View Full Version : Electronic cigarette. Looks cool, but how dangerous?

08-10-2008, 18:23

I kinda like the glowing blue lights...Looks cool and alien-like. A quick search on google shows there isn't much on the health implications side of things. Anyone smoke this electronic joint before then? What is it like? If am honest, I like how it is beats the smoking ban lol. ;D

08-10-2008, 18:31
And if I'm honest, that particular loophole should be closed, pronto.

Sorry to be the anti-smoking nazi, but I actually rather appreciate the smoke-free environment, and encouraging people to smoke to 'look cool' is just plain irresponsible IMO. They still contain nicotine, ergo they're still addictive.

08-10-2008, 18:34
And if I'm honest, that particular loophole should be closed, pronto.

Sorry to be the anti-smoking nazi, but I actually rather appreciate the smoke-free environment, and encouraging people to smoke to 'look cool' is just plain irresponsible IMO. They still contain nicotine, ergo they're still addictive.

The thing with Humans is this, we will always find a way to beat the law! If they close the loop-hole, I wont be surprised to see another device more advance than this that the last loophole didnt cover!;D

I hate to say this, but for the first time in my life, I actually think smoking with that device looks really cool.

I'm still trawling through google, and it appears one can get versions that have zero nicotine in them. Do you oppose this version as well?

08-10-2008, 18:39
Yes, because you've just reinforced my point. Seems to me they're targetting the young - who else would consider smoking them cool just because they have a bl00 light at the end. Zero nicotine won't work - peer pressure will see to that.

08-10-2008, 18:39
It doesn't actually produce smoke, just water vapour, as far as looking cool I'm a bit doubtful but hey horses for courses, maybe in the right club :D

What concerns me it the idea of non smokers using it to look cool and then starting to smoke the real thing, also are children allowed to purchase them? As they aren't actually classed as a cigarette.


08-10-2008, 18:47
Here is something from 4hrs ago

Basically, not enough test done.

It straight outta china, where regulation and standards is not the best lol

WHO have expressed concern.

Sellers claim it is 100 times "healthier" than the real thing lol.

What amuses me is how this was even allowed to be sold here without much testing.

Here is a review on one user posted on amazon.

I recieved this today and to be honest, I have mixed views of this product.

The taste is a mixture of sweet and spicy and in my opinion i'm not paricularly fond of it, but in any case, it does it's job.

The smoke/vapour itself is very good, it does look like a cigarette but the product itself is very bulky, pretty much like every other e-cig on the market.

They make them look really small in the ads, but they are actually around 1 and a half times the size of a superking cigarette, therefore making it feel bulky and heavy in your hand, which I personally do not like.

I've been smoking it in my room and around my house all day and no one has noticed any smell from it, the smoke smells like the taste of the cig and may linger for a few minutes, but other than that there is no nasty smell at all.

It doesn't fully substitue a normal cigarette, but it certainly helps the craving for one, more so than any nicotine gum or patch.

The reason I didn't give this product 5 stars was because of the taste, everything was ok for me, but you can buy flavoured cartridges, and on that note I won't fret too much.

08-10-2008, 22:45
pants !

08-10-2008, 23:02
Are you sure you posted that in the right thread? :dunno: ;)

08-10-2008, 23:10
If it relieved the cravings, were no worse than cigarettes and had no smell for the non-smokers I'd be all for it.

09-10-2008, 00:02
I saw these ages ago on engadget thought they were pretty stupid personally, but actually them seem to have filled a niche, and i dont really know what to think about them :S
I don't think i'd want them in clubs but thats just a gut reaction, if they're safe and unsmelly then yeah whatever really... I've always said as long as it doesn't affect me i don't care i can't change my mind now :p.

Admiral Huddy
09-10-2008, 09:06
Are you sure you posted that in the right thread? :dunno: ;)

hahaha :D

Is the addiction of smoking the nicotine or the fact that it's a stimulant? and why is it so hard to give up?

