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14-10-2008, 13:57
Little flash game that gives you an in-game item upon completion.
Nothing brilliant but all part of the hype machine :D Nice to have some items waiting for me when I get the game anyhow.

14-10-2008, 13:57
I've only managed to get 650 on that game, I just can't kick 'em fast enough :(

14-10-2008, 14:00
:huh: Different game?
This one didn't have any scoring.
I just earned a 3 piece chicken suit ;D

14-10-2008, 14:05
Did you not have to welly chickens into a boiling pot of water?????

14-10-2008, 14:06
Ahh just found it :) It's on that site if you hover over the barrel to the left, but the game I was talking about is a flash adventure type game. Just multiple choices really but you get an in-game item for it :)

14-10-2008, 14:07
ah is that the story game? you are on about? Don't have any sound here at the minute but will watch it at home tonight.

14-10-2008, 14:08
Yeah :) Didn't realise it had been about a while, I've only just found it :D

14-10-2008, 14:38
Lynne and I watched a video for Fable 2 last night that made us both laugh. It was a video from a while ago that showed off co-op play (which looks great), and in it, the female hero went home to seeher son and husband, after 6 months away. The son was happy to see his mum and told her how he was going to become and adventurer just like her. The husband started moaning on and on about how long she'd been away, and the wife could do nothing as you can't kill your ingame spouse. So she got her co-op player to blow the husband away! We both started laughing untilit explained how the son would be put in an orphanage and that the death could change his entire life. It sounds so cool how you can effect the world around you so deeply with a single decision. Really looking forward to this now.

14-10-2008, 14:44
I would be so pissed if the co-op player came into my game and stole my wife :p

EDIT: The only thing I'm disappointed with in this is the lack of co-op pooches :(

14-10-2008, 14:45
That sounds brilliant :D

14-10-2008, 14:49
Talking about affecting your surroundings it does sound good where you have the choice to raid or protect settlements and they can become towns. Seeing the different versions of Albion will be great :)

14-10-2008, 16:29
I know loads of people who would love someone to steal their wife.

14-10-2008, 16:47
hahah but it would be kinda cruel ;D your mate comes into your game and then nicks your wife, buggers off back and you don't have a family anymore :p

14-10-2008, 16:50
Do the honourable thing... go into his game and wreck stuff :D

14-10-2008, 16:56
Do the honourable thing... go into his game and wreck stuff :D

sssssh :evil:

17-10-2008, 16:17
As I've just asked for a title rename to this thread......
Only a week to go :eek: \o/

I heard somewhere, but can't remember the site, that online co-op will be implemented at launch day now via an update :D So I look forward to messing around with someone else's houses soon :p

17-10-2008, 16:28
you can stay out of my house you robbing little cow :p

17-10-2008, 16:32
Awww :( I won't really........honest.
*quietly looks forward to being the kleptomaniac that she can never be in RL ;D*

17-10-2008, 16:38
It's interesting. I just can't be bad in a game and I've really tried. When it comes to harvesting little sisters or murdering in Oblivion I just can't do it. If I'm honest I only really started doing the Dark Brotherhood quests in Oblivion to get the achievements (though in honesty these and the thieves guild ones were the best). Left to my own devices I could never kill an innocent , I'm just too much of a goody goody...

17-10-2008, 16:40
I'm the same mostly. Couldn't harvest the little sisters and was always pretty nice in Oblivion. It's almost annoying, it'd be nice sometimes to just be plain nasty in a game :p

17-10-2008, 16:40
Awww :( I won't really........honest.
*quietly looks forward to being the kleptomaniac that she can never be in RL ;D*

Just call it souvenir hunting...

I'm just waiting for that pub crawl and group orgy where Nokkon and I or Haly and leowyatt are funny with each other for days afterwards... ;)

17-10-2008, 16:42

Ahh I hope for once Molyneux stands by his promises :D

17-10-2008, 16:44

Ahh I hope for once Molyneux stands by his promises :D

Well, I've just seen it's first real review score in Edge.

They gave it 9/10 and said "Fable II is Lionhead's greatest achievment to date, with a coherent, onward-rushing adventure story that ranks with the best the medium can offer."


17-10-2008, 16:46
I completely forgot my issue of Edge arrived today! *rushes off to go read it* :D

17-10-2008, 17:37
Oh, I have 4 issues of EGM in .pdf if anyone wants them? Forgot to mention it before.

17-10-2008, 17:37
you got the one with the fable review?

17-10-2008, 17:47
They'll review that in the december issue I'd guess. I have upto November and it had only just reviewed Fifa 09.

17-10-2008, 17:51
bummer oh well only


days to go :D

17-10-2008, 18:47
8 days matey :p.
Todays not over yet ;).

17-10-2008, 18:48
But by this time today we'll all be playing it ;)

18-10-2008, 17:44
Spotted a post on the avforums which featured fable 2 unwrapped with a receipt so it seems people are selling it but sadly I couldn't find anywhere which had it :(

18-10-2008, 18:30
BAH. Someone I know through the site i write for is reviewing it :( I knew I'd never get that lucky but it's somehow worse when someone you know is reviewing it, I feel like I was only one step away from it then :p

18-10-2008, 19:38
Gamerzines (http://www.gamerzines.com/360zine/fable-2/) have a 19 page Fable 2 special, some new screenshots and a Peter Molyneux interview.

Can't wait for this. :D

SiD the Turtle
19-10-2008, 12:49
I'm still wavering on if it will be any good, or just good but miles short of the hype it's getting.

Really hope it is though.

Edit: Also, whether it will last more than 10 hours.

19-10-2008, 13:57
I really want it, but think it will disappoint. I also can't afford it - when I can't afford things I want them even more. :(.

19-10-2008, 14:01
How do you think it will disappoint?

I was never really drawn into Fable and only played it last year but I think this game will be excellent. There is a little niggling feeling though it may turn out to be like The Force Unleashed which had the potential to be amazing but turned out to be not so great.

19-10-2008, 14:53
The first one was a million miles from what was originally talked about, and Molyneux does have a history of underdelivering, nevermoreso than with Fable and Black and White, again with Black and White 2 and now this...

I really hope it's amazing, but I can't see it being better than good and that's why it was the first game to be sacrificed from the upcoming titles and something I hope to pick up at a later date (or cheap).
I didn't get TFU because I thought it would massively under-deliver, Star Wars games usually do with KOTOR being the rare game that didn't, but that was made by Bioware and was an RPG so it had the story. In creating a game like TFU there was always the chances of flaws in the balance of power and I believe Davey highlighted several of these on his blog.

I hope Fable 2 is amazing, it really could be, co-op sounds great and the achievements seem a really good blend, but as you say, a niggling feeling and Molyneux's past track record...

