View Full Version : Games for my little Atom powered laptop

27-10-2008, 14:56
Can anyone suggest any games which are fun and will run well on my little Advent 4211B?

I'm in work this week but as its half term there is almost nothing to do and its boring as hell :(

I'm looking for something fun which isn't too graphically taxing and which I can pause quickly should something occur.

Any suggestions


27-10-2008, 14:58
How about something old school like Warcraft or C&C?

27-10-2008, 15:09
Baldurs Gate? Excellent game :)

27-10-2008, 15:10
How about something old school like Warcraft or C&C?

Good call, I liked C&C, wasn't so keen on the Warcraft games, might have to see if I can find some decent old RPGs too.

What I really really want is a Mahjong game, not the title matching rubbish that you get on all the platforms but an actual simulation of the four player game. I have one on my phone and love it but can't find a decent one for the PC :/


27-10-2008, 15:23
I've yet to find a good Mahjong game too :( Pity, the four player game one's good fun.

27-10-2008, 15:28
/subscribes to thread

I have a Dell Mini on order so am interested in this :) I'll be running buntu so was thinking of fetching some of the old SCUMM stuff (Monkey Island / DOTT / Broken Sword etc).

27-10-2008, 15:40
What about a sega emulator and tonnes of roms? SoR, worms, sonic, road rash, desert strike should keep you busy. If not than even an amiga emulator with cannon fodder, alien breed, and loads of pinball games.

This had a pinball emulator in here. Takes about 5 mins to work out the software, then its great funl

edit- straight pc wise. red alert, GTA (top down)

27-10-2008, 16:25
Broken Sword trilogy.

27-10-2008, 19:16
Original Xcom. Awesomeness!

27-10-2008, 19:25
I loved X:Com Apocalypse. I know most people don't consider it the best of the series but I really loved it. Would have finished it as well had my PC not crashed when I was 50 hours into it and destroyed my save games. Never had the same urge again. Wish someone would release the exact same game on a modern engine, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

semi-pro waster
27-10-2008, 19:39
Old school shooters like Quake or Duke Nukem 3D ought not to be too taxing.

Total Annihilation or Starcraft if you want a less obvious choice than Red Alert.

NFS:2000 (Porsche Challenge) if you want a racing game that will run on almost anything. Toca and Toca 2 might be worth a punt as well.

27-10-2008, 20:54
Ooh, Total Annihilation. That's still one of the best RTS games of all time IMO, was way ahead of it's time when it came out. I'm sure I've still got a copy of it somewhere.

27-10-2008, 21:55
OpenTTD, if you loved Transport Tycoon Deluxe. Hours'll vanish to it :)

27-10-2008, 22:05
Sim City 2000? Transport Tycoon was an amazing game, sadly I never managed to beat the first empire I built. I had planes any everything, made a ton of cash. I seem to remember Cardiff got a very busy airport.

27-10-2008, 23:13
Sim City 2000 was brilliant :D
Oooh and don't forget Civilization 2, even better game :D

27-10-2008, 23:27
Sim City 2000? Transport Tycoon was an amazing game, sadly I never managed to beat the first empire I built. I had planes any everything, made a ton of cash. I seem to remember Cardiff got a very busy airport.

OpenTTD (http://www.openttd.org/en/) adds a lot of useful and cool stuff to the game that the original was missing, it's an entirely open source re-creation of the original, still under lots of development. Would love to see it move to a new graphics engine, but I doubt we'll see that any time soon :)