View Full Version : CutePDF printing pages in wrong order

18-10-2008, 02:08
I'm using CutePDF to convert my CV into a PDF format. So I was a bit shocked to see that the PDF has the 2nd page as the first page and the 1st page as the second page despite them being in the correct order in Word 2007. Any idea why? Can't see anything in the Print options that would reverse or in any way alter the page order in printing.

Iz muchos confuzzled by this. :D

18-10-2008, 08:55
As a suggestion, give OpenOffice a go, it can output in .PDF format.

18-10-2008, 12:01
I've already used OO in the past. I want a way of making PDFs from Office 2007. The Save As PDF plugin makes PDFs bigger than CutePDF. Hence why I'm using CutePDF.

20-10-2008, 18:16
Check your printing options/preferences to make sure it's not set for come odd collating sequence - or try PrimoPDF (same idea as CutePDF).

20-10-2008, 19:08
Already checked the printing prefs. :) Will give PrimoPDF a go. :)

21-10-2008, 00:28
Turns out that some advanced printing options meant that Word was set to print pages in reverse. No idea why. Not something I would have done.

Admiral Huddy
21-10-2008, 08:45
I use an on-line convertor:
