View Full Version : Last night...

11-11-2008, 09:45
.... I was lying in bed and could swear I heard some voices. No no... they weren't in my head (this time), they were definitely there mumbling away.

Wait... wait a minute... that was a scream... I'm sure of it *sit up*

*looks around listening intently*

*gets up and goes off to explore the voices*

I wonder downstairs a little bit shaken and concerned at these noises I am hearing. Thuds, bangs and I could swear the odd groan and it was all coming from our basement.

So bravely, I wonder on into our basement - try to turn on the light but it must be blown as it doesn't come on - so all I have to go by is some dim star light. As I walk into the room, in the far corner I hear some shuffling and see some twitching of a shadow and think "Rodents... it has to be rodents..." and as I lean in a little closer to try and catch site of what was going on this shadow suddenly freezes...

And then **** ME, a face appears out of the corner, covered in blackened blood and with eyes as large as plates - whitened and pupil-less. THEN!! THEN!! Directly to my left another "person" lurches towards me with this blood curdling scream and I'm like "WTF?!?!?" turn and start running!

I am outside somewhere and these... zombies... are chasing me in a jerky blurred motion all making these horrendous screaming noises. They're appearing from every dark shadow I run past, I can see silohettes of them pausing in neighbours windows to look at the commotion and then suddenly exit out of the frame and burst through a door.

As I run (my feet heavy and clumsy) I manage to somehow hurdle a fence with a few of my chasers hands licking at my hair.... I run more through wasteland - blackened burnt out trees and trolleys and burnt out cars when suddenly I reach a wall.

A wall... made of mud and clay.

It's enormous. As tall as a house... and it's steep... but there's no way around it.

I glance round and there's a shed load of them now, all stream lining towards me in the pouring rain.

I start to climb... it's slippery... I keep falling back... I climb some more and dig my feet as far into the mud as I can and finally manage to get up a meter or two... but wait... wait... there's something caught on my leg...

Arghh! NOooOO! It's a ****ing zombie!! I try kicking it off - I continue my scrambling but I get dragged down and suddenly he sinks his teeth...

.... right into my butt.

*ARGH OWWW* *leaps up the clay mountain* *THUMP* *ARGGH S**T.... OW...OW... my butt... and my head... they both hurt so much... more my head though... wtf?!?!

I'm in bed clenching my head. Pickys next to me saying something and I don't quite get it. I then hear him ask if I'm okay and I tell him a zombie has bitten my bum... but my head... it hurts.

He starts laughing - lots. And then hugs me. Apparently a few seconds prior to this, I had just launched myself full on into our wooden headboard and properly thwacked it well and truly.

It hurt like ****!! Picky couldn't stop laughing and I ended up with a corker of a headache!

God damn zombie B******ds.

I should have known the instance I went into the basement I was dreaming. We don't OWN a basement!! Egit!

Admiral Huddy
11-11-2008, 09:52
you nutter haha

Come sit in my special chair :D

I dreamt the other day I was in court and going to prison, but that hard guy from Eastenders ( I don't know his name - he got that fit but rough looking girl up the duff) came in with a an MG and blastered everyone and rescued me.. Then I bought a Mr Softie ice cream as a reward :p

11-11-2008, 09:59
;D I love you Pheebs ;D

11-11-2008, 10:13
Hahaha!! I actually thought you were being serious at the beginning!! LOL ;D Thanks for the laugh I needed it!

*wubs you*

11-11-2008, 10:21
Glad my pain entertained :p

And Tink - my dreams are normally so incredibly vivid in places (like the whole beginning) that I just never know if I'm dreaming or not at night!! Seriously thought I heard voices drifting off to sleep! And could you imagine my confusion to waking up to a REALLY painful butt and a super painful head - I was like "what... where's the zombie?! Why does everything hurt if there's no zombie?!"

Just so you know - dream wise I figured the following:

Zombies: I always dream of zombies - they're awesome.
Neighbours Zombie silohettes: From a couple of nights back when I saw my neighbours son silohette in the bathroom...
Wasteland: From watching Picky play Fallout 3
Clay Mountain: Just before going to bed we watched a time team thingy where they excavated a world war 2 bunker and it was massively deep and full of clay and sorts.

Stoopido brain :)

11-11-2008, 10:45
And it's not called a basement you berk, it's a cellar :D

11-11-2008, 11:47
AWw I was going to buy you a pet zombie for Christmas - I guess tha'ts probably a bad idea ;) It's so cute that your imagination runs wild with you. If I ever dreamt consciously, and I decided there was a zombie in it, I'd be "**** off you don't exist this is ridiculous" or something like that and wake up annoyed that I had woken myself up :p

11-11-2008, 12:33
;D Awesome dream :D
I love zombie dreams although not had one in agessssssssss.

11-11-2008, 13:44
That would probably scare the bejeezus out of me! :o.

