View Full Version : Pro evo ps3....who is in?

13-10-2008, 13:52
I am awaiting my copy....with excitement. It appears a few people have received theirs already.:D

Seeing that the review is good and apparently it is what 2008 version should have been and with fifa apparently gaining grounds as well, I suppose it will be a good year for footy fan this year.

Anyway, who is getting one specifically for the ps3 and what are your views on the demo?

13-10-2008, 13:56
I tried the demo on the 360 and didn't like it at all. It's gone far too far from the simulation game it used to be, and I much prefer Fifa now. It's different strokes for different folks though, as I think it really boils down to what type of footy game you want. If you prefer it more arcadey, then PES is the game for you. If you want it more realistic, then get Fifa.

13-10-2008, 14:01
I've not seen these good reviews, at least not from unbias sources.

I won't be touching it, it was Godawful in the demo, much like Davey said. PES feels like the Arcade games I played in my youth in the way that players run around with the ball always being knocked a pre-defined distance infront of you, the way they hit the ball, the passing, the sounds, the poor presentation, the lack of licenses.

That's without touching online. I said 2008 couldn't be as bad as PES6 and it was, so 2009 could be just as bad.

13-10-2008, 14:09
Yeah that is what appears to be the online views. To be honest, Konami messed up a lot from last year and their attitude and approach to Pro evo lately is just unbelievable. The lost more license, made the game look halp polished graphically when compared to fifa...etc. They also seem hell bent in moving at a very slow pace in embracing the next gen platform.

It is sad to see that a company that released Metal Gear Solid is struggling in my opinion to release a good footy game for this generation of game machines.

Anyway, I played the demo and I must admit that Fifa looks better and the animation - turning of players - is smoother and no perfect 45degress turn. However, I still refer the game play on pro evo. It is no longer about running at dashing speed with eto or henry to score, or using cut backs to beat people. It is more or less balanced and requires more pre planning and input from the player.

I also noticed that the AI are more intelligent now, I tried doing an over head pass after doing a one two, but they stuck with me and my player I was gonna pass the ball too on a man on man basis. I thought this was a good simulation of what happens in real life and pro some how pulled that particular aspect off well.

All in all, it is still a massive improvement from 2008, but it will be nice to see them build a new engine.

PS: Davey, there is an argument that Pro already did most things and there wasn't much room left for improvement, but fifa had loads of room for improvement and was never up to scratch...hence why it appears fifa may be better or something. Pro apparently is always been good and difficult to improve on....so I read on a site. What do you think?

13-10-2008, 14:15
I've not seen these good reviews, at least not from unbias sources.

I won't be touching it, it was Godawful in the demo, much like Davey said. PES feels like the Arcade games I played in my youth in the way that players run around with the ball always being knocked a pre-defined distance infront of you, the way they hit the ball, the passing, the sounds, the poor presentation, the lack of licenses.

That's without touching online. I said 2008 couldn't be as bad as PES6 and it was, so 2009 could be just as bad.

The demo, was well a demo. A few people on pesfan [not the best of all sources I know!] already have both copies and they final copy of pro have been tweaked and plays better apparently. Remember last year IGN praised 2008 and it was rubbish? Well, they appear to have played it safe this year and just gave it 8.5 or so iirc. [They have no advert in the game this year]

To play online now, Konami have their own dedicated servers...but registration can be a PITA lol. People who played a few matches on line said while it was better and lag free, there are a few or very minor issues.....

As for this issue, some people have said that the servers are not running fully etc. Also in an interview, Seabass said online was a top priority and it was test from half way around the world. He claimed people with poor internet connection can still manage to play lag free.
Well, that is what he is claiming, but we will all find out in some few days time.

13-10-2008, 14:25
It's been a long time since I've played a Demo that wasn't representative of the final product. The early days of the Xbox360.