I just don't understand smoking I guess because I never have and that alternatives suggests is tht people haven't got quite used to loosing their dummys.

09-10-2008, 09:07
If I saw somebody smoking one of those with a blue light on the end I'd just laugh at them ;D

Admiral Huddy
09-10-2008, 09:10
If I saw somebody smoking one of those with a blue light on the end I'd just laugh at them ;D

Good point, I could always tie one onto my willy, then the Mrs will have a genuine reason for laughing at me...

09-10-2008, 09:23
On one hand I can see these being a really good idea. If you smoke you will always want to smoke more when having a drink. This, in theory, should help cut down on the number of real cigarettes you smoke.

On the other hand, I heard on the news the other day that they are no better than a real cigarette in the long run.

Plus they look silly.

Metalface Mark
09-10-2008, 12:19
I ordered one yesterday after reading about it, should come tomorrow.

Ill post my thoughts when it comes.

09-10-2008, 12:54
The thing with Humans is this, we will always find a way to beat the law! If they close the loop-hole, I wont be surprised to see another device more advance than this that the last loophole didnt cover!;D

Reminds me of how some pubs have gotten over the no smoking in enclosed spaces. A totally closed out door area, with just a few pieces of plastic missing from the cheapo roof.

09-10-2008, 13:49
I ordered one yesterday after reading about it, should come tomorrow.

Ill post my thoughts when it comes.

Believe it or not, I was actually thinking some0ne will post something like this.;D

Can you please post a video too if you dont mind or a photo of you smoking it.

13-10-2008, 15:04
How is it dude? I await your feed backs, review and photos. :)

13-10-2008, 15:15
I think it's double edged. If it helps smokers cut down steadily on nicotine, whilst avoiding the harmful smoke from regular cigarettes. Ace.

However, if it attracts "new" smokers into nicotine addictions, because it looks cool, then that's not so ace.

Personally I think they shouldn't be an off the shelf product. Perhaps making them available for prescription by Doctors for people who are heavy smokers, and are trying to cut down/quit. It would be cool if there was different strength cartridges for it? 100% is the same strength as a regular cigarette and you can get slowly decreasing percentages.

13-10-2008, 21:52
Good point, I could always tie one onto my willy, then the Mrs will have a genuine reason for laughing at me...

Let me say it again,...pants !

what ever next !

Metalface Mark
16-10-2008, 12:46
I got mine in the other day, its fantastic.

4 other people in the office have ordered since trying it out :D

16-10-2008, 14:10
Does it smell? Thats the biggest plus of the smoking ban for me, I detest the smell of smoke.

16-10-2008, 14:13
I got mine in the other day, its fantastic.

4 other people in the office have ordered since trying it out :D

That is it?:(

I want more lol

Metalface Mark
16-10-2008, 14:42
Does it smell? Thats the biggest plus of the smoking ban for me, I detest the smell of smoke.

No, dosent smell.

You can get flavoured filters though, cherry, menthol, cinammon :D, and a few others.

Ive even seen you can get electric pipe and cigars.

What more do you want to know Raz? Its like a cigarette, similar feel in your chest without the yucky feeling you get when you smoke too many.

You have to suck harder to get a good draw out of it.

16-10-2008, 14:45
I was expecting pictures, detailed comparison to cigarettes etc, but I guess if you think it is excellent, then it must be as I am a non smoker.

16-10-2008, 14:56
You have to suck harder to get a good draw out of it.
There's your possible danger then. People do the same with 'Light' cigarettes, and experts suggest that can actually make them more 'dangerous' than the full-strength equivalents.

Metalface Mark
16-10-2008, 15:01
There's your possible danger then. People do the same with 'Light' cigarettes, and experts suggest that can actually make them more 'dangerous' than the full-strength equivalents.

Its not the same (i know what you mean), with light cigarettes, you suck harder to get more nicoteen, you actually have to suck harder to get the smoke effect to come out with these.

