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View Full Version : Roberta :O

09-10-2008, 14:48
How dare you email me such a proposition, I'm spoken for thank you!

hey^) how are you?) do you have a girlfriend?)... i have not boyfriend(( I very want to meet real men...which will know woman's need ...like in a cinema ... you know)))) lets chat!) i am pretty girl)) I have a lot of time for meetings and if you have any ideas how to spend it with me... just email me back at ROBERTA@officialflh.com and i will reply back with some nice ;) photos with me ...and maybe, you will want to write me again)))


09-10-2008, 15:11
Dirty Girl!!! ;D

09-10-2008, 15:12
I just wanna know what women need in the cinema. Popcorn?

09-10-2008, 15:25
Dirty Girl!!! ;D
Tell us something we don't know.

09-10-2008, 15:30
I just wanna know what women need in the cinema. Popcorn?

You forgot the drink, chocolate and most importantly the sausage in a bun ;)

09-10-2008, 15:32
I also want to know how Angus-Higgins got involved with all this.

Von Smallhausen
09-10-2008, 15:46
And she hasn't replied.

A clear implication of guilt and her any port in a storm attitude to life is frankly disgusting.

* stirs Earl Grey *

Admiral Huddy
09-10-2008, 16:03
I'd love to get email like that.. I have to send myself dirty spam!

09-10-2008, 16:09
Hey, you can't blame a girl for trying!

09-10-2008, 17:08
And heres me thinking Dawn had taste.

09-10-2008, 17:09

09-10-2008, 20:13
I also want to know how Angus-Higgins got involved with all this.


Mark, you're really cracking me up dude !

09-10-2008, 21:23
I also want to know how Angus-Higgins got involved with all this.

God.. that brings back horrible memories.

*gibbers in the corner*

09-10-2008, 21:27
And heres me thinking Dawn had taste.