19-10-2008, 14:59
I saw an interview recently with Molyneux where he admitted that unlike Fable most of what he has promised actually made it into the game :)

19-10-2008, 15:04
I saw an interview recently with Molyneux where he admitted that unlike Fable most of what he has promised actually made it into the game :)

That'll be a first for a Lionhead game. I really do feel that the majority of their games would have gone down in history as some of the best/most innovative ever made, but cos ol' Pete promised too much and over hyped the titles they were met only with disappointment. Can't wait to see how this one turns out, Fable 1 was verging on greatness but spoiled by a overly simplistic approach to good and evil, a rather camp villain and terrible TERRIBLE voice acting. I've heard most of these issues have been tackled in Fable 2, possibly one of the greatest games ever on the horizon?

19-10-2008, 15:11
I would like to think so, but if game histories have taught us anything it's that classic games seldom get released at the same time as other classic games, and that media hype is kept to its fullest for the games that don't let us down.

Fallout 3, Little Big Planet and Gears of War 2 have all maintained their constant hype - even Dead Space is getting a lot. The big media push for Fable 2 has died down somewhat.

The last time I remember such major game releases being released so close is Resident Evil 2 and Gran Turismo on the Playstation. (Though I'm sure there are more).

So many warning signs, for me personally, are there with Fable 2 (and again with Banjo Kazooie 2) that with so much attention on the others by the media that it's for a reason.

Saying that, hopefully the media have had to choose because all the games coming out over the next 6 weeks are amazing.

SiD the Turtle
19-10-2008, 15:26
I saw an interview recently with Molyneux where he admitted that unlike Fable most of what he has promised actually made it into the game :)

Well he's not exactly going to admit otherwise before the game goes on sale :p

19-10-2008, 15:32
No he isn't but I thought it was interesting that he admitted what he'd done before so we'll just have to wait and see :D

19-10-2008, 15:38
Oh I wouldn't say the hype for Fable has died down. If you go on IGN they've had a different article on there about it pretty much every day for the past 2 weeks, and they're pushing it quite hard.

From what I've seen and read about the game it really looks set to deliver. I really enjoyed the first game and all I was looking for was more of the same for the sequel, but it looks like this could easily be above and beyond what the first game was. If that's the case, I'll be a happy guy.

As for classic games not released close to each other, that's not always true. Roughly this time last year we had games like Project Gotham 4, The Orange Box, Mass Effect, Guitar Hero 3, Eternal Sonata and Tomb Raider: Anniversary all released within about a 5 week period. Sure they may not all be in everyone's favourite game list, but they were all big releases that didn't really let anyone down. Hopefully this year will be the same.

19-10-2008, 15:53
Very true about Fable 2 on IGN Davey, I've seen the 3 weapon videos, expressions etc it is certainly got the exposure but just not in same vein as Gears.

19-10-2008, 15:55
I reckon I'll still be happy with Fable 2 :) I am a little concerned I'll hype it up too much for myself and it'll become this year's Mass Effect for me, but I loved the first one despite it not being as promised so hopefully the same will happen here.
Edge's review of it has certainly made me more keen as I generally trust their views on games and find them to be very rarely wrong.

Black and White was a huge disappointment though admittedly.

19-10-2008, 16:01
I'm going to have to put this on the back burner for now (unless my mate can get me a free copy!). I already have GoW2, new Tomb Raider and Fallout 3 on pre-order, and am toying with FarCry 2 as well. Might wait for it to drop in price, which I guess it may a little for Christmas.

SiD the Turtle
19-10-2008, 16:28
Black and White was a huge disappointment though admittedly.
I was so very hyped up for B&W. It was Lionhead's first game. From the man who had delivered so many classics. It was going to be light years ahead of its time, featuring emergent gameplay, a unique creature etc. It was such a big let down. Since then I refuse to get over-hyped before a game is released.

Saying that I read the other day about the weapon system and the slots you have to customise weapons. Reminds me of the materia system from FF7, which is never a bad thing :D

20-10-2008, 15:15
10/10 on Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=263778) :( I wants it even more now.

20-10-2008, 15:28
Review sounds good :) not long now Pete only 4 days :D Did you get your money to buy it?

20-10-2008, 15:37
Not yet. I may end up buying it and hoping things work out :) I reckon it would take about 5-6 games to pay for it on trade-ins. Not worth doing imho.

20-10-2008, 15:42
No, no point in trading anything in at the moment. Hope you can afford to get it :)

20-10-2008, 16:05
Review off the site I write for: http://play.tm/review/21902/fable-2/ 88%, still not too shabby.
Can't wait for it \o/

20-10-2008, 17:45
Right.... so who's buying me it? :p.
Ever felt like we should all buy a new game each and rotate? :(

20-10-2008, 17:46
Right.... so who's buying me it? :p.
Ever felt like we should all buy a new game each and rotate? :(

Get a job... oh wait :(:p

20-10-2008, 17:50
Right.... so who's buying me it? :p.
Ever felt like we should all buy a new game each and rotate? :(

Not really, but I do feel that because I'm so stunningly handsome people should reward that with games... What? :p

20-10-2008, 17:57
Get a job... oh wait :(:p

*lightbulb moment*
You've got a job, you could front me Fable 2! :o

20-10-2008, 20:06
*lightbulb moment*
You've got a job, you could front me Fable 2! :o

Heh, can't even afford it for myself! :o

20-10-2008, 23:24
Aye, it's a horrible moment in time with so many games.

21-10-2008, 09:31
IGN (http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/921/921516p3.html) review is out and it got 9.5

21-10-2008, 15:06
Talk about good timing. A client just paid up :D I may just have enough to get it on Friday.

21-10-2008, 15:12
Oh God. I'm turning....
I've been thinking of trading Fifa 09 towards it and I love Fifa 09!!

Edit: Hmmm, just remembered I have MGS4...

21-10-2008, 15:19
Talk about good timing. A client just paid up :D I may just have enough to get it on Friday.

oh yeah :cool:

Oh God. I'm turning....
I've been thinking of trading Fifa 09 towards it and I love Fifa 09!!

Edit: Hmmm, just remembered I have MGS4...

Go on ;) go on go go go on go on go on go on!

21-10-2008, 15:21
I'll see what Psymonkee says :p.

21-10-2008, 15:23
Just get rid of MGS4 ;)

21-10-2008, 15:32
Just reminded me I need to trade in MGS4, never finished it but it was kinda dull and I doubt I'll ever go back to it.

21-10-2008, 16:11
Yeah, I've completed it (3 times in fact) but I can't see me playing it again really and I'll get it traded in whilst it has a bit of value. The question is, do I get Fable 2 or do I get Little Big Planet 2 weeks later?

21-10-2008, 16:18
I've spoken with 2 local Gamestations who both say that if I get there early enough I may be able to get a collectors edition. I spoke to Game who said no.

21-10-2008, 16:27
The question is, do I get Fable 2 or do I get Little Big Planet 2 weeks later?

bit of a daft question considering the thread :p

21-10-2008, 16:30
The other option of course is get Fable 2 done in less than 2 weeks...

21-10-2008, 16:37
Oh God. I'm turning....
I've been thinking of trading Fifa 09 towards it and I love Fifa 09!!

Edit: Hmmm, just remembered I have MGS4...