13-10-2008, 15:56
PS: Davey, there is an argument that Pro already did most things and there wasn't much room left for improvement, but fifa had loads of room for improvement and was never up to scratch...hence why it appears fifa may be better or something. Pro apparently is always been good and difficult to improve on....so I read on a site. What do you think?

I can appreciate that point of view. Pro Evo 5 was an absolute sublime football game and I can partly understand how difficult it can be to improve on games like that. However, in the last few years Fifa has become more popular, and it's not just because Fifa is improving, it's because PES wasn't (if anything, it was going backwards). More and more people started moving towards the more realistic footy on offer with Fifa, and I think that Konami should have spotted that trend a year or two ago and done something about it. They're losing more fans every year by trying to offer minor improvements every year, while Fifa has worked hard to turn its image around become the great football game it always wanted to be. Konami seem to be content doing the same thing every year, and while some fans are happy with that, people like me, former die-hard PES fans, are now turning to Fifa for something different.

Metalface Mark
13-10-2008, 17:50
360 version for me.

Metalface Mark
14-10-2008, 09:04
Got the 360 one today, ill give it a go tonight, hopefully lag free online.

14-10-2008, 13:44
MM what are your thoughts on the game?

14-10-2008, 14:13
Well I got the FIFA version bundled with with my PS3 and downloaded the demo of Pro Evo. It's a bit difficult to fully compare a demo to the full retail version. That said I haven't played FIFA or PES for the past couple of years being purely a PC gamer.

I think FIFA has come a long way, a real long way as there was a noticeable difference in gameplay and PES came out on top. Now the gap is not as wide. Whilst I think FIFA looks more polished and plays more realistic, I think PES still holds the advantage. FIFA to me (Certainly in multi player) still is blighted with who can do the most tricks wins. Defenders are painfully slow in FIFA as well. For these two factors I think scorelines will end up being greatly exagerated.

Don't get me wrong I think FIFA has a hell of a lot going for it and its a travesty that Konami haven't moved the game forward another level like EA have. That said when you strip away all the online stuff, player management and bloat, play for play I feel PES just about noses it.

In the past I would have traded in FIFA for PES. I think I will keep this and order Pro Evo. All things being equall, this is great for us footy fans as each year Konami and EA should be trading blows to make the better game.

14-10-2008, 14:18
Thank you loki. I have experienced some of the points you raise as well and I personally will prefer pro evo over fifa. I guess it is all about horses and courses....or how did that saying goes again? Lol.

Konami needs to wake the **** up and realise they will soon lose it. Having said that, I agree that it is a good thing for footy gamers and this year and next will be exciting times.

My pre-order of pro evo2009 should arrive in the next few days...cant wait.

PS: Loki, do I have you on my friends list?

14-10-2008, 14:30
PS: Loki, do I have you on my friends list?


Nostromo73 :)

I will let you know when mine arrives and give you a game. Baggsie Argentina ;)

Metalface Mark
14-10-2008, 14:31
MM what are your thoughts on the game?

Ive not tried it yet m8, will do when i get home at 5.

Metalface Mark
14-10-2008, 14:32
I preferred FIFA 08 at first over pro evo, till i started playing El on PSN, it was very choppy and laggy, but it still played a good game of football.

By all accounts lag has been eliminated, so im hopeful, Fifa 09 is great, but its still hampered by being too easy to tackle.

14-10-2008, 14:32
I think FIFA has come a long way, a real long way as there was a noticeable difference in gameplay and PES came out on top. Now the gap is not as wide. Whilst I think FIFA looks more polished and plays more realistic, I think PES still holds the advantage. FIFA to me (Certainly in multi player) still is blighted with who can do the most tricks wins. Defenders are painfully slow in FIFA as well. For these two factors I think scorelines will end up being greatly exagerated.

