View Full Version : Left 4 Dead
03-11-2008, 13:47
Opening Cinematic (
I'll put more info in here a little later.
03-11-2008, 14:09
Personally I am torn between really wanting it and being really worried. Firstly, Zombies, Guns and Co-Op is really cool, but Half-Life 2 is one of the most linear, repetitive and boring games I've ever played and I'm worried this could transpire to be more of that.
It's the co-op that has grabbed me because when I saw this at the start of the year on GamerTV it looked bloody rubbish - seeing through walls, bad animations etc... So we'll wait to see. I still have it pre-ordered mind :p.
03-11-2008, 14:14
well from the play through video I just saw you can still see your buddies through walls but for me the coop is the winner for me. After playing Halo 3 I'll take any 4 player co-op games I can get my hands on :)
I think the AI for this has been completely revamped from the original HL2 engine. It's worth noting that whilst its been developed on the Steam SDK it's not Valve who are producing it.
One thing that stands out for me is that the AI will tray and split your merry little band up. Essentially you have more power as a group than as 4 individuals.
Left 4 Dead uses the latest version of Valve's Source engine, with improvements such as multi-core processor support and physics-based animation to more realistically portray hair and clothing, and to improve physics interaction with enemies when shot or shoved in different body parts. Animation was also improved to allow characters to lean realistically when moving in curved paths. Rendering and artificial intelligence were scaled up to allow for greater number of enemies who can navigate the world in better ways, such as climbing, jumping or breaking obstacles. Lighting has been enhanced with new self-shadowing normal mapping and advanced shadow rendering that is important to convey information about the environment and player actions.[22][5] Wet surfaces and fog are used to create mood
I think that you can play as Horde as well makes it more compelling. Really looking forward to it
03-11-2008, 14:31
From what i've gathered, you create a server with four mates and start playing. This server will then be listed online and up to 10 (last i heard?) people can connect and take control of individual zombies that would have originally been controlled by AI.
Sounds like a great idea to me as it'll give the illusion of the horde 'learning' as you fight them as more people connect. There's also 'super zombies' that players and AI will randomly spawn as, these can be anything from lickers that entangle players with their tongues and leech health from them, to goliaths, huge lumbering beasts that are impervious to damage but gradually lose health over time.
I'm really interested in this because the 'AI director' will supposedly punish people that aren't playing like a team, or individuals who try and go it alone. Nailing anything in a team game is immensely satisfying, so put that mechanic on top of an atmospheric, frantic zombie fest puts it firmly on my radar :)
My last exposure to a Valve online shooter was TF2 and I still adore that, so the fact they're behind it is no bad thing to me :)
03-11-2008, 16:16
I think the AI for this has been completely revamped from the original HL2 engine.
Thank God! I've spent last night and today ploughing through Half-Life 2 to complete it (for the first time ever) and the AI in it was a disgrace at times. Thankfully it's done and I can finally try the episode packs and hope it's an improvement :)
Demo on the marketplace, go go!
11-11-2008, 18:32
Thank God! I've spent last night and today ploughing through Half-Life 2 to complete it (for the first time ever) and the AI in it was a disgrace at times. Thankfully it's done and I can finally try the episode packs and hope it's an improvement :)
Episode 1 is pants in terms of level design, story line and variety. However, each episode is geared towards showing off a new feature of the source engine they plan to utilize in episode 3, Episode 1 showcased HDR lighting and most importantly, improved AI.
Episode 2 is the best gaming really can get imo. It's much more open than the previous two parts, much better looking, much more imaginative, much more varied and has a finale that is just plain mind blowing.
11-11-2008, 18:42
Well, it wouldn't be hard IMO to improve upon Half-Life 2. I must really get it started, but I think it'll have to wait for a wee-while til I get through my newer games.
As for Left 4 Dead, I simply can't afford it without trade-ins and there is nothing I can trade other than FarCry 2 sadly :(.
11-11-2008, 19:27
Demo on the marketplace, go go!
can we play together in the demo??
11-11-2008, 19:30
If so I'm up for it :).
11-11-2008, 19:34
Will download it in a bit :)
3.2GB download size 7 day limited demo for PC, with requirement for 7.5GB free space.
1.2GB Demo download for the 360... that's it :D Well, presumably there's some caching involved somewhere but I cant put a figure on that :p
Currently d/l the demo now
11-11-2008, 21:22
demo downloading too :D
11-11-2008, 22:29
Yes, you can play through the demo in 4 player co-op. Who fancies a game of it tomorrow?
Defo, really been looking forward to trying it out :)
11-11-2008, 23:05
I'm up for it, but I'm at football til 8pm.
Don't think I'll be about tomorrow night as it's my Mum's birthday.
Must download the demo tonight though, looks fun :D
I'm downloading it but Steam is clearly suffering and i'm only getting about 60KB/s :(
hmmm... seems the Steam download is actually only 372MB, not 3.2GB as it suggests when you start it.
12-11-2008, 02:32
Plays a lot more frantically, and a lot smoother than I was expecting. I could see it being great as a 4-player co-op game, but, much like I find with other Valve games, it just seems to lack *something* in Single Player.
To be honest, it was never designed as a single player I don't think, the main focus has always been multiplayer, all the big announcements have been MP related.
The single player is there, I suspect, because it was easy to tack on. There are only 7 levels I think.
edit - I just went on wiki to look for something about it and it barely even mentions that it has a single player function at all :p
12-11-2008, 13:50
Apparently they have 'increased AI', but it's quite obvious all they've done is make it so you travel through your team mates so that they don't trap you in a doorway a la Half-Life 2 :p.
Woah, this is running at 1680x1050, with most settings on high, 2xAA etc. smooth as a babies bum, on a 3500+/8800GS machine. Well played Source.
I was expecting it to run like a bag of spanners in all honesty, very impressed at the performance especially for a 3 year old PC with a £45 graphics card upgrade. Who said PC gaming was expensive? ;)
12-11-2008, 19:44
I'm out tonight I'm afraid guys, off out the pictures to see Saw 5. Hopefully get a chance for some co-op at the weekend if people still fancy it :)
I've been holding off any commitment as I'm coming down with some obligatory change of season lurgi that's only getting worse tonight.
Hopefully I'll be fit and gay again for the weekend when I'd love to join you all as some zombie's main course.
12-11-2008, 20:45
I'm game if people are about???
EDIT: bloody typical I've just fixed my xbox connection and Davey you aren't about :p
12-11-2008, 21:04
Am downloading now & will post back when I have it installed.
I'm guessing you're all being fags and playing it on 360 despite it being a FPS that should blatantly be played on the PC? :p
12-11-2008, 21:09
Rich! look see that door???? Off you go :p
12-11-2008, 21:13
I'm guessing you're all being fags and playing it on 360 despite it being a FPS that should blatantly be played on the PC? :p
Take that back, I'll have you know I am downloading the Full fat Mansize version on PC :cool:
I'm not about tonight. Just finishing off a bit of Fable 2 before I spend some time with my Mum.
