View Full Version : Oh my god, Christmas shopping is oh so very near!!!! Eeeek

08-10-2008, 14:39
Well it is getting near that time again and I have just had panic thoughts mainly along the lines off ...

... "AARRRGGHHHHH, 2 and a half months till christmas and I haven't even thought of things to buy people, been out christmas shopping, and I have the one most awkward, most difficult person to buy a present for in the whole world!!!!"

Sooo is anyone else having the same thoughts? Done any christmas shopping? Have we got any pre planned and organised shoppers here? Or are you all just christmas eve shoppers (all the blokes I presume! :p)?

I think I am going to have to buck my ideas up and get in the shops! Oh what a shame :p

08-10-2008, 14:41
I've bought some presents already, :D

08-10-2008, 14:42
I'll start thinking about it at the end of the month, might buy the odd thing if I see something perfect but otherwise I'll start shopping in November.

It's mainly thought that goes into it before hand and then go get it all in December :)

08-10-2008, 14:44
I'll have you know I'm rather organised with Christmas presents :p I don't leave it will Christmas Eve. I know what I'm getting for most people just haven't got round to buying any of it yet ;D

08-10-2008, 14:46
Bought quite a few pressies this week for Sarah and the family. One thing that I am hoping goes down well are the digital photoframes. Got a few of these for the Mum in Law and Mother. About £30.00 each delivered from eBuyer. I keep checking Hot UK Deals for other ideas and stocking fillers. I am hoping to have most if not all of the presents done when my bonus comes in October. That will just leave a special one I need to get for Sarah and Alexander to get in December. It's a little bit daft but it will make them smile when they open it

08-10-2008, 14:47
I'll have you know I'm rather organised with Christmas presents :p I don't leave it will Christmas Eve. I know what I'm getting for most people just haven't got round to buying any of it yet ;D

So I will see you in the shops on Christmas Eve then? ;) :p

08-10-2008, 14:50
I've bought some presents already, :D

You are putting me to shame!! :o :p

I panic way too much over christmas! Usually by this time I already have some presents, have started making christmas cards for the family and I have ideas and lists for pretty much everyone! This year nothing like that. Oooppss:p

08-10-2008, 14:54
You are putting me to shame!! :o :p

I panic way too much over christmas! Usually by this time I already have some presents, have started making christmas cards for the family and I have ideas and lists for pretty much everyone! This year nothing like that. Oooppss:p

Ive got children though, so i dont want ot be shopping with them once xmas holidays start!

Plus i am a complete cheapskate, and buy things for the boys in july when they have a toys r us sale, then hide them under the bed for half the year ;D

08-10-2008, 14:55
I'm still trying to pretend it doesn't exist.
Bought a few things though, mainly to take pressure off when it does get nearer as there'll be enough stress as it is.

08-10-2008, 14:59
Bought some things throughout the year when I see something someone will like - easier on the stress levels and the pocket that way.

BB x

08-10-2008, 15:03
So I will see you in the shops on Christmas Eve then? ;) :p


08-10-2008, 15:13
My reminder is set for 15 mins before Christmas day. :)

08-10-2008, 15:17
Ive started already, and Ive booked a days holiday today to get the bulk of it done in November :)

Del Lardo
08-10-2008, 16:01
Klara is already worrying about what to buy her family.

I'll do the same thing I've done for the past few years. Around the 10th September I get very drunk in front of a computer and a few days later peoples presents arrive, last year they even came wrapped and I couldn't remember what I'd bought my father or sister so Christmas day was doubly exciting :D

08-10-2008, 16:03
Doing all mine last week in Novemeber then sitting back & laughing at everybody else for 4 weeks.

08-10-2008, 16:09
Ive got children though, so i dont want ot be shopping with them once xmas holidays start!

Plus i am a complete cheapskate, and buy things for the boys in july when they have a toys r us sale, then hide them under the bed for half the year ;D

That is a good idea! Although I wouldn't have actually been able to do any shopping any earlier this year! Ah well!

I'm still trying to pretend it doesn't exist.
Bought a few things though, mainly to take pressure off when it does get nearer as there'll be enough stress as it is.

I don't blame you to be honest. I try and do that so I won't be so stressed :)

Mei, it is a really good idea, I just completely forgot this year!


Awww you know I am joking :p

My reminder is set for 15 mins before Christmas day. :)

My god!! How could you leave it so late!! *faints*

Dee that is a genius idea, although knowing me if I took the day off it would be the worst weather and it would be a complete and utter nightmare, and the day would be wasted!!

