View Full Version : Gamerscore boost
Metalface Mark
24-11-2008, 22:37
Metalface Mark's Xbox - Nov 24 2008
Metalface Mark decided to ride the gamer-train yesterday. I will admit it... I was happy. What is the gamer score? 28,680 is what it is! That is a boost of 705 points over last time! We have now entered the 28,000 GS club! He rallied Quantum of Solace picking up an amazing 9 achievements, PES 2009 winning an amazing 8 achievements, FIFA 09, Madden NFL 09 picking up an amazing 12 achievements, and after that, called it a day.
With another 230 today from Moto Gp, thats nearly a 1000 points in a day.
How awesome am I :D
1 game of madden gave me those 12 achievements :evil:
Just checked my 360 blog and forgot how much I'd done in the last few weeks. Got 755 from Tomb Raider: Underworld in the last three days, 860 from Fallout 3 a couple of weeks ago, 270 from GoW2 last week, 70 from Guitar Hero: World Tour, 505 on Force Unleashed and the remaining 100 on Bioshock. A total of 2560! I'm certain I'll crack 1000 on Tomb Raider in the next couple of days too for the remaining 245. That makes... 130 achievements! With about five to go on Tomb Raider. Must be the most I've ever played. :D
Metalface Mark
24-11-2008, 23:15
I must say ive got quite into my gamerscore the last week as i had been sitting for ages around the mid 25's pretty much for the last year, i thought id get a move on and try to hit 30 before chrimbo, but ive enjoyed the most playing games id normally not play.
James Bond was great all the way through, with really interesting achievements.
I like it when the achievements are unique and interesting. Like Bioshock's 'Toaster in the Tub' one, or Orange Box's 'Little Rocket Man'. In fact, Orange Box has some of the best achievements for replayability, maybe moreso than Tomb Raider. May have to check Bond out.
The Bond game has really grown on me. I rented it a couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed it but only had it for two nights so didn't get as far as I wanted to.
Just bought it today and really enjoying it. Technically it's flawed, but still keeps the Bond magic flowing.
Love the Casino Royale poison level, really well done.
My personal aim gamerscore wise at the moment is to hit 66666 :D Should do it in the next day or two hopefully.
24-11-2008, 23:52
What is the gamer score? 28,680 is what it is!
How awesome am I :D
My personal aim gamerscore wise at the moment is to hit 66666 :D Should do it in the next day or two hopefully.
Not as awesome as her obviously ;D
Metalface Mark
25-11-2008, 00:32
The Bond game has really grown on me. I rented it a couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed it but only had it for two nights so didn't get as far as I wanted to.
Just bought it today and really enjoying it. Technically it's flawed, but still keeps the Bond magic flowing.
Love the Casino Royale poison level, really well done.
My personal aim gamerscore wise at the moment is to hit 66666 :D Should do it in the next day or two hopefully.
Its really under rated, theres some classic goldeneye style levels, such as the train one, I really enjoyed the whole thing from beginning to end, i need to re-do the first 4 levels to get the achievements i missed, then complete it on hard, although ill try just re-doing the last level on hard to see if that gets me there :)
Metalface Mark
25-11-2008, 00:32
Not as awesome as her obviously ;D
But far more awesome than your 760 :D
Its really under rated, theres some classic goldeneye style levels, such as the train one, I really enjoyed the whole thing from beginning to end, i need to re-do the first 4 levels to get the achievements i missed, then complete it on hard, although ill try just re-doing the last level on hard to see if that gets me there :)
Yeah the train level is really good fun. :)
Not tried multiplayer yet, not sure if that'll let it down. I'm saving my achievement whoring for a second playthrough :D
25-11-2008, 00:49
I like it when someone talks about Gamerscore in a positive way (the way it's meant to be taken).
25-11-2008, 01:52
But far more awesome than your 760 :D
It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it ;)
I've racked up a lot of points this last couple of weeks.
1000/1000 in Fable 2 and Fallout 3 then 400 odd already in Mirrors Edge, Lips, Scene It and Banjo :) The only game I'm slacking in is Gears 2 with only the first chapter complete.
I love the little blighters. I'm not really into getting as big of a total score but I love trying to get as many as I can in the games I play. I see them as little challenges thrown down by the developer, i.e. in Banjo Kazooie there's one for getting over a certain speed in a vehicle built with less than 5 parts. After quite some thought I solved it by flying to the top of Nutty Acres (which is huge) and switching vehicle to just a chair :) Just after he landed, or should I say crashed, I got it :)
They also quite often open up as avenues of the game I hadn't considered, or wouldn't have normally encountered; certain play styles, story lines, alternative directions, like the wheel of misfortune in Fable 2 or playing all the classes in Too Human.
The best bit of all is I'm back above Haly again :D Though I doubt this will last long!
25-11-2008, 09:48
I remember when you used to have the same as me. Then you slacked off. Hopefully you'll challenge once more.
Yeah the train level is really good fun. :)
Not tried multiplayer yet, not sure if that'll let it down. I'm saving my achievement whoring for a second playthrough :D
The multiplayer is actually quite good fun :)
I remember when you used to have the same as me. Then you slacked off. Hopefully you'll challenge once more.
I don't play sports games... ;) I can't compete!
25-11-2008, 10:35
I still need to try and somehow catch you three up. At one point Jen was nowhere near me then through dedication and hard work she flew straight past me! Not really been close to her since.
On a side note, my personal best for a single day is 2005 points, back in the days of NBA/NHL 2K6 where you only needed 5 achievements for 1000 points.
25-11-2008, 11:55
I got a 100 last night playing fight night 3 which is damn good for me as I am pants at getting these points :(
I am starting to feel it though but am a complete & utter nub when it comes to getting achievements. I want to get more than my long time online mate & would you believe I am only 1 single point below him after last night ;D
25-11-2008, 12:06
I don't play sports games... ;) I can't compete!
I wasn't aware that Football Manager 2006, 2007 and 2008 threw points at you. ;).
The best bit of all is I'm back above Haly again :D Though I doubt this will last long!
I wouldn't get too attached to that :p
The multiplayer is actually quite good fun :)
Excellent :D I'll give that a shot later on then.
I still need to try and somehow catch you three up. At one point Jen was nowhere near me then through dedication and hard work she flew straight past me! Not really been close to her since.
:D Excessive free time really more than anything else ;D
I've certainly slacked in my scorewhoring now, I've got Summer Athletics and Madden 09 that I've hardly touched, probably just send them back instead. Also got NBA2k9 I've played a bit but doubt I'll 1k it. There's so many great games about, I'll save my avid scorewhoring for when there's a drought next year.
25-11-2008, 12:15
So how do you go about getting them chaps & chapessessssss ?
Do you check on a site or do you look on the console game thingy & go after specific ones ?
Me I've just been playing the games, Wandering about really not knowing wtf I am sposed to be doing ;D
Can we have tips in here or shall we start another thread to avoid clutter ?
Mixture of and for me :)
X360a in particular lists on their forums how easy games are in this thread:
Plus both sites have forums that provide achievement guides to help you get those achievements :)
I wasn't aware that Football Manager 2006, 2007 and 2008 threw points at you. ;).
:evil: did I hit a nerve ;)
Credit where credit's due; I was referring to the early NBA, Fifa, NFA games that literally throw 1000's of points at those that played them...
There's also 360voice, which does a little blog of your achievements. Mine's here:
Metalface Mark
25-11-2008, 14:01
I wouldn't get too attached to that :p
Excellent :D I'll give that a shot later on then.
:D Excessive free time really more than anything else ;D
I've certainly slacked in my scorewhoring now, I've got Summer Athletics and Madden 09 that I've hardly touched, probably just send them back instead. Also got NBA2k9 I've played a bit but doubt I'll 1k it. There's so many great games about, I'll save my avid scorewhoring for when there's a drought next year.
