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Old 17-12-2009, 19:06   #1
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Default A year in your parking space.

So folks what's been going on in your parking spaces in the last year?

One year ago yesterday I appeared to be missing a car, a red Anglia to be precise

Not here:

Not here either:

Or here:

Or in there, but I see someone made themself comfortable there instead ::

Where was it? Ah yes, it was in for some post-resto finishing work at Burnham Autos:

I lost motivation in the project a long time before and decided to spend some savings and get it finished.

A few weeks later I drove it home, MOT'd and ready for me to put finishing touches on it:

I sold the Pop in February to a chap on Retro Rides. After many many engine rebuilds I decided the old lump wasn't up to my level of tuning so I put it back to standard, well, almost standard and as far as I know it's still going strong.

This is it leaving as I actually shed a tear. I'd had a lot of fun in that car and was sad to see it go.

The Anglia looked like that for a few months until I stuck some of the shiny bits back on it, drove it around in all weather, had a lot of fun in the snow and rain and rebuilt the engine for Retro Rides Gathering which was way overdue. Just days before the gathering my engine bay still looked like this, spread round the garage

Then it blew up on the way and, still furious with it, the last time I let it out in the sunlight was here on the side of the M3:

In September I finally got a new job and needed a car to get me out of a stitch so I combined practicality with celebration and brought this home:

And apart from a bit of maintenance spannering that's all I've had to do on this car.

It's been a very quiet year for me, mainly due to lack of work and uncertainty and I fully intend to make a lot more use of 2010. I'm planning to get down and fix the engine in the Anglia, ideal time to do it now it's turned a bit cooler and once that's running I've got a few ideas for the rod

Last edited by Jonny69; 17-12-2009 at 19:12.
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Old 17-12-2009, 20:10   #2
The Stig
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Been plenty of coming and going at ours this year. Started out with 3 MR2s (My Red one, Vix's white one and the track car which at that point was lacking an engine).

January and Feruary saw the installation of a supercharged engine in the track car:

March saw the less than impressive debut of the new engine:

In May things started changing rather dramatically, my road car met a nasty end:

and I got to borrow this for a few weeks:

By July I'd had my insurance payout and picked up a new daily from the local auctions:

Then in September we unexpectedly found our way back up to 3 MR2s with a new Arrival for Vix:

Since then things have been relatively quiet, still got work to do on getting Vixs new car on the road and we've got to sell her current daily to pay for it then there's a few jobs I want to get done on the track car before the new season starts again in March.

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Old 17-12-2009, 21:59   #3
Dirteh Kitteh
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Well, I started out with my pride and joy (still miss her):

Had to sell her because my boss wouldn't pay for the petrol on a V-8, even though I was getting 18mpg out of it and it was perfectly suited to the job.

Ended up picking up a Geo Tracker (Suzuki Sidekick):

It lasted all of a month before I pretty much killed it. It wasn't up to the task of being chucked around the motorways at speeds sometimes exceeding 80mph.

Finally got into my current beastie. It's not much to look at, and it's nowhere near the vehicle the Grand Cherokee was, but it gets the job done.

I have since painted the roof and the bonnet black to cover up where the original paint faded off. It was starting to rust and I didn't want it to get worse. It's just rattle can for now, but it's protecting the metal. I've also installed a cheapy set of fogs and got some new tyres. I've also cut a couple hood vents as these Cherokees have issues with their cooling systems. On board air (engine driven compressor 12.5gpm @ 125psi) has been added as has been a 1600W inverter. Next projects for it are to get some taller springs and to fab up some steel/fiberglass bumpers and some rocker guards. More lights are in the works, too. Wish I'd kept the set of Hella's I had on the green Jeep

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Last edited by Darrin; 17-12-2009 at 22:08.
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Old 17-12-2009, 22:14   #4
Vodka Martini
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No pics, I'm afraid, at least not at the moment, but it was nearly a year ago (Jan 30th 2009) when some nice woman decided the boot of my TVR Cerbera was such a nice place that she would like to park her brand new Fiesta in there. On the motorway. At (relative) speed.

Feb was spent enjoying a Merc E320CDI hire car while they wrangled over my dying trev. Eventually, and lucky, in a way, I think the bottom end may have been a few k short of needing a rebuild, the insurance company scrapped it and paid out £70 more than I paid for it 15 months previously...

So I went out and bought myself a big fat Jaguar S Type R. 400hp blown V8 means it's not that much slower than the trev and it doesn't smell of petrol and make my wife car sick.... which is a bonus (well, for her anyway).

Now I am gathering my forces for a V8 landy project (the block is waiting to be honed as we speak) and a dabble in Alfa Romeo ownership (top gear has a lot to answer for!).

I will have another TVR at some stage, but not with the AJPV8 powerplant. Nice motor, but worrying to own
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Old 18-12-2009, 08:57   #5
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Not much change here. Got the 99T road legal again after a year or so break. Bluey still off the road. Still got the corsa. Work van was taken off me and replaced with an utter poverty spec new van
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Old 18-12-2009, 10:08   #6
Rocket Fuel
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No changes here, I started the year with a Golf R32 on the drive and am ending the year with the same Golf R32 on the drive.
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Old 18-12-2009, 10:15   #7
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Starting and ending with my Focus. Did change my parking space though.
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Old 18-12-2009, 13:57   #8
ex SAS
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The Feekmobile started the year and is ending the year as well.
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Old 18-12-2009, 20:48   #9
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Any broken springs this year Feek?
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Old 18-12-2009, 21:21   #10
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Started and ended the year in one of these cars:

A 2004 Honda Civic LX.

Nice car, handles well, performs fine. Only one thing wrong with it and that is that it's automatic, but that's about par for the course in the US. Easily pushing 35+ miles per US gallon (42MPG in Imperial.)

Just got hit with the cost of 4 new tires for it though (old ones were a little bald)
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