View Full Version : Bargain Thread
Got Prey off Steam last year for a couple of quid. Pretty decent
03-03-2009, 02:48
Stranglehold is just seriously cool.
What he said.
For 5 notes each not arsed if they turn out rubbish, dark sector looks like fun but its not in stock and on order :S
Gah, are mongs.
Dark Sector is out of stock still and they sent me another copy of Prey instead of Stranglehold and now wont send me the right copy because its out of stock and they are giving me a refund.
They really are sloppy when it comes to stock levels.
09-03-2009, 02:34
They're a poor company. I remember when they were play247, their customer service was amazing and they couldn't do enough for you.
09-03-2009, 02:38
They're a poor company. I remember when they were play247, their customer service was amazing and they couldn't do enough for you.Obviously gone part-time then. :D
Don't remember them as play247 but I've had no major problems with Have heard enough stories about them to make me wary of buying with them of course. Used to buy a lot of my CDs/DVDs from with the free delivery making them much better value than Amazon but I'm finding that Amazon now have consistently better prices than
Just bought it again, had it last year and sold it before completing HL 2 and EP1/2
10-03-2009, 02:18
Call that a bargain? Far Cry 2 on Xbox360 is currently £1 at HMV :p.
Call that a bargain? Far Cry 2 on Xbox360 is currently £1 at HMV :p.
Dear hmv Customer
We are writing to you in relation to your order for the following item:
Cat.No: 300009951
Artist: XBOX 360 GAME
Title : FAR CRY 2
We are very sorry, but it has come to our attention that the item appeared
on our web site with the incorrect price of ?1.00, instead of ?39.99. We
will not therefore process your order.
Saw the deal, new it was a erorr, love the hotdeal forums, people ordering 20 then saying they know the law and HMV have to sell it for £1 :D
The hilarity. So many people do that and then moan like crazy when their order gets declined. It's worth a try with one as you might get a gesture of goodwill, but 20? No chance. :)
It's the ones who buy 20 that spoil it for us honest Joes just trying to swindle the company out of a single copy. ;D
11-03-2009, 16:02
So true. Damn their greed, willing to take lend of price errors in such a way! *shakes fist*
Just noticed that have got The Bourne Conspiracy for £6.99 incl. delivery so I've snagged myself a copy. I've heard it's short but pretty good and also a relatively easy 1000/1000.
They've also got Too Human which isn't too bad for £7.99
30-03-2009, 08:43
I've got Bourne as a loan from my brother and still not got around to playing it yet. Too Human is excellent though, and well worth £8 I reckon. Still fancy picking it up again at some point to knock off some more achievements.
Alien Hominid HD half price this week, 400 points. Always fancied it but never got round to it - gonna have a go for 400 points though :)
Made by the guys who made Castle Crashers, The Behemoth.`
I reviewed Bourne a while back. It's not bad, nothing amazing but for £6.99 you can't go wrong really :)
This has to be an awesome price, surely?! Orange Box on PS3.
30-03-2009, 11:49
Tis a good price but the orange box runs so terribly on the PS3 i'd rather buy it for the PC, even a below average computer would do a better job. I'd rate it as the worst port there is, even worse than The Darkness.
"You're really growing on meeeeeee!"
30-03-2009, 12:50
Strangely enough i always do a double take when i write the name of that game... keep thinking 'that can't be right?'... then think ah sod it; 'Love is only a feeeeeeling!'
I dont think their has ever been a better time to own a console, bar Call of Duty 4/5 GH/RB I dont know of any other game that is over £20 after a few months of release.
30-03-2009, 19:14
Skate 2 is £15 in Morrisons, frighteningly cheap for such a new game. The first one was £40 a year after release!
Skate 2 is £15 in Morrisons, frighteningly cheap for such a new game. The first one was £40 a year after release!
:shocked: That's a great price!
31-03-2009, 00:17
For the record, that's PS3 and Xbox360.
31-03-2009, 09:08
Skate 2 is £15 in Morrisons, frighteningly cheap for such a new game. The first one was £40 a year after release!
I would heartily recommend it to anyone, absolutely love it and I keep meaning to go back to it and try to finish off the rest of the challenges.
Skate 2 is mine :D Morrisons only had one copy otherwise Nokkon would have a copy too.
Considering Skate 1 is still £12.99 in Blockbuster, it seemed well worth a purchase.
31-03-2009, 21:01
CEX offer £21 in Cash, £26 in Trade value, so makes the deal even better.
PoP wast on sale for £9.99 at with some DLC
Got 3 copies.
