View Full Version : Everything I eat or drink tastes beige

31-10-2008, 23:50
I've had manflu ever since I got back from Egypt two weeks ago. I have spent most of the last fortnight not being able to taste anything at all :(

We had Burble and Tinkerbell up for a visit last weekend and enjoyed their company very much. I made a special effort to prepare tasty meals for them but I couldn't taste anything at all.

We went shopping today. We went to the Metro Centre this morning and had breakfast in the Wetherspoons, which tasted beige. Then we went for a wander around Ikea and since we were there around lunchtime, we thought we may as well have some meatballs, which tasted beige.

I had been to the Whisky Shop to stock up on whisky since it was payday and I spent £145 on 3 bottles of nice whisky but, since I can't taste anything, I bought a bottle of cheapo Asda Islay malt when we went there, I'm not going to waste good malt on broken taste buds. I'm drinking the Asda stuff now, neat to maximise the flavour, along with some bottled ale and guess what .......... they taste beige.

I'm really fed up. My sinuses no longer feel like they're going to explode but I'm still bunged up. I don't care about all that stuff - not being able to taste anything is driving me insane.

One of the few pleasures I have in life is my whisky. I've been trying to imagine what it would be like if I was like this for the rest of my life - the thought scares me. I've heard of conditions where people can't taste anything. I don't think life would be worth living if I couldn't taste good food and good whisky.

I hope my sense of taste returns before I go back to Egypt so that I can at least have a taste of the whiskies I bought today.

31-10-2008, 23:56
Summat like Vicks VapoRub or an Olbas inhaler might help. Both are 'non invasive' if you don't believe in popping pills. :)

31-10-2008, 23:56


31-10-2008, 23:59
Where's my bell?

Kelllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

01-11-2008, 00:01
"I want some soup! and I wanna watch cbeebies!"


01-11-2008, 00:06
"I want some soup! and I wanna watch cbeebies!"


F*** that. I want some whisky and pr0n :p

01-11-2008, 00:09
F*** that. I want some whisky and pr0n :p

will the whisky taste beige though? :p

01-11-2008, 00:13
will the whisky taste beige though? :p

Unfortunately yes but it's cheapo Asda £15 a bottle stuff, so I'll just get wrecked anyway :D

01-11-2008, 00:32
"Kelleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Come fluff my pillows and pat my head!!!!" :D

Poor bugger :D

01-11-2008, 00:52
He might be in but feel MY PAIN!! :(

01-11-2008, 09:26
Welcome to my world.
I have no sense of smell, and due to this my sense of taste is virtually non existent too. Most food tastes just like pieces of stuff.

Stan it might be sinusitis due to the fact that most of your sense of taste is linked to smell. You will need to pop to the docs and get some antibiotics. Does your face hurt if you bend over? As in stand up and then put your face towards the ground? Classic sign of sinisitis that.

Hope you get it sorted. :)

01-11-2008, 09:46
You have my heartfelt sympathy Knip - I honestly can't imagine spending the rest of my life like this :(

It was sinusitis - I'm prone to serious bouts of it (although this has been the worst one in many years). The sore face, headaches and immense pressure ended a couple of days ago after a week and a half of Sudafed and menthol Lemsip. I'm left now with a bit of a bunged up feeling and no sense of smell or taste. Hopefully it will clear itself in the next few days.

01-11-2008, 09:50
If it doesnt clear up, then it might be worth you getting some antibiotics just in case.

01-11-2008, 09:57
That would probably involve registering with a doctor then.

I've lived here for over a year and haven't got round to it yet :o It's something I've been meaning to do but never got round to yet. I very rarely visit the doctor. I lived in Peterhead for 2 1/2 years and only visited the doctor once. Oddly enough, that was about my sinuses and he told me to take Sudafed. Before that, I hadn't been to the doctor for about 5 years. My old doctor retired many years ago and I received a letter telling me my new doctor's name. Next time I phoned to make an appointment, I remembered to use the new doctor's name only to be told he'd left. I remarked that he couldn't have been there long and was told he'd been there 4 years and I'd never seen him :shocked:

01-11-2008, 10:04
Marchant who I look after had sinisitis 2 years ago, and it was incredibly painful for him. He had to have 2 courses of antibiotics because the first lot didnt clear it up completely.

01-11-2008, 12:33
Oh Stan, I feel for you. That must be awful :(

I have a solution though. I'm with Dym at the moment (we're going to have a shufti at that PC btw, it's not forgotten) and we consumed a few ales last night. I made a selection of bottles from the local offy and one of them was Old Hooky.

I've never had a beer before with no flavour until that. If your taste buds are converting everything into beige then I suggest you stock up on bottles of Old Hooky. Beige will have more flavour that the beer.

semi-pro waster
01-11-2008, 12:53
Being anosmic (like Knip) isn't all that great from what I know (my dad is also anosmic) but if you've got to be missing a sense it seems the least detrimental. However I'm hoping your loss of taste is only temporary and you can get back to enjoying whisky soon. :)

01-11-2008, 13:04
Oh Stan, I feel for you. That must be awful :(

I have a solution though. I'm with Dym at the moment (we're going to have a shufti at that PC btw, it's not forgotten) and we consumed a few ales last night. I made a selection of bottles from the local offy and one of them was Old Hooky.

I've never had a beer before with no flavour until that. If your taste buds are converting everything into beige then I suggest you stock up on bottles of Old Hooky. Beige will have more flavour that the beer.

I bought some bottles of ale yesterday and, oddly enough, one of them was Old Hooky. I'll have it tonight rather than be disappointed when my sense of taste is repaired.

Let me know how you get on with that damn PC - I promise it was working perfectly when it left here.

01-11-2008, 17:06
Same thing happens to me when I'm ill - I lose my sense of taste almost completely. It's really irritating as food is one of my favourite things. You hear about people losing their taste permanently - must be terrible :(

01-11-2008, 17:11
Let me know how you get on with that damn PC - I promise it was working perfectly when it left here.

Don't worry Mr Stan, I'll get it working :D

*grabs the angle grinder*

01-11-2008, 17:23
Aww Stan :(

*sends up some smooches*

Hoping you feel awesome soon xx

02-11-2008, 10:20
How can you still have man flu and not be dead??

02-11-2008, 10:34
How can you still have man flu and not be dead??

I'm a walking miracle mate.

02-11-2008, 11:11
I'm a walking miracle mate.


02-11-2008, 19:27
Otrivine!!! Tis magical :)

02-11-2008, 19:42
Try not to worry too much just yet Mr BigStan- any upset to your immune system often be accompanied with some mixup of the senses!

During my troubles and treatment of my lymphatic system everything would taste "metallic" to me, horrible horrible accrid flavour whether eating a pasty or an icelolly!

But as I got better so did the ol'tasties but it did take quite some time :)

02-11-2008, 22:29
I've actually got a hint of my sense of taste back today. Still not full flavour but definitely a bit of taste. Hopefully that's me on the mend now - about bloody time too.

02-11-2008, 22:41
How was the Old Hooky, Stan?