Take that back, I'll have you know I am downloading the Full fat Mansize version on PC :cool:
Good work sir, I need someone to play it with at some point!
12-11-2008, 23:34
Sorry, my net was down all night so couldn't make it.
13-11-2008, 00:08
Played through the demo it's Awesome. Went online & hooked up with 3 randoms, played through it All of us typing LOL, Superb, Excellent, OMG, Holy ****, etc etc etc Superb demo/game/Idea/concept/presentation.
Tried to go online with it earlier and the online part is very very broken still on PC, trying to start a game with friends just flat out doesn't work.
13-11-2008, 03:22
Hmm, have you tried playing it on a console? ;).
No, for now i'm just enjoying actually being able to aim properly rather than have the computer do half the job for me on public games or in single player ;)
It is very very easy though, first game in a very long time i've jumped in at a higher difficulty because Normal was too easy as to make it almost pointless.
What I did think would have been an interesting idea would have been a cross platform multiplayer, whereby one team is populated by PC players and the other by 360 players.
Could have been quite entertaining I think, would certainly have added a large element of competition to proceedings :D
13-11-2008, 09:56
There is No way I'd want to ruin such an excellent shooter by using a console, The speed of the Zombies & the overwhelming numbers would be ruined by stodgey aiming.
I had no probs at all getting a game last night Divine but then I dod just go random. I'll be On & Off this all day so I'll let you know.
13-11-2008, 10:02
Was a right laugh Daz and I'm looking forward to the full game. Aiming wasn't a problem for me on the console :confused:
13-11-2008, 10:05
I still don't get this "ruined by playing on a console" crap. I'm sorry to be the one to say it, but if you're crap at aiming on a console, then you need more practise, plain and simple. Yes, it might not be as pixel accurate as on a PC, but you can easily get accurate enough with practise.
13-11-2008, 10:09
When I first got my 360 I was dreadful at aiming in Gears of War but after a little practice I got better and I'd happily say now I could not go back to a keyboard and mouse and that I'm pretty good with my controller.
13-11-2008, 10:23
I still don't get this "ruined by playing on a console" crap. I'm sorry to be the one to say it, but if you're crap at aiming on a console, then you need more practise, plain and simple. Yes, it might not be as pixel accurate as on a PC, but you can easily get accurate enough with practise.
Chill out dude, I am the First person to admit to being Crap at FPS on console & Yes it is down to ME. Having both a decent gaming system & a console I choose the ease & familiarity of my PC for FPS when I have the choice.
With this game I can enjoy the speed of attacks & get off on the frenzy, If I played it on console it would just piss me off & ruin the game for me.
Hope that explains the comment :)
I really enjoyed the pace of it - one moment you're alone, next moment overrun. Doesn't really work single player (never expected to), and like divine found it too easy on normal - though I'm wondering if it was compensating for the presence of AI players. I'd like to play it on the same difficulty with 4 people and see if it's any different.
I still don't get this "ruined by playing on a console" crap. I'm sorry to be the one to say it, but if you're crap at aiming on a console, then you need more practise, plain and simple. Yes, it might not be as pixel accurate as on a PC, but you can easily get accurate enough with practise.
It's not 'being crap' at aiming, it's just the fact that a mouse is better, more responsive and you do the aiming yourself, rather than having autoaim assistance.
I'll quite happily play an FPS on a console but given the choice i'll always take the PC in preference as it just feels an infinitely more natural way to play.
Entirely the opposite is true for other games, I tried FIFA 09 or PES 09 (I dunno, I forget) on the PC and it was just unplayable, controller is a much better way to control it and in that case, playing on the PC effectively ruins it.
If you took two equally skilled players and put them head to head on an FPS cross platform i'd expect the PC player to win 9 times out of ten, if you then swapped them to FIFA, i'd expect the console player to prevail.
13-11-2008, 11:47
Daz were we on normal last night?
I suspect the game is somewhat easier in SP as quite often the AI players are spotting stuff crawling the rooftops etc. which I just don't bother to do and I suspect a lot of other human players don't. That along with natural human stupidity in general :p
13-11-2008, 11:58
Chill out dude, I am the First person to admit to being Crap at FPS on console & Yes it is down to ME. Having both a decent gaming system & a console I choose the ease & familiarity of my PC for FPS when I have the choice.
With this game I can enjoy the speed of attacks & get off on the frenzy, If I played it on console it would just piss me off & ruin the game for me.
Hope that explains the comment :)
I'm not having a go at you in particular, but I've seen so many comments about FPS games being so much better on the PC than console, it's simply pissing me off. If people prefer to use a mouse and keyboard, then fair play to them. Say that as your reason, as you just did there, but don't say that using a pad makes the game rubbish, because it doesn't (again, not aimed at you, just a general rant).
It's not 'being crap' at aiming, it's just the fact that a mouse is better, more responsive and you do the aiming yourself, rather than having autoaim assistance.
I'll quite happily play an FPS on a console but given the choice i'll always take the PC in preference as it just feels an infinitely more natural way to play.
Again, down to personal preference. I don't really mind a little assistance, though if a game had none and had me rely on my skill with a pad, I'd be happy as well (it would certainly sharped up my skills). I don't see how it ruins the game though, but hey, that's just me, and probably not an argument/discussion to start in this therad.
Daz were we on normal last night?
We were :)
13-11-2008, 12:14
We were :)
wouldn't want to see that on harder stuff :shocked: getting stuck between those generators was bad enough :o
Probably found it harder because you were on console so you can't aim properly
13-11-2008, 12:24
Probably found it harder because you were on console so you can't aim properly
*chases after divine with a large stick*
Chase me all you like, you'll never be able to hit me with it ;)
He wouldn't be able to find you anyway, not being able to get online and all :p:D
I can get online though, just setting up a friends only game doesn't seem to work. :p However, on PC it looks for dedicated servers, which obviously the day a demo is released are probably in bloody short supply, so it might just be that.
13-11-2008, 12:41
Don't understand that myself, Every time I go on I get a full game but then I am not using the Friends feature just the Lobby, Just had 3 games just then. Hope the game is a bit tougher on release though as every time I have played it online we complete it :(
Yeah the normal lobby works differently as afaik the games in there already have a server assigned.
With the friends thing, you set up your game and then it goes off looking for a completely empty server for you to play on.
Chase me all you like, you'll never be able to hit me with it ;)
got a proper lol from me :p
I quite like it. Proper good fun. Albeit I have only tried it on X360 upto now. Still trying to get used to the whole slow strafing on a controller and the slower aiming but it's not as bad as I thought. I will install on PC tonight to thoroughly test it out.
Does the Steam Friends work in the demo ??
When you load it up, it lists any friends currently in game on the first screen and you can then join them from there or set up a new game. Not really had much luck getting this to work entirely as it should though.
Managed to get into a game once and then it disconnected us all within 5 seconds of having got control.
Online with Friends was working this evening and MY WORD HOW AWESOME IS THIS?