01-04-2009, 17:10
If the DLC is a code for the Epilogue chapter, any chance I could have one please Andy?
It was for Epilogue yes, guy I work with ordered one :)
I ordered Banjo Kazooie N&B, was on offer for £15. Not an adventure game but I'm betting on quite a lot of content for that price.
01-04-2009, 22:33
I know Abooie here absolutely loved it.
02-04-2009, 00:14
For the record, for cost/hours required for completion, few come close to Rumble Roses. 53 hours played, 3.1% complete.
It was for Epilogue yes, guy I work with ordered one :)
I ordered Banjo Kazooie N&B, was on offer for £15. Not an adventure game but I'm betting on quite a lot of content for that price.
Huzzah! It's brilliant. One of the best games of last year and absolutely beautiful :)
I've still got it so maybe we could also have a blast of mp :)
For the record, for cost/hours required for completion, few come close to Rumble Roses. 53 hours played, 3.1% complete.
That game is STUPID for getting achievements, it is HARD work to even unlock a character.
Huzzah! It's brilliant. One of the best games of last year and absolutely beautiful :)
I've still got it so maybe we could also have a blast of mp :)
Sure :)
Oh quite fancy Banjo Kazooie for £15, Gameplay sale ( Thanks for the tip. :)
Little Big Planet is currently £10.95 on the Zavvi website as part of their deal of the day promotion:
Blimey, that's a bargain. I'm half tempted to order a copy just in case I do get a PS3 like I'd planned.
Blimey, that's a bargain. I'm half tempted to order a copy just in case I do get a PS3 like I'd planned.
Heh, I'm the same!
11-04-2009, 04:44
I wouldn't run out and buy it in the hope you'd get a PS3 in the future tbh; the average price for LBP online is around £15 anyway so the price, while fantastic in regards to value for money, isn't as fantastic as you'd think when you take competitor price into account.
Sony recently seem to have really pushed down the prices of their 3rd party titles, LBP, resistance 2 and motorstorm:PR have all been available for less than £20 for quite some time. All top notch games imo too.
Never tried them before but I've ordered:
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith for £12.99 from with a free code for connect4.
Anyone have any experience with them?
I'm not a fan of Aerosmith but quite fancied some new songs and it seems generous with the old points.
16-04-2009, 10:38
It is fairly generous, and also pretty short, I went through the career on Hard in about 3-4 hours in one sitting, and after a few games online ended up with over 500 points I think. Good game, not on a par with the others, but still enjoyable enough. For that price you can't really go wrong :)
16-04-2009, 11:51
Never tried them before but I've ordered:
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith for £12.99 from with a free code for connect4.
Anyone have any experience with them?
I'm not a fan of Aerosmith but quite fancied some new songs and it seems generous with the old points.
Probably worth it, especially as it has some fantastic songs on it.
17-04-2009, 09:45
Argos are currently selling wired Xbox 360 Gutiars for £9.99, not bad for a second player or spare...
17-04-2009, 10:15
Wow, great price.
If you sign up with coke at today, like right now, you can get 200 free xbox points.
Got mine, go go go...
17-04-2009, 13:06
If you sign up with coke at today, like right now, you can get 200 free xbox points.
Got mine, go go go...
What's the odds that Nokkon, just like me, is thinking "Ooh that's 3 gold packs I can buy in Fifa with that"? ;D
Quality find. I've gone up from 700 points to 900 points - I can now afford more DLC :D :D :D
17-04-2009, 13:09
Do we need coke points or anything?
Nope, just sign up and it gives you points free which you can redeem for MS points :D
17-04-2009, 13:21
Heh, I filled in the additional information for an extra 5 coke points, and it glitched on me and let me order an extra 200 points, so 400 MS points for free. Awesome :D
lucky sod
w00t I got two lots too - tho now its telling me to stop being greedy :(
17-04-2009, 13:33
Gah I only got 200 :D
I only got 200 too, still good though :D
200 for me. Nice one boobies :D
Not working for me. Guess they're gone. :(
17-04-2009, 13:42
They're doing them on 3 weekends, so check back regularly as they said they're doing them in batches of 5000. If we all check the site a couple of times a day I'm sure we can make sure everyone gets some points :)
Bah, I've been watching the site all morning, go into a meeting and bloody miss them all :mad:
[edit] It's the next 2 Fridays :)
Looks like more points available. GO!
Just says 'are you signed in?'