Madden will give you 600 points with 2 games.
Madden will give you 600 points with 2 games.
Presumably that's if you know how to play Madden games though? :p
Which I don't so usually they're never as easy as they should be ;D
25-11-2008, 14:22
I love the Madden games, Madden 09 is one of my few high priority rental games on my Lovefilm list. Hopefully I'll get that next as I really enjoy playing them, and the achievements are always a nice bonus :)
Madden is the only sports game I just can't really get the hang of :o Most games I can learn easily enough or come naturally but I'm crap at Madden ;D
However as I've just spotted a couple of incredibly easy achievements, it will be going in my 360 drive in a second so I can hit 66666.
Think Summer Athletics will be going back though.
Yay I have the devil's number :cool: :evil:
Not for long though as I have games to be playing :D
25-11-2008, 14:40
Don't think I'll ever get that, I hate gamerscores that don't end in 0 or 5, so I'll probably pass that by, should I get there.
Lol, it bothered me for a while that I got 899 in Infinite Undiscovery. The extra 1 point could be had by playing it all through again once on Hard, then on Impossible and then beating the final boss in the bonus dungeon. Arse crackers to that.
I soon got over having an odd number though :)
And well done Jen, you should stay like and not get any more points for a few weeks and enjoy it ;)
A mixture of Football Manager and Summer Athletics has wrecked my score, I much prefer having a score ending in 0 or 5 too. It shouldn't really matter either way but it does to me :o
I think there's a couple of Summer Athletics achievements I can use to balance it out so I'll give it a go now.
I quite like having 66666 though ;D
And well done Jen, you should stay like and not get any more points for a few weeks and enjoy it ;)
Not that you're biased ;D:p
A mixture of Football Manager and Summer Athletics has wrecked my score, I much prefer having a score ending in 0 or 5 too. It shouldn't really matter either way but it does to me :o
Yeah mine has ended in 7 for ages, it's getting on my nerves! I need a x3 point achievement from somewhere :p
Ah it's ending in a 2 at the moment, I must have got a x5 point one last night :p Still, that's just as annoying, I blame Super Puzzle fighter!
Cloning Clyde has a lot of odd uns. No good if you end up really liking it and get all 200/200 like I did though :)
Cloning Clyde has a lot of odd uns. No good if you end up really liking it and get all 200/200 though like I did though :)
Cloning Clyde is great fun :) One of my favourite Arcade games.
Oh and no more 66666 :p I am now back to ending with a 0 :D 66670.
Now to play either Quantum of Solace, Spiderman or Fallout 3. For fun rather than to mess around with my score ;)
25-11-2008, 16:16
Don't think I'll ever get that, I hate gamerscores that don't end in 0 or 5, so I'll probably pass that by, should I get there.
I've gotten used to it. Bloody GRAW.
Metalface Mark
25-11-2008, 21:34
I finished off the other mission specific Quantum achievements earlier, only got one more to do, shoot the helicopter pilot.
Im wondering if i i just complete the last level on 007, if it will give me the achievement for finishing the game on hard.
Probably not :(
On to some WW2 action next, with Brothers in Arms, another game i started but never got past the first level on, ill be sticking with that till i complete it, still not touched gears 2, fallout 3, fable 2 etc apart from a cursory glance.
25-11-2008, 21:35
Another 250 earnt winning the Dodge challenge earlier on FN3 :cool:
My dodgey odd numbers come from Forza2, I have surpassed my long time online buddy though :p
Nice one JSB :D
I've still got to play Brothers in Arms properly too, didn't get overly far as I found it something I couldn't play for hours on end.
Just hit 30k :) Not really a scorewhore, I've just been gaming more since moving out, and more still since getting this place. Puts me somewhere between 'regular' and 'frequent' gamer ;D
Love the achievement system, simply because they really add longievity when not implemented horribly, which fortunately is rare these days. I'd be finished with Lego Indy after the story if it wasn't for the achievement rewards for going back.
Think I'm gonna have to start playing more games for points. :)
I'll list my games later so people can recommend which are easiest for points gathering :)
Nice one JSB :D
I've still got to play Brothers in Arms properly too, didn't get overly far as I found it something I couldn't play for hours on end.
I'm finding more and more with fps games (it's happening with Gears 2) that I can only handle one or at most two levels at a time. I do enjoy the experience but it leaves me feeling a little bit worn down and I always like to move to something else.
As a beside I'm actually whoring the last few points from BiA by sticking it in the console every day.
There's an achievement for playing for 100 days and another for once a week for 3 months. I'm currently on about 60 days! :) Sad I know...
26-11-2008, 09:39
I've gotten used to it. Bloody GRAW.
When I got the 19 point achievement in Fifa 09, I put Forza 2 back on and got one of the 1 point achievements to even it out. I'm really anal about it for some reason :/
There's an achievement for playing for 100 days and another for once a week for 3 months. I'm currently on about 60 days! :) Sad I know...
It's not that sad, I've been known to switch my 360 on and have a 2 minute blast on an Arcade game just to keep my gaming-every-day streak alive on 360voice :o
I'm finding more and more with fps games (it's happening with Gears 2) that I can only handle one or at most two levels at a time. I do enjoy the experience but it leaves me feeling a little bit worn down and I always like to move to something else.
As a beside I'm actually whoring the last few points from BiA by sticking it in the console every day.
There's an achievement for playing for 100 days and another for once a week for 3 months. I'm currently on about 60 days! :) Sad I know...
I hadn't looked at the BiA achievements, I keep meaning to actually play that game. I did the first 5 minutes and have never been back to it.
I'm finding more and more with fps games (it's happening with Gears 2) that I can only handle one or at most two levels at a time. I do enjoy the experience but it leaves me feeling a little bit worn down and I always like to move to something else.
As a beside I'm actually whoring the last few points from BiA by sticking it in the console every day.
There's an achievement for playing for 100 days and another for once a week for 3 months. I'm currently on about 60 days! :) Sad I know...
I'm the same lately, I think it's because so many FPS games lately are just a matter of 'duck, cover, shoot' ad infinitum.
You can do the 100 day achievement easier than that, you can change the date around on the 360 while it's disconnected from the net :D Although I suppose you lose the satisfaction of doing it correctly :p
I also load a game up just to keep my streak going. I was gutted at Ground Force Weekend as I forgot to turn it on one of the days so I lose a 104 day streak :o
Metalface Mark
26-11-2008, 12:33
I hadn't looked at the BiA achievements, I keep meaning to actually play that game. I did the first 5 minutes and have never been back to it.
I just went back yesterday to it, its my aim now to try and get at least 500 points on any game i play before moving onto anything else, so im trying to clean up some old stuff ive got before i get onto the christmas blockbusters.
Only problem is my kids were at my pc yesterday and put on Your in the Movies on my gamerprofile instead of my daughters, grr.
26-11-2008, 15:29
If you have no achievements in it you can just delete it.
OK my current games are the following so if someone can say which would be good for easy-ish points then please let me know :) Thanks
CoD4 630
Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga
Crackdown 20
Soul Calibre 4 75
PGR4 35
Assassins Creed 40
Smackdown Vs Raw 2008
Forza Motorsport 2 80
Ninja Gaiden 2 85
Gears of War
Tomb Raider Anniversary 40
Thanks again
EDIT: Oh and nearly forgot Scene It! 460
26-11-2008, 16:20
Out of that list, Lego Star Wars and Scene It will be easiest, but you haven't really got any quick and easy point games. Smackdown isn't too bad, you can get a 350 point achievement in a couple of hours if you're happy to bodge it. Crackdown's achievements are great fun but they can be a little time consuming. Stay away from Soul Calibur if you want quick achievements, as you won't find too many there! :D
I was going to say the same as Davey. Forza 2 isn't bad for points but they're not quick. Same for most of them really! CoD4 has simple points but not easy ones as you need to play through the game on veteran.
