half of the first episode (on catch-up) when I saw this thread and took a look so you can understand why I wanted to spoiler it.

It's just my opinion but we should treat this the same way we treat any other TV show thread.

Anyway we will probably be having a marathon session tonight so will catch up :D

08-10-2008, 07:55
Well id just like to say that Kate Silverton is ruining it for me this time. Plus theres far too much chatting round the fire and not enough Cats.

08-10-2008, 08:53
Well id just like to say that Kate Silverton is ruining it for me this time. Plus theres far too much chatting round the fire and not enough Cats.

I totally agree, she hasnt been there from the start like Simon and Jonathan, plus wheres Saba? She covered it for a good few years too.

Plus the music they are using is ruining it as well, I think they used Song 6 the other night, WTF? They've never had to sex it up before, so stop doing it now.

08-10-2008, 08:54
She is new for this season as they always used to do their own commentary didn't they? :confused:

08-10-2008, 21:40
I missed it tonight! Grrrr!
Can someone tell me if I missed anyfink important pwease pweety pwease!

10-10-2008, 00:05
It's not billed like the last ones though, it's has live feeds which is meant to be the 'point'. I'm hopeing there'll be a normal format version soon, but I suspect this is the 'credit crunch' version, where they rely on the live stuff than having to get hours and hours of footage just to make an episode.