The scores exageratted in Fifa? Not in this years version, not so far. I was able to beat teams 6/7-0 on Semi-pro, but bumping the difficulty up to Pro means I'm having trouble scoring and winning (I managed a 6-1 win against a League 2 team as Everton, something you could see happen in real life). In PES, even on 5 star difficulty I could beat teams by huge margins. Using players like Ronaldo with their pace meant it was easy to rip teams to bits. I once beat Man Utd 10-0 with Everton, just because I had 3 speed demons up front. That's last years PES though, so it's entirely possible this years game may have evened that out a bit.

14-10-2008, 14:33

Nostromo73 :)

I will let you know when mine arrives and give you a game. Baggsie Argentina ;)

Cool. I will check just to make sure.:) I'm ElRazur on the psn.

@MM: I look forward, especially the online side of things.:) Hopefully there will be little or no lag at all this time.

14-10-2008, 14:36
just because I had 3 speed demons up front. That's last years PES though, so it's entirely possible this years game may have evened that out a bit.

Yes it has. No longer can you dash across with the ball at your feet like Usain Bolts am afraid. The defenders closes down better on the striker now and people like Adriano, Eto, Henri and co can no longer sprint past defenders.:)

14-10-2008, 14:39
That's good, I'm glad they've sorted that out. I'd still expect players like that to be uncatchable should they get a head start (they are lightning quick after all), but it was too unbalanced last year.

14-10-2008, 15:53
I preferred FIFA 08 at first over pro evo, till i started playing El on PSN, it was very choppy and laggy, but it still played a good game of football.

By all accounts lag has been eliminated, so im hopeful, Fifa 09 is great, but its still hampered by being too easy to tackle.

MM you still got PS3 ?

14-10-2008, 16:27
No, he sold it and stuck with the Xbox360 IIRC.

Metalface Mark
14-10-2008, 17:50
MM you still got PS3 ?

Nah, sold it matey.

Had my first offline and online games.

First game online, lost 7-3 :p

Classic pro evo gameplay, although it feels very dated, and the movement of the players is terrible compared to fifa.

Tearing in online game, no tearing in offline.

Nice enough game, didnt feel it gave me as much control as fifa, and the scoreline in the online game was ridiculous for a first time, i remember getting the early pro evo's, 2, 3,4 etc and having to wait a few games with my mate before we started scoring more than one or two in a game, to have a 10 goal thriller in the first game was a bit off.

14-10-2008, 17:57
At least it's more balanced than Fifa ;).

15-10-2008, 11:15
Hey El, bit O/T but I just got a PS3 after saying I would for ages :thumbsup:

I only have Wipeout HD and "Star Wars - Force Unleashed" so far but I think my next purchase is Resistance 2.

If you like racing games have you tried Wipeout yet?

15-10-2008, 12:44
Phykell Whats your PSN

Wip3out HD is sekseh

15-10-2008, 13:36
Hey El, bit O/T but I just got a PS3 after saying I would for ages :thumbsup:

I only have Wipeout HD and "Star Wars - Force Unleashed" so far but I think my next purchase is Resistance 2.

If you like racing games have you tried Wipeout yet?

Hey! My brother from another mother!! How are you?

I have pre ordered Resistance 2 and Killzone2 as well. I like racing game, infact I have Ridge race, GT5P and a few others. If wipeout allows co-op online..i.e if I can race you online, then hell yeah I will pay for the download end of the month.

ElRazur is my psn. Make sure you add me please....

15-10-2008, 13:56
Haaa Pro evo just got delivered! Now count down to closing time begins....\0/

Who here wants a game or two later at night?

15-10-2008, 19:32
Phykell Whats your PSN

Wip3out HD is sekseh
It's "phykell" - I'm not very imaginative really ;)

15-10-2008, 19:33
Hey! My brother from another mother!! How are you?

I have pre ordered Resistance 2 and Killzone2 as well. I like racing game, infact I have Ridge race, GT5P and a few others. If wipeout allows co-op online..i.e if I can race you online, then hell yeah I will pay for the download end of the month.