Metalface Mark
26-11-2008, 17:10
If you have no achievements in it you can just delete it.
She got 5 for starting a video.
Was just about to say Tomb Raider will give you 500+ points in no time, but looking at the achievements I forgot how difficult they were! A lot of them are 'Do xyz without dying', which as long as you save the checkpoint pre-emptively are a doddle, since you can reload to before you died.
Have updated my post above with the current points I have for each game. Some need lots of work. :)
26-11-2008, 18:43
CoD4 980
PGR4 970
Assassins Creed 800
Smackdown Vs Raw 2008 500
Forza Motorsport 2 900
Gears of War 600
Scene It! 900
Rough estimates. Left those out that I don't know.
26-11-2008, 23:10
They're all achievable point scores, but some will take absolutely ages. I've put god knows how many hours into Forza and I'm still only on about 260 points or so for it.
26-11-2008, 23:14
I have 5 or 600 points from Forza2 but not because they are easy but because the game is that damn good I played it for hours & hours on end, Single & Multi, I think I only have a few Endurance races to do for completion.
No 360 owner should be without Forza2.
There's a very handy guide for Scene It if you just want to whore points:
Not used it myself but it looks pretty conclusive :)
26-11-2008, 23:59
Pretty good.
Didn't need it myself ;).
27-11-2008, 00:05
Pretty chuffed to pass the 3k mark today (this morning actually :o)
Yes I know I am Nub but passing this K has felt the best so far :cool:
27-11-2008, 00:07
Get yourself on a 3-month LoveFilm trial. You could be past 10,000 by New Year! :p.
It's all good whatever the milestone :D
Metalface Mark
27-11-2008, 11:16
What's Kameo like for points? I bought this for my daughter the other day along with Halo 3, i came home and she was playing it, still looks a stunning game.
27-11-2008, 11:18
Think I got 400 odd just completing it, never really went for any achievements on the game. Still very good though
Now I'm a scorewhore (duh :p) and play some weird games but wtf at My Horse and Me 2 ( :shocked:
Easy 1k though ;D
Now I'm a scorewhore (duh :p) and play some weird games but wtf at My Horse and Me 2 ( :shocked:
Easy 1k though ;D
Lol, I did actually look at this for my 4 year old daughter but even we drew the line.
Now if another Disney Princess game comes along it'll be day 1...
Was going for the time trial achievment on Forza 2 Earlier.
Done all bar the Nurburgring and I can't manage to string a decent lap together :(
Also done the first 6 arcade races for the all gold points. getting there slowly.
Metalface Mark
27-11-2008, 22:00
Im having no luck at all tonight, not a single achievement :(
Anyone up for some co-op on something?
I'm not about tonight i'm afraid :(
On a slightly different note (and to rub it in :p) right on the cusp of 67k :D
28-11-2008, 09:59
Was going for the time trial achievment on Forza 2 Earlier.
Done all bar the Nurburgring and I can't manage to string a decent lap together :(
Also done the first 6 arcade races for the all gold points. getting there slowly.
Snap on the time trials. I've managed to beat the target time, but with about 5 seconds of penalty time to take me over the limit. I know I can do it if I put in a perfect lap, but driving perfectly at 100+ MPH for 7 minutes isn't easy. :/
28-11-2008, 11:07
67k :D
I am Not worthy :'(
Also I hope you have informed Live that you won't be on otherwise the shock will fry the servers ;D
I'm going to try and pass 90k by Christmas, not a very big target but I haven't done much whoring for a long time :p
I feel a play through of Me and My Horse 2 coming on...
28-11-2008, 12:45
I'd like to pass 60k by the time I go back to work after Christmas. Just passed 55k last night so shouldn't really be too hard, but it'll be nice to pass 60k, seem to have been in the 50s for ages.
I'll start by going through Mirror's Edge on hard and getting the rest of the runner bags. I wasn't going to bother but I noticed Abooie doing it yesterday so I have to do it now! :p
I'll start by going through Mirror's Edge on hard and getting the rest of the runner bags. I wasn't going to bother but I noticed Abooie doing it yesterday so I have to do it now! :p
I know! I had a bit of time yesterday so thought I'd do a couple of chapters on hard and get the bags at the same time...
Before I knew what was what I'd finished it!
It's easier on hard for the most part using guns but there's still a few stickie bits... As for the fight with the assassin... you've never heard such launguage!
I've done the first speed run and had a go at the second (I was 14 seconds out!) and had a go at a few time trials but I think I may be done with the game and I'm going to sell it asap so I can maximise my return!
Worth a second play through though, I thoroughly enjoyed it all again and it is better when you know what you're doing.
Yeah I was thinking a second run through will be more enjoyable
a) I'll be able to use guns
b) I know where I'm going!
I am Not worthy :'(
Also I hope you have informed Live that you won't be on otherwise the shock will fry the servers ;D
I'd like to pass 60k by the time I go back to work after Christmas. Just passed 55k last night so shouldn't really be too hard, but it'll be nice to pass 60k, seem to have been in the 50s for ages.
Should be pretty achievable for you :) I'd like to reach 70k by the end of the year, which should be ok.
By the end of 2009 I'm giving myself a hopeful target of 100k :D But not sure if that'll happen, hopefully though.
Well I'm close to 1King Lego Indy without using any of the cheat codes. That'll do for me, think 100K total GS is a little hopeful ;D
28-11-2008, 17:34
I bumped into NBK06 today & it fell in my shopping bag :o Anybody seen my official gamer score whore t shirt :D
I care not anyways I haven't been able to game for 2 kin days coz of drop in visitors :angry:
How dare these people randomly drop by Just to see how I am & socialise :angry:
Some people have no consideration at all :angry:
28-11-2008, 19:42
NBA 2K6 is awesome. It's 1k in less than an hour, but it's also a bloody good game! (Or was when I played it :)).
28-11-2008, 21:22
750 in the first game playing for around 30 mins, Cheers ;D
Just got to wait for my gamercard to catch up now, Think I am around 30 points off 4k :cool:
Card has caught up now So YAYYYYYYY to nigh on 4k :D
Well I'm close to 1King Lego Indy without using any of the cheat codes. That'll do for me, think 100K total GS is a little hopeful ;D
My 5 year old son almost has 1K in that, I wish I hadn't created him a separate profile and just had him play it on mine! ;D
29-11-2008, 13:37
5 year olds are fickle. He'll play it on yours too.
29-11-2008, 13:39
750 in the first game playing for around 30 mins, Cheers ;D
Just got to wait for my gamercard to catch up now, Think I am around 30 points off 4k :cool:
Card has caught up now So YAYYYYYYY to nigh on 4k :D
For the Rebound one, set your offensive (and defensive) rebounds to full and your 3 pointers very low. Then turn your opponents blocking, stealing and rebounding to zero. Wait til your tallest player is in the key and throw one up from outside and he (your tallest player) should grab it.
Shaq and Tim Duncan were both very good for me in it.
Metalface Mark
29-11-2008, 13:42
Quite enjoying the new Tomb Raider, although it frustrates and delights in equal measure, only 40 points so far though.
29-11-2008, 13:44
Sounds a similar story to what Belmit was saying. If the good outweighs the bad, even slightly, I'll be getting it :).
29-11-2008, 14:13
There has been some Serious whoring done this morning ;D
Expect to see at least 5k :D
29-11-2008, 14:15
:o. Did someone buy/rent Avatar?!