I'm not sure even I could suggest you trade in Fifa for Fable 2, I know how much you love it :p
I'd trade MGS4 though. Then sell an organ to cover whatever's left :D

21-10-2008, 16:46
The other option of course is get Fable 2 done in less than 2 weeks...

This :)

21-10-2008, 18:02
The other option of course is get Fable 2 done in less than 2 weeks...

just in time for Gears of War 2! Good lad ;)

21-10-2008, 19:05
Wait, Little Big Planet is released the same day as Gears 2?

21-10-2008, 19:26
Gears is released on November 7th no idea what this little big planet is ;)

21-10-2008, 23:04
Got my order in for £31.44

Hope it arrives on Friday though!

22-10-2008, 00:55
Where did you get it for that price?

22-10-2008, 09:31

Dear David Pitchforth,

We are pleased to inform you that your order has been dispatched by our team in Basingstoke.

Thank you very much for ordering from us here at gameplay, you should receive your package in 1 - 3 Working Days.

This dispatch contains the following:

Qty Description
1 Fable II [Xbox 360]

This had better arrive tomorrow :D

22-10-2008, 09:46
Lucky sod. Completely slipped my mind that this was out Friday, I kept thinking it was in a few weeks. May take this one off my birthday list and pick it up in a few days time, providing you lot all say how great and wonderful it is.

22-10-2008, 10:07
Ordered today from Shopto, hopefully it will be with me friday, never played the first one as I heard bad things but this does sound interesting :)


22-10-2008, 10:09
Jammy git Davey, hope you enjoy it :)

22-10-2008, 10:46
Ordered today from Shopto, hopefully it will be with me friday, never played the first one as I heard bad things but this does sound interesting :)


It will be with you tomorrow morning via Recorded.

22-10-2008, 11:14
:( Don't think mine will arrive till Friday. But at least I've saved £20 :)

22-10-2008, 11:21
It will be with you tomorrow morning via Recorded.


I live about 100yds from the post office and 90% of the time they have it there the same evening for me to pick up :)


22-10-2008, 12:21
ROFLS poker on Fridays ;D (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/41826.html)

22-10-2008, 13:51
My £31.44 order was with Lovefilm using a 10% off voucher. Shipped today too and normally takes 2 days to arrive from them so should arrive Friday.

Will do me, my list of games to play is too large :'(

22-10-2008, 23:05
It appears my bad luck (see the post where my 360 died earlier) has got worse!
Just got an e-mail off Tesco to say they can't get a copy of the CE so have refunded my money.
Which means no CE for me because it's sold out everywhere now :(:angry:

On the plus side, I don't need to return the shopto order I guess :/

22-10-2008, 23:51
Bad luck :(

I might pick this up in store - dunno yet. See how the money is after the road trip...

23-10-2008, 14:01
My CE edition just arrived! Huzzah :)

23-10-2008, 14:11
My copy of this (along with Dead Space) arrived this morning. Just waiting for Lynnie to get back home so we can co-op through it together :)

23-10-2008, 14:12
damn you all!!!!!!!

23-10-2008, 14:16
I have my copy :cool:
It's not the CE of course :( But overnight I've come to terms with it and will instead be very happy that I have a copy at all :D
Is it sad I smelt the box for that lovely 'new game' smell? :o

Gamestation had loads of copies all lined up ready to sell tomorrow. Not many CEs though, and all already booked (although I'd have had a huge moral dilemma if they had!).

23-10-2008, 15:14
Reckon if I turn up to Gamestation tomorrow with a energy sword they'll give me a CE? Points of effort and of course points for not killing them.

23-10-2008, 15:21
ROFLS poker on Fridays ;D (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/41826.html)

Now I know how stories work!

23-10-2008, 15:25
Reckon if I turn up to Gamestation tomorrow with a energy sword they'll give me a CE? Points of effort and of course points for not killing them.

Do you want me to see if I can blag a CE copy for you with my pre-order?

23-10-2008, 17:33
Tis ok. I'll have my sister with me tomorrow morning and my nephew so I can't be running all over Liverpool :) She's going to take 1 Gamestation and I'm taking the other. If that doesn't work theres HMV round the corner and if *that* doesn't work I'll just cry a little inside and buy the normal one :)

23-10-2008, 17:35
and if *that* doesn't work I'll just cry a little inside and buy the normal one :)

Worked for me :D ;D
Got my fingers crossed the DLC will eventually end up for sale on the marketplace. Doubt it but you never know.

23-10-2008, 17:41
Yer I'm guessing in a few months it might come out. Just imagine all those Halo fanboys waiting for it, ready to hand over their cash.

23-10-2008, 18:00
Sod it, i'll join in this tomorrow, providing I can find more games the just GH:A to trade.

23-10-2008, 19:12
Yay another convert :D Stuck bored in my evening class desperately wanting to play ;D only got an hour in earlier

23-10-2008, 19:33
So is it any good then? Worth the hype?

23-10-2008, 21:12
I'm guessing they're all still playing it. :(.

23-10-2008, 21:35
I've only managed to play it for an hour today so won't post any definite thoughts till I've played it more. Enjoying it so far, just don't want to commit myself till I've given it longer, in case it all suddenly goes wrong :p

24-10-2008, 01:23
My standard copy arrived from GAME thursday morning though I didn't get back from work until 8:30pm :(.

I've got one small dilemma though before I start playing. I'm ~125,000 in debt from the pub games (button mashed the spinner games to build up 5 star rating for the achievement).

Now do I:

A) Play as a very poor person
B) Reset it and play the pub games another time
C) Cheat and try the glitch thing (if it still works?) and forget about my debt


D) Carry on playing Saints Row 2 Co-op with Windle until either of us get bored?

24-10-2008, 02:46
I would just play Fable 2 from scratch as you're meant to without the pub games.

24-10-2008, 07:19
I've got one small dilemma though before I start playing. I'm ~125,000 in debt from the pub games (button mashed the spinner games to build up 5 star rating for the achievement).

That's nothing!!! :p My last count I was 294k in debt ;D I've actually got 2 pub game characters 1 saddled with all that debt and another with around 30k in gold. So first time round I'm going to use the 30k person. 2nd time through I'm going to use my other one who is massively in debt ;)

EDIT: Pete I have a copy reserved at gamestation in Bootle so was planning on ringing up at 9 to blag my pre-order to a LE edition. If I do that do you want to go collect it??

24-10-2008, 08:48
Just been into gamestation. "got any fable 2 ce?" and they did. Only about 10 or so. So I got one, obviously :D

24-10-2008, 08:50
nicely done ;) no need for me to go into Bootle today then ;D

Got mine at midnight last night but haven't unwrapped it yet :o

24-10-2008, 09:01
I only managed to play for about 2 hours last night, mainly with Lynnie (who found the co-op to be a bit dull, not enough action for her :D), so it's way too early for me to give definitive opinions on it yet. I've explored a little bit, got myself 3 silver keys, played with my doggie lots, found my first demon door (which I can't open yet), became a 4 star blacksmith, bought and rented out my first property (which is making money for me right now, even when I'm not playing it), and killed quite a few bandits. Overall I'm enjoying it, as it's very much like Fable was, which can only be a good thing. Will no doubt be spending a lot more time with this over the weekend :)

24-10-2008, 10:49
Nice one Pete :D

I'm hoping to be spending a fair bit of today playing, didn't get a proper look at it last night.