14-11-2008, 10:27
Anyone else up for another crack at this again on a harder difficulty? This offer is only available to the xbox 360 1337 :p
I was playing on Expert last night, they can be clever little feckers at times on that...
14-11-2008, 10:38
the jumping ones are a real pain in the arse :( the run really fast and can surround you in seconds :shocked:
Hunters :D
I think i'm gonna preorder this when I get back from Uni today. Dunno whether to pay £23 at Play where I can just click twice and be done or Amazon where i'll have to try and remember a years old dormant account for £20. I think i'll just pay the extra £3 tbh :p
14-11-2008, 13:03
Hunters :D
I think i'm gonna preorder this when I get back from Uni today. Dunno whether to pay £23 at Play where I can just click twice and be done or Amazon where i'll have to try and remember a years old dormant account for £20. I think i'll just pay the extra £3 tbh :p
Can't you just sign up for Amazon again? Or don't they let you do that.
14-11-2008, 13:06
I'm not having a go at you in particular, but I've seen so many comments about FPS games being so much better on the PC than console, it's simply pissing me off. If people prefer to use a mouse and keyboard, then fair play to them. Say that as your reason, as you just did there, but don't say that using a pad makes the game rubbish, because it doesn't (again, not aimed at you, just a general rant).
Again, down to personal preference. I don't really mind a little assistance, though if a game had none and had me rely on my skill with a pad, I'd be happy as well (it would certainly sharped up my skills). I don't see how it ruins the game though, but hey, that's just me, and probably not an argument/discussion to start in this therad.
You seem a bit sensitive about something which seems empirically true, that PCs are inherently better to play FPS games on?
If you disagree I will be happy to go 1v1 in UT2004 any time with our respective choice of control methods ;)
14-11-2008, 13:12
You should use Shadowrun as a comparison DD.
Mostly, dirtydog, because the effort involved in setting up another account for Amazon isn't worth £3 to me :p
14-11-2008, 13:51
You should use Shadowrun as a comparison DD.
Never played it, is it more likely to prove my point or his? :p
14-11-2008, 13:52
You seem a bit sensitive about something which seems empirically true, that PCs are inherently better to play FPS games on?
If you disagree I will be happy to go 1v1 in UT2004 any time with our respective choice of control methods ;)
There's a difference between preferences. I feel mouse and keyboard is better for a twitch shooter however the feeling playing with it is massively de-sensitised.
I get much more enjoyment tracking an enemy, judging his speed and movement, squeezing the trigger and popping a headshot than just moving a mouse over his head and clicking once.
I feel more a part of the game with a pad. I also don't sit lurched over a computer desk.
14-11-2008, 13:52
Mostly, dirtydog, because the effort involved in setting up another account for Amazon isn't worth £3 to me :p
30 seconds of typing and clicking to earn £3? I would.
14-11-2008, 13:53
There's a difference between preferences. I feel mouse and keyboard is better for a twitch shooter however the feeling playing with it is massively de-sensitised.
I get much more enjoyment tracking an enemy, judging his speed and movement, squeezing the trigger and popping a headshot than just moving a mouse over his head and clicking once.
I feel more a part of the game with a pad. I also don't sit lurched over a computer desk.
I'm talking about UT2004, not Counter Strike. Unless you are playing noobs then you aren't going to find a UT player just standing there waiting to get neatly head shotted ;)
14-11-2008, 13:55
Never played it, is it more likely to prove my point or his? :p
you can use a keyboard and mouse and play against him on his controller :) both of you can play over live that to me would be a fair comparsion.
14-11-2008, 13:56
Did I or did I not say 'twitch shooter'? ;) I played and loved UT, though I was never great. I played and loved CS and played amongst the best mixes in the country (uninspired, endgame, asot etc...) so I do know what it's like to play at a high level on a PC using M&K, however, as I stated, you are separated from the gaming experience in none-twitch shooters.
I've noticed more PC bitters complaining about this recently. Anything to try and maintain that PC's are the premier format I guess. :p
14-11-2008, 13:57
you can use a keyboard and mouse and play against him on his controller :) both of you can play over live that to me would be a fair comparsion.
Not a great comparison because they massively gimped both control methods and in doing so, botched a potentially good game.
14-11-2008, 14:00
you can use a keyboard and mouse and play against him on his controller :) both of you can play over live that to me would be a fair comparsion.
I don't know anything about the game. Obviously a game where you can spam weapons with a large radius of fire, so you only have to aim in the general direction of your enemy to inflict damage, lessens or nullifies the advantage keyboard and mouse players have. In a slow moving shooter, and/or where the pad user has aiming assistance from the game, even more so.
14-11-2008, 14:01
You should use Shadowrun as a comparison DD.
Bad idea unfortunately. Why? Because the developers deliberately increased the Cone of Fire for the PC version in comparison to the consoles tighter CoF, and added hefty autoaim for the console version to even things out a bit. Surely that's evidence enough that KB+Mouse is in fact quicker + more accurate than a gamepad (but not necessarily superior! Comfort + big tele > piddly computer chair hunched over in front of my 20" monitor).
I'll be getting this on the PC however, partly because it doesn't come out on the PS3 for eons, and partly because it's a valve game, playing it on a console would just feel... wrong.
Maybe one way to test it would be crysis or sommat? Has full support for a gamepad.
14-11-2008, 14:01
Why not Nokkon? They can both play the same game with their respective controls :confused: instead of one playing the same game on a PC :/
14-11-2008, 14:02
I've noticed more PC bitters complaining about this recently. Anything to try and maintain that PC's are the premier format I guess. :p
For FPS games and arguably 3rd person shooters, I think it is inarguable that PCs have a better control scheme.
You want to talk about feeling detached from the game with a mouse? Try a game like GTA with its auto aim on consoles - all you do is press a button to select the target and fire - you don't miss. It feels far more involving with a keyboard and mouse where you have to actually aim at your targets.
14-11-2008, 14:04
I don't know anything about the game. Obviously a game where you can spam weapons with a large radius of fire, so you only have to aim in the general direction of your enemy to inflict damage, lessens or nullifies the advantage keyboard and mouse players have. In a slow moving shooter, and/or where the pad user has aiming assistance from the game, even more so.
Aim assistance has changed massively since the days of Duke Nukem I'm afraid. In fact, playing Duke 3D on XBLA it's quite funny playing Stadium with the pistol in Multiplayer. And you can always turn assist off too.
14-11-2008, 14:04
Bad idea unfortunately. Why? Because the developers deliberately increased the Cone of Fire for the PC version in comparison to the consoles tighter CoF, and added hefty autoaim for the console version to even things out a bit. Surely that's evidence enough that KB+Mouse is in fact quicker + more accurate than a gamepad (but not necessarily superior! Comfort + big tele > piddly computer chair hunched over in front of my 20" monitor).
Superior for aiming and movement. I don't make any claims about the superiority of the overall experience because as you rightly point out, that can include personal preferences such as sitting on the sofa or playing on a large screen TV. That will vary according to individual circumstances but what doesn't vary and is measurable by black and white fact, is which method offers superior control.
