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Old 28-04-2007, 14:40   #1
Jonny69's Avatar
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Default Ultimate unhealthy cooking with Jonny69: Pork scratchings

Technically these aren't pork because there's no pork in them but unhealthy and satisfying they most certainly are

Last night I cooked some chicken thighs and I don't like the skin going all gooey in the sauce and spoiling my meal so I came up with a cunning plan to use the skins up rather than throw them away. I hate wasting meat and try to use everything up if I can. I'm guessing since it's chicken it won't be as unhelathy as pork scratchings but meh, what would I know.

So what I did was got a non-stick frying pan nice and hot, pulled each skin out flat and layed two in the pan at once. They shrink and curl up so you have to flip them over and they straighten back out again. Keep flipping them until they are a nice even golden bown and crispy on each side. Put them on some kitchen paper to soak up the excess oil and give them a light sprinkle of salt. Hey presto chicken-pork scratchings

A surprising amount of fat comes out of them and I poured that off into a tuppaware so I can use it later in cooking and that is currently sat in the fridge next to my prize jar of duck fat. It's perfect for stir fries.

And I just noshed my way through them now. Clogged arteries anyone?
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