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View Full Version : I want to like GoW multiplayer

16-11-2008, 13:20
..... but I just can't :(

There something about it which I just don't gel with, I got quite good at COD4 before I got bored but I can't get anywhere with Gears I die quickly get frustrated with the game formats and the interface seems clunky. Its a shame because I know a lot of you guys like it and I'd like to play as a team.

I just can't work it out, at times it seems the characters are too resilient and take too much damage but then I seem to get killed with one shot from someone I don't even see :/

Help me to like this game or I'm going to have to trade it :(


16-11-2008, 13:22
I never really liked Gears multiplayer on public. Only if I was playing with friends. Just could never get into it unlike CoD4.
However, Gears 2 has Horde which is brilliant fun :) So I'd recommend giving that a go with some of us lot at some point. It's much more fun than regular multiplayer!

16-11-2008, 13:47
I never ever played Gears 1 public, only never played it with you guys in private matches and to be honest I don't see myself playing Gears 2 public either because I can get most of the achievements in the campaign.

As Jen said Matt come give Horde a go it is ace :D

16-11-2008, 13:53
I'll echo Jen really - I never liked Gears 1 multiplayer either, rarely do like shooters online. Horde is great fun, we're trying to get a game together later, so come and join us :)

16-11-2008, 14:10
I won't echo anyone. I really liked it :p.

16-11-2008, 20:35
Can only echo Jen as well. Gears in private matches is ace, as you can laugh at killing your mates, just wasn't as fun in public. Horde is top top fun though, you really need to give it a go with some of us this week :)

16-11-2008, 20:49
my best memory of gears 1 multiplayer was constantly getting Colin with a shotgun after a roadie run ;D

17-11-2008, 00:56
Had some good times with private Gears 1 matches, must do it again with Gears 2 :D

17-11-2008, 11:03
I'm not the biggest fan of GOW1 MP, especially ranked, the people on there are just too damned good. GOW2 MP looks good though.