14-11-2008, 14:05
I'll be getting this on the PC however, partly because it doesn't come out on the PS3 for eons, and partly because it's a valve game, playing it on a console would just feel... wrong.
It will no doubt be garbage on PS3 anyway. The Xbox360 version ran great, much like The Orange Box before it.
14-11-2008, 14:06
For FPS games and arguably 3rd person shooters, I think it is inarguable that PCs have a better control scheme.
It obviously is arguable because I'm arguing it and saying you're uninformed.
14-11-2008, 14:06
It will no doubt be garbage on PS3 anyway. The Xbox360 version ran great, much like The Orange Box before it.
Indeed, EA will be developing this again won't they? Ever since Gabes rather childish rant about the PS3 i don't think he could ever program for it without looking rather silly.
14-11-2008, 14:11
Gabe is a child. I still maintain he got lucky with Half-Life (1) and people continue to worship him because of it.
I'm not even sure EA want to do it, but money is money.
14-11-2008, 14:14
It obviously is arguable because I'm arguing it and saying you're uninformed.
What I mean is, it is empirical - it is provable under scientific conditions if you will. It isn't a mere opinion.
Again I am talking about aiming and movement ability, not the overall 'experience' which includes intangibles as mentioned earlier.
14-11-2008, 14:14
Gabe is a child. I still maintain he got lucky with Team Fortress Classic and Streeteh continues to worship him because of it.
Seriously, if the guy managed to head the project that created what for me is the greatest gaming experience ever by a country mile, there must be something to it and it may happen again one day... surely? No? :(
I've never come across a console FPS where you can fully turn off the aim assist. Plenty will nullify it, but never turn it completely off. Only time you really get to aim properly is when you have a manual 'aim' button.
14-11-2008, 14:45
You seem a bit sensitive about something which seems empirically true, that PCs are inherently better to play FPS games on?
I'm not sensitive, it just pisses me off when people pass off personal preferences as facts we all have to agree with. I prefer playing FPS games on a console. I prefer feeling more involved with the game by using a pad. I prefer sitting on a comfy couch playing on a 42" LCD. Therefore, consoles are better for FPS games, in my opinion. Disagree if you want, I don't care, but don't pass off your opinion and tastes as facts.
If you disagree I will be happy to go 1v1 in UT2004 any time with our respective choice of control methods ;)
Wouldn't really be a good comparison for 2 reasons. Firstly, I never said that pads were as accurate as a keyboard and mouse combo (I said as much further up). Secondly, I'm not that good at FPS games, so you'd be better picking on someone who's actually good at them :p
14-11-2008, 14:48
I've never come across a console FPS where you can fully turn off the aim assist. Plenty will nullify it, but never turn it completely off. Only time you really get to aim properly is when you have a manual 'aim' button.
Pretty sure you can turn it off in COD4.
14-11-2008, 14:51
You can actually turn it off in loooaaads of games.
14-11-2008, 15:01
I'm not sensitive, it just pisses me off when people pass off personal preferences as facts we all have to agree with. I prefer playing FPS games on a console. I prefer feeling more involved with the game by using a pad. I prefer sitting on a comfy couch playing on a 42" LCD. Therefore, consoles are better for FPS games, in my opinion. Disagree if you want, I don't care, but don't pass off your opinion and tastes as facts.
Wouldn't really be a good comparison for 2 reasons. Firstly, I never said that pads were as accurate as a keyboard and mouse combo (I said as much further up). Secondly, I'm not that good at FPS games, so you'd be better picking on someone who's actually good at them :p
It seems we are arguing at cross purposes then, and we actually don't disagree with each other?
I have acknowledged in this thread that what is 'better' overall is intangible and up to individuals; all I am arguing is that a mouse is better (more accurate etc) to aim and move, and it looks like you agree with that.
You can actually turn it off in loooaaads of games.
Does it actually turn off though, or just tell you it has whilst in reality just reducing it?
14-11-2008, 15:06
it turns it off
14-11-2008, 15:09
it turns it off
How do you know though? ;D
14-11-2008, 15:22
because when I aim at someone my gun doesn't auto-centre on them.
14-11-2008, 15:33
It seems we are arguing at cross purposes then, and we actually don't disagree with each other?
I have acknowledged in this thread that what is 'better' overall is intangible and up to individuals; all I am arguing is that a mouse is better (more accurate etc) to aim and move, and it looks like you agree with that.
You don't move with a mouse, man! And a joypad is better for moving than a keyboard ;). We need a joymouse.
14-11-2008, 15:40
Does it actually turn off though, or just tell you it has whilst in reality just reducing it?
Off. Most new games have it reduced anyway, the only notable exceptions are Bioshock and Call of Duty.
14-11-2008, 16:45
You don't move with a mouse, man! And a joypad is better for moving than a keyboard ;). We need a joymouse.
It exists, use a joystick for movement and mouse for aiming. I used to do that occasionally back in the TFC days just for a change and some amusement; it actually worked surprisingly well.
14-11-2008, 16:46
It seems we are arguing at cross purposes then, and we actually don't disagree with each other?
I have acknowledged in this thread that what is 'better' overall is intangible and up to individuals; all I am arguing is that a mouse is better (more accurate etc) to aim and move, and it looks like you agree with that.
Seems that way. It just seemed that some people were saying that FPS games are always better on PC because of the control method, whereas I would say that "better" is defined by what you need as an individual, whether it be control method, or the location you sit when you play the game :)
14-11-2008, 17:11
You don't move with a mouse, man! And a joypad is better for moving than a keyboard ;). We need a joymouse.
Have you played UT2004? You do move partially with the mouse. You double dodge jump with the keyboard but you move the mouse each time to 45 degrees in order to traverse the maximum distance.
14-11-2008, 17:12
Seems that way. It just seemed that some people were saying that FPS games are always better on PC because of the control method, whereas I would say that "better" is defined by what you need as an individual, whether it be control method, or the location you sit when you play the game :)
Indeed and for that very reason I prefer driving games on consoles - that is, when the console version is up to snuff naturally.
14-11-2008, 17:18
Seems that way. It just seemed that some people were saying that FPS games are always better on PC because of the control method, whereas I would say that "better" is defined by what you need as an individual, whether it be control method, or the location you sit when you play the game :)
Nobody was saying that at all, You just went into one.
14-11-2008, 17:24
Nobody was saying that at all, You just went into one.
People have said that actually. They insinuated it in this thread (talking about ruining the game by playing it on consoles), and they've flat out said it in other threads. This was just the thread I chose to bring it up. I didn't "go into one" at all.
14-11-2008, 18:15
Have you played UT2004? You do move partially with the mouse. You double dodge jump with the keyboard but you move the mouse each time to 45 degrees in order to traverse the maximum distance.
Yes and yes. However it's hardly movement of the character is it. It's a dodge manouver in one game.
14-11-2008, 18:18
Nobody was saying that at all, You just went into one.