24-10-2008, 11:01
Played this a little bit last night, I like my doggy, I wonder if I can upgrade him to a BattleCat! Only got as far as becoming a teenager and swiming over to the tomb and then had too go out but it seems good so far although I'm not sure how long it will keep me engaged, we'll have to see :)


24-10-2008, 11:21
I folded. I'm ****.
1 copy of Fable 2 CE sealed and waiting to be played :(.

24-10-2008, 11:26
I also folded and will now have a copy of Fable 2 CE winging its way down from Middlesborough......then I'll sell the other copy of Fable 2 and soak up the rest with the other games I'm selling.
It's obsessive but I've wanted this game since the day it was announced :p
*waves goodbye to willpower*

24-10-2008, 11:29
I'm so glad I haven't got sucked into the hype for this, or played the old one. I'll pick it up cheap later on and will probably be very satisfied :)

24-10-2008, 11:30
I'm so glad I haven't got sucked into the hype for this, or played the old one. I'll pick it up cheap later on and will probably be very satisfied :)

I bought the old one on launch day, hated it. Bought this one too :p. There is no helping me.

24-10-2008, 11:34
I was saying to Jen the other day, all my pre-orders are focussed around the social games. We're having loads of people round at the moment and the 360 is getting used more than the Wii ever was, I've been quite surprised by it. I'll treat myself to GoW2 but other than that, it's all about stocking up on games that suit a full living room :) Then after Christmas I'll hoover up games like this and.... I dunno, settle in for Winter or something :D

24-10-2008, 11:37
Like a squirrel hibernating for Winter :D

24-10-2008, 11:38
I'm so glad I haven't got sucked into the hype for this, or played the old one. I'll pick it up cheap later on and will probably be very satisfied :)


24-10-2008, 13:14
Ahh :D
Fable 2 CE has been posted courtesy of Nokkon :D And just sold a game which will easily cover the extra for once I sell my regular copy of Fable 2. It's sad, but I've been looking forward to this game for far too long not to :cool:

Oh and blacksmithing ftw :D

24-10-2008, 14:01
For those who don't have it or want to get it cheap it appears Sainsbury's are selling it for £30 available in store only.

24-10-2008, 14:33
Right, off to trade Guitar Hero: Aerosmith and a few dvds for this...hopefully get it for fairly cheap *fingers crossed*

24-10-2008, 14:40
if not Creature, just go to sainsburys ;) got a copy reserved to pick up so will take my other copy back to Tesco for a refund ;D

24-10-2008, 15:00
I try not to buy from Sainburys or Tesco. It costs more than Game in the long run. Game, oooh doughnuts, oooh coke, chocolate milk!!! and some pringles... aw crap.

24-10-2008, 15:03
Here's one...

Don't try local coop.

I'm gutted.

My daughter wanted a little go so we played through on her profile and when I had the chance I came in as her little henchman.

Just reloaded my game and all my stats are reset, permanent. I have no skills points, no abilities, no renown, nothing. As I don't have the renown I should have I can't continue the quest I was on.

So I need to restart, end of. Finito. Not happy, really not happy.

24-10-2008, 15:04

24-10-2008, 15:06
bummer I was going to do Local co-op with Kitten tonight :shocked: bollocks to it! We'll play anyway, assuming she doesn't want to play lego star wars instead :p

24-10-2008, 15:08
I think Davey was playing local co-op last night, so I'm not sure if it's an isolated problem or? :confused:

24-10-2008, 15:09
I don't know what to do. I might be done with it. I've lost all the items I won in the pub games and flash games, everything, all the money I earned so far, everything.

24-10-2008, 15:10
if not Creature, just go to sainsburys ;) got a copy reserved to pick up so will take my other copy back to Tesco for a refund ;D£13.49. Not too bad

24-10-2008, 15:11
I don't know what to do. I might be done with it. I've lost all the items I won in the pub games and flash games, everything, all the money I earned so far, everything.

Ouch, that truly sucks :( Gutted for you.

24-10-2008, 15:11
Damn it seems like I'm not alone...


24-10-2008, 15:12
Think I might be avoiding co-op for a bit!

Metalface Mark
24-10-2008, 15:36
Bought it today, looking forward to home time.

Haly, i noticed you were selling games on overclockers, you can trade in your fifa 09 in gamestation for £9.99 and get dead space or any of the other new games this week (was just in there and they had a poster up).

24-10-2008, 15:38
mark is that fifa and a tenner for a new game?

24-10-2008, 15:40
Thanks for the heads up :) But I'm trying to cut back on games mainly so it'd only encourage me to buy more which knowing me will probably happen anyhow ;D
Cheers though :)

24-10-2008, 15:58
Here's one...

Don't try local coop.

I'm gutted.

My daughter wanted a little go so we played through on her profile and when I had the chance I came in as her little henchman.

Just reloaded my game and all my stats are reset, permanent. I have no skills points, no abilities, no renown, nothing. As I don't have the renown I should have I can't continue the quest I was on.

So I need to restart, end of. Finito. Not happy, really not happy.
Did you load your own hero or just use a generic henchman?

24-10-2008, 17:01
I can't really remember. Had my daughters profile loaded, was sat playing it with her. Got prompted to press start on a 2nd controller whilst still an orphan.

Played a while, she got to the gypsy camp. It let me pick a save, I selected my game and picked a character. Played a short while. She quit and saved and we turned it all off.

Came back an hour later loaded my save and all my abilities, renown, everything is 0.

I've just played through the start with a fresh character but when I get to sync my pub game character I worked hard to get all 15 items for it won't let me.

I actually feel pretty low; I've lost any desire to play it any more, I've also been close to packing the whole thing up and getting rid of the 360. It might seem like an over reaction but as Nokkon et al. will tell you I've been looking forward to this for years and was loving it up to now. One single thing has stopped me continuing.

24-10-2008, 18:19
I understand why you're feeling so low, I would too :( Really, really gutted for you.

24-10-2008, 18:34

Another glitch discovered in the game causes those who take one of their heroes into co-op with another player starting a new game. Apparently, when leaving childhood, all experience and gold will be wiped from the co-op character. Lionhead hopes to address this glitch in a title update, but advises players to only play co-op after the childhood stage has been completed.
That sound about right?

24-10-2008, 18:46
So I need to restart, end of. Finito. Not happy, really not happy.

Extends the longevity though!
But thanks for the heads-up. I'd recommend the memory card.

