View Full Version : Calling any web builders.

Admiral Huddy
24-11-2008, 17:15
I have had a call from a distressed lady who runs this website:


Now she has switched her hosts from "Host Excellence" to someone or other. Anyway is there any reason why she can't transfer the site over to another domain host.

Can anyone make any sense out of this:

"as it was created with some CMs wizard and only raw data was stored into MSSQL database. In order to get the website working with our hosting they need to have mentioned CMs builtin to our hosting control panel which is impossible to do"

Any ideas?

24-11-2008, 19:57
CM I'm assuming is content management? I'd say the old host had some kind of special content management system built in to their control panel. She's moved host and the new host doesn't provide that service. She's got the SQL database that stores the info, but without the CM software in place it means nothing.

Her pages are also .asp which means she'll be on a windows box whereas most are linux.

24-11-2008, 20:01
Just had a quick look and she's hosted with 123connect.co.uk. In their options there are 3 site builders you can use. I'd guess she's used one of those.

Admiral Huddy
25-11-2008, 09:35
Ok thanks mate :)

25-11-2008, 17:33
Content management - how to make your hosting "sticky" ;)