29-11-2008, 14:23
BUSTED :o + ;D & Madden 07 ;D
29-11-2008, 14:30
Shameless with it an all :p
And so you should be :D
I'm trying to wrack my brain for more ideas of games to whore for the next month or so for the challenge I'm in. Out of the games I own, I can make a fair few points but I'm going to raid Blockbuster later for some more ideas and see if there's some cheap bargains that I haven't already whored.
30-11-2008, 10:54
Well I am going to chill for a bit now & play through the games I have got recently rather than specifically whore. I'm happier now I have a more respectable score although I do want a 5 figure score really ;D
*Dances little Score Whore dance & wanders off* :D
And so you should be :D
I'm trying to wrack my brain for more ideas of games to whore for the next month or so for the challenge I'm in. Out of the games I own, I can make a fair few points but I'm going to raid Blockbuster later for some more ideas and see if there's some cheap bargains that I haven't already whored.
Me and my horse 2 - you know you want to...
Me and my horse 2 - you know you want to...
It's on my lovefilm list :o
Annoyingly Blockbuster don't have it otherwise I could have got it free :( They've got Wall-e though so that's coming out for a quick 1k :D
Metalface Mark
30-11-2008, 20:02
It's on my lovefilm list :o
Annoyingly Blockbuster don't have it otherwise I could have got it free :( They've got Wall-e though so that's coming out for a quick 1k :D
Is Wall E easy for points, or do you just think it will be easy?
I think ill grab my horse and me tomorrow, i want to hit my ocuk target of 35k by the middle of january.
Is Wall E easy for points, or do you just think it will be easy?
I think ill grab my horse and me tomorrow, i want to hit my ocuk target of 35k by the middle of january.
It's meant to be easy points :) I rented it once before and hardly played it though. This time round I can get it off work for the week so might as well squeeze points out of it :D
Metalface Mark
07-12-2008, 18:54
Just finished Tomb Raider Underworld, it was excellent, i should really have done it on hard though, there wasnt that many enemies to have made it much harder.
655 points for going through it, you get 100 more for doing it on hard, and 100 for collecting all the treasures, ill not go back to it now.
Past 30k now :D
I always make the mistake of starting Tomb Raider games on normal difficulty, then remember that it's mostly puzzles, which don't have a difficulty setting - only enemies/health are affected. And like you say, enemies are few and far between.
07-12-2008, 19:38
Would you recommend it then Chris? I played one of the Tomb Raider releases on the 360 (Legend I think, can't remember now) and really enjoyed it. Would you say it's as good as the previous 2 games?
I'd recommend it if you're keen to see an ending to the continuing story. Legend and Anniversary were better but it's still a solid game. It just felt a little bit like the puzzles were recycled and a lot easier than usual. The combat seems to have lost something in this game too, and the amount of collectables is just ridiculous. If you get hold of a copy I'd recommend ignoring the 179 smaller treasures and going after the 6 relics. There's a little extra puzzle-solving involved in those. One really good bit is an awesome ice level with a walkway, swinging hammers and a bottomless pit. Again, it's not really anything new for Tomb Raider, but the scale of it is impressive and it feels really agrophobic when you're jumping off giant swinging objects and navigating the broken walkway.
Metalface Mark
07-12-2008, 22:33
The puzzles were good, fairly logical, and you were always doing small parts of a puzzle for a larger part.
You could finish it all in a rental though, probably took me about 8 hours in total and im rubbish at these kind of things.
Definately going to pick this up in the new year. It's good knowing there's so many good games sitting in reserve :)
With Last Remnant taking up most my gaming time my score isn't going to move any time soon though I should finish Gears 2 coop this week.
As for Scene It!... why I oughta! Twice I should have had the 60k in a short game achievement which is harder than you think when you're playing with others. First time I finished on 59,989, I kid you not. 2nd time I was on 59,300 going into the last round and we got our one and only dirty disc error... bam, back to the title screen. The God's are against me and my wife thinks it's hilarious! (She's bloody got it too!).
I pulled almost 1k ahead of Haly lately but as she promised she made short work of pulling almost level :D .. I feel an Avatar rental coming up... ;)
08-12-2008, 09:35
I love Scene It. I set about last night to get the 300k solo game achievement. I've had scores of 175k, 190k, and 215k, so I was getting better each time. Thanks to an answer streak in the region of 25 (with a little help from Lynnie in the middle), I ended up with a solo score of about 530k! Only for a few question achievements left for it, then I just need to win about 6 more local games, and 10 games over live to 1k it :)
08-12-2008, 10:26
Hmmm, 900 points on both A-Train HX and Prince Caspian, and I can't be bothered to finish them....something must be wrong. I'm sure one day i'll stop being a GS Whore and move onto being a completionist, but I don't feel that day coming soon sadly.
Prince Caspian's easy to 1k you wimp :p
I'll overtake you soon enough Abooie ;) The challenge I'm in has definitely helped. I was out most of yesterday with work and sorting out things with getting the puppy but I'll make up for it today :D
I've got Scene It waiting for me to play but want to get The Last Remnant reviewed fast which is a tad awkward as I need to play it a lot more first!
Also scorewhore wise, I have Space Chimps and Ghost Recon to get on with :D I do have GH:Aerosmith but I've got a bad feeling I'm going to have to send it back thanks to my bloody infected elbow :(
Prince Caspian eh? I noticed you playing that last week, if that's an easy 1k I'll look into that soon :p
08-12-2008, 12:35
I know it's easy, I just can't be arsed. Got co-op and a couple of kills to get with some characters, but it's so boring.
Prince Caspian's easy to 1k you wimp :p
I'll overtake you soon enough Abooie ;) The challenge I'm in has definitely helped. I was out most of yesterday with work and sorting out things with getting the puppy but I'll make up for it today :D
I've got Scene It waiting for me to play but want to get The Last Remnant reviewed fast which is a tad awkward as I need to play it a lot more first!
Also scorewhore wise, I have Space Chimps and Ghost Recon to get on with :D I do have GH:Aerosmith but I've got a bad feeling I'm going to have to send it back thanks to my bloody infected elbow :(
I just can't compete with Space Chimps...
I'm referring of course to the game... ;)
I just can't compete with Space Chimps...
I'm referring of course to the game... ;)
The worst part is I quite like it :o
Lol, I did look at it in Asda once, but err, what exactly is it? A selection of party games like VP:PA or Rayman?
08-12-2008, 18:58
And the gap is down to 229 points, it's getting to be very heated.
Lol, I did look at it in Asda one, but err, what exactly is it? A selection of party games like VP:PA or Rayman?
Nah, just a regular platformer. Only cost me £7.99 in the sale so worth a go :) I'll sell it on once I'm done with it.
08-12-2008, 19:08
And the gap is down to 229 points, it's getting to be very heated.
What gap? I don't see anyone within 229 points of you?
08-12-2008, 20:08
Haly and Abooie I meant.
Busy playing through CMcRae Dirt atm as I got lent it by a guy from work who finishes next week. Also got CoD3 from him and got most of the single player points from that.
Are there any quick points to be had from MotoGP'07, FEAR Files, Perfection Dark Zero or Turok? as I've borrowed them from him too. :)
Good going to all you high scorers me down on my lowly 2190 :(
08-12-2008, 21:17
No, those other ones are a bit of a sod for achievements I believe, especially Perfect Dark Zero (believe me, it's certainly not perfection).
OK thanks for the info, he can have those back tomorrow then :)
May hang onto CoD3 to get the last couple of single player points (but not the going through on veteran one)
Haly and Abooie I meant.
Make it a 179 point gap :D And watch out Abooie, I'm opening up Scene It Box Office Smash tomorrow ;)
08-12-2008, 23:07
Quick, to the Avatar rental!