It's been said many times in many threads and insinuated in this thread. I understand his point completely, he also didn't go off on one, he just pointed out a different opinion and didn't try and force the issue which is when I would accuse people of going off on one.
Indeed and for that very reason I prefer driving games on consoles - that is, when the console version is up to snuff naturally.
God I hope that wasn't a dig at solid 30fps racers.:'(
14-11-2008, 18:39
Seems like over sensitive fanboyism to me. I made a Fair & Honest point.
14-11-2008, 18:50
Hahahahaha, you're calling me a fanboy? Shows how much you know about me tbh, and it's not even a point worh responding to.
Here is a good reason to be getting this game on PC though, as opposed to 360...
Dawn of the Dead mall map :D
Good be some good opportunity for film maps here, 28 Days Later, Shaun of the Dead etc.
14-11-2008, 21:51
We already have Dead Rising ;).
The point was more the modding scene, which from the looks of things is well under way and the game isn't even out yet :p
I've stumbled across plans for a Dead Set map too and as the mapping tools are all almost identical to CS:S, there are a lot of very skilled people out there already to create these maps...
This game is too much!
Especially the witch omfg! :shocked:
BB x
Superior for aiming and movement. I don't make any claims about the superiority of the overall experience because as you rightly point out, that can include personal preferences such as sitting on the sofa or playing on a large screen TV. That will vary according to individual circumstances but what doesn't vary and is measurable by black and white fact, is which method offers superior control.
What you're really describing is a control method which is inherently 'easier to be more accurate'. The problem is you're then implying that this proves it is a 'Better' or 'Superior' experience.
Just because something is easier doesn't automatically qualify it as superior.
15-11-2008, 10:42
This game is too much!
Especially the witch omfg! :shocked:
BB x
Me & Divine were playing last night, I can't stop laughing when I play this game it's just so much fun ;D
Whack it on Extreme then do as much as you can to set the Infected off, Getting to the streets & setting the car alarms off will do it ;D;D;D
Really is an Awesome game can't wait to get it & it'll be the first game in ages I'll get the Second it's released :cool:
30 seconds of typing and clicking to earn £3? I would.
Further to this, a lot of people have noticed Amazon preorders have now got an ETA of Nov 27-Dec 3, which is silly.
Now I don't know where to get it as I had started to side to Amazon as general opinion seemed that Play crap is at pre orders :(
15-11-2008, 15:24
Play have always been crap.
Gameplay or Shopto.
Both more expensive and then I hear this about ShopTo, "when you log in, your password isn't ssled, so don't save any credit card details in your account or anything"
Great. I'm thinking it'd be easier to walk into town and just buy it for £30
Very competetive prices and my last preorder came on Thursday. £27 for the PC, £38 for 360.
Getting excited about this game now. Going to play the demo tonight and could well put a preorder in :)
£27 is the most expensive i've seen it yet! :p
15-11-2008, 18:25
Very tempted by this as a Christmas purchase, if enough people get it. Don't think I'd bother with single player, but if we could get a 4 player campaign going then I'd probably be up for that.
Very tempted by this as a Christmas purchase, if enough people get it. Don't think I'd bother with single player, but if we could get a 4 player campaign going then I'd probably be up for that.
This is what I'm thinking.
I fully want to play with Gears 2 first and I'm not really going to do that until I finish Fallout 3.
15-11-2008, 19:31
Davey - after playing Halo 3 with Daz, Jen and Nokkon I can say I will be playing this 4 player with everyone. It won't be straight away more like you a Christmas game when it's cheaper but should be awesome :D
15-11-2008, 19:33
I'm getting it for Crimbo. Or Boxing Day to be precise.
15-11-2008, 19:34
I will be playing this 4 player with everyone.:confused: That makes no sense :p.
15-11-2008, 21:04
:confused: That makes no sense :p.
You know what I mean stop being pedantic :p I was in the middle of cooking dinner when I posted that ;D
I will be playing this 4 player only, that better???? ;)
I've still not got round to playing the demo :o
But if it's any good, I'll be up for 4 player at some point :D I'll get it cheap sometime.
19-11-2008, 19:37
Ordered my copy from the local game shop (not gamestation) bought & paid for (somebody owed me) & they will ring me once the delivery arrives tomorrow :cool:
Proper looking forward to a Full play through of the Single player & then many hours of serious infected slaughtering to follow :evil:
Just Wang it on expert & set those alarms off I say ;D
Has the 360 demo stopped working like the PC one or will it stay open?
19-11-2008, 23:29
Stay open AFAIK. Very rare anything is pulled from Marketplace.
20-11-2008, 10:08
Hoping for my phone call around the 2.30pm mark from my local shop to go get my L4D, Can't wait to get stuck into the Infected, I shall show No Mercy in my Quest to clean the streets of this Vermin :evil:
20-11-2008, 10:16
I really need to play this again with a 4 player group. Does it really change the experience from the single player game that much?
20-11-2008, 10:18
4 player is ace Davey. Admittedly there was only me and Daz in our game but it was a right laugh. If you fancy a blast over the weekend or tomorrow night give me a shout.
20-11-2008, 10:25
Saturday night is out as we're busy, and so are you :p Tomorrow night could be good though :)
20-11-2008, 10:27
4 player is what it's all about Davey, The instant comradarie you get even with randoms is Perfection. I have had some Superb games with randoms that become Trusted team mates within 3 rounds :cool:
20-11-2008, 10:35
Saturday night is out as we're busy, and so are you :p Tomorrow night could be good though :)
I know we're busy :p I meant during the day ;D
20-11-2008, 10:45
I think Lynnie and I are busy in the day, probably cleaning the house before everyone comes around ;D
20-11-2008, 10:57
tomorrow night it is :cool: well either that or Sunday :p
Read the Eurogamer ( review Davey, the emphasis on co-op comes through :) Indeed most of the reviews stress it.
20-11-2008, 11:52
On top of that the modded content will be Superb, Just being able to run around the Mall in Dawn of the Dead or Snipe off the roof to cover the rescue of the Gun shop owner will be Class let alone whatever else they come up with.
I think I only played through the single player demo once or twice then the rest has been online.
Within a day clearing rooms was like working with a SWAT team each taking it in turns to step in let loose a full mag & then step out whilst the other did the same whilst you reloaded. Then the sheer numbers of infected makes team work an absolute must or you just don't get through. Voip & the game engine make the whole experience a delight.
Now I just need the ******* PHONE TO RINGGGGGG ;D;D;D
20-11-2008, 12:11
Read the Eurogamer ( review Davey, the emphasis on co-op comes through :) Indeed most of the reviews stress it.
I really wish I hadn't read that review. It's now jumped from my "may get it cheap after Christmas" list to my "I really fancy getting it now" list.
To: Richard (
Your order for Left 4 Dead (#22.99 Special Pre-Order ONLY Price) has been posted.
Probably won't get it til Monday or Tuesday seeing as I only ordered yesterday anyway but I won't be in most of the weekend anyway.