ElRazur is my psn. Make sure you add me please....
Willdo :thumbsup:

Just about to read up about Resistance 2 :)

15-10-2008, 19:43
Willdo :thumbsup:

Just about to read up about Resistance 2 :)

Don't forget to check out the videos on youtube as well.

You can pick up the first one [Resistance] for under 20quid now as its gone platinum.


15-10-2008, 22:55
Loki just put together a mini review in the now playing thread.

16-10-2008, 13:45
Just played Pro Evo 2009 from 9pm last night till 2am this morning.....damn it was motherfunky fun!

On start up you are greeted with a flashy type graphics user interface, while this may not be everybody tastes. The game from this point start to show some reminisce of the previous installation. Remember that song "I want go...go for the gold"? The never ending horrible song? It was included in this version as well lol. Okay so it is a minor issue and you can always turn down the music level if you don't wanna hear it.

Anyway, I went into the exhibition mode and played a couple of games and while I lost these games, I noticed there are massive improvement over the 2008 version and a very different game entirely from the demo version most people played - Tweaked to ooze out more smooth play and performance.

The animation is not the best when compared to fifa and it appears the players feets are some how running faster than they are actually moving - kinda like the road runner bird. I also noticed that the turning of players when changing directions is some how closer to 45Degrees perfect turn. This may seem odd in the first few games but you quickly learn to get use to it and wont even notice it.

Tackling is much more refined now and defenders do close down on any potential attackers. They also seem to have better intelligence and can "read" what one is about to do and quickly counter such action. This gives an impressive style of play and did caught me off guard as I lost my exhibition matches.

The Goal Keepers in the game are a bit random in performance in my observation. It appears that shot coming from an angle can easily go past them, than powerful direct shot. This may be one of the reasons some complained that the keeper is rubbish in this 2009 version. I personally think overall, they are doing are better job and do not parry the ball for opponent attackers to only rebound past them into the net.

The shooting mechanism and physics have been tweaked. It is tweaked in such a way that one have to learn the whole process all over again. This may make it less likely for people to score screamers from long distance. On comparison to 2008 version, I would say one need less power to get the shooting system right and bang on target.

Attackers in the game can no longer sprint past your defenders. So say goddbye to using cut backs and people like eto, henry, adriano et al to win in online matches suckers. You will have to go back to learning the basic if your game play rely on such tactics.

Other things I observed is that people like Drogba no longer do that silly leg over thing when turning to the other feet - He makes that funny turning in 2008, which makes it easier for defenders to take ball off him.

Shevchenko appears to be improved and faster, but his shooting accuracy is toned down a bit.

Rejoice if you are an Arsenal fan. The previous installation have under-rated us, however this version seems to have things balanced out. You can challenge team like Barca and still have a good game and win. The whole thing is more reflective of how things are in real life I think.

Okay now the online sides of things. I played several games last night and while it was excellent I did have a few lag. Now it must be noted that the servers are still in preparatory stages and wont go live until 1300hrs BST. Anyway, during my online play, there wasnt any slow down, teleporting and random and weird drop outs. However, I did encounter a new issue - it appear that the players switching on line is some what slow.

This morning, I fired it up again and guess what I was greeted with an update from Konami. I have no idea what this fixed, but I will think it is something to do with players update???? or some other unknown issues.

Overall the game is better and while it may not be what some will call a classic footy game, it is a step in the right direction and things will be way better than last year.

16-10-2008, 13:52
It sounds like a band-aid for a bullet wound to be honest.

16-10-2008, 15:36
El, are all the players at their proper teams? Robinho at Man City, Berbatov at Man Utd, etc?

16-10-2008, 15:43
Robinho isn't at Man City. He may be at Manchester Blue though :p.

16-10-2008, 17:27
El, are all the players at their proper teams? Robinho at Man City, Berbatov at Man Utd, etc?

Nope it ain't up-to-date. However, there is an update coming out soon.

