View Full Version : Home Networking Question.

03-11-2008, 16:08
Quick question regarding a home network. I am sure this will work but not 100% sure.

At present I am running my O2 Broadband connection off a second socket in the conservatory and I want to move this onto the master socket. This will then be plugged into a Poweline connector.

The second Powerline will be plugged in near the TV to network PS3, HTPC and PC in another room connected via ethernet cable.

The O2 broadband is currently connecting via a Netgear Modem & 4 port router.

Would there be a problem in the following.

O2 Router connected to home plug.

2nd home plug connected to 24 port switch

24 Port switch connecting PC, PS3 AND HTPC. (Wii & X360 to be added within the next few months via Ethernet)

Would there be any conflicts between the Netgear Modem/Router and the Network Switch ???

Edit. It's probably not as complicated as I have made it sound in all honesty

03-11-2008, 16:26
That'll work just fine. No conflicts. For online games, it'll hike up pings by 5-10ms, so bear that in mind.

The only time you run into problems is when you have a router at both ends (you need to disable stuff on one of the routers to make it act like a switch).

PS - The instructions about surge protectors attenuating the powerline signal are correct, but in a choice between half the bandwidth (but still acceptable) and a fried PC, I know which I'd take.

03-11-2008, 16:33
That'll work just fine. No conflicts. For online games, it'll hike up pings by 5-10ms, so bear that in mind.
When I was playing with powerline it was much worse than that for me, closer to 100ms, but to be fair that could have just been the adapters.

03-11-2008, 16:37
Actually, I was probably a little low. It's been quite a while (since my old powerline module failed I've been running cabled - it looks fugly having a wire taped to the ceiling but it works).

Don't think I had it as bad as 100ms though.

04-11-2008, 11:52
When I was playing with powerline it was much worse than that for me, closer to 100ms, but to be fair that could have just been the adapters.

How much? Yikes! I get a solid 4ms ping to the slingbox and 360 which are hanging off a powerline adapter and switch.

04-11-2008, 11:56
Well I got it all hooked up and everything seems to be working schmingly. No collisionsand there has been a slight speed increase on ADSL to just over 5.5Mbps.

05-11-2008, 14:18
I finally gave up on my flaky wi-fi and paid for some homeplug units last week.

They're rather good, aren't they? :)

05-11-2008, 14:49
Yeah pretty rock solid. Not been able to ping test on game servers yet but upto now pretty satisfied. Although I thought it all went a bit up the wall last night. Apparently a number of ISP's had issues with DNS and Open DNS was also suffering