20-11-2008, 12:23
I really wish I hadn't read that review. It's now jumped from my "may get it cheap after Christmas" list to my "I really fancy getting it now" list.
Be patient Padawan. I have to wait til Xmas and I need someone to play with :p.
I've still not played the demo :o Think I'll wait till I can rent it now instead.
20-11-2008, 12:59
You better not buy it Mr Pitch! :angry: ;D we need to wait for Crimbo so we can all play it together :D
If my Steam buying friends are anything to go buy, if he got it now, he'd still be playing the MP come Christmas 2010, so I wouldn't worry too much :p
Seems Versus is very very very good - not sure why they didn't put this in the demo really.
20-11-2008, 13:18
You better not buy it Mr Pitch! :angry: ;D we need to wait for Crimbo so we can all play it together :D
Yep. That stands for you too Jennifer. :angry:
Yep. That stands for you too Jennifer. :angry:
But, but, I can rent it for free :p:(
20-11-2008, 13:23
well aslong as people rent it I'm ok with that :D
20-11-2008, 13:47
I'm not! *stamps foot*.
Unless they rent it on Boxing day :p.
20-11-2008, 13:51
I'm not! *stamps foot*.
Unless they rent it on Boxing day :p.
there is no pleasing some people :rolleyes: :p
20-11-2008, 13:54
I've changed my mind, they can rent it if they want.
I won't be angry, just disappointed. :p.
Ohhh that old trick eh :p
20-11-2008, 14:00
Ohhh that old trick eh :p
guilt trip anyone???? ;D
do you have a love film account?
do you have a love film account?
Me? Yup :) On a 3 month free trial till February :D
As well as the free rentals off Blockbuster :cool:
The two combined are very useful :D
20-11-2008, 14:05
Me? Yup :) On a 3 month free trial till February :D
As well as the free rentals off Blockbuster :cool:
The two combined are very useful :D
I know you do :p
I meant Nokkon, he could rent it from lovefilm and that would shut his pie hole ;D
I know you do :p
I meant Nokkon, he could rent it from lovefilm and that would shut his pie hole ;D
He does, he's also on a 3 month free trial :D
But he'll no doubt find a counter argument to that :p
Had a look at this today, will wait until I can play with other people rather than trying it single player.
20-11-2008, 15:08
My counter argument is that the games I've been sent so far are total garbage!
20-11-2008, 15:12
well put good games on there then :p
20-11-2008, 16:32
Got back with my PC copy at around 1.40pm. Loaded perfectly & plays great. Been online & all was just as perfect, Loving it.
20-11-2008, 16:40
well put good games on there then :p
I have! They are skillfully picking out the poorer ones :(.
21-11-2008, 09:35
21-11-2008, 09:44
^^ ;D
That about sums up the circumstances of many of my deaths last night ;D
haha good one
So who has this on the 360? I'm up for some zombie mashing action!
21-11-2008, 15:05
Christmas for me and Leo and probably Davey too.
21-11-2008, 15:14
Aye, probably Christmas for me as well :)
Probably Christmas for me too, be more fun if I wait till everyone else has it :D
Glad I got it for PC now.
The dog bit through the CD as it came through the door, so I had to just register the key and let Steam download it, i'd have been a bit screwed if I couldn't do that :p
21-11-2008, 17:27
Don't make cases like they used to! :o
Despite pre-ordering Amazon have failed to dispatch mine yet. :\
22-11-2008, 01:09
I have it. Steam ID = B0giee if anyone fancies a game at some point...
Despite pre-ordering Amazon have failed to dispatch mine yet. :\
Amazon got more pre-orders than they did stock, if you ordered within about 10 days before the release date, the delivery dates were coming back as 27th onwards for most people.
I'm down for some Xbox multi on this. GT: Gimpy Moose
Really want to get cracking on the expert campaigns
I'm up for a game anytime, the other day was fun :)
I had a brief go on expert last night with some randoms, that difficulty is TOUGH!
It's something I think a team of us could target over the Christmas break (assuming enough of us have it) - finish Expert. So far only 0.2% of PC players have managed it!
I really can't justify buying another game this month.... can I?
Dont worry, next month is only a few days away :D
As is pay day! That review someone posted makes it sound superb.
My gaming RSS feed is just oozing virtual spaff over it, as soon as people start getting it I'll be there - think it has to be played as a team really.
Achievement stats from Valve (
I don't play a lot of multiplayer, but if people are getting this around Xmas I'd be very interested in joining in. In fact I think I'm free Boxing Day all the way to New Years!
Do you get prompts when other people get achievements if you're in multi? If not, you should.
I'll make sure I have it at Christmas if there's so much enthusiasm :D
26-11-2008, 15:11
Do you get prompts when other people get achievements if you're in multi? If not, you should.
You do if I'm playing, because I generally tell everyone I just got one :D
I might start employing that method on single-player games.
*ring ring*
Hey!..... Just calling to let you know I completed the training at the start of GoW2.
**** off, it's 3am! And what the **** is GoW2?!
Haha! Night grandad.
26-11-2008, 15:24
I'll be getting this for Crimbo.
Belmit, Davey, Daz, Haly, Me, Windle and Wyrdo should all have it.
Almost 2 groups worth.
26-11-2008, 15:30
Went out on a road trip this morning in me mates Landy 110, Full Safari mode was Enabled :D
Phone rings with Doris on the end of it & convo went summit like this,
*All Bracketed bits are Captain subtext Translations of womens talk*
Hiya, What you up to I tried your house phone. (You're up to No good aren't you ?)
Out on a road trip in the country, Can't talk much.
Mmmm kay. Just wondered if you needed out. ( Ignorant Git, Can I come round.)
I've earnt 750 points on Fight night 3 & I am now over the 3k :D
Ooo Great, ( WTF you **** I thought you couldn't speak, Who cares about your Poxey points Can I come round or not.)
kkk Then catcha laterz, Byeeeee ;D;D;D
Haha! I go on about my achievements at work, and people get that look of 'great... I've no idea what you're on about...'. In fact this morning:
Colleague: 'Good evening?'
Me: 'Not bad.... only got three achievements left on Tomb Raider to go now.'
Colleague: 'Um, really, that's, uh...'
Me: 'Yeah, just got a couple of levels to complete on the hardest difficulty, two more relics to collect and the remaining treasures. It gets quite annoying because there's so many of them but you have to collect them all to get the achievement. In fact I got to a bit last night...'
Colleague: '.....'
26-11-2008, 15:41
Do you get that sudden realisation about ten minutes into a gaming/pc/gamerscore rant that the person in front of you hasn't a clue wtf you are on about & don't give 2 ***** either ;D
My poor mate was locked in his motor with me going on about our crap & after a bit he just sort of mutters a Humff, I got the message & started talking about off roading & Landys again ;D
Exactly. You get a standard confirmation that shows they were listening, but they didn't give a crap. Usually 'Ah, right.' or 'Hmm'. :D
26-11-2008, 15:46
Well when Gamers take over the World we can Kill them, I'm stashing Flash bangs as we speak, 2 in the door & then go straight in with Shottys :evil:
Going to get a group together for Expert. Bout 7:30pm tonight.