Yup, they've changed it, my bad. :(
17-04-2009, 18:29
What's the odds that Nokkon, just like me, is thinking "Ooh that's 3 gold packs I can buy in Fifa with that"? ;D
2 Gold, 1 Silver ;).
And yes... that's exactly what I thought :p.
One lad went around his office and got all the coke bottles off peoples desks/bins and got 1600 points! :shocked:
Right, annoyed geek scorned! Script written to watch the site and email me when points become available again. Will post when I get poked :)
email me when points become available again.
Surely the script should post in this thread? ;)
Never looked into that you know. Not tonight though :p
17-04-2009, 23:12
Right, annoyed geek scorned! Script written to watch the site and email me when points become available again. Will post when I get poked :)
That's just too geeky.
How'd you do it?
Caught me on my phone so I cant get the script itself, but nothing too clever. Poll the page, grab the source, see if its displaying the soldout image. If it is, do nothing, if it isnt, mail me! Tested it with some different, in stock items and it seemed ok. Pretty conservative at the minute, polls every 5 mins.
Ok, Dee was playing 80's game, so happened to have laptop :p Only quick and dirty, so excuse the lack of comments.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib2, smtplib
def mail(serverURL=None, sender='', to='', subject='', text=''):
mail('', '', '', 'test', 'This is a test')
headers = "From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n\r\n" % (sender, to, subject)
message = headers + text
mailServer = smtplib.SMTP(serverURL)
mailServer.sendmail(sender, to, message)
baseurl = ''
page = urllib2.urlopen(baseurl)
source =
if 'soldout' in source:
print 'Still none...'
mail('my.mail.server', '', [''], 'CokeZone MS Points', 'Cokezone has points, go go go!')
print 'Found some! Emailed.'
18-04-2009, 00:17
Clever! I understand the basics of the script but I could never write anything like that myself. I'll just rely on checking the page as often as I remember :D
Only quick and dirty, so excuse the lack of comments.
Real geeks don't need comments. :p
Until, that is, they get a few million lines of code dumped on them and told to maintain it, as has happened to the team I work with.
Well, there are some comments, but they're in Russian. :)
A client of ours were once upon a time trying to install a new erp system, but the database schema and accompanying docs were in German. Though I'll admit I know more of German than I do Russian ;D
Burnout Paradise: Ultimate Box and Trivial Pursuit for £15.99. Seems a good deal to me :)
SiD the Turtle
18-04-2009, 22:11
Ooooh sounds like a bargain to me, cheers for the heads up.
Looks like we're done with Coke Zone points this week:
This reward is no longer available.
20-04-2009, 09:10
So none on Friday? :'(
20-04-2009, 09:49
They'll be back up this weekend I'm sure, just not sure when.
20-04-2009, 09:54
ah right ok, well we'll all wait for Daz's post :p
Can anyone claim points today? Conflicting reports abound at the moment.
Right, *this* will be the page:
Email alerter on!
24-04-2009, 12:02
Cheers Daz, I'll get ReloadEvery working on that page so I can try to get points as soon as they're up :)
24-04-2009, 12:29
The URL has changed Daz, you'll need to change your script to match it...
24-04-2009, 12:30
Hope I don't miss them going live :(
Is that different to the url I posted? :?
24-04-2009, 12:32
Yeah. 200 not 2000.
24-04-2009, 12:32
Is that different to the url I posted? :?
Yup, yours ended in "2000+Points+for+Xbox+Live", this has "200+Points+for+Xbox+Live", so they've just taken out a 0. They must have made a typo earlier :)
Changed :) Dont think it'll make a difference, think it's the product ID which is more important.
I need to pop out to get some food. You know whats going to happen!
24-04-2009, 12:34
Come on baby. Papa needs some brand new training cards!
24-04-2009, 12:34
Changed :) Dont think it'll make a difference, think it's the product ID which is more important.
I need to pop out to get some food. You know whats going to happen!
Change it to e-mail everyone \o/.
24-04-2009, 12:36
I need to pop out to get some food. You know whats going to happen!
If it does, I'll text you right away, assuming I still have a signal in my sodding office :/
It'll mail my phone and I'll text you/Davey if it does :p
24-04-2009, 12:46
Hmm. 7 points just for registering....
Multiple accounts anyone?
24-04-2009, 12:51
It's up. Only 1 per account.
24-04-2009, 12:56
Someone text Daz, I have no signal :/
Not sure if the number I've got for him still works, but texted :)
Hmm. Currently stuck on a 'Loading...' page (which is empty).
Edit - page still loading, but no matter. 200 points are mine.
