View Full Version : Touch pad mouse no worky :(

18-10-2008, 18:43
Anyone got any suggestions?

Cherry keyboard with integrated touchpad mouse, PS2 connectors. Computer is XP Media Centre.

I needed to extend the cable on the keyboard, so used a USB-PS2 adapter and a USB extension.

Keyboard works, but touchpad doesn't :'(

Can anyone suggest anything?

18-10-2008, 20:28
You've not turned it off by accident have you? ;)

18-10-2008, 20:36
Try something like these instead:


Obviously try somewhere like Ebay as it'll be cheaper than rip-off-maplins :)

[EDIT] This long enough? (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2-Metre-PS-2-Male-to-Female-Extension-Cable-Lead_W0QQitemZ230261243584QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item 230261243584&_trkparms=72%3A1301|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A13 18&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14) (clicky) Bargain! Obviously you'll only need one to extend the trackpad cable. Should work.

19-10-2008, 10:02
Thanks Streeteh. Don't really want to have to use ps/2 extender as 1) one day might get around to changing the motherboard to a modern one without ps/2 and 2) it's gonna be a PIG to unravel the cable again!

It's all in this conduit...


19-10-2008, 11:10
Hmmm, i'm not sure what's causing the problem tbh. How much are you willing to spend to resolve this? You can buy some pretty decent wireless keyboards with trackpads for less than £30.

19-10-2008, 12:22
Just to be really awkward, the 1 piece I don't want to replace is the keyboard:


Just found drivers that I'm trying...

19-10-2008, 12:39
Panic over (who was panicing?!) :D

Drivers didn't help. Tried the kb and usb adapter in this comp (similar, but normal Xp). Same prob, kb worked, touch pad not.

Remembered I had another usp adapter. Tried it. Worked :D Wonder if it having a bigger "lump" in the wire helped?!

Tried it on the other comp. No work :'(

Tried it without the usb extension, straight into the comp. Worked :D

Tried it again in the USB extension. Worked :D :D :D

Buggered if I know what was going on there, but it works now so I'm happy again!!!

Cheers peeps for the input :)

20-10-2008, 18:51
How good quality is the USB extension? My guess is that it's a bit borderline. As for the adapters, if you have any more trouble, I use the previous version of these:


And I've had no trouble with them (I've got three).

21-10-2008, 05:28
That adapter looks like hte one I've now using. The previous one didn't have that "lump" in it.

The USB extension IIRC has a lump on it as well, something to do with making it a good one - bought it years ago!