Who's up for it?
Well having seen loads of people playing this at a LAN the other week and feeling left out, I've just ordered it.
Anyone here with it on PC who wants to help a noob learn the ropes when it arrives? :)
30-11-2008, 13:50
I have it on the Pc and know a couple of others. Steam ID: B0giee
I'll be getting this for Crimbo.
Belmit, Davey, Daz, Haly, Me, Windle and Wyrdo should all have it.
Almost 2 groups worth.
Leave me out why don't you :'(
I'll be picking this christmas time too :p
30-11-2008, 17:08
Oh yeah. Him too ;).
Cool, probably won't arrive before I head off to Wales for the WRC but will get stuck in when I return next week. Steam account name is Veewan
Loving this! Got quite a few random achievements already - headshot on a leaping hunter, killed a tank and a witch without taking damage, no-one took damage after a boomer blobbed on us... all completely accidental and completely fun! Gonna take a while to get the genocide one, especially without a meat truck to run them down in. ;)
I must say, on the achievements front, i'm glad they've been sensible and integrated them into the gameplay better as with TF2 they were far more random and 'separate' from the actual point of the game and one of the biggest complaints I saw levelled at TF2 was people ruining games by not playing the game but playing for achievements.
Belmit! You made me want it now!!
I will speak more to Picky about it! Sounds awesome though :D
07-12-2008, 10:00
Did you get it on PC or 360 (Please say PC).
best fun I've had online in years, Proper sociable game & Hilarious over headset.
07-12-2008, 11:48
He got it on Xbox 360 dude :)
07-12-2008, 11:55
****** Typical :angry: + ;D
07-12-2008, 14:08
Does the PC version have achievements?
Currently, they're exactly the same bar the control method and the fact the PC has 3rd party servers as well as Valve supplied ones, so they can be tweaked and set up differently.
In the future, both I suspect will get the same official DLC but the PC is already getting 3rd party mod content in drips (for example, new skins -, with some bigger good stuff almost ready to go (like the Dawn of the Dead campaign).
Yeah sorry, Xbox version.
I found it pretty tough on just Normal difficulty. Extreme must be impossible. And how on earth are you meant to get the achievement where no-one takes damage after calling for rescue? There has to be some sort of trick to getting that one.
I'm guessing it's a bit easier in co-op. None of the computer players ever picks up pipe bombs, which are the most useful item in the game. A couple of people with those could probably clear the horde if they timed it right.
I've completed everything on Advanced so far (albeit without all the achievements cos ive been kicked off servers long enough for it to reset and treat me as a new player half way through), soon to be trying Expert.
07-12-2008, 20:50
We'll do Extreme when I get it for Crimbo. I love games that are ridiculously difficult.
Survive all campaigns on Expert. 0.7%
Currently, only 0.7% of all players have managed to complete the game on expert! :D
I've worked out how to get that 'no damage after calling the rescue vehicle' achievement, but I reckon it's only possible on the first level. And not with bots.
07-12-2008, 21:23
Survive all campaigns on Expert. 0.7%
Currently, only 0.7% of all players have managed to complete the game on expert! :D
I enjoy challenges and that seems like a challenge. I'm glad the completion for that is so low. It's not impossible though and I'm sure I could do it on PC.
07-12-2008, 21:51
Oh yeah. Him too ;).
What about me?? :'(
The curse of randomness; almost made it through an entire campaign without disturbing a witch. On the fifth and final part she was sitting on the path just before the boathouse. I made it around her but knew the AI wouldn't be able to fathom the way I did it.
Annoying when there's a few achievements in the back of your mind that you could get, and one by one you realise you're not going to get them. Still not made it through a campaign without spooking a witch, accidentally shooting a fellow survivor, or getting vomited on. I did get the Akimbo one though which wasn't too difficult. Got so close to getting the one for making it through the campaign without healing. Had 57 health at the boat house, dropped below 50 and some numpty healed me. I can't find a way to stop them doing it. Even if you run away or shoot them they still grab you and heal you. Damn them!
Tried hitting them with your gun?
I have no idea, but it pushes zombies back a fair bit, so maybe it does the same? I can't say i've spent much time beating my team mates in the face :p
08-12-2008, 00:11
What about me?? :'(
You go without saying! ;)
This all just sounds far too good to be true. How incredibly awesome!
Need to find someone local play it so I can have a fiddle too!! I bet I'd be pants :p ;D
08-12-2008, 09:36
so I can have a fiddle too!!
FNAR! You after Jen's filth title? :p
08-12-2008, 11:05
You go without saying! ;)
smooth :cool: ;D
There's some things in this game that are never going to get old, especially shooting a zombie as it runs towards you, and watching it deadweight head-first into the ground with a 'thwack'. :D
Really cant wait to get this, just need the price to drop.
Really cant wait to get this, just need the price to drop.
I only really have one gripe about the game (everyone has to have one!), and that's the amount of zombies after the rescue has arrived. I expect a final wave, the idea being that the place gets overrun just as you escape in the nick of time I guess, but there's so many that if someone gets overpowered it's barely worth going back to help them. Even if you have a pipe bomb there's always a Tank as well, who doesn't seem to have the same affinity for the bomb as the regular infected. Yesterday I finished the second chapter, we ran for the boat, and I was the only person that made it back - it just goes mental. Hopefully human players have more sense; I guess it's really how the game is meant to be played after all.
Actually, I do have one further gripe. If you jump at the same time as the Tank hits you in the first campaign, you will fall off the roof of the hospital. Twice it's happened now. The huge ****.
There are tricks to dealing with tanks, such as on the roof of the hospital, if you find any explosive gas cans, place them near an edge and get someone to lure the tank past them, shoot it as the tank runs past and you can often cause it to fall off the roof. Also, the best item for tank fighting is the molotov. Set it on fire then run and don't stop running. It'll die eventually.
FNAR! You after Jen's filth title? :p
It's mine, all mine.....mwahahahaha ;D
Got this just before I left for the WRC last week and only had a chance to play it briefly.
Up for some games later tonight though :)
There are tricks to dealing with tanks, such as on the roof of the hospital, if you find any explosive gas cans, place them near an edge and get someone to lure the tank past them, shoot it as the tank runs past and you can often cause it to fall off the roof. Also, the best item for tank fighting is the molotov. Set it on fire then run and don't stop running. It'll die eventually.
Or in the hospital level try and lure it within range of the minigun and force feed it that, it will shorten its lifespan nicely if you can keep focused fire on it for a good few seconds.
I only really have one gripe about the game (everyone has to have one!), and that's the amount of zombies after the rescue has arrived. I expect a final wave, the idea being that the place gets overrun just as you escape in the nick of time I guess, but there's so many that if someone gets overpowered it's barely worth going back to help them. Even if you have a pipe bomb there's always a Tank as well, who doesn't seem to have the same affinity for the bomb as the regular infected. Yesterday I finished the second chapter, we ran for the boat, and I was the only person that made it back - it just goes mental. Hopefully human players have more sense; I guess it's really how the game is meant to be played after all.