Thanks to everyone for the efforts keeping track of this. :)
Managed to get mine :) Yayy.
I missed out last time so I'm glad- Cheers to Pickers who shared the original linky with me :)
Sold out now guys - that was quick :eek:
24-04-2009, 13:18
Very quick indeed. I'll keep the page on a constant refresh all day while I'm in work, as I suspect they're doing it in small batches over the entire weekend (they did it last weekend I think). If it becomes active again I'll let everyone know.
24-04-2009, 13:20
Well, I got more than 200 points. There's a loophole. Bwahahah.
24-04-2009, 13:21
You mean by registering multiple accounts?
24-04-2009, 13:24
Yep, suprised by how easy it was to grab them, if I had known I would have prepared LOL. Anyway, got 1600 points so happy.
24-04-2009, 13:26
1600?! Through multiple accounts? If so, I'll be registering some extra ones and hoping they become available again this weekend.
24-04-2009, 13:33
I missed out :( stupid department meeting :(
I didnt realise it was one per account, so only got one - from my phone though, which was an effort ;D
Nokkon - If there's a loophole which doesn't involve multiple accounts do share :)
[edit]And yes, gone quick indeed. If my watcher is accurate it was on at about 12:49 and gone around 13:07
24-04-2009, 13:58
You only need 1 e-mail address. So for example ,,,, will all come through to the exact same address. It takes about 15 seconds to sign out and get a new account on the website and about 40 seconds in all to confirm purchase from registration.
24-04-2009, 14:00
Damn you work :(
Ah, that's a googlemail thing isnt it? Not a bad idea though. I do have a gmail.
24-04-2009, 14:14
That's an awesome idea. Might be an idea to register some accounts (say 5 or so) before the next batch go online, could make things really easy when they've available again.
Nice spot Karl :)
24-04-2009, 14:16
Ah, that's a googlemail thing isnt it? Not a bad idea though. I do have a gmail.
I just used my own domain,,, etc etc (no additional account setup required, all come through to same inbox). Really surprised they don't check a number and postcode combo like most sites. Not that I'm complaining. ;D
I'm just going out, so I'd suggest everyone prepares for the next batch of codes as they're bound to arrive in about 5mins ;)
24-04-2009, 14:30
So are they releasing more today?
Yep, suprised by how easy it was to grab them, if I had known I would have prepared LOL. Anyway, got 1600 points so happy.
So are they releasing more today?
They didnt last week, though they may be staggering it more this week to make it fair.
24-04-2009, 14:37
I'm sure they went up again over the weekend, I'm sure I remember trying to buy some on Saturday but it then telling me they'd sold out. Could've been a cached page I guess, but they said they're releasing them in random blocks of 5000 so I'd expect to see at least 1 release per day over the weekend.
There's conflicting information though - on the dashboard it says they're out on the 17th, 24th and 1st of May, the Coke website says different. Last weeks events supported the dashboards predictions more than the website!
24-04-2009, 14:45
On a related note, any suggestions on Arcade games worth picking up? (already have Braid and Peggle).
Peggle's the best one I've bought for a while for sure. Got Castle Crashers? I loved The Maw as well if CC is too expensive for ya, cute little puzzle/adventure :)
[edit]And another Banjo player I see! I'll drop you a FR if you dont mind, keep meaning to try it online and I think me you and Booie have it on here :)
24-04-2009, 14:51
Castle Crashers is awesome :D
24-04-2009, 14:59
I haven't bought an arcade game in ages, I've been staying away from them due to a lack of points, but I hope to be solving that this weekend if HMV are still doing the 4200 points for £30 deal. Will definitely be giving a few of those a try :)
Yup hmv still are :) saw them there yesterday
24-04-2009, 15:38
Hope they're still on tomorrow then, hopefully selling enough bits and bobs to get £60 worth. That amount of points will keep me going for absolutely ages :D
Sounds like a plan :D I've got 2700 at the moment which is more than enough for me right now as I'm resisting buying any Arcade games.
On a related note, any suggestions on Arcade games worth picking up? (already have Braid and Peggle).
The Dishwasher!
Now this is a game with real cult style :) I love the animation, juxtaposition and the general dark undertones and goth-comic mis-en-scene.
It has that fantastic arcade gameplay that appealed to all those who loved streets of rage/golden axe etc, and despite not having that extensive level of depth found in modern gaming - it's some of the best 800 points you could be spending of recent :)
I didn't get any points today :(
That's what you get when you spend extra time dipping flapjacks in chocolate.