Make it a 179 point gap :D And watch out Abooie, I'm opening up Scene It Box Office Smash tomorrow ;)
.. heh .. it was good while it lasted ;)
I'm sure you'll manage to pull it back :) We keep leapfrogging, it's quite handy, gives me more motivation :D
09-12-2008, 00:22
ARG! Horse kills achievement won't unlock :( Played the 'Find Aslan' level about 3 times now :(
ARG! Horse kills achievement won't unlock :( Played the 'Find Aslan' level about 3 times now :(
Not sure if it applies to you, but it has to be with Caspian NOT Lucy and you have to shoot them with your bow not run them over.
09-12-2008, 00:33
Ta, just got it :)
09-12-2008, 01:13
Haly, the movie tie-in master! :D
;D Guess everyone's got to have a proficiency ;D
09-12-2008, 01:43
Nokkon - Sports games
Abooie - RPG Nerd
Creature - Rythym games
Davey - Shooter/Adventure
Belmit - Tomb Raider
Haly - RPG Expert
Daz - Being Daz
That about covers it I think.
09-12-2008, 01:47
We should unite! Although I would rather have "sports games" :p
I miss being the RPG expert :( Movie Tie Ins make me sound crap :p Although it is correct ;D
09-12-2008, 02:03
Better? :D
I'm sure you'll manage to pull it back :) We keep leapfrogging, it's quite handy, gives me more motivation :D
Aye, it's good. Also quite amazing after 3 years and 68000 odd points we're only a couple of hundred apart :)
... and I was going to say less of the 'nerd' but it's a fair cop lol ;)
... also, got my first Brothers-in-arms: HH sticking the disc in every morning achievement today, heh, my persistence is paying off :)
... also, got my first Brothers-in-arms: HH sticking the disc in every morning achievement today, heh, my persistence is paying off :)
I just need the September one for that game, I'll have to mark it on my calendar for next year :p
09-12-2008, 09:44
Nokkon - Sports games
Abooie - RPG Nerd
Creature - Rythym games
Davey - Shooter/Adventure
Belmit - Tomb Raider
Haly - RPG Expert
Daz - Being Daz
That about covers it I think.
That's probably about right for me, though I'd probably say Action/Adventure (Ninja Gaiden, Dead Rising kind of games) rather than Shooters as I don't have as many "Veteran" style achievements on shooters as I'd like yet. That's definitely Leo's territory I think :)
Daz - Halo 3 campaign skull location and retrievals ;D
Daz - Halo 3 campaign skull location and retrievals ;D
Sounds fair :D
... also, got my first Brothers-in-arms: HH sticking the disc in every morning achievement today, heh, my persistence is paying off :)
Nice one :) I'm too lazy to do it the correct way so sometime I'll probably fiddle with the 360 time a lot :o
Sounds fair :D
Nice one :) I'm too lazy to do it the correct way so sometime I'll probably fiddle with the 360 time a lot :o
Heh, it's the other way with me. I've the disc next to the 360 and I just stick it in while I'm faffing around with a coffee first thing in the morning. I'm too lazy to muck about with the 360 clock :)
Heh, it's the other way with me. I've the disc next to the 360 and I just stick it in while I'm faffing around with a coffee first thing in the morning. I'm too lazy to muck about with the 360 clock :)
I probably am too for a while ;D Have to wait till I'm desperate for the points or insanely bored :p
09-12-2008, 13:32
That's probably about right for me, though I'd probably say Action/Adventure (Ninja Gaiden, Dead Rising kind of games) rather than Shooters as I don't have as many "Veteran" style achievements on shooters as I'd like yet. That's definitely Leo's territory I think :)
I have Veteran on CoD2, CoD4, Realistic on Vegas 2, Insane on Gears of War (and working on 2), Hard on GRAW2. I do like the hard achievements I must say. Not as much as sports though :p.
Belmit has Brass Balls though.
I have Veteran on CoD2, CoD4, Realistic on Vegas 2, Insane on Gears of War (and working on 2), Hard on GRAW2. I do like the hard achievements I must say. Not as much as sports though :p.
Belmit has Brass Balls though.
I have the same as you, except add COD3 veteran too ;) .. true masochism.
If there's an extra hard level with added achievements I just can't resist.
09-12-2008, 15:18
I don't own the game anymore so was never able to get it :(.
That's the CoD3 single player achievement I won't be going for. :)
Haly - 68580
Abooie - 68399
09-12-2008, 23:54
Bah. Even though you're now about 12k ahead of me, I'm still aiming to catch you up eventually. I just need to add all the whoring games you've played and I haven't to my rental list, and make them all high priorities :D
Go for it, I need more competition :D
70k by the end of the year seems very possible now. I've still got Ghost Recon normal campaign to finish, more Space Chimps, Madden 09 and NBA2k9 :D And that's just the games I'm whoring, bound to be points eeked out of The Last Remnant too :)
10-12-2008, 03:00
We should all have a 2 week sprint for achievements.
10-12-2008, 09:12
We should all have a 2 week sprint for achievements.
I wouldn't bother if i were you, i've clearly dominated:
I'm so leet.
We should all have a 2 week sprint for achievements.
Sounds good to me, I'm gunning for 100k now! :p
Metalface Mark
10-12-2008, 09:39
I got 100 odd on wall-e last night, i actually quite like it (im a wall-e fan though).
Its not the worst game in the world.
Go for it, I need more competition :D
70k by the end of the year seems very possible now. I've still got Ghost Recon normal campaign to finish, more Space Chimps, Madden 09 and NBA2k9 :D And that's just the games I'm whoring, bound to be points eeked out of The Last Remnant too :)
Please tell me you're at least playing it without the invincibility cheat on normal ;)
I knew my lead wouldn't last long though, lol; tbh I don't have the stomach or drive to really compete in these races anymore and looking at your gaming history I knew there was no depths you'd not be willing to go to... hah! meooouw ;)
My current aims are finish Banjo Kazooie: I have 10 more jiggies to get before I can fight Grunty, then there's some achievements to get for getting every jiggy (131) though this will be quite time consuming. I'm going to play Dead Space (probably worth 700 odd points) a level at a time (it's too scary) and also finish Last Remnant which is very hard on points though I hope to get 600 from it (400 are still unknown). I also have to finish Gears 2 with me buddy when we get the chance (we're at the swimming worm / boss fight so 2/3rds through?).
10-12-2008, 10:56
I wouldn't bother if i were you, i've clearly dominated:
I'm so leet.
Oh my lord you manned up and bought a gaming console! :o:p.
You're also in the strongest position being that you can score the most points in a short period of time having not played a lot of the easy scoring games.
10-12-2008, 11:00
I don't think I've played any easy scoring games :)
Oh my lord you manned up and bought a gaming console! :o:p.
You're also in the strongest position being that you can score the most points in a short period of time having not played a lot of the easy scoring games.
Nope... Gears of War (Windows)
10-12-2008, 11:09
Oh my lord you manned up and bought a gaming console! :o:p.
You're also in the strongest position being that you can score the most points in a short period of time having not played a lot of the easy scoring games.
Sadly, not yet, as that's actually gears for windows. I would have a much better score if my ex-housemate could afford a decent net connection, the t-mobile dongle thingy doesn't allow you to play games online so no dead rising, gears 2 or project gotham 3 achievements despite playing them (especially the former) extensively D:
I don't think I've played any easy scoring games :)
Me neither
Belmit has Brass Balls though.
:cool: I think a lot of the motivation was that I got the full 1000 gamer points and then they released a further 100 point achievement. It was like they were laughing in my face. But I showed them...