11-11-2008, 13:55
;D ;D

I'm basically in tears sitting at my desk at work ;D

11-11-2008, 13:58
I couldn't sleep last night due to some serious heart burn so I got up and watched Shaun of the Dead for an hour. Fortuntately my dreams were of the rather rude nature and nothing to do with zombies!

11-11-2008, 16:42
And it's not called a basement you berk, it's a cellar :D

What can I say... I watch too many American movies :p

AWw I was going to buy you a pet zombie for Christmas - I guess tha'ts probably a bad idea ;) It's so cute that your imagination runs wild with you. If I ever dreamt consciously, and I decided there was a zombie in it, I'd be "**** off you don't exist this is ridiculous" or something like that and wake up annoyed that I had woken myself up :p

You don't understand though! I LOVE zombies and LOVE zombie dreams! Just not ones that end up with me giving myself a concussion :p

Plus!!! I know you laugh at my believing it's real kind of thing and running away from Zombies buuut I for all I knew they were real! I was in bed on minute then walked downstairs and BAM there they were!! So for me... it's good I react because in theory, one day I may actually get up, go downstairs and be faced with a real life (well dead) zombie and thus get away as quick as possible as opposed to thinking "ahh I must be dreaming!"

Good survival instincts I think ;) :p

That would probably scare the bejeezus out of me! :o.

It did :p

My dreams are too vivid at times and despite loving them to bits they don't half scare me. But then I like being scared! :D

I couldn't sleep last night due to some serious heart burn so I got up and watched Shaun of the Dead for an hour. Fortuntately my dreams were of the rather rude nature and nothing to do with zombies!

Lucky moo :p

And Huddy I would gladly share your special chair :D

11-11-2008, 16:56
I LOVE zombies and LOVE zombie dreams! Just not ones that end up with me giving myself a concussion :p
How to justify sectioning in a single sentence :D

11-11-2008, 21:07
The men in white coats will see you now. ;D

Pheebs - just incase enough people haven't told you - you're ace. Thankyou for adding some fun to my day. :)

11-11-2008, 21:12
Yeah thanks for that, I'm probably going to have zombie dreams now :(

11-11-2008, 22:32
Pheebs, you say you love them - just how *many* Zombie dreams do you have exactly?


11-11-2008, 23:15
Nothing wrong with zombie dreams or loving zombies :D They rock :cool:

11-11-2008, 23:19
Nothing wrong with zombie dreams or loving zombies :D They rock :cool:

Almost by definition, there's something very wrong with zombie dreams and loving zombies :D

12-11-2008, 10:52
Frequently :)

I had one last night too!

The whole of Europe had been infected with some biological warfare chemical turning (lots) of people into Zombies. For some strange reason the Isles of Scilly was unaffected so we managed to head there and hide out. On the radio though, we discovered that food supplies were being brought in by some large corporation and left in a warehouse supermarket on a river (turns out the corporation had links with the country that decided to zombie the nation and their deal was to be the sole supplier of goods so they'd rake in the monies from any survivors - yes we had to pay for the food :p)

So. Got a speed boat and a van and headed out there. In the supermarket warehouse place there were some mean guys (bit like raiders I guess - damn fallout3) and they were being mean to me/other people of the crew.

Eventually I got loose and it looked like they were going to kill one of my crew members so I ran outside - got the attention of some zombies and ran back into the store.

Needless to say the baddies were eaten and we all got away in our van (which could now transform into a speed boat?!) but due to it being dark we couldn't go back to Isles of Scilly (?!?) and so I had to drive it round zombie filled streets all night like a loon.


I love my dreams. They're the awesomeness and as said previously so vivid. I could describe all of the people down to a tee and tell you all the details of the supermarket - what the till people were wearing - everything :) It's like watching a movie :D

12-11-2008, 12:17
You're very lucky! I don't recall any of my dreams usually and they're nothing like as, well, bizarre!

Perhaps you should start writing these stories down :D

14-12-2008, 14:37
I have a new t-shirt which I think Pheebs will appreciate:



14-12-2008, 14:48
Awesome t-shirt :D
Where did you get it from? I'd love one of those :D

14-12-2008, 14:52
It was a shop in the Bargate in soton - it was closing down so was doing everything at £10. I can't remember the name of the shop (I'll check with Mic to see if he remembers when he wakes up) and the tshirt label just says Spank if that helps in a search.
They had loads of brilliant ones (including a monkeys as kiss tshirt that I very nearly bought for Sinc :p )

14-12-2008, 15:05
I'll have to have a google about, thanks :)

14-12-2008, 16:35
Found a US supplier but not a UK one yet


14-12-2008, 16:59
Ahh I've used them before :D
Might buy that in the new year :)

14-12-2008, 19:04
split reason rocks :)

Soon as I have some money I'm getting some T-Shirts :D`


THIS ONE! (http://www.splitreason.com/product/622)

Do Want!