If you had simple left them to cool from the oven, as god intended, then you would have had time to get MSpoints.
SiD the Turtle
24-04-2009, 18:34
Haha TR: Underworld is on sale at Play for... £39.99. Bargain.
24-04-2009, 22:48
That's normal price surely? Especially for play.
Edit: PS3 version is £17.99, 360 for £39.99. Bizarre
That's normal price surely? Especially for play.
Edit: PS3 version is £17.99, 360 for £39.99. Bizarre
That's his point I think :p Sarcasm ftw :D
Orange Box on the PC this weekend is a mere £5.66:
Bargain for those PC gamers who have yet to own this (presumably there are PC gamers left in the world who don't own it).
25-04-2009, 00:38
Only crazy folk and madmen :(
I'll suggest it to my boss but I doubt he'll go for it :(
SiD the Turtle
25-04-2009, 18:32
Just picked up a 2100 MS point card and Scene It (with controllers) in the 2 for £30 deal in my local HMV. Can't see the same offer online.
25-04-2009, 20:38
Result for me today, took in Resi 4 and Zelda on the Wii to HMV to trade, and got £33 in value, more than CEX were offering. Used it to get another 4200 points with £3 left over for another time. Plenty of points on my account now, about 6000 or so, may pick up a few arcade games soon :)
Oops, started a new thread before realising this one was here.
Anyway, for those that haven't seen the other post, Ebuyer are currently doing 1TB Hitachi drives for £59.99 delivered!
26-04-2009, 17:16
Damn, wish I'd spotted this yesterday, 6300 MS Points for £34!
26-04-2009, 17:33
Looks to be another arm of Marsall Ward who I got 8400 points for 48 quid off a couple of months back :(
8400 points for £48.33 done.
26-04-2009, 21:16
Damn, wish I'd spotted this yesterday, 6300 MS Points for £34!
Cheers, order placed.
Full metal jacket on blu-ray for £10.98 at Amazon. Haven't seen it in any offers before. Hope it's still that price on Friday.
Biggest bargain I've spotted in a while.... Xbox Live Gold is free from the 1st to the 4th of May, and I've yet to renew. :D Anyone fancy trying L4D on Expert?!
27-04-2009, 22:26
Biggest bargain I've spotted in a while.... Xbox Live Gold is free from the 1st to the 4th of May, and I've yet to renew. :D Anyone fancy trying L4D on Expert?!
/puts hand up
27-04-2009, 23:16
I'll say it again - DAMN SISTER! :(
However she is back from holiday now...:D
28-04-2009, 09:18
I'm out Saturday night, but how is Sunday for people? With it being a bank holiday on Monday no-one should hopefully need to go to bed early :D
I'm working Sunday night :( Although having just checked, I'm working all 3 nights over the bank holiday period :/ So I'm out.
We're out on Sunday too - birthday drinkeroos.
28-04-2009, 11:54
How about Monday daytime? Everyone around then?
Monday daytime's good for me :D
28-04-2009, 13:00
I'm working monday :(
Not that I have the game, I just thought i'd join in :p
I'd be up for a game if there is a spare slot.
28-04-2009, 14:30
working Monday :(
Darned retail :(
28-04-2009, 14:45
I'd play! But don't have it :p
28-04-2009, 15:11
As soon as Xboxs and PCs can play together in happy harmony, I'll be there :)
28-04-2009, 15:12
PC's and Consoles will never be in happy harmony. PC's are from the dark ages :p.
I'll be around on Monday I think :)
I have no plans for Monday except sleep til midday or so (working nights Sunday)
So I should be able to join in :) Will be good as I haven't played the game Multiplayer yet :)
I'll be up for a Monday bash. Like Jhadur I've not played this online yet (well not played it at all since picking it up).
For those who can't be bothered to go to HMV: Play are also doing 2100 points in their 2 for £30 range :)
For those who can't be bothered to go to HMV: Play are also doing 2100 points in their 2 for £30 range :)
Hold up, I've not being paying too much attention to the points bargins at the moment but I take it from your post that HMV are still doing an offer for MS points?
I was given a £50 HMV voucher at work recently but as nothing takes my fancy right now I was going to hold onto it for the Christmas rush. The only other thing was to stock up on points for future content (GTA IV/Fallout 3 or Fable DLC).
Just in case anybody did want to get points from Play, I've got a 5% discount with a Varsity card (though it's fixed to my account and non transferable) which I could use to help save a few pennys for BD peeps.