Metalface Mark
10-12-2008, 12:18
Please tell me you're at least playing it without the invincibility cheat on normal ;)
I knew my lead wouldn't last long though, lol; tbh I don't have the stomach or drive to really compete in these races anymore and looking at your gaming history I knew there was no depths you'd not be willing to go to... hah! meooouw ;)
My current aims are finish Banjo Kazooie: I have 10 more jiggies to get before I can fight Grunty, then there's some achievements to get for getting every jiggy (131) though this will be quite time consuming. I'm going to play Dead Space (probably worth 700 odd points) a level at a time (it's too scary) and also finish Last Remnant which is very hard on points though I hope to get 600 from it (400 are still unknown). I also have to finish Gears 2 with me buddy when we get the chance (we're at the swimming worm / boss fight so 2/3rds through?).
Thats not something i bet you ever thought you would say in your lifetime :p
We should all have a 2 week sprint for achievements.
I'm already doing that :p Well, it's a 4 week race with AVForums.
Please tell me you're at least playing it without the invincibility cheat on normal ;)
I knew my lead wouldn't last long though, lol; tbh I don't have the stomach or drive to really compete in these races anymore and looking at your gaming history I knew there was no depths you'd not be willing to go to... hah! meooouw ;)
You're right though ;D
Belmit has Brass Balls though.
My balls are also brass, that was an easy achievement for me really. I'd already played through the majority of the game without using the chambers as I reloaded if I died so that was quite easy for me to get once they added it.
10-12-2008, 13:12
I'll be getting the Brass Balls achievement at some point, though I want to race through it again on easy once so I can get the weapon and diary achievements as I think searching for all the diaries on Hard might cause me to die several times over.
10-12-2008, 14:17
Sadly, not yet, as that's actually gears for windows. I would have a much better score if my ex-housemate could afford a decent net connection, the t-mobile dongle thingy doesn't allow you to play games online so no dead rising, gears 2 or project gotham 3 achievements despite playing them (especially the former) extensively D:
You bloody loser. Go get a proper games machine.
10-12-2008, 16:01
I honestly wouldn't have time to take advantage of both machines at present. I'm thinking the summer drought would be best; pick one up and buy all the Christmas titles cheap.
10-12-2008, 16:50
I take advantage of both. I play videos, LBP and after Xmas, Resistance 2 on my PS3. You'd play the rest on Xbox360 (or at least I would have thought).
It's hard to say it without coming off like a real 360 fanboy, but what I'm saying is if you had both you'd play whichever version of a multiformat game on the best performing machine and that's the Xbox360 the majority of the time.
Just look at all the social love you get here from us all playing Xbox together.
10-12-2008, 17:01
I have to say come April when my mobile contract is up and if Killzone 2 gets good reviews I might be persuaded to get one ;)
10-12-2008, 17:03
You should. I'm buying it :).
10-12-2008, 17:14
The videos i have seen look good and I was originally going to get the PS3 because of that game but didn't realise it was so delayed :(
I'd like a PS3 at some point, won't be very soon though but maybe sometime in 2009.
Blu-rays are oddly appealing to me now but I blame Blockbuster for that :p
10-12-2008, 17:57
I wouldn't be getting it because of the BR discs but only because I'd get it on the right contract for me :)
I think it's Sony indoctrination at work ;D You handle so many blu-rays you end up wanting one for some reason you can't place :p
I was really close to getting a PS3 a few months ago. I was stood in Game holding the box in my hand picking which games to get with it.
I know my multiplatform games so I know what's out for it but I just couldn't decide. In the end I picked Uncharted to play and MGS4 to sell. As you know I like my rpgs and there was nothing that really got me excited; if Uncharted, Resistance: FoM and Folklore were on the 360 I admit I'd probably get them but they aren't system sellers to me.
In the end I put it down, buying a system with a game to sell is daft and when I got home I saw Comet selling the Sony 40" 1080P LCD I wanted for the spare room with a free Sony BDP-300 and I jumped at it. (Got both for £699) In the end I got a 2nd 360 for the lounge but that's a different story.
WKC looks great and Valkyria Chronicles looks up my street but I'm still waiting for THE games that justify me having a £300 2nd console.
As for Blu-Ray; we have a movie only lovefilm account and I do like Blu-Ray but in all honesty it's not that big of a jump over a good source and upscale; though I've had Sky HD for years so maybe I was already used to it :)
Much the same as you Abooie, the lack of RPGs put me off. The PS3 doesn't offer a killer game for me yet, plenty of games I'd play if it was available to me but nothing that makes me think of the PS3 as a must have.
10-12-2008, 21:00
I'm very similar to Leo I think. If the right games are out when my phone contract is up for renewal, I'll seriously consider trying to get one with a new phone. At the moment it simply doesn't have enough exclusives to warrant getting one.
Quite pleased with todays gaming.
Added 1025 points to my total and should be able to get another few hundred tomorrow :)
I'll get a reasonable total eventually :)
11-12-2008, 00:52
Get a 3 month LoveFilm trial :).
Might do after xmas as I've got a code but it will have to be in Taks name as I've already had one. :(
When I do get it I'll be here asking which games to rent for quick points :D
I have to say come April when my mobile contract is up and if Killzone 2 gets good reviews I might be persuaded to get one ;)
That's the only game for the PS3 I'm remotely interested in, might get to use mine for something other than playing Blu Ray's.
11-12-2008, 09:51
Well originally that was the game I wanted and thought it looked excellent but that was only from a rendered trailer back at E2006. Saw a new developer video the other day and it looks to be coming along nicely.
Aye, the recent coverage paints a very pretty picture and it could be one of the best looking games ever.
Only thing is, I'm finding it quite hard to get that excited over another grim futuristic shooter..
11-12-2008, 12:27
I like shooters anyway so I'm probably already sucked in :p
11-12-2008, 13:30
Aye, the recent coverage paints a very pretty picture and it could be one of the best looking games ever.
Only thing is, I'm finding it quite hard to get that excited over another grim futuristic shooter..
I love the setting, my only fear is the control pad itself.
I do feel it's time for a moments sobriety in this whole gamer points debacle.
We're in the busiest time of the year for games. We're inundated with excellent games and as DaveyP and I have said we've so many really good games on our shelf we can't justify buying Prince of Persia.
Why Oh Why, and someone please answer this are some of my friends playing Space Chimps, cheating their way through GRAW (looking at you Haly) and then finally the nail in the coffin HSM3 Senior Year DANCE .. Nokkon!
C'mon now, points are nice but when people are playing games for their points over anything else!
Who said anyone was playing games just for points? :huh:
There's plenty of games that despite easy points, I can't bear to play as I'd rather have fun :p X-Men being the perfect example.
11-12-2008, 21:19
There's plenty of games that despite easy points, I can't bear to play as I'd rather have fun :p X-Men being the perfect example.
I'm the same. Even if a game is just moderately fun I'll play it for points, but if a game is woeful I'll leave it alone. Despite it being very easy points, I've not got the full 1k on King Kong, Lost or X-Men, simply because I don't like them very much. I do have Lost here on rental though, so I may just power through it just to get rid of it (and I detest games like low gamerscores on my profile).
I quite liked King Kong :o Was one of my first 360 games though, that's my excuse :p
11-12-2008, 21:21
It's on my rental list for the simple reason that I want it 1k'd so I can finally say I've done it. It wasn't the worst game I've played to be fair, but certainly not something I'd pay for looking back on it.
I'm the same. Even if a game is just moderately fun I'll play it for points, but if a game is woeful I'll leave it alone. Despite it being very easy points, I've not got the full 1k on King Kong, Lost or X-Men, simply because I don't like them very much. I do have Lost here on rental though, so I may just power through it just to get rid of it (and I detest games like low gamerscores on my profile).
Don't play it! Lol.
I bought LOST cheap for my and the mrs to play through together as we've both enjoyed the series and thought an adventure together would be fun.
