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04-09-2009, 08:40
Not the magnum ammo I use for Lincoln's Repeater, as it's my primary weapon I often found myself running down to a couple of hundred rounds. The ammo press always lets me get it back to nearly 1000 rounds thanks to using all the spare ammo I never need :)

04-09-2009, 12:23
I never used Licoln's Repeater once in two playthroughs :p. I always stuck with The Terrible Shotgun, Plasma Rifle and then the guns from Mothership Zeta.

I'll have to use the ammo press in a future playthrough.

04-09-2009, 13:00
How can you not use it, it's freaking awesome? Scarily accurate and very powerful. The Terrible Shotgun is great for close range stuff, but the Repeater is better than the Plasma Rifle for long range stuff IMO.

04-09-2009, 22:29
Must go back to this on the 360. Had a break after finishing off the PC version but once I'm done with the Batman achievements, this seems like a good one to move onto :D

Not even touched Mothership Zeta although I haven't heard great things about it.

16-09-2009, 17:28

A little thank you from Bethesda. :)

16-09-2009, 18:20
It's really puzzled me why we haven't seen a Premium Theme or Avatar clothing for this title earlier than this. It's not like it's a small time game :p.

Admiral Huddy
25-09-2009, 09:12
Help please!

I'm stuck around the Capitol Building area looking for Rivet City. In desperation, I've entered the building hoping there's an exit the otherside which will bring me nearer but i'm fighting hoards of super mutants and a Super Mutant Behemoth inside. I'm deep into the "Hall of Columns" but wondering if i'm wasting my time :(

25-09-2009, 09:18
I don't remember going through any building to get to Rivet City - I stayed outside and above ground the entire way IIRC, had to deal with a couple of super mutants but that was about it.

Admiral Huddy
25-09-2009, 09:31
Bugger.. Have you been inside Capitol Building?

25-09-2009, 09:40
Can't remember. I've not played it in a while, i'll try and open it in a bit and have a look at my map. Fairly sure I pretty much just followed the river to get there though.

edit - my savegame got lost somewhere during upgrading to Windows 7 - i'll need to find that first, if I even saved it at all.

edit 2 - that place is not even on my map as far as I can see

25-09-2009, 09:42
If you want to get to Rivet City the easiest way I find is to stay outside of the DC ruins. Go south alongside the river by the western outskirts of the DC ruins and when you get as south as you can start heading east. You'll see Rivet City in the distance and it'll be a fairly straight run from there :)

Admiral Huddy
25-09-2009, 09:50
The road along side the river.. Ah! I didn't think of that. Ok, I'll try that tonight. Cheers Davey.

Are there any future missions that involve Capitol Building? I spent a few hours inside tryring to get to the other side - would be a shame if that was a waste of time.. Levelled up to 11 though.

25-09-2009, 10:28
Yeah I think there is one, a side mission. Can't remember for sure though.

25-09-2009, 10:35
No, you don't have to go into the Capitol Building, though you do need to go to 'The Mall', which is right outside as that's where the Washington Monument, The Museum of Technology and The Museum of History are situated.

As has been said, if you go east from Megaton to the Super Duper Mart, you can hop down the hill and follow the river down to the Jefferson Memorial and from there you can't miss Rivet City.

There is however an achievement for killing all the Super Human Behemoths, so it's not necessarily a wasted mission being there plus it's another location on your map that you can quick travel to.

Admiral Huddy
25-09-2009, 14:29
When you word it like that, it's incredible to think you are talking about a video game.

25-09-2009, 16:14
Rented this finally but going to send it back and buy it due to how long ti takes to complete but the 2nd hand price is outrageous, going for £20 but seen the GOTY edtion is out next month for £30, anybody selling a copy of Fallout 3?

Admiral Huddy
25-09-2009, 16:21
I got this for a tenner on the final day of Wollies :) no good to you now though :(

25-09-2009, 16:22
Rented this finally but going to send it back and buy it due to how long ti takes to complete but the 2nd hand price is outrageous, going for £20 but seen the GOTY edtion is out next month for £30, anybody selling a copy of Fallout 3?

The 2nd hand price of Fallout 3 will plummit once the goty edition appears. Might be worth either waiting and getting one once it does if the dlc doesn't appeal or preordering the new edition (like I have).

25-09-2009, 16:42
Got it for £13 on ebay, so happy to pay that, problem with the DLC is I doubt I would play it all and with Forza 3, Fifa 09 and CoD coming thats £120 worth of games and couldn't afford the £30 for GOTY edition.

25-09-2009, 16:44
The 2nd hand price of Fallout 3 will plummit once the goty edition appears. Might be worth either waiting and getting one once it does if the dlc doesn't appeal or preordering the new edition (like I have).

I'm tight and didn't want to pay for all the dlc so my plan is to blitz through it all in a week and hopefully sell it for most of it's original value :)

£13 is a good price :)

28-09-2009, 08:46
I need to get back into this, but as I bought it for the pc and currently don't have a gaming rig at my new place, it's sitting there doing nothing :( gonna be a while before I get back to this me thinks.

