View Full Version : 4 minute chocolate cake

12-11-2008, 16:25
Yup. From ingredients to eat in 4 minutes!

You need:
Large microwaveable mug *large starbucks mugs are perfect for this...dump the coffee in the sink first though - blurgh*
4 tablespoons of plain flour
4 tablespoons of castor sugar
2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons of milk
2 tablespoons of veggie oil
3 tablespoons of plain chocolate chips
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract

Put the flour, sugar cocoa and choccie chips into the mug and mix well.

Add the egg, milk, oil and vanilla extract and mix well - make sure you scrape the bottom of the mug to get all the dry ingredients mixed in.

Stick in the microwave for 3 minutes *this is with an 850watt microwave - may take a bit longer for a lower power microwave*

It will, after a couple of minutes in the microwave start to raise out the top of the mug - no problem the microwave stops it will collapse back into the mug.

Once the microwave has finished, tip up onto a plate and eat.

Brilliant for people like me who don't have an oven at the moment and occasionally have a cake requirement....

12-11-2008, 16:39
awesome will certainly be giving this a go :)

12-11-2008, 22:47
I'd try it now if it wasn't so late....so tomorrow it is then :D

13-11-2008, 20:53
Desmo here!!

WOW...this is sooo cooool!!!!

We don't have any cocoa powder but I have got some flakes thatI kindofcrushed down. The first cake looked more like a spotted dick but it tasted nice :D

Then I started experimenting. I made another one using Aero hot chocolate powder and no sugar. It was OK but a little bland.

The last one was made using Cadburys Mint Highlights hot chocolate powder and half the sugar. Tasted much nicer and the mint comes through.

So don't be afraid to experiment ;D

13-11-2008, 21:28
How many cakes!! ;).

13-11-2008, 21:44
Desmo here!!

WOW...this is sooo cooool!!!!

We don't have any cocoa powder but I have got some flakes thatI kindofcrushed down. The first cake looked more like a spotted dick but it tasted nice :D

Then I started experimenting. I made another one using Aero hot chocolate powder and no sugar. It was OK but a little bland.

The last one was made using Cadburys Mint Highlights hot chocolate powder and half the sugar. Tasted much nicer and the mint comes through.

So don't be afraid to experiment ;D

The original recipie I had used instant hot chocolate mix and no sugar - but as I didn't have any hot chocolate mix, I improvised and the above was the result. :D

Will have to try the mint chocolate... Mmmm... mint...

14-11-2008, 00:11
Hmmm, maybe this is a way of getting rid of the Options Mint Hot Choc I bought by mistake. I absolutely hate the stuff, but Leon likes mint choc :D

16-11-2008, 21:13
Forgot I had this pic :D


This was my first one with the cocoa flakes.

28-11-2008, 19:47
OMG...MUST TRY THIS!!! (In caps deliberately for emphasis)

29-11-2008, 00:06
Well I made it (theres a photo on my camera which I'll upload later).

As soon as I opened the microwave door, I saw it literally deflate back into the mug and about 1/3 of its size lol

I gave it a prod with a fork, and it did wobble a bit....I ate it anway.
It was nice, but it was...how can I describe it...a bit 'gelatinous'?...i bit gluey. Like a quite heavy pudding but without the chew.

Not bad for a 4 minute job :)
I did use Green and Blacks hot chocolate too (which is presweetened), so I only used 2 2/3rd of sugar...I think it still needed a little bit more sweetening though.

30-11-2008, 18:10
I have never made a cake in the microwave but sooo many people can do it, I need to give this a go.

01-12-2008, 08:33
It was nice, but it was...how can I describe it...a bit 'gelatinous'?...i bit gluey. Like a quite heavy pudding but without the chew.
Mine was the same. But still, not bad for the effort involved :)

02-12-2008, 04:54
Better than a kick in the teeth :D

I think it might go rather spiffing with some cream...or ice cream plonked on top!