She turned to me after a couple of hours and said "This is awful" and she wasn't wrong. We finished it as it didn't take long (and I don't like uncompleted games on my profile) but I wouldn't wish this on anyone else.
Heh, and it wasn't meant to be directed at you Haly; (sorry!) I saw Nokkon playing HSM3 and thought a new low had been reached but after trading messages I'm realising I'm just an old git!
I quite liked King Kong :o Was one of my first 360 games though, that's my excuse :p
King Kong was great in the day. The Kong sections still stick with me as some of the best early this gen gaming moments :)
11-12-2008, 21:24
Don't play it! Lol.
I bought LOST cheap for my and the mrs to play through together as we've both enjoyed the series and thought an adventure together would be fun.
She turned to me after a couple of hours and said "This is awful" and she wasn't wrong. We finished it as it didn't take long (and I don't like uncompleted games on my profile) but I wouldn't wish this on anyone else.
I've already got about 80 points in it, and I refuse to leave it with that score on my profile. I'll suffer through it and be done with it :D
Heh, and it wasn't meant to be directed at you Haly; (sorry!) I saw Nokkon playing HSM3 and thought a new low had been reached but after trading messages I'm realising I'm just an old git!
I did have a bit of a laugh when I saw Nokkon playing it tbh ;D
11-12-2008, 21:51
The scary thing is... I REALLY like it. :o
11-12-2008, 22:12
Poofter tbh :p
12-12-2008, 00:46
Sticks and Stones may break my bones and names will hurt forever :(.
I quite liked King Kong :o Was one of my first 360 games though, that's my excuse :p
Same here, I enjoyed it.
X-men I don't think I got off the first level, it was crap.
Metalface Mark
12-12-2008, 09:34
Wall E isnt bad for fun vs points, its reminding me of cars, a game i thought id hate, but actually quite enjoyed :)
12-12-2008, 10:50
Cars was so much fun, I played through it twice (bloody McDaniel).
King Kong was ok, just really really repetative, but I knew it was easy points so finished it in a couple of hours.
X-men I thought was fantastic, one of the best 360 games i've played.
When I do get it I'll be here asking which games to rent for quick pointsTo save time and effort later, here you go now
King Kong
NFL 06
CSI: Hard Evidence
Prince Caspian
The Golden Compass
Surfs Up
LMA 2007
Harry Potter OOTP
Kung Fu Panda
Bee Movie Game
Open Season
At Worlds End
Meet The Robinsons
And if you fancy a bit of a challenge...
American Wasteland - Finding and performing all the gaps
DW5 Empires - Takes a while, and a bit of memory
Moto GP 06 - Need to be good a racing games, offline and online
Fuzion Frenzy 2 - Need to find an online partner, not easy
Blazing Angels - Bad game, chore to play but easy
Hitman Blood Money - Hard difficulty is hard
NFS Most Wanted - Final challenge is pretty hard, but boring as well
Gun - Not the easiest game in the world, even on easy
That's all the 1k's that I have. The last 8 are a bit more time consuming, but very possible, providing you have patience.
I'll also throw A-Train HX, Bionicle Heroes and ICC Cricket 2007 on there as well, i've not 1k'd them yet, but they're quite easy to do.
X-men I thought was fantastic, one of the best 360 games i've played.
You weirdo :p
I've still got to get round to 1king it and returning it to Nokkon :o
12-12-2008, 13:36
You could always cycle it round Boat-Drinks and get it back later. It's import so I can't trade it, not that I'd get anything for it anyway. Worst £32 ever spend on this generation of consoles for me :(.
12-12-2008, 14:31
You weirdo :p
I've still got to get round to 1king it and returning it to Nokkon :oI've played through it 4 times, i've got to be a bit weird (2 normals, 2 hards). Truthfully though, the game was ****e, and god help you if you ask me to do it for you :p
12-12-2008, 14:36
Will you do it for Haly? (see, I'm asking) :p
Will you do it for Haly? (see, I'm asking) :p
You could always cycle it round Boat-Drinks and get it back later. It's import so I can't trade it, not that I'd get anything for it anyway. Worst £32 ever spend on this generation of consoles for me :(.
Unlucky :( It's in the 5 for £25 range at Blockbuster now!
12-12-2008, 15:23
Will you do it for Haly? (see, I'm asking) :pI swear to god i'll kill you, but i'd feel bad killing someone with mental issues bad enough to warrant playing HSM3
I swear to god i'll kill you, but i'd feel bad killing someone with mental issues bad enough to warrant playing HSM3
Was that a yes, a no or a 'yes but Nokkon will die'? :D
12-12-2008, 22:12
Well whatever he did it worked. His negative energy just killed my Xbox360.
As a result you have to complete it for Jen please :).
12-12-2008, 23:37
Oh you git. When my lovefilm and tesco rentals expire, then i'll do it.
How long's that?
And very unlucky Nokkon :( Gutted for you.
15-12-2008, 08:53
Could be a while, got both of them going at the same time....into feb. I'll try and fit something in though, I think I can manage 5 games at once.
Don't people play games themselves anymore?! :p
I 1k'd Caspian yesterday, that was an incredibly easy 1k and I enjoyed the game more than I thought I would.
Onto Wall-E!
Edit: 2 minutes in and it's annoying me already.
Don't people play games themselves anymore?! :p
I 1k'd Caspian yesterday, that was an incredibly easy 1k and I enjoyed the game more than I thought I would.
Onto Wall-E!
Edit: 2 minutes in and it's annoying me already.
Heh having thought about it, I'll just do it myself or not bother :p It'd lose all the satisfaction if creature did it for me, and the one good thing about crap games is once you're done with them, it's all the more satisfying :D
Wall-e that bad eh?
Heh having thought about it, I'll just do it myself or not bother :p It'd lose all the satisfaction if creature did it for me, and the one good thing about crap games is once you're done with them, it's all the more satisfying :D
Wall-e that bad eh?
Cool, he can do it for me then! lol :D
It was just the fact the intro music was incredibly cheery and annoying and I couldn't skip it :p I think I'll go back to Mercenaries 2 for now, I'm not in the mood for Wall-E.
;D How dare it be cheery! ;D
Mind you, last night I was annoyed because I couldn't skip the FMVs for Blitz. I don't want the story damnit, it's only american football :p
;D How dare it be cheery! ;D
Mind you, last night I was annoyed because I couldn't skip the FMVs for Blitz. I don't want the story damnit, it's only american football :p
Yeah that's one thing that can really get on my nerves, sometimes i just want to skip all the cut scenes or whatever and just play, especially if all I'm doing is whoring points out of a game.
Managed to get all I can from CoD3 and Dirt without doing any online play or putting another 5-6 hours into each game so they can be returned to my mate on Wednesday at work.
Think I'll actually play through Assassins Creed next for the points and the fact I've not been further than the first town :)
I'm aiming for a minimum score of 5k before I go back to work after xmas. Should be easily doable. Witch Hunt ~ Defeated Grunty at the end of the game
Quite chuffed with this as it took quite a bit of effort.
There's still some achievements for getting every jiggy (there's 131, I've 84) but this is good ya :)
16-12-2008, 10:09
Politely Snipped.
5k is the figure I aimed for as I thought 5k plus is respectable ;D
16-12-2008, 13:24
There's still some achievements for getting every jiggy (there's 131, I've 84) but this is good ya :)
You have 1001 light orbs to find in Prince of Persia when you get it ;).
You have 1001 light orbs to find in Prince of Persia when you get it ;).
Not sure I'll ever get that one, unless I'm incredibly bored over Christmas.
For anyone interested: Space Chimps is a very easy 500pts or so, very simple 1k but bloody irritating too :p
Time trials ftl.