Edit: Packing up the Xbox360 over one glitch is very extreme even with the game in question being the disappointment, think of all the hours or joy you've had, or the little gems you've uncovered such as Chromehounds, it's a shame, but certainly not the end of the world. You may have lost your stats, but they can be re-earned, and as for not having the items from the pubgame, at the end of the day (horrid cliche) you got the achievements for them but you'll be starting the game the same as the majority of gamers all over the world... including me.

24-10-2008, 19:26

That sound about right?

Lol, spot on.

I've calmed down now, it's safe to come back in the thread ;)

I've replayed the pub games to get a few of the basics I really wanted back and I've started back with a new character.

Still a right bloody pain though!

24-10-2008, 19:27
the end of the day (horrid cliche) you got the achievements for them but you'll be starting the game the same as the majority of gamers all over the world... including me.

2 of the items from the pub games are needed for the completionist achievement...

You're quite right in every respect though :)

24-10-2008, 19:30
I've just got married and had a kid. From a gamer's perspective, I want to see what happens if I kill them both in a mad fury......from a human perspective, I can't do it :o

24-10-2008, 20:04
2 of the items from the pub games are needed for the completionist achievement...

You're quite right in every respect though :)

I don't agree with having to buy an arcade game to get an achievement. That's not cricket.

Still, it's about the game. :).
Glad you've chilled down.

Mines still in its bloody wrap.

24-10-2008, 20:05
I've just got married and had a kid. From a gamer's perspective, I want to see what happens if I kill them both in a mad fury......from a human perspective, I can't do it :o


24-10-2008, 20:05
2 of the items from the pub games are needed for the completionist achievement...

So you have to play the live arcade game to get that? Meh, that's not on.

24-10-2008, 21:03
Mat, do you know how off putting it is having a smiling panda behind you when using an anvil. :p

24-10-2008, 21:14
Fudged it :)

Found an experience point glitch. So took off the patches, glitched enough experience to get back to where I was. I've just spent a while showing off trophies to get my renown back to a position where I can continue so...

We're back in business.

There's quite a few on the lionhead boards in a similar pickle.

24-10-2008, 21:16
Yea, i've heard about that glitch. Gonna do the first run through clean, then use it on the second run through, just because I cba doing all the leveling again.

24-10-2008, 21:20
Monty is smithy!!! :shocked:

24-10-2008, 21:53
Monty is smithy!!! :shocked:

Ooh I wondered if it was but forgot to mention it :D
Quite a few voices that sound familiar.

I'm loving this game so far, admittedly I'm a Fable 2 fanboy, but I like feeling like there's soooooo much to do. There probably isn't in reality but I like the illusion :D
Encountered one odd bug where the breadcrumb trail vanishes sometimes, but nothing too bad so far.
I'm glad I'm not reviewing it, I'd hate to be sitting there listing things that are wrong or not quite right, and having to rush through the game.

24-10-2008, 22:09
Fangirl sounds daft though :p Although I suppose it sounds better than fanperson ;D

24-10-2008, 23:05
I've just got married and had a kid. From a gamer's perspective, I want to see what happens if I kill them both in a mad fury......from a human perspective, I can't do it :oWimp. Just killed my wife :)

24-10-2008, 23:10
I've just got married and had a kid. From a gamer's perspective, I want to see what happens if I kill them both in a mad fury......from a human perspective, I can't do it :o
You can't kill your own family, though if you want them dead, I'll happily come and do it for you :p

Edit: Just seen Creature's post, I'm guessing you can do it now. Molyneux initially said you couldn't kill your own family :/

24-10-2008, 23:14
Yeah you can, I did it earlier despite the guilt :D
Killed the husband, then my daughter got taken away by child services ;D I'm now married to someone else with a baby son but I think I'll let them live :D

24-10-2008, 23:20
haha! Just been flirting with some dudes wife. "Oi thats my wife, stay away from her!" and I keep flirting to which he then says "Nice, I approve of that." Kinky gypsy swingers. I decided to set her a nickname. "Bint the Gypsy" :D

24-10-2008, 23:23
You can't attack your wife and kill her, but you can do it by a different method.

Big spoiler
TheTemple of Shadows quest, get her to follow you there and sacrifice her

24-10-2008, 23:31
Then how come I killed my husband? :confused:
We were just in my house, turned safety off and killed him with my sword, same as killing a bandit.

24-10-2008, 23:35
Fair enough, seems obvious enough.

24-10-2008, 23:58
What the? Just found a condom buried in the woods.

25-10-2008, 00:03
What the? Just found a condom buried in the woods.

Yes I found that too, I think it might be a used one


25-10-2008, 00:04
Probably not wise to risk it then ;D

25-10-2008, 01:50
This game is so realistic. I'm terrible with women :D

25-10-2008, 10:31

They think it's all over, it is now.

Most likely linked to the problem I had earlier... I decided to do a few spinner box games and won the jackpot (3 the same that opened the middle one and it made it 4 of a kind) and won 700 odd gold.

When I cashed in and went to the world it said you've won "Plaits hairstyle card" even though I'd already won it playing the arcade pub games. I hit A and it popped up again "Plaits hairstyle card"...

It's stuck. I've pressed A to collect it over a 100 times. I've turned my 360 off and on and when I load I get a white screen with "Plaits hairstyle card" on.

I really am stuck this time. I'm sure it's linked to the above reset problem as in the pub games on the inventory for my in game character it says he hasn't won any items. Also I've not heard of anyone else having a problem with the in game pub games.


25-10-2008, 11:32
Erk :/
You're having such bad luck with the game :(

25-10-2008, 11:35
We haven't played co-op yet I've just completed the childhood section and had a crack at being a blacksmith, it's fun :) Can't seem to be a chain of more than 9 though :( damn my stupid fingers ;D

Well it seems after you level up in the blacksmith the system becomes a whole lot easier and got a chain of 12 before I quit to save my game.

25-10-2008, 11:56

They think it's all over, it is now.

Most likely linked to the problem I had earlier... I decided to do a few spinner box games and won the jackpot (3 the same that opened the middle one and it made it 4 of a kind) and won 700 odd gold.

When I cashed in and went to the world it said you've won "Plaits hairstyle card" even though I'd already won it playing the arcade pub games. I hit A and it popped up again "Plaits hairstyle card"...

It's stuck. I've pressed A to collect it over a 100 times. I've turned my 360 off and on and when I load I get a white screen with "Plaits hairstyle card" on.

I really am stuck this time. I'm sure it's linked to the above reset problem as in the pub games on the inventory for my in game character it says he hasn't won any items. Also I've not heard of anyone else having a problem with the in game pub games.


Have you tried deleting the arcade games? In a way I'm glad a problem has arisen with Lionhead and their money-making via arcade games (and linking it to an achievement) but on the other hand I'm annoyed it's happened to someone who was looking forward to the game so much.

So, taking the error into consideration, a 9 out of 10 game for you Abooie?

25-10-2008, 14:15
Have you tried deleting the arcade games? In a way I'm glad a problem has arisen with Lionhead and their money-making via arcade games (and linking it to an achievement) but on the other hand I'm annoyed it's happened to someone who was looking forward to the game so much.

