View Full Version : What feeds are in your reader?

14-10-2008, 10:35
Does anyone else use RSS feeds here much? Over the past year or so I've really started to build up a collection of feeds to keep an eye out on. Some technical, some otherwise. I've been relying on Google Reader more recently to handle them as it's quite useful to have a consistent source no matter where I am, rather than just maintaining a news reader at work. What feeds do you have subscribed?

Amongst my favourites:
xkcd (http://xkcd.com/): Almost always worthy of a giggle or two.
Photoshop Disasters (http://photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com/) Some just want to make you cringe. How do people think it's okay?
Vanilla Days (http://www.vanilladays.com/) Cool photographer who posts daily pictures. Wonder who it could be ;)

Of course tacked into that I've got the BBC News, a half dozen techie sources like Ars Technica and a few other random odds and sods that I like to keep a regular eye on.

14-10-2008, 10:51
Off the top of my head: xkcd, CAD, looking for group, Dee's photography, Pete's photography and a few blogs

14-10-2008, 11:17
Aw thanks Sam! So someone other than Daz is a fan then? ;D

I have:

A Rambling Geek
Lynnies Weblog
Photoshop Disasters
Post Secret
Vanilla Days

And a couple from fellow TP'ers :)

14-10-2008, 11:36
I have a scary number :D Mostly gaming ones.

AceyBongos' XBox Life (http://aceybongos.spaces.live.com/)
Bacon's Bargains (http://www.britishgaming.co.uk/vgbargains)
Borandi's X-Box 360 diary (http://borandi360.blogspot.com/)
British Gaming Blog (http://www.britishgaming.co.uk/)
Chicgeek (http://www.chicgeek.co.uk/blog)
Ctrl-Alt-Del (http://www.cad-comic.com/)
DaveyPitch (http://daveypitch.wordpress.com/)
Creature's blog (http://erutaerc.wordpress.com/)
Dueling Analogs (http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.info?_id=Sk9cIgos3RGFsV8hy51_DQ)
GU Comics (http://www.gucomics.com/)
Joystiq (http://www.joystiq.com/)
Team X-Box (http://www.teamxbox.com/)
Vanilla Days (http://www.vanilladays.com/)
Lynnie's blog
Nokkonwud (http://www.nokkonwud.com/)
Roblog (http://robm.me.uk/)
The Art of Tim (http://www.absath.com/)
The XBox Domain (http://thexboxdomain.com/)
VG Cats (http://www.vgcats.com/)
XBox 360 Fanboy (http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/)
Major Nelson (http://majornelson.com/default.aspx)
Psymonkee's blog (http://www.psymonkee.com/)
Haiku Gamer (http://www.gamepeople.co.uk/)
GeekDad (http://blog.wired.com/geekdad/)
Rock, Paper, Shotgun (http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/)

So just a couple ;D Obviously don't get the chance to read them all every day but nice to be able to spot a good story and some of them are great for inspiration. :) I have BBC News as my homepage otherwise that'd be on there too.

14-10-2008, 11:39
VG Cats have a feed?

/signs up

Ive just added "What The Duck" as well :D

14-10-2008, 12:39
The only one I have atm is HotUKDeals.com :confused:

14-10-2008, 12:39
I only have 'eHealth Alerts' .....lol only a work one, how sad :o

14-10-2008, 13:20
I only have 'eHealth Alerts' .....lol only a work one, how sad :o

well add more :p ;D

I've got digg, macrumours, diggnation, slashdot, vanilla, think secret, davey pitch, halycopter, chicgeek, nokkonwood and a few others.

14-10-2008, 13:29
well add more :p ;D

I've got digg, macrumours, diggnation, slashdot, vanilla, think secret, davey pitch, halycopter, chicgeek, nokkonwood and a few others.

14-10-2008, 13:36
dee is the only one with mine :'( well apart from Kitten ;D I really should update more :o

14-10-2008, 13:38
I used to have yours but you never update :p

14-10-2008, 13:42
I did today :p

14-10-2008, 13:48
Re-added you to my reader, except I can't post comments on your blog because user registration is disabled :( :p

14-10-2008, 13:49
I have yours Leo :D

My list is obscenely long though, organised into categories and some into sub-categories :o

I'll throw in another techie one, thedailywtf.com (http://thedailywtf.com[/url) :)

14-10-2008, 13:54
bugger, Jen I'll get that fixed ;D

Cheers Daz, I wil be updating it more often now :) just been too lazy recently :o

EDIT: Jen you can register now.

14-10-2008, 14:13
I have 220 feeds. I wish Google allowed a public list like Bloglines does.

14-10-2008, 14:20
I don't even know how to use it !

14-10-2008, 14:26
I have 220 feeds. I wish Google allowed a public list like Bloglines does.

That would be cool :)
Not sure if you're aware but you've got nearly 200 people subscribed to your daily photoblog on google reader alone.

14-10-2008, 14:28
I've got a fancy stats package on my site that tracks feed subscribers. Just last week I hit 600 subscribers :D Though its nothing compared to 'A daily dose of imagery' with over 10,000.