They are also too heavy to balance between your fingers, so you have to smoke them like you did at school, held between thumb and finger tip.

Metalface Mark
16-10-2008, 15:01
I was expecting pictures, detailed comparison to cigarettes etc, but I guess if you think it is excellent, then it must be as I am a non smoker.

Theres quite a few videos online of the actual cigarettes. It does look just like smoke though.

16-10-2008, 19:33
so this electronic cigarette, does it not still leave you with that bad taste in your month ?
I am not sure how these things work, as they must still burn the tabaco some how ?

16-10-2008, 20:35
I am not sure how these things work, as they must still burn the tabaco some how ?

Didn't do much reading did you? The very simplest of google searches would suggest that you don't burn tobacco with these but vapourise nicotine, the simplest of searches would have revealed that well kept mystery ;)

17-10-2008, 20:09
Didn't do much reading did you? The very simplest of google searches would suggest that you don't burn tobacco with these but vapourise nicotine, the simplest of searches would have revealed that well kept mystery ;)

TBH, I did no reading on this subject at all. I am not a big fan of smocking as it makes my eyes soar and I get headaches !
I am not a good passive smoker at.


02-11-2008, 13:08
I want an e-pipe and although I found a site that says they do the liquid with zero nicotine, I still haven't found any listed, it's just mentioned in the pipe description.

02-11-2008, 13:57
I got mine in the other day, its fantastic.

4 other people in the office have ordered since trying it out :D

How much did you pay for it?

I'm thinking if its good and better for peoples health then it might be a good xmas present for my brother ;D

02-11-2008, 14:08
I was thinking about this the other day, does this not make it easier to OD (or LD) on nicotine since its actually a very dangerous drug itself? Having a lower LD point than coke i think...?

02-11-2008, 19:17
There is one on IWOOT which has filters with no nicotine at all, the do various 'flavours' like mint.
As a smoker, although i very rarely smoke at all now, i'm not sure if i like the idea or not. Smoking isn't cool, it never has been and never will be. It makes you smell, is anti-social and damages both your own health and the health of other people around you.
If they were used as another way of giving up i.e. low nicotine ones or flavoured ones to give the sensation of smoking without being as damaging then fine. I'd even have one myself. But to use them just to get round the smoking ban, get your arse outside and smoke there.

03-11-2008, 02:46
Smoking isn't cool, it never has been and never will be.

Why did you start then :p ;D?

As much as i kind of hate to admit it since i don't smoke and am generally pretty against it in most ways (not particularly vocal mind) its still kind cool. But that's because of the way its advertised, and portrayed, some films just wouldn't work without smoking for instance... Its weird and i have double standards on this i guess. We're brought up from quite an early age to be accepting of smoking (forget the stupid things on packaging and everything else) and that's why its a pretty heated argument. Well that and its incredibly addictive and most people who do so would rather argue and carry on than stop...

Ok i got a bit lost in that post :p

03-11-2008, 10:58
They haven't done clinical trials on it yet, but I guess it's no more dangerous than a regular cancer stick... I used to smoke and loved it, but now I hate it and find it horrid and a ridiculous thing to do. However is this helps ween people off them then I'm all for it, and especially since there's no smoke smell.

Metalface Mark
03-11-2008, 11:39
How much did you pay for it?

I'm thinking if its good and better for peoples health then it might be a good xmas present for my brother ;D

£35 with refills, from e-ciggy.com

Its great, only problem is i probably smoke it more than i do fags, each capsule is 20 fags, i can smoke that in about 2 hours now.

03-11-2008, 11:42
Why did you start then :p ;D?
May not be cool but its both big and clever ;) :p

03-11-2008, 14:08
£35 with refills, from e-ciggy.com

Its great, only problem is i probably smoke it more than i do fags, each capsule is 20 fags, i can smoke that in about 2 hours now.

Is there a way of knowing when you've smoked 1 fags worth?