View Full Version : Great games you may have missed

25-11-2008, 10:51
The 360 is getting to that point in its life where there are large numbers of games selling for £10-15 both new and second hand, some of these are good games that people may have missed the fist time around. This thread is dedicated to games that people might have missed and could give a good cheap gaming fix. Lets keep it to the current generation of consoles and PC games less than 3 years old :)

I'm curently playing Condemned 2, picked it up for £10 and its a cracker, I really like the investigation sections and the games is really atmospheric, I dismissed it first time around but I'd definately recomend it.

Also Stranglehold, the first few levels of this are great, it borrows heavily from Max Payne but that is no bad thing, I've found the difficaulty is ramping up quite quickly but its certainly a lot of fun. Can be had for ~£10 in Blockbuster and other 2nd hand retailers.

If you're after really good value then I have to include Just Cause, its a top game in the vein of GTA 3/4 and has masses of missions to do, although it can get a little samey the driving, flying and boat piloting are all a lot of fun I remember us lads havings hours of fun flying into bridges :D


Admiral Huddy
25-11-2008, 11:01
A few I've missed on PC include the original Half Life (which I just got for £1 from Ssteam), DeusEx (the original) and Thief 1 and 2. Can't say I've missed anything else really.

25-11-2008, 11:04
I managed to miss out on God of War. I picked it up a couple of weeks before the release of God of War 2 and was utterly blown away.

25-11-2008, 11:05
Dead Rising. It came out fairly early in the 360's life and it can be had for a few quid now. In my opinion one of the best games you'll find on the 360, not only is it a wonderful game full of innumerable ways to kills zombies, but it also serves as a great training tool when the eventual zombie apocalypse happens. For the achievement whores out there, it's not an easy game to score highly on, but you get an immense feeling of satisfaction when you manage to get some of the harder achievements. Without a doubt a game that should be in the collection of every Xbox 360 owner.

25-11-2008, 11:49
Fight Night 3. Just got it cheap & it's a great laugh, I had around 10 fights last night :cool:

GTA4. Got it the other day cheap, Plays well, Lots to do etc, GO for the 3rd dance & she brings a mate in for some spanking :evil:

Good thread & one I'll be back as I only buy my 360 games when they are cheap.

25-11-2008, 11:50
Dead Rising. It came out fairly early in the 360's life and it can be had for a few quid now. In my opinion one of the best games you'll find on the 360, not only is it a wonderful game full of innumerable ways to kills zombies, but it also serves as a great training tool when the eventual zombie apocalypse happens. For the achievement whores out there, it's not an easy game to score highly on, but you get an immense feeling of satisfaction when you manage to get some of the harder achievements. Without a doubt a game that should be in the collection of every Xbox 360 owner.

I've had it for ages but never got round to playing fully yet :( Really need to start it up again.

25-11-2008, 12:00
A few I've missed on PC include the original Half Life (which I just got for £1 from Ssteam), DeusEx (the original) and Thief 1 and 2. Can't say I've missed anything else really.

Just 4 of the most popular games ever made eh? ;). :p

25-11-2008, 12:03
Dead Rising. It came out fairly early in the 360's life and it can be had for a few quid now. In my opinion one of the best games you'll find on the 360, not only is it a wonderful game full of innumerable ways to kills zombies, but it also serves as a great training tool when the eventual zombie apocalypse happens. For the achievement whores out there, it's not an easy game to score highly on, but you get an immense feeling of satisfaction when you manage to get some of the harder achievements. Without a doubt a game that should be in the collection of every Xbox 360 owner.

I would genuinely say it's one of the greatest games ever made. To get a game where you have instant smashing of zombies and loads of laughs, to then add a depth to it in level progression, missions progressions and developments as well as the 8 story endings puts it on a level comparible to any RPG out there.

Never has a game so in your face and action packed had such depth to it. Genius.