So, taking the error into consideration, a 9 out of 10 game for you Abooie?

I'm a way into a new game now with a new character and I haven't let this latest cufuffle bother me.

The game itself is a joy to play (again!) and it's not like there's anything I can do about it!

Yeah, 9/10 ;)

25-10-2008, 14:17
I think the logic system is a bit off. My fiancee keeps moaning about the fact that I killed a guy, didn't appreciate me trying to cheat on her and yet that all goes away when I fart in front of her. Can't seem to marry the crazy woman though. I've got a house but I can only sell, rent or redecorate it.

25-10-2008, 14:28
My husband wants me to travel for 28hrs just because he wants sex, bloody men :p I'm busy chopping wood, damnit!

25-10-2008, 14:30
lol. "Stop moaning or it'll be your wood i'm chopping off!"

25-10-2008, 14:33
My husband wants me to travel for 28hrs just because he wants sex, bloody men :p I'm busy chopping wood, damnit!
That's an innuendo if ever I heard one.

25-10-2008, 14:34

25-10-2008, 15:57
We haven't played co-op yet I've just completed the childhood section and had a crack at being a blacksmith, it's fun :) Can't seem to be a chain of more than 9 though :( damn my stupid fingers ;D

Well it seems after you level up in the blacksmith the system becomes a whole lot easier and got a chain of 12 before I quit to save my game.
When I did the final level of Blacksmithing I had a chain close to 40, which you really need to get unless you want to spend absolutely ages doing the final level :)

25-10-2008, 16:03
Oh the joy for level 5 ;D I'll buckle down to it and get it done :D

25-10-2008, 17:17
I got to level 5 on woodcutting. Took forever! My best chain was 40, but averaged 25ish.
I'll do blacksmithing another time I think.

I own a pub now though :D Get about 500 coins every 5mins now :)

25-10-2008, 17:25
I should buy a pub, I've got about 26,000 gold after the blacksmith work, so can certainly afford one I think. I love the fact that you earn money even when the game is off. It's always nice to switch it on and then find a nice bit of gold has come in from your rented out properties :)

25-10-2008, 17:27
Yeah :D I just went afk for a bit and came back to have another 2000 coins. Got about 8000 now, but I might improve my equipment as it's pretty poor really.

25-10-2008, 18:03
I can has a fruit stall :D

25-10-2008, 18:05
I've been working hard with my new guy :)

Own 3 houses and the fish and jewelry stall.

Love coming on in the morning and hearing that k'ecthing :)

25-10-2008, 18:20
Oh balls. You guys are steaming ahead and my copy is still sealed at the moment.

I was going to go into town today and get my GAME copy refunded (pre-ordered for £35 not counting reward points) and pick up a copy from Sainsbury but I was so shattered from yesterday that I only just managed to get up at 11am.

I'm still deciding whether to take the £5 hit and open the GAME copy or wait until next week when I can get into town to get it refunded.

Plus I've got Saints Row 2 on the go as well :(

25-10-2008, 18:22
Don't worry :D I don't think I'm very far into the game, could have steamed though much faster but taking my time rather than do what I did when Mass Effect came out (rushed through it then felt disappointed :o).

25-10-2008, 23:14
Picked up a copy from Sainsbury's for £29.99 - really fun game! The combat is fantastic. I only wish the world was more open ala Oblivion.

25-10-2008, 23:17

Think my drives broken :(

25-10-2008, 23:18
I don't think I've done very much in the game so far. I actually ended up doing the blacksmith stuff before I went to meet the woman. Whilst trying to save my game I actually triggered that objective so now have a counter counting down until she arrives. She suggested I try the blacksmith while I wait :o ;D

26-10-2008, 00:08
Ouch, not good Creature. I was doing the same Leo but I wanted to venture on and I'm now in the next town. I need to be nicer because my dog's eyes are glowing red :D

26-10-2008, 00:20
Started out with just a few thoughts on Fable 2 for my blog, turned into 827 words :o
I think I might be keen on the game :D All objectivity out the window ;D

26-10-2008, 01:18
Hmmm, pure evil...awesome :)

26-10-2008, 01:38
Glowing red Pete? Sounds very Hound of the Baskerville's ;D

26-10-2008, 01:52
I tried to be good but then got tempted buy being bad and killed a few people. The townsfolk, no matter how much good I do now, still remind me that I killed a few people. It was annoying. They made me feel guilty. I tried to be good, to be a better person but they kept persecuting me. So I set them all on fire.

26-10-2008, 01:59
I tried to be good, to be a better person but they kept persecuting me. So I set them all on fire.


I've been mostly good. I'm considered a bit corrupt because my rent is high. I've killed both my husbands and sacrificed a couple of people. Plus stole a few things.
But for some reason, everyone forgives me and quite likes me :D

I've got some nasty scars now though, ruining my good looks :(

26-10-2008, 03:16
Hit pure evil and everyone runs away from me screaming. My new task is to see if I can bring myself back from that.

26-10-2008, 04:32
I'm becoming a small property magnate at the moment. I own the pub in Oakfield, the book and potion shop in Bowerstone, and 2 houses there as well (one for me and the wife, another rented out). I make over 1000 gold every 5 minutes, so I'll hopefully wake up to lots of money when I put it back on later today :D

26-10-2008, 11:24
I'm becoming a small property magnate at the moment. I own the pub in Oakfield, the book and potion shop in Bowerstone, and 2 houses there as well (one for me and the wife, another rented out). I make over 1000 gold every 5 minutes, so I'll hopefully wake up to lots of money when I put it back on later today :D

If you put the clock on your Xbox forward by 1 year, you don't need to wait around. ;)

26-10-2008, 13:52
that is just cheating ;D

26-10-2008, 13:56
Plus if you're going to do it go for 10 years ;) Strictly speaking we all cheated anyway as the clocks went back :D

Metalface Mark
26-10-2008, 14:22
I feel bad even scolding my dog.

Im going to play through all good, and then play through all bad, but im not sure i can be bad, its like KOTOR, some of the evil decisions just feel so, well, evil.

26-10-2008, 14:32
I've killed my wife, killed the gay man who accepted my marriage proposal too. I was testing him. He fell in love with me, which was so not cool. So I decided to put his love to a test. If he accepted he died. There'll be no gays in my village ;) I think the only people I haven't killed, that I'm aware of, are kids. Its easier to be bad. You have more targets to kill so you can build up your strength and magics faster. My theory is that I'm here to save the day and in the long run I'm saving more lives by killing a few now to be uber strong. :D

26-10-2008, 15:24
I just can't bring myself to be evil either :)

Had another crack at level 5 blacksmith but it's not going too well. It seems that if I hit the button on the far side of the green bar it doesn't register it so I drop from a chain of 7 and I'm back down to 1 :(

26-10-2008, 15:26
Bah, I went to Sainsburys today to see if they had any copies left and found that they had one listed on the computer but they couldn't find anything in the stock room.