Yeah HMV have got 2100 points in their 2 for £30 range (which play has copied by the looks of things!). :)
HUKD list a bunch of 5% off codes, and you get Quidco too :)
[edit]SCIPLAY just worked for me!
[edit2]Quidco tracked - £27.30 overall then, £13.65 each :)
01-05-2009, 09:23
Anyone got a direct link for this week's Coke MS points?
01-05-2009, 09:37
I've got my 5 email accounts all registered ;)
01-05-2009, 09:48
Looking at the numbering system it's gone from ...'/prod1020003'... to ...'/prod1020004'... last week, so I would guess it would be the same link as before, but ...'/prod1020005'... instead.
At any rate, not sure the page is up yet.
01-05-2009, 09:50
Looking at the numbering system it's gone from ...'/prod1020003'... to ...'/prod1020004'... last week, so I would guess it would be the same link as before, but ...'/prod1020005'... instead.
At any rate, not sure the page is up yet.
I thought that as well. I've got the 1020005 page set up on a refresh so as soon as anything goes on it (assuming it does), I'll be ready for it.
I've set a script running trying to find it, though we have the right URL already, it's just been purposefully deactivated until later.
01-05-2009, 11:54
I'm going to be busy for a good part of this afternoon, if it goes active and I'm not on here can someone drop me a text please? :)
Yeah, I may miss out on this one for similar reasons. :(
01-05-2009, 11:55
Can I get a text too as I need to help Andy fit a car door.
Bioshock on PS3 for £8.73 @ The Hut (
01-05-2009, 13:10
Still no page up?
Still no page up?
01-05-2009, 13:50
I wonder if it's going to go up on Monday with it being a bank holiday. It does say on the Coke website the promotion will last until the 4th May.
01-05-2009, 13:56
I wonder if it's going to go up on Monday with it being a bank holiday. It does say on the Coke website the promotion will last until the 4th May.
If you look at Week 1 or Week 2 it says "2nd May", which is tomorrow. Means knowing my luck it'll be right in the bloody middle of the Middlesbrough vs Man Utd match.
01-05-2009, 14:08
Ah, could've sworn it was on till the 4th. Hopefully it'll go up some time today after 7pm when I'm back home from the gym.
01-05-2009, 15:47
cheers Daz, just got some :)
And gone.
I got home in time but just missed out. Oh well - I have loads of cheap-ish points anyway I guess.
Damn, missed out.
Though I did get my littlewoods points today...
"Points Balance 9110"
So didn't exactly need them :)
01-05-2009, 16:05
Absolutely gutted I missed them.
After 2 weeks of disappointment I finally got some! Wish I hadn't bought any now ;D
Ah well, they'll get spent :p
ffs, missed out after helping with the shopping
Have a free theme!
01-05-2009, 19:30
url isn't right Daz, what was the theme called?
Missed them but not too bothered as I was out acquiring another bargain :D
Asda are selling off Rock Band Band in a boxes for £39 and an Asda 20 miles away from me had some in stock. Combine pay day and woo \o/
Been after something like this since they came out but never been able to justify the price, but £39! I'll sell a guitar as I've now got 3 so that'll make it cheaper.
Renting GH:World Tour from work tomorrow, borrowing RB1 off Nokkon (thank you again!) and I'll keep an eye out for a cheap copy of RB2, hopefully off AV Forums as I've got some money left in my paypal account.
url isn't right Daz, what was the theme called?
The URL is fine, and the theme is 'Xbox LIVE Presents Xtival 09'. It's part of this weekend's promotion. :)
url isn't right Daz, what was the theme called?
It's not putting you on the US marketplace is it (en-US in the address bar)? It's a europe only thing so I guess it wouldn't work there.
Missed them but not too bothered as I was out acquiring another bargain :D
Asda are selling off Rock Band Band in a boxes for £39 and an Asda 20 miles away from me had some in stock. Combine pay day and woo \o/
Been after something like this since they came out but never been able to justify the price, but £39! I'll sell a guitar as I've now got 3 so that'll make it cheaper.
Renting GH:World Tour from work tomorrow, borrowing RB1 off Nokkon (thank you again!) and I'll keep an eye out for a cheap copy of RB2, hopefully off AV Forums as I've got some money left in my paypal account.
Nipped to Asda this morning but no sign of any of these bargains. Also been trying to track down some guitar hero world tour drums (on their own) with no luck. Everywhere online seems to be quoting 2-4 weeks as well which is a pain.
I think it's probably extremely limited especially now :(
The two Asdas near to me had no stock but luckily the one 20 miles away did and I was going that way anyway.
Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts: £10.98!
Buy it, it's great :) Lots to do for that price.
Sounds n00b-friendly, so tempting - even if I do have games on the shelf that haven't even been opened yet (lack of time). :o
I'm broke after buying the rock band stuff, so I'll have to hope it's that price again! :)
How about I BT or PayPal you the money and you get it. Pop it in the post to me when you're done. Whadya think?
That's extremely kind of you Mark! :) But I'd best not, I'm suffering from the too many games, too little time problem too :o So it'd be mean to.
Really generous of you though so thanks for the thought :)
08-05-2009, 13:58
I'm suffering from the too many games, too little time problem too :o
I think that's been me for the past 5 years :D
That's extremely kind of you Mark! :) But I'd best not, I'm suffering from the too many games, too little time problem too :o So it'd be mean to.
Really generous of you though so thanks for the thought :)
It's entirely up to you and it's absolutely not mean. There are two options - I order it and probably end up not playing it for a few months, or you order it, make use of it for a few months and then when I get it I'm ready to play it. :)
It's entirely up to you and it's absolutely not mean. There are two options - I order it and probably end up not playing it for a few months, or you order it, make use of it for a few months and then when I get it I'm ready to play it. :)
Well if you put it like that....:D
That'd be great thanks :)
We've been foiled anyway - they've sold out and it's gone back up. If you see it again for a price like that, the plan stands so you can be a bit quicker. ;D
Doh! :facepalm:
Sorry you missed out on it :o Hopefully there'll be another offer soon :)
they've sold out
Oops :o:o
13-05-2009, 09:19
Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts - £13 -
Not as cheap as a couple of days ago, but still a decent price I think :)
13-05-2009, 10:51
I'm really torn as to where to go now, there are a few new games out I really want (InFAMOUS, UFC, Fuel, Riddick, Star Ocean) and some older games going cheap (Banjo, Saints Row 2).
Stuck in 2 minds now.
Civ Revoultion £8.89
A must have at that price
I'm really torn as to where to go now, there are a few new games out I really want (InFAMOUS, UFC, Fuel, Riddick, Star Ocean) and some older games going cheap (Banjo, Saints Row 2).
Stuck in 2 minds now.
Sacred 2. Out 5th June.
Nothing else you need, just get your house in order first :)
Star Ocean: The Last Hope - Available for pre-order at a mere £17.95 at Zavvi:
Obviously wouldn't expect to get it release day, but still a bargain.
Has anyone got xbox live membership off the bay before? Just spotted this and wondering if it's ok ptZUK_VideoGames_VideoGameAccessories_VideoGameAcc essories_JN?hash=item120419795412&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2|65%3A1|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A0| 293%3A1|294%3A50
I always bought mine off jasper at but it seems he's out of stock right now.
15-05-2009, 21:04
Star Ocean: The Last Hope - Available for pre-order at a mere £17.95 at Zavvi:
Obviously wouldn't expect to get it release day, but still a bargain.
Star Ocean: The Last Hope - Available for pre-order at a mere £17.95 at Zavvi:
Obviously wouldn't expect to get it release day, but still a bargain.
Whoooa! Good find. Ordered :) Ta.
I always bought mine off jasper at but it seems he's out of stock right now.
Picked up three codes from here last year (£24.99 at the time). Same style of seller as Jasper - both were eBay sellers before the rules forced them off of the auction site.
If anyone's interested 3 are giving away USB dongles for free here (plus a fiver shipping):
You can then buy standard topups and convert them to mobile broadband ones. £10 gives you 1GB, £15 gives 3GB and £25 gives 7GB.
Have ordered one as could well prove handy for 'net access from the lappy whilst on the move.
Hmm, tempting, but I'm not sure. I pay for 3G data on my phone contract, and I very rarely use more than 100MB/month, so paying £10 for 1GB and letting most of it expire seems like a waste. However, I pay double that to keep the phone contract alive, and I never use all of that either, so going PAYG for both would very likely work out cheaper.
All good, except for a big spanner in the works - I want a Pro2, and that's going to be a contract-only phone. :/
Bleurgh. :(
That's a pretty good deal! I've currently got a 3 3G dongle on a £10/month for 1Gb deal and I was planning to cancel it in September (when the contract runs out) and go PAYT (or whatever the term for it is).
Wonder what the expiry terms are on these broadband PAYG topups? Can't seem to find anything definitive.
What I'd really like to do is find some way of getting mobile broadband in France without paying extortionate roaming rates but PAYG 3G broadband doesn't seem to have taken off much over there.