25-11-2008, 12:09
Stranglehold's in the 5 for £25 or £7.99 section at Blockbuster, well worth that much :) I used to own it and it was good fun, definitely be picking it up again when I'm looking for a new game.

I really must play Dead Rising more, it was the first game I bought for the system and I've never sold it as I do really want to go back to it. Other games keep getting in the way though :p

I'd recommend Viva Pinata, incredibly cheap to pick up now and strangely compelling. Got a great learning curve too and perfect for all the family.

25-11-2008, 12:54
Condemned 2 has been one of my favourite games so far on the 360, can't wait for the third.

I'd highly recommend all the Tomb Raider games on the 360. A lot of people I've spoken to became disillusioned with the random and not so great sequels that came out after the first couple years ago, but the recent additions have been superb. Legends and Anniversary are pretty much faultless, with some great set pieces, awesome graphics and nice use of a new tool - the grapple - which you can use to hook on and swing to otherwise unreachable places, and pull objects. The story is pretty good too, and the time trials and collectables add loads of replayability, meaning the achievements actually become a real goal and not a chore.

Underworld (which I completed this weekend) seems to have gone a bit awry compared to the others. The adventure is still good, and the puzzles are all more of the same, but they've changed little things in the movement and combat systems which I feel make it less immersive. There's now very little pushing and pulling of blocks/boulders, which in some way is a relief, but it's removed an integral feel of the game and made searching for hidden treasures a veritable non-issue, as everything you need is now pretty much laid out for you. I've also found the only way I tend to die now is from falling. There's almost no chance of dying any other way. You're never short of breath underwater, and fooling enemies by darting in and out of cover makes combat repetitive. You also can't pick ammo up in the game any more, but can switch weapons mid-game from uzis to shotgun to assault rifle using the menu. Whatever happened to increasing the difficulty of enemies and finding more powerful weapons as the game went on? That worked really well. Other bugbears include Lara slamming into a wall with both hands every time you get too close to one (making manoeuvrability in small spaces a pain), making treasures so numerous that you have to smash every damn jug and pot you can find in case they have one in (179 of them! Again removing immersion), and for some reason if she stands on an uneven piece of ground you'll suddenly find you can't move in any direction for a couple of seconds.

This has become a bit of an Underworld burn, but really it's a very good game. It's just a shame they changed the almost perfect control system to something not so perfect. Splinter Cell was a game that did this too - changing the controls every time, seemingly for the sake of change.

The first two games can be picked up for very little now though, and it's worth playing the third for the story continuation alone... just ignore the 179 collectable treasures because you'll never get them all in one playthrough and you'll spend half the game kicking ceramic pots like a loon.

25-11-2008, 13:04
I'd highly recommend all the Tomb Raider games on the 360. Legends and Anniversary are pretty much faultless.

Yay, I got Legends Yesterday :D Not tried it yet though.

25-11-2008, 16:22
I too loved Tomb Raider Legend, thought it was an absolute tour de force of a game. Thoroughly enjoyable.

Metalface Mark
25-11-2008, 19:15
Fight Night 3. Just got it cheap & it's a great laugh, I had around 10 fights last night :cool:

GTA4. Got it the other day cheap, Plays well, Lots to do etc, GO for the 3rd dance & she brings a mate in for some spanking :evil:

Good thread & one I'll be back as I only buy my 360 games when they are cheap.

If you enjoyed that, try Prizefighter, finished the career last week and i really enjoyed it, a great laugh, and a good campaign along the lines of Fight Night 3.

You should be able to pick that up cheap as well.

Ill also like to pimp quantum of solace, while it will get overlooked just now with all the great games out, grab it when its cheaper, uses the COD4 engine, and plays a fantastic game.

A Place of Light
25-11-2008, 19:43
I'd have to say System Shock 2, on the PC.
Incredibly atmospheric, especially given the technical constraints of PC's when it was released.


Syndicate, on the Amiga.
Addictive? You bet your ass it was.

