View Full Version : New Futurama film

07-11-2008, 15:52
This one passed me by, we have a new film, Bender's Game. I do wish that they could do another series rather than the longer film format though. When these are done who knows.


This could be one to ask for xmas.

Del Lardo
07-11-2008, 23:54
I really wouldn't bother.

Benders Big Score was great
The 2nd one with all the loving was poor
Bender's Game is monumentally ****e. So ****e that I turned it off with 30 mins to go :(

08-11-2008, 00:17
I enjoyed it :p

but then I love Futurama :>

08-11-2008, 02:10
Benders Big Score was great
The 2nd one with all the loving was poor

Right on the money imo. I'm a little scared to watch this new film tbh, if it's the same (or worse, god forbid) as the beast with a billion backs it will ultimately ruin futurama for me, a dastardly deed indeed.

08-11-2008, 03:22
Loved the new film. Loads of little classic Futurama moments.

08-11-2008, 10:52
My view will be posted in a little while.

Del Lardo
08-11-2008, 17:47
I enjoyed it :p

but then I love Futurama :>

That's the annoying thing; I'm a huge Futurama fan :( I found the whole thing really disjointed though maybe I was just in the wrong frame of mind.