Yeah, I'd like to know about expiry too. If they're not too bad then it might still be worth a punt for me.
Googling seems to suggest 30days from initial activation until expiry but I can't find anything confirming this on their website nor am I sure whether the broadband top-ups are the same.
I think the top ups themselves don't expire but when converted to broadband add-ons they expire after 30 days.
Bioshock steel book edition for 360, £12.95 delivered. If you haven't played it yet this is definitely worth a punt. I have this exact edition and will be keeping it to replay one day even though I've been through it four times!
SiD the Turtle
10-06-2009, 22:20
Bioshock steel book edition for 360, £12.95 delivered.
Ta, ordered :D
10-06-2009, 22:33
Bioshock steel book edition for 360, £12.95 delivered. If you haven't played it yet this is definitely worth a punt. I have this exact edition and will be keeping it to replay one day even though I've been through it four times!
I just completed it for the 3rd or 4th time, can't remember which getting the Brass Balls achievement. Still amazing. Everyone should play this game.
And for the record, Zavvi have been brilliant on the 2 occasions I have used them recently.
Never completed it played it for an hour and just quit and sold it but got a sealed collectors edition in the loft which I got for £15 :D
11-06-2009, 11:25
You should definitely play it Andy, it's really an amazing game.
11-06-2009, 11:26
Bioshock was my favourite game of 2007 by some distance, absolutely awesome game, definitely need to go through it again soon.
Tesco are currently selling Guitar Hero:World Tour for £15 although it's not labelled as that.
Heard about it on Hotukdeals and went into mine earlier. Scanned through as £15 despite being labelled as £37 :)
I know it's not as good as Rock Band but for that price, it's ideal for extra songs!
£15 is a bit of a bargain. If they happen to have one in stock when I go later I'll pick up a copy.
£0.59 for Peggle on Iphone or ipod touch
Happy Days
Tesco are currently selling Guitar Hero:World Tour for £15 although it's not labelled as that.
Heard about it on Hotukdeals and went into mine earlier. Scanned through as £15 despite being labelled as £37 :)
I know it's not as good as Rock Band but for that price, it's ideal for extra songs!
Yeah picked a copy up yesterday myself on the way to work. Sold the game the first time round because it's pretty **** but I got it to play some different songs for drumming practice :)
Spiderman Trilogy on Blu-Ray for just under £18.00
18-06-2009, 10:40
Ooo now that is tempting. Cheers for the heads up as usual Loki
18-06-2009, 10:45
Guitar Hero World Tour - £19 with guitar. In WH Smiths, In store only.
18-06-2009, 10:48
Guitar Hero World Tour - £19 with guitar. In WH Smiths, In store only.
Oooh, decent price, may see if I can find that at the weekend. Worth it just for another guitar tbh.
Oooh that is a good price! I don't need it but a mate in work does so I'll have to let him know. Thanks JSB :)
18-06-2009, 11:11
I'm getting one for a spare even though I have it already, At that price even if you think you won't like it you should still buy it & give it a try, 20 quid is madness. It'll sell on the Bay for more than that. ;D
That's handy, I need to go to the shopping centre at lunch time. Cheers :)
18-06-2009, 11:38
Not techy related but 9kgs of mini eggs for a tenner at Cadbury outlet stores.
18-06-2009, 11:45
Not techy related but 9kgs of mini eggs for a tenner at Cadbury outlet stores.
Me wants :'(
LOL! Sounds like diabetes in a bag to me. ;D
18-06-2009, 11:47
50 mini creme eggs for £2 too it seems!
18-06-2009, 11:47
I don't care, it is NOM tastic :D It is well worth it :p
18-06-2009, 11:48
We have a quality street tin full here in our office :smug:
18-06-2009, 11:49
We have a quality street tin full here in our office :smug:
you are CRUEL :'(:p
18-06-2009, 11:52
you are CRUEL :'(:p
Sorry :o :p
Mansfield Road, South Normanton, Derbyshire, DE55 2JW, UK there you go ;)
Guitar Hero World Tour - £19 with guitar. In WH Smiths, In store only.
Blimey, might take a look at the weekend although it's only a small store so doubt there will be any.
That's handy, I need to go to the shopping centre at lunch time. Cheers :)
Sold out - bugger!
Oooh, decent price, may see if I can find that at the weekend. Worth it just for another guitar tbh.
Guitars are free using the rma service ;)
I've had 4 out of them and loads of my mates have had multiple guitars from them just by putting in old serial numbers.
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