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Old 21-04-2007, 18:18   #1
The Mouse King of Denmark
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Default Belmit's veg/pasta/salami bake... thing

My new favourite healthy meal is quite possibly one of my all time favourite meals full stop. Having stolen the recipe from my old housemate, I now pass it off as my own for you to do the same...


1 large red pepper
1 medium red onion
1 medium courgette
10-12 baby sweetcorns
~60g grated mozzerella cheese (the hard kind)
~30-40g salami
One mug of farfalle pasta.
Plenty of olive oil.
Black pepper if you want - I'm using salami with green peppercorn in it instead.


Pre-heat oven to 220 degrees.

Chop all the veg however you want - I prefer it in big chunks rather than sticks or slices, but in this case I chopped half the courgette lengthways and half into circles.

That's it.


Bung all the veg into a baking dish and cover with olive oil. No point skimping here. Mix it all up and put it in the oven for ten minutes.

When ten minutes are up, throw the pasta in boiling salted water and allow everything to cook for a further ten minutes.

When the twenty minutes overall is up, drain the pasta and chuck it in with the veg, along with the grated cheese and chopped salami.

Allow to cook in the oven for a further six minutes.

Serve! Great as a meal or as a side dish at a BBQ or something. If you're a veggie, remove the salami of course! IMO it's the added taste of the cheese and salami that make the dish though, elevating it far above a pile of roast veg.


About £6.50 for the ingredients to make this twice, provided you already have oil, and I'll still have cheese and salami left after I've made this again too.

Calories (if you care!):

The pasta, cheese and salami has about 600kcal on its own, so luckily the veg and oil probably only takes it up to about 1000 max (large overestimate I feel). You will get two healthy portions out of it fnar etc, or three 'snack' servings. I once ate the lot but that's because it tastes so good!

Edit: Forgot to add - put whatever veg you like in this. I use these for the colour variation but you could try mushrooms, white onion, other coloured peppers... I even bunged a few olives in once.

Last edited by Belmit; 21-04-2007 at 18:22.
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