View Full Version : Favourite game of all time
Bit of an unoriginal topic but as it's been a while since we last did it and we've had lots of new members since.......what's your favourite game of all time? :D You can name a few if you can't decide ;)
Mine is, rather unsurprisingly, Final Fantasy VII.
It probably helped that it came out at just the right point in my life. I was 13 and had a lot of free time with not much responsibility, meaning I could quite easily spend the Winter breeding chocobos to my heart's content :D
It was also my first real RPG, or at least the first one that I played to completion (before that, I loved stuff like Lords of Midnight but never did complete it as I was that bit younger), so I loved the in-depth story and all the statistics and various details. The minigames really helped too and gave a bit of variety.
I think that was the game that changed me from liking games to being a real games nerd :p
I still have yet to find a game that matches the excitement I felt, although I'm always searching for it. Nearest to match it for me was Deus Ex which still ranks very high in my top 10.
Admiral Huddy
20-10-2008, 16:46
RTCW is still my No.1 game of all time, with a very close 2nd place HL.
RTCW was one of a few last generation of games that felt like a game and not like the interactive movies which games seem to be today. It's dark atosphere and sinister plot made this game work well.. the sound added to the intensity.. creeky doors and the creepy music.. Love it still
Half-Life closely followed by Half-Life 2.
RTCW was also much fun.
Probably Wip3out but there's also Quake 3 Arena and Counter-Strike Source plus an old Amiga game called "Backlash".
20-10-2008, 17:30
Sonic the Hedgehog, the old school one :D
20-10-2008, 17:30
Would anyone here by at all surprised if I said Ninja Gaiden was my favourite game of all time?
Didn't think so :D
20-10-2008, 17:43
Bit of an unoriginal topic but as it's been a while since we last did it and we've had lots of new members since......
We've had a lot of new members since last week, don't see you remaking those threads ;).
It's easy for me this question though, it's Half-Life. That game alone sent me on my current path of studying games design because I decided at that moment that I wanted to be involved in a project that would bring so much joy to people and possibly change their lives. So for that reason alone, Half-Life.
Never before had a game been so natural in its progression, the story was told as you played, without pop ups or GUI notices, you spoke with people but didn't have to develop it like an RPG. The graphics and sound were amazing, the weapon choices were flawless and the design is still some of the best I've ever seen and it's over 10 years old.
Such a tragic shame they bastardized the series with Half-Life 2 :(.
20-10-2008, 17:55
Final Fantasy VII...
... i'm original aren't i :/
Either Resident Evil 2 or MGS 1.
We've had a lot of new members since last week, don't see you remaking those threads ;).
Trust you :rolleyes: :p
Final Fantasy VII...
... i'm original aren't i :/
Maybe not original, but very correct ;)
semi-pro waster
20-10-2008, 18:47
In terms of playing time I don't think anything comes even vaguely close to NFS:2000 aka Porsche Challenge. The graphics are inevitably a bit dated now (although perhaps not as much as you might expect) but the balance between arcadey style gameplay and realism is spot on and the handling just feels perfect, I've not got the slightest clue what a Porsche feels like to drive but if it is anything like the game it must be sublime.
20-10-2008, 18:50
Any of the above & all of the above, Just the 3 games that really stick out through the masses that I have played over the years. Those 3 Proper grabbed me.
20-10-2008, 19:19
Captive II: Liberation
I can never decide between Thief/Thief II and Half-Life (I include the second Thief game because it all felt part and parcel of the same experience). Both had me totally immersed and engrossed with the storylines and to this day they have the most memorable set pieces of pretty much anything I've played.
The Haunted Cathedral level in Thief was just pure poop-worthiness; trying to sneak around a giant, empty, dilapidated old building filled with ghosts and zombies. One wrong step in the shadows and they'd come and investigate, and you only had whatever flash bombs and holy water you'd managed to scrimp together from previous levels because conventional weapons were useless against them. I think the most worrying part was being at one end of the cathedral, and seeing all the nasties you had to pick your way around fading off into the distant murkiness.
The other great thing about Thief was that it let you choose your own path (in much the same way Deus Ex did a while later). Trying to swordfight your way through would end in pretty much instant death, but knocking people on the head and hiding the bodies was time-consuming and tricky. Do you try and pick-pocket a key to the main door, hoping you can douse enough lights with water arrows to not be seen when you pick the lock, or do you find a rope arrow and hope your aim is straight enough to hit the beam above an open window? Or is there a way through the wine cellar from outside? Or if you hang around long enough listening to the guards will they disclose the location of a hidden key or switch? And if you do that, will they also mention some special loot that sends you off on a complete tangent to another building? There was just so much thought in everything.
Edit: As an afterthought, I think the true reward with Thief was the feeling of accomplishment when you got past an over-cautious guard, or struck an absolute bullseye with a particular type of arrow. Mistakes really could cost you your life and there was as much fun getting out of seemingly futile situations as there was avoiding them. You really needed patience to persevere to any degree, but it always paid off.
