View Full Version : Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway

13-10-2008, 11:18
Been playing this off and on over the weekend. I’m playing on the easiest mode possible but it’s a huge culture shock compared to the likes of Call of Duty. The game forces you to do two things, always take cover (and I mean ALWAYS) and suppressing fire is essential. As well as this, you control one or more squads of troops at any one time and it really is essential to keep them alive. At one point, when everyone had got wiped out but me, I had no chance of clearing out 3-4 groups of German soldiers by myself. It’s incredibly satisfying to get past a bit but also nervewracking in places and frustrating in other places. It only takes a few shots to die so that adds to the tension.

I’m definitely enjoying it but it’s not a game I could play for an entire day, instead it’s a game I’ve played in parts, just enough to enjoy fully. I can see why it hasn’t had brilliant reviews though, it doesn’t really add anything to the genre so 60-70% seems quite reasonable. It seems to do a lot by the book but I like the book :p Oh and the multiplayer is shocking! But I’m not fussed about multiplayer at all so no big deal there.

I'd definitely recommend it though if you enjoy WW2 FPS games and fancy a slight change of pace. It involves more thought than the likes of CoD as it definitely helps to plan your course of action. Plus every foot of ground you gain feels well earned :D

13-10-2008, 11:20
And in related news, a demo is now available on marketplace :)

13-10-2008, 11:20
Lovely timing :D

13-10-2008, 11:21
I'm definitely renting this I thought the squad commands added something interesting to it.

EDIT: I'll be downloading that tonight.

13-10-2008, 11:33
Definitely worth a rental :)
Would have thought it does lack replayability once completed but in my case, it was a present so I don't mind too much :)

13-10-2008, 12:12
I would recommend picking up Battlefield Bad Company for a change of pace, it's excellent in multiplayer and humerous in Single Player. It's also, graphically, the best I've ever seen.

13-10-2008, 12:33
Bit incomparable though from what I've seen of it :p I'll probably rent it at some point though, but as I said before, multiplayer really doesn't bother me 99% of the time.

13-10-2008, 12:48
Meh, both FPS, army based war games with single and multiplayer featuring a squad.

I agree about MP though, most of the time it just doesn't float my boat. Only really played BFBC, Gears of War and to some degree, Fifa 08 in multiplayer since getting my Xbox360 :(.

13-10-2008, 13:10
True, but Battlefield feels different to me somehow. Maybe it's because of dabbling with it on the PC, dunno.

I tend to play multiplayer briefly on most games, but hardly ever stick at it, only really stuck with CoD4 and will be playing Gears 2 online, but that's about it.
Single player story > multiplayer imo :D

13-10-2008, 13:22
Yep, I'm definitely from the old school in that way. Unless your game is MP only (UT, Quake 3, Battlefield 2 etc..) then you should get your SP house in order first. Very rare I'll go for a MP only game (Battlefield being the only one and that's normally on PC).

13-10-2008, 13:32
What's it like compared to the first one?

13-10-2008, 13:57
If it's worse I'd be amazed :p.

Admiral Huddy
13-10-2008, 14:19
Bought this weekend on a real platform.. Locked and loaded but not yet played..

13-10-2008, 14:24
Didn't know you had an Xbox360 too Huddy?

Admiral Huddy
13-10-2008, 14:25
Didn't know you had an Xbox360 too Huddy?


I had a go at my sons 360 this weekend.. Mmm love the slow robot like movements :D

13-10-2008, 15:33
A poor workman and his tools ;).

13-10-2008, 19:53
If it's worse I'd be amazed :p.

I thought Road to Hill 30 was pretty good (on PC at least) and i'm guessing most reviewers did too, as it has an average of 87 on Metacritic with most trustworthy names scoring around 80-90...

edit - not that it matters, it seems I should really update my PC now games seem to want a 2.6GHz Dual Core chip as a MINIMUM system requirement.

13-10-2008, 23:59
I ordered the LE version of that, was really excited. Turned out to be one of the worst games I've ever bought, absolutely hated it.

Still have it, it's in the loft. :p.

14-10-2008, 00:07
From reading a few reviews, the general consensus seems to be the old one was better anyway.