The update I had this morning was for something else. The one Knami promise to come soon will include more kits, up-to-date squad, and a few other licence apparently.

Shevchenko is still at chelsea, so is Wright Phillips etc.:angry:

16-10-2008, 17:46
Oh, fantastic work from Konami again I see. Released 2 weeks after Fifa with the wrong squads, yet Fifa gets them right.

And believe me, Konami have 'promised' fixes before.

16-10-2008, 17:58
Oh, fantastic work from Konami again I see. Released 2 weeks after Fifa with the wrong squads, yet Fifa gets them right.

And believe me, Konami have 'promised' fixes before.

I cannot defend that point.;D Konami on comparison to EA, appears they are taking the piss with their customers.

You know the online issue I mentioned, it appears a few people have experienced it as well. However, I wont jump into conclusion now as the server was fully operational from 1300hrs today.

17-10-2008, 13:00
Loki just put together a mini review in the now playing thread.

Review of what dude. I had some router issues last few days so been on and of line quite a bit

17-10-2008, 15:32
Review of what dude. I had some router issues last few days so been on and of line quite a bit

Resistance: Fall of Man :p.

18-10-2008, 10:54
My comments in another forum regarding online play. :(

To say online is top priority is a an over-statement and an insult to people who paid their hard earned money for this game.

I read from a post where the poster mentioned something along the lines of "oh it is early days, give konami a chance". Oh please, give me a motherfunky break for crying out loud. If I pay to buy a lambo, I expect the clutch to work, the aircon to come on when I want and the car to reacch the 0-62mph times as stipulated in the book.

Konami have so far failed in my opinion to deliver on their big promises. It is silly really, they [konami] are becoming like our politicians! They tell us something to get in there then do nothing about what they promise - all nothing but empty talk.

Why is it acceptable to allow the online issue to continue? Didnt seabass claimed they tested the online connection from half way round the globe and anyone with a low internet connection should have a lag free game? Well am with BE - one of the best ISP in the UK [just ask anyone] and am on 24meg connection, yet the claim by Seabass was nothing but lies.

If I go to a concert to see, MJ I expect him to entertain me, grab his crouch, scream eeeeeehhhheeeee and do a moon walk - it is what we have known MJ for - So why the heck Konami cannot deliver on their product I am paying for? Bear in mind that they failed to deliver good online play last year as well.

18-10-2008, 11:04
And the year before...

26-10-2008, 19:41
Well I took the punt(Kind of) and bought Pro Evo 2009. I thought that I had heard so many mixed reports about it compared to FIFA so I went for the half way house of getting it on PC at £16.00 before I got it on console next week. I really can't think this is all down to it being a console port but here goes.

After comparing the two I think that Fifa does indeed have the edge over Pro Evo at the moment. After what took almost 45 minutes to get registered with a Konami ID, Konami Game ID, Konami Inside leg size ID we were up and running.

Myself and my mate got set up with a game pretty easy and the first game was Argentina vs Portugal. Dribble, Dribble, Pass, Pass, Tackle red card. Hang on that wasn't in the script. Never in my life have I seen so many poor decisions. It was like a Liverpool home game in the 80's And so this continued for nearly five games. Any half decent challenge lead to a red card and the AI spoils it from becoming a good gaming spectacle.

It's hard to conceptualise but I still maintain that Pro Evo still plays a little better than Pro Evo but in there lies it's downfall. Pick a side like Portugal who have pacy players and 99/100 they will always beat the defender, always. So the recipe for success is an easy one. With FIFA, your shots have to be precise whereas in Pro Evo it's kind of generally hit it in the direction of the goal and you will generally score.

I still prefer the feel of Pro Evo but it's going to have to do something with a decent patch to sway me into parting with some green to get in on PS3(Or Xbox should I get one) Upto now I have to reluctantly give it 4/10

26-10-2008, 21:22
Some guy was playing this at the LAN over the weekend and the lowest score I saw was 6-3.
The highest was 12-0.