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Old 16-10-2009, 12:16   #1
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Question How many TVs do you have and how much do you watch?

This is inspired by the recent Electric Dreams programme on BBC Four.

The family (obviously very middle-class) had SIX television sets in their house before the start of the procedure.

I find this quite incredible, we have two tellies in our house, one is the main set in the living room and the other is a joint tv/video/dvd player in Emma's bedroom but it's hardly ever used and doesn't even have an aerial plugged into it.

A few years ago I bought a TV for our bedroom but it was so rarely used that I ended up taking it out and getting rid of it.

I personally don't watch a lot of telly, I'm not one to sit down and flick through the channels looking for something to watch. If there's something specific I want to see then I'll make a point of it, but that's it really. I'm not one to just turn the telly on just because I'm in the room. I'll watch what I want and then turn it off, or go elsewhere.

Ironically though, I'm tying this with Criminal Justice in because I saw the first series and enjoyed it and discovered that a second series had been made so I 'on demanded' it.

I also still don't 'get' breakfast TV. The last thing on my mind when I get up in the morning is to turn the television on.

My kids are somewhat different. The second they get home from school, the box is turned on and they'll just watch any old crap that's on. Well, I say 'watch', it's more just like on in the background.

Lunchtime at work is the same. We have a TV in our restaurant area and I'll go in there at dinner time and start eating my sarnies and every day someone comes in, turns the telly on and just sits reading a paper while scoffing, not even looking at the set.

I just don't get the 'must have the telly on' attitude.

So. Back to the original title. How many TV sets do you have in your house and how much do you watch? What's your attitude to the telly?
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Old 16-10-2009, 12:26   #2
Admiral Huddy
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I was thinking this the other day Feek. I was on my bike and because it's now dark in the mornings I can see in people houses. I was amazed by the number of households that unnecessarily put their TVs on.. Empty rooms.

When my Mrs gets up, it TV on, kids screaming not even watching it. "Why is the TV on?", I ask. "It's a bit of background noise"

What also makes my laugh is the amount people are prepared to spend out on TVs. At the end of the day, a TV is only as good as the broadcasts which are quite frankly, crap! EastEnders>Corry?EastEnders>More Corry> aghhh

I game rather than TV and bedroom TV is used rarely.. Used only when really knackered or when downloaded fresh porn!

I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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Last edited by Admiral Huddy; 16-10-2009 at 12:29.
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Old 16-10-2009, 12:28   #3
nipples lol (o)(o)
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In this house there are 7 tv's (one in the spare room doesnt get used, but works, just no one sleeps in there at the moment)

We all have one in our bedrooms (parents included) then theres one in each of the "lounges" (one for adults and one for kids) and then theres another in the kitchen. There are also 5 virgin boxes in this house (2 of which are V+)

We are quite a tv watching family, and we all like very different things, hence the amount of tv's. We will sometimes get together to all watch the same show (for example most of us are watching the new Stargate series) or soaps, but we all have different tastes.

My parents like watching Emmerdale, which I cant stand, so then I go and watch something else, my sister and her fiance are here some of the time (waiting to buy a house) and they like different things for example I will sometimes sit with him and watch football, which she hates, so then she ends up in another room watching something else. He also likes playing on his PS3, so that takes up a television meaning someone else needs to sit somewhere else if they want to watch tv.

When I lived in my flat I had 2 tv's, one in the lounge/bedroom, and another downstairs in the kitchen.

Daytime tv actually wakes me up in the morning, so I like putting it on.

Put it this way, we watch a lot of telly.
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Old 16-10-2009, 12:30   #4
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7??!! what are you affraid of missing?

I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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Old 16-10-2009, 12:30   #5
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We have 3 TVs in our house, 1 of which is in the attic.

If the TV goes on in the mornings it's for the news. We don't actually watch a great amount of TV we tend to watch a lot of TV shows but we don't plan to watch them we see them in large chunks.
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Old 16-10-2009, 12:32   #6
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2 TVs. One in the living room, one in my room.

My TV watching has gone up a fair bit the past 18 months or so.
When I lived on my own, I hardly watched it. There only tends to be a few shows if at all that I'm fussed about missing. At the moment I can't actually name one that I'd be really disappointed to miss!

However, now I tend to watch it in the evenings with my Mum to be sociable. So I probably watch about 3hrs a night, albeit usually combined with the laptop, a book or the DS/PSP as I'm awful for sitting and concentrating on just one thing. While growing up, it was always the thing to watch TV in the evening, the whole family, so guess it's habit now.

I'd hate to go without books, games, radio (well Radio 4 is about it for me) and films, but not that fussed about TV.

Having said that, I do tend to put BBC News 24 on a fair bit when I'm busy working/writing. But I'm an obsessive news fan Can't stand going a day without catching up on lots of news online, on the radio and TV.

I know an awful lot of people who always have it on in the background, even when they've got guests which I find a bit irritating really! Don't mind if everyone's watching but when it's just background noise :/

Last edited by Haly; 16-10-2009 at 12:34.
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Old 16-10-2009, 12:35   #7
nipples lol (o)(o)
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Originally Posted by Admiral Huddy View Post
7??!! what are you affraid of missing?
There are usually only 3 on at a time, just that's how many there are in this house. There are 5 people living here most of the time.
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Old 16-10-2009, 12:36   #8
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There are 2 in my house. 1 in the lounge the other in my bedroom.

The one in the bedroom doesn't get used much, normally for a few minutes in the morning before getting ready for work and sometimes when I fancy watching TV in bed.

I don't watch that much TV, there are only a couple of things I will actively watch but if I'm at a loose end and Scrubs or Frasier are on then I'll happily sit and watch them.

I don't tend to use the TV as such for background noise, I'll usually use the radio but if I'm in the lounge then I'll have the radio on through the Sky box.
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Old 16-10-2009, 12:38   #9
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Originally Posted by Admiral Huddy View Post
I was thinking this the other day Feek. I was on my bike and because it's now dark in the mornings I can see in people houses. I was amazed by the number of households that unnecessarily put their TVs on.. Empty rooms.
I've noticed this lately when cycling home too. Maybe we should leave a note: "I was looking through your windows when I noticed you'd left the TV on..."
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Old 16-10-2009, 12:40   #10
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5. 1 in my daughter's room, 1 in the boys room, 1 in the playroom, 1 in my room, 1 in the living room. Mine basically just gets used for watching films as does my daughter's. The play room one has a playstation rigged up to it, the one in the boys room has an x-box attached to it. The only one that actually gets used for tv is the one in the living room.

The only time I watch tv is when I sit down to eat by myself.
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