LOL ;D Del Lardo! That is comical! What did they get in the end!?!?!?

08-10-2008, 16:55
Awww you know I am joking :p

I hope so! :shocked: Kitten would kill him for going out shapping all day by himself on that day! ;)

08-10-2008, 17:02
Errm it's October???!!!

I do all mine in December, as it's nice and festive then, and usually wrap them once we have put the tree up :)

I can't think about Xmas until after my birthday anyway, and also have Hallowe'en to think about which is quite important if you're Pagan :D So I'll usually start thinking mid November.

Course I might just cancel it this year as I don't have any money.

08-10-2008, 20:32
I have the one most awkward, most difficult person to buy a present for in the whole world!!!!


08-10-2008, 21:13
Christmas presents? Already?! :/

I only have a couple to buy and will probably do it a couple of weeks before Christmas.

08-10-2008, 21:18
Credit crunch, anyone daft enought to be buying presents now at full whack well.

08-10-2008, 22:35
I have bought a couple for Georgie and a couple for mates kids but thats it eeeek.
I am usually half done by now what the hell is wrong with me lol

08-10-2008, 22:39
Virtually all done. Nice and easy this year. Mostly just CD's or DVD's. Yes, I am that annoying git who gets it all done before November. :D

Only Kim left... She's dropping subtle hints about diamond rings and baby bottles... whatever that means. I don't do subtle.

09-10-2008, 07:38
Not bought a single thing, not one.
We all just ask eachother what we want, that way no one is disappointed or ends up with something they dont want. Then I go out and buy it all a few weeks before.

Its my birthday first though, so I havent thought about what im going to ask Father Christmas for.

09-10-2008, 07:53

Yes you, you awkward AWKWARD man!! AND then you go and have your birthday less than a month after christmas! ARRGGHHH!!

Vix I can't deal with christmas shopping in December! Birmingham is manic as it is, ten times worse at christmas! I would go mad! But then my birthday is in april so I would prob be the same as you if it was nearer christmas.

I have sooo many people to buy for! Eeeek! *makes list*

Lom I don't envy you buying presents for 3 kids!! Get Faysh to do some :p I am sure he will love my suggestion.

09-10-2008, 07:55
I ordered most of mine on the internet last year. Just sat back while it all fell through my letter box.

09-10-2008, 08:38
I ordered most of mine on the internet last year. Just sat back while it all fell through my letter box.

Best way to do it tbh. :)

09-10-2008, 08:48
I might start looking about soon but as I don't have many to buy for I tend to not worry too much too early.
My major downfall is cards - I have given up with them because even if I wrote them now I would still forget to post them.

09-10-2008, 09:16
I ordered most of mine on the internet last year. Just sat back while it all fell through my letter box.


I have the grand total of 3 presents to buy this year. 1 for my mate and 1 for his fiancée and 1 for the family secret santa we do. Will be getting everything online to save hassle and no doubt, as per last year, they will be ordered a couple of weeks before christmas.

09-10-2008, 18:42
OI! My birthdays still not happend, no talk of presents unless they refer to mine!



09-10-2008, 19:29
Soooo anyway! I think I am going to make my list of things to get for people now!! Still not got any ideas yet though!! :p

I envy people who don't worry about it as much as I do!!

09-10-2008, 19:32
I envy people who don't worry about it as much as I do!!


05-11-2008, 11:25
Well it has been nearly a month since this thread was started, and I am almost finished :D Woooo!!!! I can't wait to have everything for everyone then I can start wrapping up and decorating! I even have presents sorted for

The one most awkward, most difficult person to buy a present for in the whole world!!!!

Soo triple Woooo!!

I think I am going to start making christmas cards now :D Anyone else make anything towards christmas? Anyone else sorted yet?

Just to remind everyone only 50 days till Christmas Day :D

05-11-2008, 11:39
Put in an order for 3 prezzies yesterday morning and the one from amazon (mic's main one) arrived today :shocked: I have a couple more to pick out (just simple "alcofrol and glass" type gift sets) and I'm done. I might look at getting Mic some silly cheap gifts but thats it.
My gift from mic is the metallica ticket so his shopping is already done too.

05-11-2008, 11:49
Nope still not done anything and won't till the last minute, if I bother at all.

05-11-2008, 11:59
I kinda know what I need to buy, but don't know when I will buy it yet!

BB x

05-11-2008, 12:13
Made my Xmas cards and will probably write them before I go back to work so it's out of the way.

