View Full Version : Lost Debit/Driving Licence/Oyster on the tube last night :(

06-11-2008, 12:10
OK, last night on the northern line between mornington crescent and Waterloo I managed to misplace my train pass holder, that had my debit card, driving licence, oyster card and young persons railcard in it :(

I know it's somewhere between those two as I had to use it to swipe into the tube.

I called nationwide to cancel the debit card as soon as I got out of waterloo.

I've got the number for the TFL lost property department just incase my faith in humanity is somehow wrong and it's been handed in.

I can't order a replacement Driving Licence yet, as I don't have a bank card to do it with, and there doesn't appear to be any information about reporting them lost that I can find.

What else should I be doing right about now?

hrmpf :(


06-11-2008, 12:15
Post on the Interwebz, O you've done that :p + ;D

06-11-2008, 12:16
Post on the Interwebz, O you've done that :p + ;D

Very helpful Malc :)

06-11-2008, 12:23
and there doesn't appear to be any information about reporting them lost that I can find.


06-11-2008, 12:25
oyster card


06-11-2008, 12:41
what a shame :-(
Perhaps if someone found it they would hand it in rather than keep it. After all, no one should h
ave any interest in something thats none of their business anyway.

06-11-2008, 12:48
ya n00b

I remember losing mine going to Asda on my bike, I traced back on my bike but couldn't find it and rang my mum to cancel all my cards and some guy rang my home home later on saying he had found it, doh, he wouldn't even take a reward. Saved me £17.50 it costs to renew your DL :p

06-11-2008, 12:54
TFL have an online report system for losing items, so filled that in with all the info about what I had.

I'm just as gutted about losing the Sabaton gig ticket stub and business card of the booking manager as I am about losing the rest.

Identity theft is always a worry though :confused:

most (if not all) places suggest reporting the loss to the police, would that be my local office in kent, or the met as I lost it in their authority?

06-11-2008, 13:48
I got my purse stolen earlier on this year and it was the area that I was in that I was told to report it to.

Awful news dude :(

Luckily someone at work let me use their debit card to pay the £17.50 for a new DL as I was going on hols and needed to take it with me.

Annoyling this happened when I had to get a new licence about a month earlier grrr!

The other thing was, when I phoned all my card agencies... they took the opportunity to ask me if I wanted Card replacement schemes (which I already had) and Fraud Cover (which I took) but in answer to whether I wanted to hear them read the information that they were going to send me anyway was a no, considering how distraught I was at the time! Takes the ****!

BB x

06-11-2008, 19:06
If you get offered, think hard before taking any Identity Theft protection - especially the £79/year kind. Most of what you get is either covered anyway by the Consumer Credit Act or the Banking Code, or you can do yourself for less than £10.

Fingers crossed. :(