28-09-2009, 08:55
aquired mothership zeta the other night. that's like the worst few hours i've ever wasted on a game.....

might play through it again from the start and do the other DLC and ignore that one.

06-10-2009, 17:52
Anyone receive a second Free Premium Theme code this morning? I did. Weird i thought but turns out.....

Fallout 3 Fulfillment E-mail

Last week, you may have received a version of this email with an invalid
token. Our apologies. Below you will find a functioning token for your
exclusive Fallout 3 premium theme.

Trouble is my first code worked. So if anyone wants my spare code, they can have a free premium theme on me :p

06-10-2009, 17:54
Same here :)

06-10-2009, 18:43
Same here :)

I'd love one :) I'm getting the Fallout 3 GOTY in a few weeks and it would all fit nicely.

06-10-2009, 18:49
PMed :)

06-10-2009, 19:03
I'd like one :)

06-10-2009, 19:16
Sent you mine Daz :)

06-10-2009, 20:03
That's ace, thanks very much :)

06-10-2009, 20:03
All worked lovely and looks great too.

I always said Haly was a star :D

06-10-2009, 20:08

Admiral Huddy
07-10-2009, 11:32
Just completed both the Wasteland Survival Guide and "Stealing Independence". Levelled up to 13.

Back to main quest and a visit to the Jefferson's Memorial :)

07-10-2009, 16:57
Very tempted to get the GOTY Edition for PC when it comes out, can get the original for £13 from play or £25 for the game and the 5 expansions...

07-10-2009, 18:00
Really must get back into this :(

But LAN in 2 weeks demands Rock Band practice too....

07-10-2009, 22:54
This game killed my 360 Elite

13-10-2009, 16:44
Qty Description
1 Fallout 3 Game of The Year Edition [Xbox 360]

We are pleased to advise that your order, ********/P, is now on its way!

Didn't think this was out for a few more weeks; Good times :)

13-10-2009, 17:35
Tempted to buy the GOTY Edition for my dad. It's not usually his type of game but if he gives it time i think he'd enjoy it. He loves open world and FPS stuff but it's the RPG side of thing's i think he'll not grasp. :)

13-10-2009, 19:06
Right about the price droppin £12.52 at amazon for standard addition.

Admiral Huddy
02-11-2009, 13:04
I'm coming to the end of the main game now and I've got a copy of Broken Steel. I have a few questions.

Does Broken Steel just carry on where the main game left off?

Also, will i be able to pickup any side quests that i haven't done from the main game? i know I have a few left but haven't found their inception points.

02-11-2009, 13:06
Yuo, Broken Steel carries straight on after the final mission, and it's completely open-ended so you can carry on doing all side missions and what not :)

Admiral Huddy
02-11-2009, 13:22
Great cheers Davey :)

I've installed it but i'm on max XP (level 20). I take it the level 21-30 doesn't start until the Broken mission starts?

02-11-2009, 13:41
It starts as soon as Broken Steel is installed, I was probably at level 25 or something by the time I actually started playing Broken Steel the first time as I had other missions installed :)

02-11-2009, 16:24
I'm coming to the end of the main game now and I've got a copy of Broken Steel. I have a few questions.

Does Broken Steel just carry on where the main game left off?

Also, will i be able to pickup any side quests that i haven't done from the main game? i know I have a few left but haven't found their inception points.

Broken Steel starts right from the end of the main quest line and leaves the game completely open for you to mop anything else up :).
If you'd installed Broken Steel straight away you don't hit the level 20 cap. The cap is raised to 30xp immediately without requiring the Broken Steel quest to start.

10-11-2009, 17:31
Just finished it all and by the end I definately had the Fallout fatigue I had at the end of the main game a year ago.

Broken Steel, Mothership Zeta and Point Look Out were the highlights with Operation Anchorage definately bringing up the rear.

Broken Steel > Mothership Zeta > Point Look Out > The Pitt > Operation Anchorage

I'm happy I played it all and there were some really good moments but I felt it was all a little combat heavy and the collectathon challenges were unnecessary. At least I got through it fast and can cash in quick.

Admiral Huddy
10-11-2009, 17:53
I'm leaving this game after Broken Steel me thinks.. I have a collection of games I've yet to get started..

Admiral Huddy
09-02-2010, 09:34
Following the post above, I've now completed Broken Steel and reached level 30.

So after I've played Bioshock 2, which DLC would you suggest next? I was thinking of Point lookout or Mothership Zeta?

Are the Xpoints, weapons and ammo carried over?

09-02-2010, 11:24
Hands down Point Lookout. Mothership Zeta is not good at all where as Point Lookout is easily the best of all 5.

11-02-2010, 17:28
I thought Mothership Zeta was incredibly dull, or maybe I was just burned out on Fallout 3 DLC by that point as I played through them all in a very short space of time.

Point Lookout was my favourite of the lot.