Bought one present, have ideas for others, although Christmas is almost cancelled due to the fact I will be paid for two weeks full time at the end of Nov and that's it :/ And that's only if I manage to go back next week!

05-11-2008, 13:40
I'm done unless i get any more friends between now and christmas. *smug*

05-11-2008, 14:06
I've got my neice's present and a friends kids present and I have bought Georgie's doll and a dolls bath thing. oh and another friends kid's present.
Thats it :( am rubbish.

05-11-2008, 14:35
Got tomoro and Friday off work, I am going to blitz it.

05-11-2008, 15:14
Pretty much done. Im waiting on a gift for Sarah to come from America. Im kind of sweating on this as the guy told me after he sent it without any proof of postage and remember last year he had to send it twice. Didn't get delivered till the 23rd December

05-11-2008, 16:16
Christmas presents? Already?! :/

I only have a couple to buy and will probably do it a couple of weeks before Christmas.

What I thought too until I got the press release about the lights being turned on in Liverpool tomorrow night. Weekly events happening every Thursday. Its about the get manic in the city centre and for that reason Amazon / Play get my money. Not that I have any real clue of what to buy people. Well, digital photo frames for all! But thats pricey.

07-11-2008, 10:23
I don't like christmas being sooo far away! Especially since I have got the majority of the presents now and I have to wait 47 days or something silly to see people's expressions when they open there presents!!

Got to slow down on present buying now till next month, or all I will be eating is bread and water! Eeeek. Bring on payday so I can buy more presents!

I also can't wait for the Birmingham German christmas market, I love it :D It is like being home from home, really weird seeing all the cakes and other items I used to get when I was a kid from my German grandmother! Wooo, can anyone tell I am slightly excited about christmas? Poor Paul won't know what has hit him!!! :D

07-11-2008, 13:39
I've got Josh's main present woo :D
Have no idea what to get Ella yet.

07-11-2008, 15:47
Bah humbug :p

07-11-2008, 15:49
Wooo to having Josh's present :D

You love it all really Will, bet you are about to burst with excitement :D Woo!!

08-11-2008, 22:12
i have some presents but not many, and i have way more to get still! it's going to be an interesting few months...

12-11-2008, 21:55
Ok I probably deserve to be hung from the BD mast and flogged. Tonight I popped open a bottle of Diamond Coast Shiraz Reserve. One thing lead to another and the first airing of the Xmas CD was on........................

\hangs head in shame

12-11-2008, 22:15

12-11-2008, 22:36
Woooo Hoooooo, I am proud :D

12-11-2008, 22:43
Did loads last week, and found my xmas CD's too \o/

Ill save them for Dec 1st :D

12-11-2008, 22:44
Woooo! I haven't listened to any yet, but I might see how I feel later this week :p

I have ordered some more presents, but I REALLY need to stop now till next month!!

29-11-2008, 21:27
Woooo :D I have got all my Christmas presents sorted now, and I have bought all the wrapping paper and ribbons, and I have started to wrap a few up :D Woo!!

29-11-2008, 21:29
Made a list and got a few pressies... feel organised now :)

29-11-2008, 21:30
I plan to get all of mine this week :) No work, just shopping ;d

30-11-2008, 12:54
I have pressies for Mum, Dad & no-one else so far. It's Dad's birthday next week though, so I need to get him something else. D'oh :angry:

I know what I'm getting my Grandparents, but I've absolutely no idea what to get for Leoni or darling brother. Thank god I only have a microscopic family! :)

Oh, know what I'm getting for my Secret Santa too :D

30-11-2008, 12:59
Mines's smaller than yours Kate!

Got 2 pressies for Phil already, Mum is buying Dads birthday pressie for me! I know what Mum wants so I just have to think of something for Dad. The good thing about us *all* being skint is that we have all come to the agreement of 'you aren't getting much for Xmas' so it's quite easy :)

30-11-2008, 13:05
Yeah, we've come to a similar agreement with Leon's Mum.

30-11-2008, 13:06
*stays out of the "my family is smaller that your family" debate* :p

Wrapped the prezzies for friends we're seeing xmas day, my SS and Mics gift last night, still have to wrap gifts for Manc friends.

Need to look at if I'm getting my manager anything this year and if I'm getting Mic anything else, there is also 1 other friend I would like to get something for but haven't a clue what so may just buy alcofrol.

No decs yet and no plans to get them out the loft - feeling very bah humbug atm so don't know if I'll bother at all.

