View Full Version : Anyone with a Visa Electron? Biiiiiiiiig Favour needed!

21-11-2008, 15:36
I need someone to pay for flights for me and i'll paypal bank transfer the money instantly. Ryan think its clever to charge everyone without an electron card an extra £16+ for booking, when i'm only paying £40 for a flight.... :huh:

I need this pretty fudging quickly too! Cheers m dears!

21-11-2008, 15:57
****e, misread the post :/

You NEED a Visa Electron? I can do normal Debit/Credit card but that's it.

21-11-2008, 16:04
No i NEED the ****y visa electron card, i've got access to every other card under the sun, but ryanair charge a booking fee equivelent to over 25% of the price of my flight if i use anything else! ********s I think i'm gonna have to give in and pay :(

21-11-2008, 16:14
They are proper bastards with that. I might see if I can get a visa debit card for flights through ryan air. Afraid I don't have one dude :(

21-11-2008, 16:16
Thing is even if you get a visa debit they charge for that, you need the visa electron which is like a solo card of the switch/meastro variety. They're pretty rare and generally given out to under 18's but if you don't ask to upgrade (and don't need to do so) you can keep it...

21-11-2008, 16:23
ack I meant electron :o

21-11-2008, 17:00
I believe my little sister has one, i can find out for you.

21-11-2008, 17:33
Awesooooome just got your text anyway details have changed now since those flights went, they were for my rents. But i've just noticed that dublin is looking pretty cheap (2p return) on my birthday :D So i might still need it (for a transaction of pennies haha).