Actually, I do have one further gripe. If you jump at the same time as the Tank hits you in the first campaign, you will fall off the roof of the hospital. Twice it's happened now. The huge ****.
I must admit I love that, escaping by the skin of your teeth. It certainly adds to the cinematic feel of it IMO and you just know you wouldn't have survived if you hadn't got out when you did. Also rather cinematic the other night on the rooftop legging it for the chopper, my flatmate got backed into a corner from a horde and the rest of us were in the chopper, we tried to cut through the horde for him, but the director really means it when he wants you off the level and we couldn't save him. Going back would mean certain death. He told us to go and he beat enough away to get on an air conditioning unti and then to drop a molotav, killing as many as he could on his way down. He was incapacited and the chopper left, leaving him to his inevitable fate. ;D
The things that bug me about the game is the AI. Bill especially, I assume they all have the same programming but Bill just keeps annoying me. I'll be crouched, with the M16, cutting through zombies in a corridor and Bill will just walk straight across into my fire, getting himself knocked down and then demanding help. He also has a hard-on for medpacks, healing himself and others when we're at 40 health but haven't even been knocked down yet. Then, later on, when a few of us are in black and white mode, guess what, no health packs. We could of done with them about now Bill?! He even got himself killed the other night. I was sniping a few stragglers after a rush whilst the rest healed and re-armed, a split second before I fire at a sauntering zombie in my sights, his stupid beardface pops up right in my scope and he eats bullet, dying instantly due to his appalling health (we took the medpacks for ourselves this time, he can't be trusted)
He also has a knack of ruining our plans. We strategically position petrol cans around a map ready for the impending horde, and he finds a lone zombie and opens fire, hitting a petrol can in the process and igniting the ground, including himself, thus requiring rescue, healing and now we have a hole in our defence. He also got me killed whilst sneaking past the witch, I was doing great, medpack, pills, pipebomb, loads of health, no knockdowns, and had just finished a careful sneak around the witch in the sewer. Beardface then comes running up, bellows "WITCH" startles her, gets killed, then she turns on me, ripping the hell out of me until I had no more organs left and I simply collapsed into a mushy pill. *sigh* BILL!!!
Sounds fun! The co-op/multiplayer sounds quite a bit different from the standard campaigns. I find the AI for the campaigns surprisingly good. Absolutely no friendly fire from them and quite often saving my skin.
Has anybody tried going online and playing as the infected? Bet there's tons of fun there, plenty of strategy too.
Has anybody tried going online and playing as the infected? Bet there's tons of fun there, plenty of strategy too.
Yep it's good fun. You're randomly assigned an infected out of the smoker, boomer and hunter the key is to stay hidden and stalk the survivors, waiting patiently for one of the them to stray from the others. Normally people go back for ammo or something, and it's great fun to grab them and inflict damage whilst their team mates run back to help. Attacking them as a group is suicide as they just pick you off as soon as you go for one of them. Boomer is different, you want to get them all with the bile if possible. Jihad tactic works well, jump out at them, get as close as possible and let them shoot you, causing you to explode all over them. :D
Witch is always AI controlled, but that's fair enough. It would be pretty boring to spend 90% of the level sitting in a dark corner doing nothing. Tank is randomly assigned and is a lot of fun. Naturally the survivors flee from you, and the main tactic is to run backwards if possible (less damage is taken this way) and knock the survivors down with your attacks. Avoid molotovs, they suck your health quickly.
There are two main problems with the versus though, which are problems inherent to this kind of online gaming in general.
The losing team always quits after the first map. Every game i've played, the losing team just vanish and I often find i'm the only one left if I happen to be on the losing team, or we're fighting bots again if it's the other way round.
Also, getting a lobby going can take ages. Everyone wants to be the infected, quite why I have no idea as it rotates but the amount of time ive spent in lobbies whilst 4 players have selected the infected and people join, see the infected are all taken and then leave again is astonishing.
There are two main problems with the versus though, which are problems inherent to this kind of online gaming in general.
The losing team always quits after the first map. Every game i've played, the losing team just vanish and I often find i'm the only one left if I happen to be on the losing team, or we're fighting bots again if it's the other way round.
I can imagine that happening a lot when playing with other random people and is why the game is so much better played with people you know and who won't push off at the first sign of defeat.
This game was massive at the last LAN I attended but I didn't have it myself then. Expect it to be huge at my next one this coming weekend :D
Can everyone keep an eye out for a good price for this on 360 for me please? :)
I'm keeping an eye on the usual places and hotukdeals but cheapest I can find is £37 which just feels a bit too much for Christmas at the moment :( So might wait till the sales in case it's cheaper.
Just get it for PC where it will be a) cheaper and b) you'll get access to mods/maps/skins
a) I've only got a laptop these days that would be awkward to play on and b) I don't want to :)
Also I'm assuming it's not got cross platform multiplayer, in which case it's useless for me!
10-12-2008, 16:45
brand new on the bay for £34.
brand new on the bay for £34.
Thanks :) Might hold out for less than £30 though. Managed to completely forget about ebay so have to keep an eye out for second hand there too.
a) I've only got a laptop these days that would be awkward to play on and b) I don't want to :)
Also I'm assuming it's not got cross platform multiplayer, in which case it's useless for me!
Fair enough, no it's not cross platform, PC players would dominate if it was ;)
It's a shame the 360 has to miss out on some fantastic looking content though, it's one area consoles really need to find a way to catch up in.
From what I read Epic did a good job with mods to UT3 on PS3, not experienced it myself though.
I'm with you Jen, waiting to spot it below £30.
Fair enough, no it's not cross platform, PC players would dominate if it was ;)
It's a shame the 360 has to miss out on some fantastic looking content though, it's one area consoles really need to find a way to catch up in.
You trying to provoke yet another PC vs Console debate? :p If so, I don't bait that easily ;)
10-12-2008, 16:52
Fair enough, no it's not cross platform, PC players would dominate if it was ;)
It's a shame the 360 has to miss out on some fantastic looking content though, it's one area consoles really need to find a way to catch up in.
Ignoring your first comment :p I do agree with the 2nd. I don't see any feasible way they can incorporate it though, short of all mods being sent to the developers and they then find a way to send it down to the console gamers.I guess it would be done, but I'm not sure how many developers would bother. I'm sure they love the fact they can just let PC gamers loose with it and they don't have to do a thing.
10-12-2008, 16:53
Just get it for PC where it will be a) cheaper and b) you'll get access to mods/maps/skins
You're assuming she a) Wants it on PC b) doesn't care about playing with all the people she likes here.
PC gamers recommend PC games for the mod scene, but how often can someone genuinely say that a mod has been made for a game on both formats that massively benefits the game? The overhaul packs for Oblivion and Half-Life 2 come to mind, but the former was released over a year after the console version anyway, by that time the majority of people have moved on.
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