30-11-2008, 13:08
Mum, Nan, Leo :D

That is still 2 more family members than I've got :p ;D (I'm not counting the rats; their xmas gifts will be all the bad foods they'll probably get :o )

30-11-2008, 13:13
That is still 2 more family members than I've got :p ;D (I'm not counting the rats; their xmas gifts will be all the bad foods they'll probably get :o )

You adopted me miss!!! :p

30-11-2008, 13:37
The xmas sigs are appearing now too!

(thank you for creating mine :) )

30-11-2008, 15:54
Xmas sigs! Woohoo!

30-11-2008, 23:24
I've got everything for Josh and for Georgie and got one present for ella so far.
Need to get faysh's and some more bits for ella. I have faysh's sis and parents and my brothers and parents to get and thats it :)

01-12-2008, 00:22
Not yet and apart from my mum which will be the new 2009 family tree maker, I have no idea what to get the rest.
well me and my sister will probably buy each other kitchen stuff.

01-12-2008, 00:26
Feels near now :D
Got me Alfie tuff lad some Thomas the Tank engine stuffz, Tins, toys & a dressing gown that'll be to long for him & make him look like a Gangster, I am Officially excited about Crimbo ;D + :cool:

01-12-2008, 00:33
I need people to start posting what they've actually bought! I need ideas!!!! :D

01-12-2008, 00:42
I need people to start posting what they've actually bought! I need ideas!!!! :D

Same here...

01-12-2008, 02:14
My parents said they wanted a new alarm clock. Had a pretty good idea which one would do what they wanted so went shopping yesterday and found what I was after. I'll look for a couple of extra personal bits for them too. The rest Mum usually sorts out for me as she usually buys more than she needs so I buy suitable stuff off her. If not, then it's plants and stuff that don't go in suitcases very well. :)

Got wrapping and cards here already.

I don't have a christmas sig. In fact, I don't have a sig.

01-12-2008, 13:34
I don't have a christmas sig. In fact, I don't have a sig.



01-12-2008, 13:52
Are Lynnie and I the only couple who don't buy presents for each other at Christmas? I know it probably sounds a bit bah-humbug, but we have 3 reasons for not buying each other stuff...

1) We have a joint account that all our money goes into, so it's kinda like buying each other presents with their money (especially in my case, Lynnie earns a lot more than me!)
2) We're skint as we're saving for the wedding and honeymoon
3) We'd rather wait till the Jan sales anyway as we'll get more for our money then.

Any other couples do similar?

01-12-2008, 19:25
I haz started shopping :cool: Went to Shields and Royal Quays today and going shopping in town tomorrow :)

01-12-2008, 21:05
Are Lynnie and I the only couple who don't buy presents for each other at Christmas? I know it probably sounds a bit bah-humbug, but we have 3 reasons for not buying each other stuff...

1) We have a joint account that all our money goes into, so it's kinda like buying each other presents with their money (especially in my case, Lynnie earns a lot more than me!)
2) We're skint as we're saving for the wedding and honeymoon
3) We'd rather wait till the Jan sales anyway as we'll get more for our money then.

Any other couples do similar?
We only buy eachother something small - prefer to spoil on Birthdays !

I use my peronsal CC so he can't see it till after Chrimbo... no idea what he does ;)

02-12-2008, 20:28
Our money is completely separate and we usually do go overboard on each other at Christmas, but it is generally things that we have spoken about that we want.

This year, bacause I can't spend any money, we have agreed not to go silly.

Just sorted the Mums out today, just father figures and his sibling to do :)

02-12-2008, 21:18
Spent all day in town with Mum today.

Get to go back and do it all again with Dad tomorrow.

If Maxine wants to go Thursday I might have to kill someone.

03-12-2008, 10:11
Finished it last week pretty much. There's a couple of little things i need to order online but other than that i'm done.

And yes, i'm male, shocker eh.

Joe 90
03-12-2008, 11:46
Christmas shopping is almost here...

I'll probably do mine in a few weeks.

03-12-2008, 12:04
What is the last posting day anyone know?

Joe 90
03-12-2008, 12:13
check here - http://www.royalmail.com/portal/rm/jump1?catId=1000002&mediaId=87600743&campaignID=xmas_lastposting

03-12-2008, 12:19
cheers dude.

03-12-2008, 16:32
Christmas shopping is almost here...

I'll probably do mine in a few weeks.

Same... at the petrol station as I do every year! :D

03-12-2008, 20:10
In 2 days I have spent 14 hours shopping!!!

I am not going back... possibly ever!

I may be going to Silverlink Retail Park tomorrow though :o