SiD the Turtle
20-10-2008, 20:11
It has to be Baldur's Gate II. The perfect PC RPG that lasted as long as a JRPG without being a massive grind-fest.
batelfield on the pc, but i loved BF2142 and cant wait for the new one to kickstart my MP addiction when ever it comes out
mega drive sonic the hedgehog :)
i bought a wii and downloaded soinic and played that all the time i had the wii :D
DAoC, Wolfenstein, UT. Oldskool baybee!
Never knew you used to play DAoC Pebs! Used to play it a while back with an ex, was a great MMORPG despite me catching it a bit past its prime. I played Everquest when they were both at their peak.
Ultima Online (before they spoiled it). I have played many MMORPGS since but nothing came close to Ultima, I don't care how pretty they are. Pretty doesn't make up for the fact that Ultima had in my opinion by far the best rule set so beat all the others hands down.
I lost all my 'old' screenies.......
Possibly the first Call Of Duty. I remember having a few days off work and was wandering round a game store in town and decided to buy a game, the first for the for a long time. It was a choice between COD and Jedi Academy. Went with COD in the end and never looked back. It was the first game I'd bought on the PC since Bladerunner :shocked: and was also the first game that got me into playing online. Ended up joining my first clan and I've never had as much fun as playing game.
The only other choice is Oblivion. I love it so much that I bought a copy for the pc even though I have it for the 360. Next to COD, probably the only game where I've spent close 400 hours playing :shocked: Thanks to the community mods for the pc there is now so much more to do and makes it feel it new again.
20-10-2008, 23:23
I don't have a clue why I bought CoD, someone must have recommended it for me, so I bought it and just remember playing it in MP and thinking 'wow'. Recommended a friend come around immediately (and he did bless him) and he then bought it the next day.
Fantastic experience both in SP and MP.
I remember sitting down to play CoD for 30mins before I went to cook dinner, about 5hrs later I'd completed it and completely forgot I was hungry and now dark outside ;D
Classic game :)
I also can't remember why I bought it!
For online, there will never be another game like Jumpgate for me. I quite literally became addicted. I had almost 1,200 hours invested in it before I finally put down the joystick and stepped away from the cockpit.
For single player it would have to be the entire Command & Conquer series.
21-10-2008, 00:02
Gonna have to fight myself :(
Deus Ex vs. Half Life (AGMod DM!)
I'll let you know which one won if I'm still conscious at the end :D
Wow such a tough question. I been playing games since I was about 7 on the old Atari 2600 & Speccy so thats (Counts on fingers, thumbs & toes) 25 years of gaming. :lipsrsealed::shocked:
Pretty difficult to have a favourite in all of that but there have been some real stand out games I have enjoyed and would no doubt play again for many many more hours. So some honarary mentions go out to
Kick Off 2. Football games have developed so much over the last few years but the one game that really started it off was Dino Dini's Kick Off 2. Superb realism on the Amiga. (Amiga vs ST is for another debate in another thread that commodore will win ;) ) Immensley fun and even for a top down game it was still great. Best bit was putting the swerve on with the QuickShot 2 Joystick. Broken many of them in the past as well.
Battlefield 1942 - Desert Combat. DC is was a mod developed on the BF1942 game engine/ Graphically not the best game in the world but in terms of pure fun and game play it was way ahead of it's time. I still think there are some hardcore servers still going as we speak. This was my first experience of massive on line game play as the servers were anything between 32 man to 128 man, although the latter size needed a whopping Athlon XP2000 with at least 512mb RAM to run it lag free ;) What made it for me was the size of the maps, the crude tactical play and most importantly the fun element of it that is yet to be beaten imho.
Half Life SeriesIt's unusual for a shooter to have such a well developed storyline, game world and lore all in one big hit. Again, it's another game that is showing it's age nowadays but the beauty of HL1 & HL2 was never about been rememberd for the eye candy. It really took single player action shooters into a whole new direction. HL2 especially, I can play over and over.
21-10-2008, 11:16
I loved Kick Off 2, it was amazing - amazed you put it ahead of SWOS though! I also broke several Quickshots, I believe it was 3.
So glad you put Desert Combat in there, it's the most under appreciated (and best) mod of all time. I remember playing it and thinking 'wow', and I've never, EVER had more of a laugh than playing a game with a mate in the same room. Urban Siege is still my favourite ever multiplayer map, I used to love holding the market place with a friend, having choppers litterally 10 feet above you without seeing you was intense, or having trucks fly in through the alleys, gunners running out and you're sat there with a sniper rifle - scary.
Shame you said HL2, it was all going so well for you :p.
I never seem to find it difficult to name my favourite game :o My top 10 would be very difficult though, I'd have no chance of it being in order and I'd probably want to name 20 games in that ;D
Think I've been gaming nearly 20 years now, I can't actually remember the age I started because I was so young :o But think it was 5-6.
21-10-2008, 11:29
I've always said that about movies or games. Naming a top 1 is easy, naming a top 5 is almost impossible.
I know in my top 5 I have: Half Life, Max Payne, Max Payne 2 but after that I don't know what I'd have!