25-11-2008, 19:56
Syndicate on the Amiga was one of my favourite games ever! :D

I remember the level where you're supposed to kill some guy who was driven in a car along a specific route. He was some sort of famous person as there were loads of spectators lining the route. I really liked all the different ways you could achieve your mission goal, that and the weapons - remember the flamethrower and the gauss gun? :evil:

Metalface Mark
25-11-2008, 20:17
My all time favorite game was Alter Ego on the C64.

Its been translated to be a web game now, and its just as great as it ever was, its a life simulator, and got the highest score on Zzap 64, 98% i think it was.

Try it out for yourself, ill give you a hint though, watch out if you run into the paedophile, your life might not be a long one.


25-11-2008, 20:29
"Backlash" on the Amiga written by a guy called Paul Woakes (who did the Mercenary series on the Amiga and ST).

A Place of Light
25-11-2008, 20:36
Gauss guns ROCK!!!

26-11-2008, 09:46
If you enjoyed that, try Prizefighter, finished the career last week and i really enjoyed it, a great laugh, and a good campaign along the lines of Fight Night 3.

I should have that today as I'm reviewing it for a website, sounds promising if you're comparing it to FN3 :)

26-11-2008, 14:21
If you own a DS and haven't played Phantom hourglass yet, you're a fool.

26-11-2008, 21:51
I really enjoyed Viking a title I didn't expect much from but thoroughly enjoyed.

26-11-2008, 21:53
I really enjoyed Viking a title I didn't expect much from but thoroughly enjoyed.

Same :) Surprisingly enjoyable game, and probably quite cheap to pick up now too.

26-11-2008, 23:11
I currently have it on rental but haven't even put it in the Xbox yet :o

26-11-2008, 23:25
I currently have it on rental but haven't even put it in the Xbox yet :o

Get playing it :p It's not as refined a hack n slasher as some but it's good fun :D
I haven't completed it, sold it instead as I knew I wouldn't get it done anytime soon, but it's certainly worth a go.
Easy points too ;)

26-11-2008, 23:31
On the PC - two of my favourite games that were cruely overlooked.

No One Lives Forever
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In H.A.R.M.S way

Super games.

26-11-2008, 23:45
Just 4 of the most popular games ever made eh? ;). :p

That did cross my mind, haha ;D

26-11-2008, 23:53
On the PC - two of my favourite games that were cruely overlooked.

No One Lives Forever
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In H.A.R.M.S way

Super games.
Absolutely, really loved them. Wish they'd make up their minds over a third!

27-11-2008, 00:44
Absolutely, really loved them. Wish they'd make up their minds over a third!

They did make a third - it was cack.


27-11-2008, 09:17
I really enjoyed Viking a title I didn't expect much from but thoroughly enjoyed.

Same here though I never finished it. I played through on hard and couldn't beat the final boss so stuck it in the envelope and sent it back to Lovefilm in disgust.

I keep thinking about rebuying it just to try again.

27-11-2008, 09:53
Get playing it :p It's not as refined a hack n slasher as some but it's good fun :D
I haven't completed it, sold it instead as I knew I wouldn't get it done anytime soon, but it's certainly worth a go.
Easy points too ;)

Easy points are never bad! I know that if I go through it on Hard to start with it's possible to 1k it in one playthrough, which I'll try to do. Glad it's fun though, I was unsure how good it actually was :)

On the PC - two of my favourite games that were cruely overlooked.

No One Lives Forever
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In H.A.R.M.S way

Super games.

I heart NOLF2, and I still own it now, partly because I love it, and partly because I've still not finished it yet :o

27-11-2008, 10:07
The original NOLF is still one of my favourites. We used to play multiplayer all the time at uni in my house. No greater joy could be had than running your housemate over with a snowmobile.

