View Full Version : Bioshock 2: Sea of Dreams

30-10-2008, 20:55
First of all, :shocked: :D :shocked:.

Second, HD teaser trailer is available for download. Found it when going after the Tomb Raider demo and didn't even realise it was in production. Without knowing anything about it at all, it seems you may get to play as a grown up Little Sister - that's pretty much just my interpretation of what was inferred from the teaser.

Third, I suddenly want to make my own DIY Big Daddy doll!

30-10-2008, 21:45
It's also on Live! as a HD download.

One for my list of future purchases.

30-10-2008, 22:28
I think the grown up little sisters were to show how much time has passed, but then again, we would know that from the ending to the first one.

Either way, it's in my top 3 most wanted for next year (alongside Alan Wake and Resident Evil 5).

30-10-2008, 23:51
I'll be buying it, no questions asked. My only concern (if you could call it that) is where will the game be set? One of the best things about Bioshock was Rapture. It was such an amazing setting, it added so much to the game without you ever really realising it. The sequel really needs to be set somewhere equally as amazing, but without trying to recreate it. I'm certainly looking forward to it though.

30-10-2008, 23:55
Must download this later :D
Absolutely adored the first one. Awesome game, a surprise hit for me as I didn't think it'd be my kind of thing.

31-10-2008, 01:07
I'll be buying it, no questions asked. My only concern (if you could call it that) is where will the game be set? One of the best things about Bioshock was Rapture. It was such an amazing setting, it added so much to the game without you ever really realising it. The sequel really needs to be set somewhere equally as amazing, but without trying to recreate it. I'm certainly looking forward to it though.

Well, at the end of the trailer the sand rises into the shape of Rapture and Rapture is still in the logo. There is still so much they could do as well, whole new sections, living areas, markets etc... I would love to travel through fort frolic again too for example.

I'd say Rapture is the greatest environment ever seen in a game, it's the first game I've thought that bettered Black Mesa.

Maybe... :p

31-10-2008, 09:10
I thought I read somewhere, and I may well be very wrong here, that is was going to be a prequel - although it doesnt seem to tie in with the teaser trailer.
I have seen the advert and thought that it actually gives nothing away to the plot...

31-10-2008, 09:52
I'm hoping it's a prequel set during the downfall of Rapture, so spliced up people with superpowers are starting to run amok. You could still have Big Daddies and Little Sisters, and maybe get to replay a couple of areas as they were before it became a ghost town. That said, it blows my theory out the water on who the protagonist might be.

In reality I expect it to be a completely different game though, maybe set only partly in Rapture. One thing I'd like to see are fully customisable weapons though, using U-Invent machines to do so. Maybe you'd have to choose between high capacity clips, or better stopping power, but couldn't have both for example. Or a triple-barrelled shotgun at the expense of massive recoil.

31-10-2008, 09:57
In reality I expect it to be a completely different game though, maybe set only partly in Rapture. One thing I'd like to see are fully customisable weapons though, using U-Invent machines to do so. Maybe you'd have to choose between high capacity clips, or better stopping power, but couldn't have both for example. Or a triple-barrelled shotgun at the expense of massive recoil.

That sounds good, I'd be happy if it were like that. Forcing you to pick one way or another with weapons would give people more scope to play the way they want, and perhaps more reason to go through it a 2nd time.

31-10-2008, 10:39
I personally think the woman in the video could be a young tanembaum, the toy she had was how the big daddys came about.

31-10-2008, 10:45
I did think that as well. If it was a prequel that would be the person I'd expect it to be. I don't really expect to find out anything concrete until next year though, no point starting the hype machine just yet.