I still have my GAME copy (got it for £35 + whatever reward points I gained) but they wouldn't price match Sainsburys. I would have got it refunded there and then if I had a definite answer as to when Sainsburys would get more stock in. The price in Sainsburys is said to be on until 6th November though.

26-10-2008, 15:29
Doh, bad luck Zico :(

26-10-2008, 15:31
I just can't bring myself to be evil either :)

Pffft. Your first is the hardest. :D

Had another crack at level 5 blacksmith but it's not going too well. It seems that if I hit the button on the far side of the green bar it doesn't register it so I drop from a chain of 7 and I'm back down to 1 :(

I get the same. Sometimes you can just clip the edge and it works, other times it doesn't.

26-10-2008, 15:37
I'm being 'natural' for my first playthrough, doing what appeals at the time basically. Then I'll be a goody goody then an evil bastard :D
So far it still seems like the kind of game that as soon as I finish this playthrough, I'll start up all over again :shocked: Very rare for me!
I'd really like the full 1k in it too, it'd be satisfying :) I'm not looking at the achievements at all until I've finished though.

26-10-2008, 15:48
Pffft. Your first is the hardest. :D

fnar!!!! :p

I'm really enjoying this and I haven't really done much of the main story either. I bought a house to rent this morning so should have a nice income when I play the game later. I'm probably going to do some more blacksmithing to buy a couple of houses or businesses, replace my weapons and clothes and then go to see the Abbot.

26-10-2008, 16:28
I think I'm getting near the end :shocked::(

26-10-2008, 17:56
O_o Already?! I'm purposefully building up my monies and stats before going further. I'll only go further if I need to. I'm still like 95% pure evil. Its just not easy getting back to good.

26-10-2008, 18:05
The story sort of hinted at it, basically 'do whatever you need to do as you might not be able to soon'. So I'm assuming I must be near :( In which case it is a rather short main story!
Hopefully I'm wrong though but I wouldn't be surprised if it is just very short.

26-10-2008, 18:23
Isn't it supposed to be between 8-10 hours????

26-10-2008, 18:29
To be fair, that's probably how much time I've spent on it :o
Pretty much all I've been doing since Friday ;D I'll let you lot know anyway as I'm just about to do that quest :D

26-10-2008, 18:41
I think I'll be doing a lot of other stuff in between main quests.

26-10-2008, 18:43
So did I :D 5 starred all the jobs, married 4 times, all the sidequests I could find. Told you I've played it a lot this weekend ;D Been a while since one game's hooked me so much.
Having done very brief research (dodging the spoilers), I don't think I'm that near the end so that's ok :D

Edit: Still got various things to do for the completionist achievement too, but I'm leaving that for the next playthrough as I don't want to risk spoilers etc :)

26-10-2008, 18:48
phew :D

26-10-2008, 19:48
Still a fair bit to go it seems :) You'll see what I mean when you get there though!

26-10-2008, 20:25
To be honest I don't mind if the game is that short. I like games that are fun to play, and sometimes that fun can run out if it goes on for too long. There's so much to do though, in terms of jobs, businesses, families etc, that you can extend the game quite a while if you want to.

One thing I've noticed though is that your offline earnings seem to be capped. I earn 1050 gold every 5 mins, but when I switched it on after 8 hours asleep I only had about 10k gold, so I wonder if they cap it so that if you don't play it for a few days you don't come back to a fortune.

26-10-2008, 20:28
Yeah it does seem to be capped.
Oh and I checked, I've played for 10hrs so far (I actually thought it'd be worse than that!), and still seems to be a fair chunk to go.
Would have thought if you knew what you were doing and rushing, it wouldn't take long. But I'm getting as much out of it as I can.

26-10-2008, 20:28
Bah, I went to Sainsburys today to see if they had any copies left and found that they had one listed on the computer but they couldn't find anything in the stock room.

I still have my GAME copy (got it for £35 + whatever reward points I gained) but they wouldn't price match Sainsburys. I would have got it refunded there and then if I had a definite answer as to when Sainsburys would get more stock in. The price in Sainsburys is said to be on until 6th November though.

Do you really begrudge a fiver that much? ;D

26-10-2008, 20:50
You're at the same stage as me Jen, I won't tell you how far through you are though.

I think i'll be getting most of the achievements this time, then i'll trade it and rent it later for the last few I don't get now.

26-10-2008, 21:36
Cheers :D I'm enjoying the mystery of having no idea what's left. Most games I have a rough idea of what's happening when from reading too much on the game, last game that was this mysterious for me was Bioshock.

26-10-2008, 21:40
I've figured out how to get my good rating up. Bigamy. Its expensive but you get 100 good points, and more for kids. Gotta be the most evil way to be good I've found.

26-10-2008, 21:47
I just killed people and did evil quests....

26-10-2008, 21:51
But I wanna be good again and oddly bigamy helps.

26-10-2008, 23:19
I'm incredibly nice without even trying hard :cool:
It's a little annoying though, every time I go to a village, I have a congregation of villagers following me around telling me how wonderful I am and how much they love me :/ They get in the way!

26-10-2008, 23:20
haha yeah I often want to just throw fire at everyone but then the fuzz turn up and I cba fighting them all the time.

26-10-2008, 23:22
I'm getting very tempted :D Next playthrough will be pure evil, it'll be fun :cool:

26-10-2008, 23:56
Can't wait to play this now. Sounds so great!

26-10-2008, 23:59
I was trying to attract this one woman before and had around 15 people who all were in love with me ;D worst be was I got her to marry me then found out I could have sex because they were all there watching ;D

27-10-2008, 00:17

27-10-2008, 00:31
Nice :D

27-10-2008, 02:03
Do you really begrudge a fiver that much? ;D

A little, yes (though my trip to Sainsburys wasn't just for Fable alone).

It could have been £10 if I had pre-ordered at GAME at £39.99.

27-10-2008, 10:08
Well I must say I’m really enjoying this game. I suspect I'm about halfway through the game plot wise maybe a little less time wise as I am suspecting quite a few more enemies, so far its just been bandits, the orc type cave dwellers and a few lycanthropes, I've seen Banshees alluded to in the loading tips and I’m expecting some higher level monsters.

The part that Jen mentioned about being told to doing all the adventures is because you need to leave the mainland for a while and the time limits all expire so do get your house in order when its mentioned that you are going on a trip.

I haven't married yet, I accidentally proposed to someone Opppps and since then I've not dared to mess about with the concept of marriage, the idea of being nagged at to go home and play with the kid would interrupt my game play, I'll leave marriage till free play at the end if its an option and if not I'll experiment with it and flirt with evil in a new game. Like Jen I just find it hard to take the evil path in these games, right now my character is glowing with good power and is loved by everyone he sees, in fact the number of hearts above heads and proposals are getting silly, everyone loves a quick sock puppet sideshow and a protracted fart expression (my character is a veritable Desmo in that area!