It was really well scripted as well. Two nameless enemies could be standing there talking for minutes at a time about their lives at home, the company pension plan and having mouths to feed, only for you to come around the corner and blow them away. I felt quite guilty, even though in any other game you'd just plough on through and not think twice about it. Some of their exclamations were comedy gold as well, I'll never forget lines like 'Oh, I do so hate coming across a dead body', 'Bit of a sticky wicket, eh?' and 'I appear to have been shot!'. It was brilliance.

27-11-2008, 11:57
It was an amazing game, something I think would do well on XBLA too. Still have the PC version in the loft somewhere.

27-11-2008, 12:19
As everyone seems to like those 2 - I'll have a rumage through the games cupboard. :D

Also - Nolf2 now reinstalling. :D

27-11-2008, 12:20
Someone borrowed my copy and scratched the disk. I made them buy me a new one because I loved it so much!

27-11-2008, 13:08
I don't see many people talking about XIII anymore either. I remember that as being a very good gaming experience. Cell shading worked well for that.

Most of mine seem to date back a very long time. Gunship 2000 on the Amiga. Nothing has topped that as a heli sim experience for me. Although Enemy Engaged came pretty close at times.

Other Amiga Games - Mean Arenas, Hired Guns, Alien Breed 3d, Gloom, Beneath a Steel Sky, Dreamweb, Heimdall 2, Assassin, Flashback, Cannon Fodder, Defender of the Crown, Gunboat, Space Hulk, Syndicate + American Revolt, War in the Gulf, Body Blows, B-17 Flying Fortress, Reach for the Skies, Red Baron, TFX, Wings, Flight of the Intruder, Detroit, Soccer Kid, Superfrog, Skidmarks, Roadkill, Supercars, Legends of Valour, Liberation: Captive 2, Alien Breed series, Banshee, Chaos Engine, Guardian, Jet Strike, Overkill, Project X, R-Type, Seek and Destroy, Zeewolf, Brutal Sports Football, D-Day, Historyline, Mega-lo-mania, Sabre Team, Pinball Dreams to Illusions and so on. Those are just the disks I have within arms reach. :D

27-11-2008, 13:22
XIII was a nice idea, but after the 1st level it went a little stale which was a shame.

Some of my favourite experiences were way back years ago with games like the Shadow of the Beast series, Another World, Flashback and Fade to Black, Extreme Assault, Skidmarks, Speedball, Kick-Off, SWOS, Chaos Engine, Monkey Island series, Legend of Kyrandia, Chuck Rock, James Pond, James Bond: Spy Who Loved Me, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Rick Dangerous 1 and 2, Blues Brothers, Mega lo Mania, Fire & Ice, IK+, Double Dragon, Final Fight, Streets of Rage, Populous 3, Age of Empires, Second Samurai (Oh no, My Sword!), Heimdall, Moonwalker, Lure of the Temptress, Rainbow Islands, Zak McKraken and the Alien Mindbenders, Maniac Mansion.

27-11-2008, 13:52
Found a few more that I really enjoyed:

Z and Z:Steel Soldiers - much fun. Plus the cutscenes were always funny.

I also thought the Star Trek Elite Force game was pretty good. Tied in nicely and more importantly the Borg were in it. :D

27-11-2008, 14:12
They did make a third - it was cack.

Bah, a proper one, not spin off cack :p

It was an amazing game, something I think would do well on XBLA too.
Good shout that. Get Bill Gates in hyah!

27-11-2008, 15:31

I've played more Kick Off in my life than probably any other game. Back from school with my mates for big kick off sessions; good times. I wonder what happened to Dino Dini?

29-11-2008, 17:07
Found a few more that I really enjoyed:

Z and Z:Steel Soldiers - much fun. Plus the cutscenes were always funny.

I also thought the Star Trek Elite Force game was pretty good. Tied in nicely and more importantly the Borg were in it. :DZ is easily in my top 5 games of all time - in fact I bought a P3 machine to play it on :D
I didn't like the sequel as much though, but then any change to the original would have been bad for me, there's no pleasing the fans :P