Popping into work later on though so I'll be picking up some easy point games then :D Probably either Madden 08 or Wall-e......or possibly both ;)
16-12-2008, 16:05
I don't think the 1001 orbs seems too hard. You get a nice account on the map of how many you have in every level and they are pretty easy to see from a distance.
You have all the flags in Assassins Creed and I'd say that's much harder :p.
16-12-2008, 16:06
never bothered with the flags unless I stumbled across them :p
Any sort of map guidance makes it easier than Orb hunting in Crackdown!
16-12-2008, 16:09
Orb hunting with your surround system now Daz would be a breeze :p
I hate 99% of collection achievements.
I did quite enjoy collecting things in Spiderman: Web of Shadows but as there's over 2000 of them, I'd rather not collect all of them ;D
Still must get round to playing Assassin's Creed properly at some point.
You have all the flags in Assassins Creed and I'd say that's much harder :p.
That was just time consuming really, I just went off the guide so it wasn't so bad. Just dull.
Some of the PoP ones are already annoying, I can see orbs but can't get to the bloody things!
16-12-2008, 22:42
Hmmmmm, latest games played...
Tomb Raider: Anniversary - Very achieveable by using the save system to not die, but it's not perfect, as I sometimes get sent back 10 minutes before I actually saved.
Marvel: UA - Gonna take some time, especially with 4000 kills, could be worse though.
I'm also someone who hates collection achievement, I have 498 orbs on Crackdown :(
I was 499 for ages. Didnt feel like going for the hidden ones after that :D
16-12-2008, 23:52
That was just time consuming really, I just went off the guide so it wasn't so bad. Just dull.
Some of the PoP ones are already annoying, I can see orbs but can't get to the bloody things!
You need to level up your magics, after that they should become easy.
16-12-2008, 23:53
Hmmmmm, latest games played...
Tomb Raider: Anniversary - Very achieveable by using the save system to not die, but it's not perfect, as I sometimes get sent back 10 minutes before I actually saved.
Marvel: UA - Gonna take some time, especially with 4000 kills, could be worse though.
I'm also someone who hates collection achievement, I have 498 orbs on Crackdown :(
Remember there are glitches on Marvel where you walk into the last level and get an achievement IIRC. Don't know as I never played it.
16-12-2008, 23:56
You don't need glitches for Marvel, I've gotten nearly all of them legit (or boosting with extra pads, but no glitching involved).
Marvel is a great game :) Really enjoyable. I must rent it again to 1k it.
Oh and Wall:e sucks, don't play it :p Even I'm not that desperate for points!
17-12-2008, 00:24
It's 1250 now Jen :p
17-12-2008, 00:43
It's a great game, but the levels take ages to do, which means they can drag on a bit.
It's a great game, but the levels take ages to do, which means they can drag on a bit.
I feel pretty much the same. I'm not a huge fan of the superhero setting but all in all a great little game.
Marvel is a great game :) Really enjoyable. I must rent it again to 1k it.
Oh and Wall:e sucks, don't play it :p Even I'm not that desperate for points!
Really that bad? I'm currently on the look out for another game to play with my 4 year old daughter. It has to be really simple where she can run around a fair bit even if I have to play it when it matters to progress us.
The last few games we've played together:
Super Mario Galaxy
Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey ~ her gotc
Shrek ~ actually quite fun
Spiderwick Chronicles ~ she loved catching fairies; possibly our favourite game together.
Banjo Kazooie ~ she loves just flying around and picking up the wildlife to have tea parties...
also other favourites are Cloning Clyde and Castle Crashers (boy does she love this).
Had my eye on Madagascar 2 as well (which I know will be rubbish) but she loves the films. Was the Narnia game any good or a bit too adult for her? Any other suggestions from what you've seen / played? :)
Castle Crashers (boy does she love this).
She has taste!
Think it's only me and you around here that has it, shame really, it's brilliant multiplayer.
Never got on with Marvel:UA myself just found it pretty repetitive :/ Didnt get very far to be fair though.
She has taste!
Think it's only me and you around here that has it, shame really, it's brilliant multiplayer.
Never got on with Marvel:UA myself just found it pretty repetitive :/ Didnt get very far to be fair though.
We actually finished the whole game together; at the end she was about level 6 so I spent most my time reviving her :) Every session had to start with a trip to get a new pet as well :) Fantastic little game.
Really that bad? I'm currently on the look out for another game to play with my 4 year old daughter. It has to be really simple where she can run around a fair bit even if I have to play it when it matters to progress us.
The last few games we've played together:
Super Mario Galaxy
Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey ~ her gotc
Shrek ~ actually quite fun
Spiderwick Chronicles ~ she loved catching fairies; possibly our favourite game together.
Banjo Kazooie ~ she loves just flying around and picking up the wildlife to have tea parties...
also other favourites are Cloning Clyde and Castle Crashers (boy does she love this).
Had my eye on Madagascar 2 as well (which I know will be rubbish) but she loves the films. Was the Narnia game any good or a bit too adult for her? Any other suggestions from what you've seen / played? :)
It's got a lot of instadeath moments, why kids games have those I'm not sure. Considering the target audience, you'd think they'd make things less frustrating.....but who knows.
I liked Narnia but not sure for a 4 year old. Admittedly I have no idea for 4 :o I know my 5 year old cousin liked Cars but different sort of thing than what you're looking for.
Kung Fu Panda might be a good bet :)
Dash of Destruction.
20 minutes. 200/200. Quite a laugh as well :) And free :)
17-12-2008, 18:55
It took you that long?
Dash of Destruction.
20 minutes. 200/200. Quite a laugh as well :) And free :)
I'll download that tonight then ;D
22mins to get 190/200 :( I'm losing my touch :p
Took 28mins to do the full 200 but that's partly down to not being able to find my other controller ;D
I downloaded this last night and forgot all about it, I must remember to get those points tonight :p
Metalface Mark
19-12-2008, 09:23
They should shovel out more games like that, easy points but make it cheap, it was quite enjoyable for 15 minutes too.
19-12-2008, 14:06
14 minutes here. So nur ;).
19-12-2008, 14:41
*sigh* You lot take your time don't you. I'd got a bloody guide written after 15 minutes :p
14 minutes here. So nur ;).
How long did it take you to realise how to get the MP achievement though? ;D;D
Christmas update:
The Last Remnant: Moving forward and 240/1000 so far. I'm nearly on disc 2 and on target to complete all the sidequests. I should get 1000/1000 but I'll need to probably put another 40 or so hours in (I've already put about 40). Great JRPG though and a complete time sink.
Dead Space: Finished chapter 2 and not sure I like it. Ever since having kids I've gone off horror and I'm genuinely not enjoying all the limb dismemerment and tension. Thinking a chapter at a time over a month or so and I'll complete it once and sell it. Should get quite a few points from it though.
Banjo Kazooie: Finished the main game and have all but one of the sp achievements (131 jiggies; I have 90 odd). Have 840/1000 which is pretty good and I've enjoyed every moment. Not a game for quick points though and took me quite some time.
Lips/Scene It!: I've got all my achivements just from playing with the family. I'll carry on playing them extensively but can't see me getting many more points for a while. But it's not why I play 'em really :) After 15 Short games nearly getting the 60k achievement (I actually got 59,892 once) I finally nailed at my folks without even trying. 4 final bonus questions on Jurassic Park ftw :)
Tomb Raider: Underworld / Prince of Persia: Have given these to my mrs to give me them for Christmas :) Still undecided whether to pop either in until I've finished LR and DS.
Gears of War 2: Playing coop with a mate and we're up to Act 4 Ch 6 (near the end of it) on Hardcore so should get this finished soon.
Finally, Merry Christmas all :)
Slightly O/T but is the live version of Fallout 3 on PC compatible with your X360 log in ?
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