21-10-2008, 12:38
I reckon I could name a top 10 if I had to, but there would probably be 9 games in joint 2nd place as I can really only name an outright winner, it'd be much harder seperating the rest. I can say for sure that Mafia, Call of Duty 4, Dead Rising, Deus Ex and Bioshock would be in it, just off the top of my head.
21-10-2008, 12:56
I always feel like I must have missed something massive in Mafia. I always meant to go back to it and kept putting it off and off and off and in the end it's now so old with so many other games that it will have lost that original appeal.
I really hate myself for doing that sometimes.
Some good games listed above. I would say Flashback is certainly up there. For a platformer the slickness of the moves that you could perform really sold it for me. Half-life was another one that really kicked things off. Still to this day the number of shooters that come out looking pretty but has bugger all story line is shocking. Which brings me nicely to deus-ex. I loved the way that you could perform the missions in different ways.
Then we come to C&C, for me this really was excellent. It was the mixture of music, fmv and being able to control units. Never played a game like that before and certainly I still find the original Red Alert fun. GTA as well with the top down view. Great fun with mates. Especially where you were running away and suddenly found an instant gang in a populated area.
edit- Streets of rage! How did I miss this? I can do the second one in an hour on hard. I'm working on hardest.
The more I think about this the more I keep wanting to change my mind!
Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe, Xenon 2 Megablast, Gods and Magic Pockets were firm favourites but they're from a different era of gaming.
SiD the Turtle
21-10-2008, 13:35
I've always said that about movies or games. Naming a top 1 is easy, naming a top 5 is almost impossible.
I know in my top 5 I have: Half Life, Max Payne, Max Payne 2 but after that I don't know what I'd have!
My unsorted top five would be Half life, Max Payne 2, Baldur's Gate II, Red Alert and Deus Ex.
21-10-2008, 13:42
What a hard question, I have a few favorites but I'm not one for playing games to death and will rarely play adventure games twice if I have completed them.
My favorite of all time has to be Little Big Adventure it was the combination of exploration and puzzling and the cute 3d graphics
Others on the list:
GRAW - I really like GRAW because its not just mindless violance you actually have to think strategicly about how you are going to tackle a situation and maybe play a senario a few times.
Gran Tourismo
Baldurs Gate
Neverwinter Nights
21-10-2008, 14:56
Some good games listed above. I would say Flashback is certainly up there.
Flashback, Another World and Fade to Black were all amazing games. I only noticed last week that Fade to Black is available to buy on the PSP for £3.50 last week and got all excited, then thought it's probably better to leave it as an amazing memory. Same for Flashback and Another World.
The more I think about this the more I keep wanting to change my mind!
Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe, Xenon 2 Megablast, Gods and Magic Pockets were firm favourites but they're from a different era of gaming.
An Amiga man then Burble ?
An Amiga man then Burble ?
I sure was :)
edit- Streets of rage! How did I miss this? I can do the second one in an hour on hard. I'm working on hardest.
Streets of Rage 2 would definitely feature in my top 10 :D
And Baldurs Gate 2. Fantastic stuff :)
This is hard. So many games I'd rank right at the top....
Kick Off 2, Speedball 2, Planescape Torment, Eve Online, Everquest, Baldurs Gate, Ultima IV, Dead Rising, Mass Effect, Oblivion, Thief, Dark Forces, Doom, Aplha Centauri, Beyond Good & Evil...
Need time to mull on this one...
Yay for another Everquest fan :D
Some good games listed above. I would say Flashback is certainly up there. For a platformer the slickness of the moves that you could perform really sold it for me.
Completely forgot about my Megadrive games! I bought one off the 'bay a couple of years ago just so I could replay Flashback, Another World and Toejam & Earl... all of which would make my top ten ever. Further shout-outs to Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max, Indy + Fate of Atlantis, Monkey Island series, Grim Fandango and Beneath a Steel Sky. All amazing point and click stuff.
21-10-2008, 19:03
You mentioned all those point and clickers yet missed out Broken Sword which most would rate as the best of them. You also missed Full Throttle and Legend of Kyrandia. :p
I didn't like Broken Sword - not enough funnies! And Full Throttle I liked but it was a bit short. :(
21-10-2008, 20:43
I can't decided on my favourite game, but I can list my top 3 easily.
Rock Band
Pokemon Red/Blue.
No games have ever come close for me.
Deus Ex, without a doubt. By far one of the best games I have ever had the pleasure of playing.
Syndicate isn't my fave of all time but I'd say top 10. Stealing cars before GTA. Killing sprees, taking over the world. Brilliant graphics. Oh how I loved to convince people to join me so I'd have a small army of sacrificial pawns to use as a shield.
X-Wing vs Tie Fighter too. They just don't make games like that now.
21-10-2008, 21:24
Hmmmm fav game of all time....
Master of Orion. The original when I first got my grubby hands on it I was playing into the wee hours of the morning, still play it occasionally...... live long dosbox
second fave game... Dungeon Keeper, great sense of humour and more great gameplay......
Then there's the KOTOR series the only game other than the 2 above I have replayed more than 5 times..........
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