I'm liking the dog companion the fact he hunts out treasure and fights for you, on the negative side I don't think the spell system has been very well thought out, I only ever use one spell and have upgraded it to level 4 which makes the whole screen glow with manna energy and can if fully charged wipe out a decent enemy with a single shot! Missions wise I think this is one of the best games I have played, the missions are varied enough and many have an internal storyline (the tranny at the temple of light when you return to the mainland is very funny). The dynamic consequence system rocks, I can actually see how my actions have effected a large area in of the game (tip: be generous and help your ncp friends) although I am disappointed I didn't get another chance to kick the bully who poked Dogface with a stick in the childhood section of the game, maybe he'll turn up later.

Technically there is no doubt in my mind that this is a masterpiece, no its not quite as free as Oblivion but in some ways Oblivion was so free and so huge it led to frustration and losing ones way, in this the purpose is always clear but there is enough to do on the side to give distraction, I spent ages chopping wood and forging but the rewards are so well calculated that it was worth it, I seldom have any cash but I do own the whole gypsy encampment and a few stall around the place and I have the best weapons available without upsetting the fight dynamics.

If I have any tips they are to upgrade your dog ASAP (Dogface is level 4 in everything and has many tricks) as this enables him to find a lot more treasure and from a longer distance and also to buy the skill which allows you to aim the gun as this seems to activate a mission which is spread across the entire game and in every area and which leads to more treasure!

Can't say a thing bad about Fable II its definitely one of the game that’s kept me the most hooked on the 360 and I honestly believe that its the step forward in console gaming that will get other publishers to up their game.


27-10-2008, 10:13
Oh oh oh I thought of a thing I don't like!!!!!!!

I don't like the system of seeing other players hovering in in the air and I particularly don't like it when people decide to spectate or shoot at the shooting range when you're there because they appear in front of you and you CAN'T BLOODY SEE! and although I am keen that people are aware that 'the cake is a lie' its annoying when it stops you getting a high score because its obsuring the targets :angry: :D :p


27-10-2008, 10:19
Hehe, you started if when I was being a smithy :p

27-10-2008, 10:27
Hehe, you started if when I was being a smithy :p

I know, so was I, thats the problem, at least in that mini game its only a distraction, at the shooting range it does actually obscure the targets and makes it unplayable, which is my only complaint really, so its hardly a real issue :)

Can someone tell me how you do interact with the orbs, I couldn't quite work it out :/ apparently you can see the other players stats and stuff.


27-10-2008, 10:31
Afraid I can't help you there because I've only seen 1 orb during my play and he disappeared sharpish :p

27-10-2008, 10:34
Hold LT to lock onto them then press A. It's weird walking round towns and seeing whore, trader, whore, whore, green blob, town cri...wait what?

27-10-2008, 10:36
ICan someone tell me how you do interact with the orbs, I couldn't quite work it out :/ apparently you can see the other players stats and stuff.


Target them using LT like you would a villager, then press A :)

27-10-2008, 10:40
I upgraded my Inferno spell last night to maximum level, and nothing I've faced so far (bar rock trolls) can withstand a full powered range attack. It's great to charge it when bandits are coming at you from a distance, as you can simply wait until they all hit the magic zone and then burn the lot of them :D

27-10-2008, 10:49
I upgraded my Inferno spell last night to maximum level, and nothing I've faced so far (bar rock trolls) can withstand a full powered range attack. It's great to charge it when bandits are coming at you from a distance, as you can simply wait until they all hit the magic zone and then burn the lot of them :D

Summoners quest surrounded by about 30 hollowmen + fully charged area inferno = experience orbs aplenty! :D


27-10-2008, 10:52
I keep forgetting to upgrade my spells and stuff :o It keeps telling me the stuff I can buy but I'm distracted by other stuff ;D

27-10-2008, 11:14
I keep forgetting to upgrade my spells and stuff :o It keeps telling me the stuff I can buy but I'm distracted by other stuff ;D

I use most of my experience to upgrade one spell (inferno) and to build up my physique and hit points to the maximum they can be, clothes ddon't have armour points so you need to get those physical defences up quickly, I keeping being told I can by the next strength of time stop but as I never use it and the spell system is too bloody fiddly to change spells in combat its better for me to just be good at one which has the option of a ranged and area attack and get good with my sword instead.


27-10-2008, 11:18
I'm a bit confused by the combat system. I have a sword which does 71 damage + whatever multiplyer I have, and I have inferno, which does 1000's of damage, yet they both take the same about of hits to kill someone =/

27-10-2008, 11:21
I'm a bit confused by the combat system. I have a sword which does 71 damage + whatever multiplyer I have, and I have inferno, which does 1000's of damage, yet they both take the same about of hits to kill someone =/

Actually Inferno does't do 1000s of damage as far as I am aware, it does about 170 odd for area effect and about 300 targeted at level 2 or 3 I think, have a look in the spells section, I dont think its THAT powerful until you get to the higher levels.


27-10-2008, 11:24
I went straight to upgrading spells. Though there are quite a few good ones that I'd like to try. The problem is that I'm saving for level 4 electricity. so buying level 1 time control is going to be useless. Never thought about upgrading my dog, I mean its a dog.

27-10-2008, 11:27
Well i've got it maxed at the moment and i'm sure it had much higher damage than that, but maybe i'm reading an extra zero =/

27-10-2008, 11:29
I did wonder what happened to the lack of armour and were I could buy it from. I have just bought some better clothes so will be upping my physique when I get on tonight.

27-10-2008, 11:29
Well i've got it maxed at the moment and i'm sure it had much higher damage than that, but maybe i'm reading an extra zero =/
If Inferno is at full strength you'll definitely be doing into the 1000's for damage. The only problem is the time it can take to charge it, which I why I have level 3 Time Control set up, so I can slow time down as people get close, then use that time to fully charge Inferno to fry them all :)

27-10-2008, 11:32
I never fully charge inferno, takes about 4 seconds to do it to stage 4, so I leave it there, still does plenty of damage though. I use chaos as well sometimes just for fun.

27-10-2008, 11:38
Glad you're enjoying it as much as me MB :) I saw you wandering yesterday so you were the first orb I interacted with :D Although think you were afk at the time.
I've been levelling up all my skills equally but I've hardly used magic, think I'll have to rectify that at some point.

Over the weekend, it's made me forget the time quite a few times, can't remember the last game that did that!

27-10-2008, 11:39
I keep pressing B by mistake and scaring my wife and any villagers around me :(

27-10-2008, 11:44
If Inferno is at full strength you'll definitely be doing into the 1000's for damage. The only problem is the time it can take to charge it, which I why I have level 3 Time Control set up, so I can slow time down as people get close, then use that time to fully charge Inferno to fry them all :)

Oooh thats very clever.

I keep pressing B by mistake and scaring my wife and any villagers around me :(

I did that too. Spend ages playing my lute to make them happy, get a few good points and then boom! They're either scared to hell costing me precious good points or toasted.

27-10-2008, 11:46
is safety turned off for you Pete? I have left it on for the time being. Haven't got a lute yet but need to go book shopping as I don't have many expressions.